Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1010 Great Wei Wolf Cavalry Academy

Chapter 1010 Great Wei Wolf Cavalry Academy

Chapter 1017 Great Wei Wolf Cavalry Academy
Seeing all the ministers who were notified filed in, Ran Ming got up suddenly, his eyes wandered on the sand table of the Operation Department of the General Staff Headquarters, and finally Ran Ming's eyes stayed on the Beiting, and murmured: "Beiting What's going on now, won't it be captured by those jumping clowns from the Western Regions?"

General Xie Ai, General of Zhenxi and Chief of the Operations Department of the General Staff, thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, the city wall of Beiting was rebuilt last summer, and the defense facilities of each city are in good condition, especially the reserves of combat materials are very sufficient. Beiting City Secretly stored 300 grenades, 160 million crossbow bolts, [-] ballistas, [-] rounds of ammunition, [-] rounds of rockets, [-] rockets of the Hundred Tigers Benchmark, and [-] million arrows. There are [-] pieces of armor, [-] horizontal knives, and [-] shields. These weapons and equipment are enough to fight a battle-scale war.”

Ran Ming nodded, suddenly his eyelids twitched a few times, and said in a deep voice: "But Beiting has only one regiment that is not satisfied with the establishment, only 2000 people, can it hold Beiting?"

Xie Ai said again: "Colonel Jiang Pu is very familiar with the general, he is not a person who does not know the importance, all the soldiers under his command are veterans of many battles, besides, there are more than [-] people from our Great Wei Dynasty in Beiting, once the war is tight, they can at least Tens of thousands of civilians are armed to participate in the city, and the people in the northwest are tough, and even the common people are mostly skilled in bows and horses, and with a little training, they can become warriors."

The chief of the general staff said: "Your Majesty can order the Anxi Army to send a lightly armed force, throw away the luggage, and only carry the necessary food, grass and weapons to help Beiting."

"Where is there still time?" Ran Ming sighed and said, "The Anxi Army originally planned to march westward in March. Even if it has already started, according to the schedule now, I am afraid it can only reach Wuwei. But Wuwei is still more than 3000 miles away from Beiting. I spend all my time on the road, and what I am most worried about now is that when the Anxi army arrives at Beiting, Beiting will be destroyed and changed hands!"

"Your Majesty is worry-free!" Prime Minister Wang Jian pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I think...the countries in the Western Regions may not be so bold, and there may be a small army to harass and attack the city, but they should not invade in a large scale. The front is in full swing, and the countries in the Western Regions will not dare to act rashly when they hear of my reputation."

"It's different, it's different, it's definitely different this time!" Ran Ming said, "In the past few years, Yuwen Kingdom and other countries in the Western Regions have already figured out the importance of Beiting. The country must take it, as long as they capture Beiting, and then send envoys to Yecheng with great fanfare to hand over the state, if I don't agree, they will exaggerate that Wei wants to wipe out the countries in the Western Regions, and will use this to unite the countries in the Western Regions with the Great Wei The key to confrontation is that there are two thousand miles of yellow sand as a barrier in the Western Regions, and it is extremely difficult to transport the troops. They occupy Beiting. If they cannot attack for a long time, they will be in vain. They will definitely spend a lot of money in the territory of Wei. Walking in the Western Regions is tasteless The news, if the whole country does not support the Western Expedition, I will have nothing to do with them, so it can be said that they have no worries about attacking Beiting."

Wang Jian didn't dare to answer the words at this time, not to mention that the countries in the Western Regions spread such news, even if such news had not been spread, there were many people in Wei who opposed the use of troops in the Western Regions, and they all said that Wei should send troops to the Western Regions Energy is used to reward farming and mulberry, and economic development is the mainstream voice.If someone adds fuel to the flames, I'm afraid it will be like what Ran Ming said, if the countries of the Western Regions play a bitter drama in the Great Wei Dynasty, the people who don't know will be used by them, and at least public opinion will be directed to the countries of the Western Regions.This was an invisible blow to Ran Ming's reputation.

Wang Jian said: "Your Majesty, you should immediately order the guards of Yumen Gate to prevent anyone from the Western Regions from entering the Wei Dynasty, even if the Silk Road is temporarily interrupted."

Ran Ming didn't make a sound, Wang Jian thought that Ran Ming acquiesced.Then he continued: "Now that all the cabinet members are present, my Prime Minister proposes that because the countries in the Western Regions wantonly massacred the people of our Great Wei and besieged our important town of Beiting, the Great Wei should declare war on the countries in the Western Regions and expel the envoys of the Western Regions from today , merchants, and common people, order them to leave on another day, and if there is no reason to delay, they will be detained on the spot!"

As he said that, Wang Jian raised his hand first and said, "This issue was proposed by Jane, and Jane agreed to pass it!"

Treasurer Xie An hesitated for a moment and said, "An seconded the proposal!"

The merchant Zheng Huo said hesitantly: "Huo does not completely agree, we advocate free trade in Wei Dynasty, but how do merchants from all countries feel about this practice? Huo agrees with Wei's declaration of war on the countries of the Western Regions, and immediately expels the envoys of the countries in the Western Regions. It should be embarrassing for merchants or ordinary people!"

Chief of the General Staff Ji Quan said: "Since war is about to be declared, why bother with the benevolence of a woman, I agree to second the proposal!"

"Sir, second."

"Minister, second."...

Wang Jian was silent for a while and said: "Seven votes were in favor and one vote was against. This proposal was passed with an overwhelming majority of votes in favor. The cabinet government order is Resolution No. 39, which will be promulgated and implemented immediately."

Ji Li said: "It's just that the child Polu suffers."

But Wang Meng suddenly said at this time: "Your Majesty, I suddenly remembered something, maybe there is still a turning point in Beiting!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming suddenly became interested and said, "What is it?"

"About three months ago, the Soldiers Committee of the Anxi Army sent a memorial to impeach General Anxi Lieutenant General Liu Ke for arbitrarily changing the date of dispatching troops. However, the Soldiers Committee still supported Liu Ke's proposal after discussion by all members of the Anxi Army's combat staff. It was decided that two cavalry divisions, the No.18 Cavalry Division, the 25th Cavalry Division, and the [-]th Infantry Division, would be used as the forwards of the entire army, and they would officially leave Jincheng as the forwards of the entire army on the [-]th of the first month of [-] in the Huang Dynasty!"

"Leaving Jincheng on the 25th of the first lunar month?" Ran Ming asked again: "Are you sure?"

Wang Meng thought for a while and said, "It should be officially leaving Jincheng on the 25th of the first lunar month!"

Upon hearing this, Ran Ming immediately asked, "What is the planned marching speed of the Anxi Army of the General Staff?"

Minister of Operations Xie Ai said: "The normal marching speed of the cavalry is 160 miles, and the infantry is 25 miles. The forwards of the Anxi Army need to prepare a military station, and the speed will be reduced. It should not be less than 64 miles per day. If Anxi goes out on the [-]th of the first month, then [-] days. Without accident, they should have advanced at least three thousand miles."

At this moment, Ran Ming straightened up suddenly, his expression suddenly became extremely majestic, and said in a deep voice: "The lord of Yuwen, the Yuwen family, has been associated with horse bandits and sand bandits since 7000 of the Yellow Emperor era, and often plunders and bullies He lived in the middle of the country and was arrogant, gradually lost his courtiers, and his heart was punishable, so he ordered Anxi General Liu Ke to lead the Anxi Army with [-] troops to conquer Yuwen Kingdom."

But Wang Jian said: "This time Yuwen Kingdom didn't attack Beiting? Your Majesty, why...? If Great Wei attacks Yuwen Kingdom for no reason, won't it prompt the Western Regions to unite against Great Wei?"

"Hehe!" Ran Ming looked up to the sky and laughed, his aura of domineering suddenly became obvious: "The so-called master is famous, but it is actually very simple. I am the emperor, who dares not to follow when I crusade against disobedient ministers? Besides, the great Wei is advancing westward. Unstoppable, he Yuwen Kingdom is good, and there is still a way to survive. If he doesn't know him, I will destroy his country. I really think I am a fool. If there is no Yuwen Kingdom to take the lead, with the scattered situation of the Western Regions, They can't unite in 800 years. I don't need any evidence, just a suspicion is enough. What I want is the Western Regions, what I want is the Silk Road! The Western Regions and the Silk Road are too important, and I must firmly hold them Yes, completely in the palm of your hand! No one is allowed to get involved!"

After Ran Ming finished speaking, all the officials bowed solemnly and said, "My emperor is mighty!"

Fortunately, Ran Ming didn't let Ran Ming hear the majestic power of our emperor, who will rule the rivers and lakes for thousands of years and so on.

Ran Mingdao: "The Armed Mobilization Department of the General Staff Headquarters will fill the vacant personnel and equipment with No. 40 Sixth Infantry Division, No. 40 Seventh Infantry Division, and No. 20 First Cavalry Division in advance. Then proceed according to the war situation. The first stage of armed mobilization." At this time, Ran Ming suddenly said coldly: "Pass the decree to Liu Ke, and ask Liu Ke to remember that Yuwen Kingdom must be destroyed by me! The lord Yu Wenyi will take back Yecheng and destroy it. After leaving Yuwen Kingdom, I also beat the countries in the Western Regions to let them understand a truth, they don’t kill the Han people if they want, even if they kill one of my people, I will be angry. They will also pay a heavy price.”

"Also, some debts can be settled without surrender. As long as the blood of my people is stained on their hands, they must pay with their lives, the barbarians."

The cabinet and the general staff performed their duties, and the entire Wei State war machine began to run rapidly again.At this moment, Ran Ming returned to Taiwu Hall, and shouted coldly outside the door: "Get out of here, please explain to me!"

Hearing this, both Wang Meng and Liu Zhao heaved a sigh of relief. They both understood Ran Ming's temper. If Ran Ming wanted to deal with them, he would definitely not do so. hinder.What's great is a board, or perhaps being kicked by Ran Ming a few times.

Lieutenant Zhang Ping of the Royal Secret Service, Chief Shi Liye, Du Cong, Liu Zhao and his confidant Wang Meng all knelt in a row.

"Why, do you have nothing to say?" Ran Ming looked at the four of them, and became even more annoyed. He kicked Du Lian on the shoulder, directly kicking Du Cong to the ground on his back.

Liu Zhao was so frightened at this moment that he quickly explained: "I'm guilty of dereliction of duty, and I'm going to die!"

"Tell me what's going on, my annual budget of 160 million gold is in vain?" Ran Ming said angrily, "Why did such a big thing happen, and the royal guards didn't have any information? If I need a The special envoy of the Roman Empire Lao Shizi came to tell me that Beiting was attacked by others, and the Han caravans in the Western Regions were taken over by them.”

Zhang Ping said in sign language: "Your Majesty, this is the negligence of the Royal Secret Service. There are traitors within us. According to the regulations, the Royal Secret Service's information on the Western Regions is sent three times a month, that is, once every ten days. If there is an emergency However, until now, the information sent by the Western Regions Battalion is still safe as usual, the codes and code words are all correct, and no one has been transferred midway, the only possibility is that the Royal Secret Service Western Regions Battalion has mutinied."

"Rebellion, how could the majestic Royal Special Guard Western Regions Battalion be rebellious?" Ran Ming said: "The captain of the Western Regions Battalion seems to be a colonel. His name is Wang Yue, and he is an old man who is "deaf and dumb". There is no problem with loyalty. Rebellion easily?"

Li Yedao: "The minister owes the grace of the saint, and he deserves to die!"

At this time, Wang Meng suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I know what's going on!"

"what happened?"

Wang Meng said: "It still looks like this time. In order to avoid the leak of news, the countries in the Western Regions did not hesitate to capture and kill all the merchants and common people of our Great Wei Dynasty. Above all the Han people, they will inevitably be exposed, and it is useless to cover up."

Hearing this, Ran Ming was relieved, the countries in the Western Regions were obviously different from the Han people regardless of their color and race, no matter how much they put on makeup, it would not help.Because the eyes can't be easily seen.Since it was leaked like this, I am afraid that the entire Royal Guard and the entire Western Regions battalion have been wiped out at this time. Under coercion, temptation and torture, flesh and blood, no matter how hard it is, is no more hard than steel, water and fire.

Ran Ming suddenly flew up and kicked Li Ye on the chest: "As a long history, as the think tank of the royal special guard, why didn't you even discover such a simple problem? At this time, our enemy is no longer the Bashu Eastern Jin Dynasty. , Regardless of Bashu and Eastern Jin, they are all the same race as us, so for the sake of disguise and professional cover, no matter how smart the enemy is, they can't pull out all our intelligence points, but when we arranged for the Western Regions, why didn't we develop some Western Regions? Native intelligence agent?"

In the Chinese dynasty before the reform and opening up in later generations, it can be said that the infiltration of intelligence from all countries in the world was impenetrable.At that time, the people were honest and honest, and they would not betray national interests for petty gains, and foreign intelligence personnel, regardless of their professional cover, would be guarded like thieves, and they could not get access to core secrets at all.However, with economic development and loss of culture and beliefs, the entire Celestial Dynasty has become a sieve.

"It's a waste of time to gain wisdom. It's not all a bad thing for the royal guards to suffer losses this time. After all, the countries in the Western Regions are all small forces. Even if they unite, they can't do anything to our Great Wei. The difference is that the price paid is slightly higher. Just a little!" Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "From now on, Zhang Ping will be responsible for forming the Great Wei Royal Wolf Cavalry Military Academy and recruiting intelligence personnel from all over the world. With intelligence personnel of all races from all over the world!"

Ran Ming also took a series of measures to deal with the incident where the entire Western Region battalion of the Royal Secret Service was almost wiped out.Lieutenant General Zhang Ping, the Royal Guard General, was transferred from the Royal Guard to serve as the dean of the newly formed Great Wei Wolf Cavalry Academy, and Zhang Ping's rank of lieutenant general was also demoted to major general.

The original Chief Shi Li Ye replaced Zhang Ping as the new General of the Royal Guard. Du Cong was blessed by misfortune. He was promoted but not demoted, and he remained in the post of Royal Secret Service Secretary to join the army.Ran Ming not only made adjustments to the leadership of the Royal Guard, but also carried out drastic reforms to the Royal Guard. First, Huo Qi, the captain of the inner guard camp, was transferred from the inner guard camp, and a new organization, the Department of Integrity, was established, which belonged to the cabinet and the emperor. Dual jurisdiction, the internal government and the cabinet are jointly responsible for the expenditure of activity funds, the cabinet provides 30.00% of the funds, and the internal government provides 70.00% of the activity funds, responsible for scouting the work of building a clean government for officials across the country and combating corruption.The Liaodong Camp, Jiangnan Camp, and Bashu Camp abolished their organizational structures and established the Great Wei Security Bureau, which was responsible for national counter-espionage investigations and intelligence penetration. served as deputy director.

The duties of the Royal Secret Service remain unchanged, and they are directly responsible to the emperor and are responsible for coordinating the intelligence work of the State of Wei.However, the post station system was separated from the Royal Guard and managed by the Ministry of Communications.

The Royal Secret Service is Ran Ming's personal guard of the Son of Heaven, so the cabinet did not express any opinion on its personnel changes and adjustment of responsibilities, but the cabinet is supportive of Ran Ming's separation of the power of the Royal Secret Service and the supervision of officials and their relatives' clean government work There was mixed opposition, but they couldn't influence Ran Ming's will, they just obeyed silently.

The change of the Royal Secret Service came very timely, especially the establishment of the Great Wei Wolf Cavalry Academy, which allowed Wei Guo to obtain a large number of outstanding professional intelligence personnel of various races, gaining a clear upper hand in intelligence.With most of Ran Ming's energies being involved in the events of the Western Regions, Ran Ming had no choice but to be absent from the opening ceremony of the Luoyang Yellow River Bridge.

Although Gong Shuchuo, who was in charge of the technical management of the engineering project, was very disappointed, but with the arrival of the queen, the situation seemed unusually grand.On the morning of March 29, [-] in the Emperor's Era, cities above the county level all over the country of Wei received a new issue of the Great Wei Empire Times. The headline on the first page was an imperial decree from His Majesty Ran Ming, the Emperor of Wei. .

The current state of Wei is already one of the most powerful countries in the world, and the life of the people of Wei is much better than it was ten years ago.Especially after the state of Wei expanded its borders and obtained a large amount of fertile land, the state of Wei has not had a food crisis for a long time.After solving food and clothing, the living conditions are getting better and better. The people of Wei State love and appreciate Emperor Ran's and the court of Wei State from the bottom of their hearts.In their minds, His Majesty the Emperor of Wei is a deified existence.

Many people spontaneously set up Ran Ming's longevity tablets at home. Seeing that the emperor's imperial decree was included in this issue of the newspaper, these Wei people went crazy. After all, there are only six elders in a newspaper issue, only three The price of steamed buns, if it was more than ten years ago, the common people would definitely consider it carefully, but who still lacks the three steamed buns now?Even the illiterate people frantically bought newspapers and decided to enshrine Ran Ming's imperial decree at home.

Ran Ming's imperial decree is the same as Ran Ming's habit, as long as it is a document distributed throughout the country so that the common people can understand the meaning, Ran Ming usually writes in vernacular.This edict, regardless of its format and style, cannot be called an imperial edict, but can barely be called a "report to the whole people!"

(End of this chapter)

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