Chapter 1009
Chapter 1016

The Byzantine Empire is also the "Great Qin" in Chinese classics, also known as "Fufu" or "Haixi Kingdom".In terms of historical origin, it is actually the ancient Roman Empire, the difference is that the dynasties are different.Although Byzantine culture and language were mostly Greek, the Byzantines saw themselves as Romans, which is not a paradox for the Romans in Eastern Rome.Their language was Greek and their culture was Hellenistic for many centuries, but until the seventh century their official language was Latin.

Just like in China, the Qin Dynasty was called Qin people, the Han Dynasty was called Han people, and the Tang Dynasty was called Tang people, or Han people.Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Han people have imprinted their imprint on the soul of the Huaxia family, but the cultural inheritance and customs have been preserved as time goes by.

Although the Byzantine Empire used Byzantium as its country name, it did not like to be called Byzantines or Greeks. The countries around them (Persian Empire and Arab Empire in the East, European countries in the West, and Russia in the North) all called them Romans. .It would be an insult to them if someone called them "Greeks," because "Greeks" means "primitives."

"I'm Alex Veratna. I'm an envoy to the Kingdom of Seris, appointed by Emperor Jovian of the Roman Empire." A middle-aged Roman official who rushed forward to meet him shrugged and said in slightly jerky Chinese: " Hey, you can't do that to me, we're all civilized people, not those savages."

"As long as you listen obediently, you will be safe and sound. If you dare to play tricks, I don't mind letting those soldiers accompany you to have fun!" Liu Wei, head of the Ministry of Rites and Guest Department, pointed to the majestic guards outside. .

Seeing those monsters covered in steel, Alex immediately shut his mouth.

"That's right, when our Prince Wei committed the same crime as the common people, you are still the one to be punished. Now you have two choices, compensate the victim for the loss, or sell yourself to pay off the debt." Liu Wei looked at Alex Verat Na became like a docile sheep, and said with satisfaction: "Look, we can have friendly conversations in this state!"

Alex Veratner said: "I am really an envoy of the Roman Empire, and those people are my followers."

"I'm very sorry!" Liu Wei said coldly: "You don't have any paperwork or anything that can prove your identity. How can I believe that you are an envoy and not a fake?"

Alex Veratna said anxiously: "I can swear in the name of God!"

"Sorry, this is under Hao's jurisdiction." Liu Wei said disapprovingly, "What is God? He can't control this place!"

"Do you dare to be disrespectful to God?" Alex Veratner suddenly wanted to come up and beat Liu Wei like crazy. As a civil servant, Liu Wei was definitely not Alex Veratner's opponent, at least in terms of size, The two of them are not players of the same level at all.

Liu Wei didn't move, but the soldiers of the Imperial Guard behind him did. Fortunately, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard were merciful, otherwise Alex Veratner's head would have fallen off.After being beaten up by two Guardsmen, Alex Veratner calmed down.

Then Alex Veratner began to talk: "I am really an envoy of the Roman Empire. In fact, I have already served as an envoy 16 years ago when the Roman Empire was still in power of the great Constantine the Great." The regiment came to the Kingdom of Seris, Jiankang in your capital city, and was received by your little emperor. But since the collapse of the Constantine Empire, our Roman Empire has been in turmoil, and we have been fighting for the emperor for more than ten years. At this time, the Persian Empire in the east of our Roman Empire took the opportunity to launch a shameless sneak attack on our Roman Empire. Our former emperor Julian was killed by the attack of the Persian army. Now our emperor His Majesty Jovian He also led the Roman Empire to continue the war with the Persian Empire, but it was very unfortunate that the Roman Legion that had once looked down upon was not the opponent of the Persian cavalry. Wounded by arrows in battle."

Liu Weidao: "I don't have time to listen to your story here, please pay attention to the key points."

Alex Veratna said: "Just two and a half years ago, a businessman from the Kingdom of Seris arrived in Constantine. His name was Zhang Ke. It is said that he was from Dunhuang in the west of the Kingdom of Seris. With his caravan traveling for more than 200 miles, he finally arrived in Constantine, which is an immortal legend in itself. What is even more rare is that he converted to God. I learned about his story from brothers in the church, and only then did I know The Seris Kingdom, like our Roman Empire, had a tragic war for the throne of the emperor, and the original governor of the north (the Roman Empire was divided into four major regions in the country, namely the Eastern Region (Constantinople), Elysium Ria (Thessaloniki), Italy (Ravenna) and Africa (Carthage). The governor of the region is the plenipotentiary representative of the emperor, exercising administrative and judicial powers.) Through the war, gained The throne has gained the control of the whole country. Now Wei Guo is bigger and stronger than before, and the economy is developing very fast, so I became interested in Zhang Ke. With the deepening of my relationship with him, I became more and more I became interested in the Great Wei Empire. Especially knowing that you killed the Huns who were known as the whip of God, I was very surprised by your powerful military strength. (Roman Empire in Constantine After that, for more than [-] years, it was surrounded by powerful enemies on all sides. It was in a stage of barely defending, and the land area also shrank on a large scale. The Persians in the east and the remnants of the Northern Huns who defeated the Goths and occupied the Russian grassland in the north. In the south And Arabs.)
So I volunteered to ask our emperor, His Majesty Jovian, to come to the magical country of Seris voluntarily.Seek the friendship of the Great Wei Empire and seek your help! "

But Liu Wei said at this time: "My patience is limited. It is best to end your long talk and tell me what happened in the Western Regions. And that Zhang Ke, let him come to see me!"

"Brother Zhang Ke has gone to serve God and entered heaven!" Alex Veratner said sadly: "We have gone through a lot of hardships on this journey. When we set off, there were [-] people in our group. However, we have to cross the vast area controlled by the Persians. In order to reduce trouble, Brother Zhang Ke asked us to pretend to be his slaves, bribe the Governor of the Persian Kingdom, and finally arrived safely in Kucha in the Western Regions. At this time, we He was captured by the Kucha people, even if Brother Zhang Ke revealed his identity as a Serisian, those Kucha people would not be moved."

"What? You mean the people from Kucha killed Zhang Ke?" Liu Wei was furious when he heard this, "Aren't the people from Kucha afraid of the wrath of our Great Wei?"

"It is said that the people of Kucha would not dare to embarrass the businessmen of the Great Wei Zhongya Development Company, but this time the people of Kucha are too abnormal! In the end, Zhang Ke discovered through observation that the people of Kucha carried out abnormal mobilization of troops and horses in winter. Later, Zhang Ke A friend of mine told him a secret that Yuwen, a powerful country in the Western Regions, seemed to be attacking Wei’s Beiting City. Zhang Ke and his friend knew that this secret was too important to Wei, so they organized guards and dead men to escape with armed forces. Although we suffered heavy casualties, we finally escaped from Qiuci City. When we escaped, there were a total of five or six hundred Serisians. In order to avoid the pursuit of Qiuci people and Xianbei cavalry, we fled Entering the Banstone Ancient Desert to the north of Kucha City, we encountered a desert black storm in the great desert. When we finally walked out of the desert, there were less than 60 people left. When we reached the willow, I learned from another group of merchants from the state of Wei that the coalition forces of the Western Regions had surrounded Beiting City, but we were also chased and killed by the pursuers following that group of merchants. In order to cover our party, Brother Zhang Ke personally led less than two Ten guards went to distract the pursuers and never came back."

For an envoy of the Byzantine Empire who was indisputably true or false, there was no need for Ran Ming to meet him.Ran Min's original title was Marquis of Xiuwu County, so when Ran Ming arrived here, he naturally wanted to visit Xiuwu.

In fact, although Xiuwu is not far from Yecheng, Ran Ming has never visited it carefully. When he came to the famous Bigan Temple in Xiuwu, Ran Ming suddenly realized that Xiuwu is actually Huojia County in later generations.There are not only Bigan Temple, but also Wuwang Temple.Ran Ming pays homage to Bigan, a loyal minister and virtuous minister through the ages, and then goes to visit the Wuwang Temple.

The Wuwang Temple was built on the weekend, and has been repaired for generations. It has a large scale, including Shanmen, Ermen, Worship Hall, Wuwang Hall, East and West Wenwuchen Gallery, Wenwang Hall, Taigong Hall, Notre Dame Hall (Wenmu Yijiang), Zhougong Hall, etc. The Hall of Princes, Dukes and Ministers, the Princes Drinking Horse Pool, the Guiding Stele of the Alliance, the Ancient Well, Tang Huai Temple, and steles of past dynasties; there are also Zhaogong Hall, Bixiao Palace, Bell and Drum Tower, Taigong Reviewing Platform, Yiqi Knocking Horse Place, Tongmengfang, and Yanwufang , 800 meters of Yudao, etc. Around Wuwang Temple, there are counselor camps (now Yandang Village), ceremonial camps (now Dongxichangyi Village), Bingjiacang Granary (now Dongxicang Village), and Boyi Shuqi Temple. and other sites, Jiangshang Tomb, Daji Tomb, Huangfeihu Tomb and other tombs, as well as the legendary place where King Zhou fell from the horse (now Luozhou Village), where the Taigong stabbed the fox (now the Temple of the Fox), and where the precious mirror shines on the demon (now photo Mirror Village), Daji dressing table, etc.These relics are no longer visible today, but in this era, they still have a strong historical charm.

While developing Wei's economy and repairing cities and infrastructure, Ran Ming also made every effort to protect historical and cultural relics.Especially the Temple of the King of Wu. During Ran Min’s reign, he allocated funds to repair the Temple of the King of Wu three times. Today, the Temple of the King of Wu and its supporting facilities in front of Ran Ming’s eyes constitute a broad and magnificent historical picture, recreating the oath of the army who conquered the army and swallowed mountains and rivers. The scene and the scene of the fierce battle in the field.

Ran Ming came to the front of the Wuwang Temple on Tongmeng Mountain, and suddenly became very poetic, and chanted: "I feel comfortable with the rise and fall of the League, the west wind looks back and the setting sun is slanting. A tree with frosty leaves stays in the sunset, and a few smoky villages are noisy with crows. On the road, the sound of the flute is sobbing. There are people. Stopping this time, I am pregnant with Zhou Wu, and I can see the sunset in the sky."

Ran Ming hadn't attracted the compliments from Xie Daoyun and others, but he saw a flying horse coming from down the mountain.Even the imperial guards didn't step forward to stop him. When Ran Ming saw the flag on Laiqi's back, his face suddenly changed.

Ran Ming received the urgent message from the knight, and suddenly said: "Queen, I won't be going to Luoyang, and it's rare for you to come out, so go to Luoyang to watch the ceremony on my behalf!"

After saying this, Ran Ming didn't bother to say hello to the other daughters and princes and princesses, and directly ordered: "Lin Heishan, get ready to hurry, I'm going back to Yecheng."

It is also thanks to Ran Ming’s complete post station system, there is a post station every 25 miles, and there can be multiple fast horses that can be changed at any time, otherwise Ran Ming’s big driver Yuren, who is nearly three hundred miles away, would have to walk at least three days.Ran Ming returned to Yecheng on his horse, and it was already late at night. After riding the horse non-stop for four hours, Ran Ming's body was extremely tired.However, Ran Ming did not rest, but directly ordered all the cabinet ministers to gather at the General Staff Headquarters.

In the deduction hall of the Operation Department of the General Staff Headquarters, Ran Ming was in a state of disarray at the moment.According to the news, it has been more than three months since the allied forces of the Western Regions besieged Beiting. At this time, the planned Anxi army may not have arrived in Wuwei. It is still more than 4000 miles away from Beiting. It will take half a day to fly to Beiting. Once Beiting is lost, the strategy of the Anxi Army's westward expedition will be completely disrupted, and the whole body will be affected.

(End of this chapter)

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