Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1011 Declaring War

Chapter 1011 Declaring War
Chapter 1018 declare war

"Subjects of the Great Wei Empire, hello everyone, the empire just received the news yesterday that the Western Regions and the Yellow Emperor Era [-], the first month of the [-]th day of the night, brazenly launched an attack on our Great Wei Beiting City. Those who are angry, the countries of the Western Regions also carried out indiscriminate attacks on the people of our Wei Dynasty who were stranded in the Western Regions. According to incomplete statistics, a total of more than [-] people of the Great Wei Dynasty were brutally killed by the countries of the Western Regions. Afterwards, the countries of the Western Regions Carrying a large amount of treasure, he apologized to me in an attempt to obtain my understanding. I demanded that the countries in the Western Regions hand over the murderer who killed my people and compensate the people for their losses, but the countries in the Western Regions agreed to compensate for the loss, but refused to hand over the murderer. Can I forgive these wolf-minded thieves? No, absolutely not. What I don’t need is Dao Qian. The lives of my subjects in the Great Wei are not that cheap. The emperor of the Great Wei, I have a duty and an obligation to protect all the people. Therefore, in the face of repeated provocations from the rebellious officials and thieves of the Western Regions, I have decided that from this day on, the Great Wei will declare war on the Western Regions. In addition, I will warn the entire army, Facing the executioners who slaughtered our people in Great Wei, I will not allow them to surrender!"

"Declare war, kill all the barbarians in the Western Regions, and let them know the price of provoking Wei!"

"Yeah, the Hu people don't have a good thing. In the early years, they killed many of us. This time, they dared to provoke the empire again. The empire must not let them go."

"Long live the empire! Defeat the countries of the Western Regions!"

The emperor personally issued the oracle, which made the people of the empire burst into great enthusiasm.South to Jinzhou in Nanyang, north to Hanzhou.From Yingzhou in the east to Shazhou in the west, wherever the people of the empire lived, there were voices of support for the empire's declaration of war on the countries of the Western Regions.They chanted slogans fanatically, expressing their respect to His Majesty the Emperor.

Countless people rushed to the barracks, requesting to join the army, to fight against the rebellious officials and thieves for His Majesty the emperor.The local governments organized all officials to study and understand Ran Ming's "Report to the Complete Book" and the cabinet's official declaration of war on the countries of the Western Regions.And county schools, state schools and many private schools in various places also told all students about Ran Ming's imperial decree.

At this moment, Wei's cohesion strengthened once again.The people of Huaxia do not expect the court to do much for them. When they sweat and pay for the country, don't let them cry, they will feel satisfied.As the old saying goes, you know etiquette when you have enough warehouse.As the people of Wei State relieved the threat of hunger, their goals for life gradually improved.In the past, in order to survive, they lived tenaciously like pigs and dogs even though they were humiliated by the barbarians.But at this time, they are pursuing the dignity of the great citizens of their own celestial dynasty and the political treatment of the top citizens of a powerful country.

At this time, the battle of Beiting has entered 110 days. In this tragic war of 110 days, Beiting actually paid a heavy price. The [-] defenders died in battle, [-] were killed, and more than [-] were seriously injured. In terms of combat effectiveness, even with [-] temporary recruits, more than [-] soldiers died in battle, and [-] passers-by were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness.However, this new army has fully matured. With the baptism of iron and blood, it quickly completed the transformation from a new army to a strong army.

The loss of personnel is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the loss of firearms and equipment. This is the most deadly. The 300 million crossbow bolts are now less than [-], and the [-] grenades are now less than [-]. At least ballistas and rockets The ammunition has been exhausted, and the parts were dismantled by the soldiers of the Wei army, and the equipment was destroyed.Even after the city is broken, the coalition forces of the Western Regions will never get the technology of ballistas and rockets.

Ji Polu stood at the head of Beiting City, his eyelids twitched. As the coalition forces of the Western Regions know more about firearms, their losses from firearms will be smaller. Originally, a ballista shell It can easily kill or injure a dozen people, but it is luck to hit two or three people later.There are also grenades. Once the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions see the soldiers of the Wei Army throwing grenades, they will quickly lie down, and then pull up the body of Pao Ze to cover their vitals. It is getting harder and harder, and the loss of firearms is getting faster and faster.

The soldiers of the allied forces of the Western Regions had become numb at this time. They were forced by the soldiers of the Yuwen National Army to become emotionless killing machines. Even when they saw that they were injured, they all showed expressions of relief.According to Ji Polu's estimate, more than 5 soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions died in the battle under Beiting City, and there were even more wounded.

In order to break through Beiting City, the Yuwen Army forced the people of the Western Regions to serve as cannon fodder and consume Wei's combat supplies.I am afraid that no one can tell exactly how many people died under the city. Even though the weather has just turned warm, it is still cold, but there is a strong smell of corpses under the city, which makes people want to vomit.

Ji Polu couldn't tell what was different, but they knew that it was indeed different. As soon as the enemy army had lined up, they felt a strong killing intent filling their surroundings. It was clearly the same army, but today it seemed to be completely different. It's like a different person.An indescribable fear unknowingly invaded the hearts of all the soldiers.

In fact, Ji Polu feels really good. At this time, Kang Limuke did change his troops, and replaced the army with the Yuwen National Army. This army is composed of the remnants of the Tuyuhun tribe of Xianbei and the bald tribe of Xianbei. They were chased and killed by the Wei army thousands of miles away. , have a strong hatred for the Wei State, because of the Wei Army, they had to leave the place where they grew up, because of the Wei State, they had to fight with the Tianshan Six Kingdoms for the right to survive, and every soldier who survived, without exception, was all The fierce soldiers who have survived a hundred battles are skilled in combat tactics and their hearts are as hard as iron. After a series of campaigns against the countries of the Western Regions and fed by a series of victories, they grow into war monsters.

Soon, Kangli Muke's central army beat a big drum, and then, the long ox horn whimpered and echoed in the vast grassland.

As a general in the front line of the enemy yelled loudly, the whole team took a step forward.Stepping out step by step in a uniform movement, there was a loud bang, and even the ground seemed to tremble.

Jiang Pu's body was covered with dense wounds, but fortunately because of the strength of the armor, there were no fatal wounds. The frontier wind like a knife cut his face with terrifying cuts.Looking at the majestic momentum of the enemy, the Taoist priests who accompanied the army encouraged the morale among the soldiers: "Under our feet is the land of the Great Wei, and the city of the Great Wei! The Great Wei Wansheng, any Xiaoxiao who dares to invade will be defeated by us!" Wei Xiong's soldiers are torn apart! All soldiers, fight for the country, die well, fight for the country, return to bliss, enjoy eternal blessings, blessings will last for generations. All soldiers, Haotian is watching us, His Majesty is in Yecheng Waiting for the news of our victory, what shall we use to repay Haotian's favor and Your Majesty's kindness?"

"Big Wei Wansheng!"

Jiang Pu and Ji Polu looked at each other and smiled. They didn't believe the words of these Taoist priests who accompanied the army to confuse the soldiers, but they were happy to do so. In the tragic war, the morale of the general army had already collapsed, but because of the , not only the morale is as high as ever, but what is even more gratifying is that these Taoist priests have good medical skills. Many injured soldiers can return to the battlefield soon after treatment.


While Beiting was still fighting fiercely, the striker of the Anxi Army of the Great Wei Dynasty had arrived in Yiwu (now Hami Huicheng). The straight-line distance from Jincheng to Yiwu was only more than 200 miles. However, most of the places are either deserts where no grass grows, or the Gobi desert under the scorching sun. Of course, there are also grasslands with abundant water and grass, and there are countless rolling mountains.

On the sand table of the staff department, it is just a simple line, but it is full of countless unspeakable hardships.In fact, Anxi forwards marched faster than the staff estimated. The average daily journey was 60 miles. They traveled nearly [-] miles in more than [-] days, but they were still thousands of miles away from Beiting.

After entering Yiwu City, Guo Shiyan, Major General of the Anxi Army's Forward General Cavalry No. 18 Division, said: "Everyone, have you noticed any abnormalities?"

"Is it a little abnormal?" Chen Ben, Major General of the No.40 Infantry Division, said, "I feel something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong!"

Guo Shiyan said: "It is said that the ice and snow have melted and the roads are open. It is the season for business, but we didn't see a caravan along the way. Isn't it strange?"

Chen Ben was from Dunhuang, a former soldier of the Liang Kingdom, and said directly: "What is this? We have such a large army and those caravans have no time to hide. Who dares to join us?"

"But our Great Wei army has strict military discipline and never disturbs the people. How can there be any reason for merchants to hide away? Even if there are a few caravans who are afraid of us, it will not be impossible for a caravan to be invisible, right?"

Chen Ben said, "How can something happen?"

"If someone's predictions are correct, something important must have happened in the Western Regions!" Guo Shiyan said, "No, we can't just sneak into the Western Regions like a blind man, or we will suffer a lot. Come here, order the head of the Fifth Cavalry Regiment, Order him to expand the reconnaissance range to two hundred miles."

At this moment, a soldier suddenly reported: "The general has a situation!"

A very young man from the Western Regions was brought in, and under the light of the fire, this sheet was as pale as paper.But before Guo Shiyan stepped forward to ask, he heard the barbarian from the Western Regions say in a Guanzhong accent: "Are you from my father's clan?"

"Grenade throwing, why are you so dazed!" Ji Polu's voice was almost hoarse.

Seeing that the soldiers were still indifferent, Ji Polu drew out his horizontal knife and shouted: "Dare to disobey the military order and cut!"

As a result, none of the soldiers threw down a grenade.A soldier of the Wei army raised a horizontal knife and slashed fiercely at a Yuwen army who had climbed up the city wall, but the general of the Yuwen army came so fast that he raised the tiger-toothed lance seemingly lightly. The horizontal knife in the soldier's hand was knocked away.Before the Wei army soldier had time to react, the tiger-toothed spear in the hand of the Yuwen national army general smashed across the head, hitting the head of the Wei army soldier. Tiger teeth.The general of the Yuwen National Army pressed the tail of the lance with his left hand, and the tiger-toothed lance came back and slashed at the face of a Wei soldier next to him. A mass of flesh and blood.

At the same time, dozens of spears from the left and right of this general of the Yuwen National Army stretched out, and rolled into the army of Wei Jun on the city wall like a huge hedgehog!But all the soldiers of the Wei army who rushed up were stabbed with blood dripping from the building!Although the Mingguang armor is strong, it can prevent most hacking or shooting from bows and arrows, but it is still powerless against long weapons such as spears and spears.What's more, the soldiers of the Wei army defending the city wall at this time are exhausted by the exhaustion of the allied forces of the Western Regions.However, the Yuwen National Army was forced by Yuwen for three consecutive months not to attack. At this time, they had already suffocated their anger in their chests, and the release at this time can be described as groundbreaking.One goes up and down the other, not to mention the result!

"Special envoy, the grenades have been used up, they have been used up long ago, and there is not even a single one left!" A general of the Wei army beside Ji Polu, whose body was covered with blood, said: "Without grenades, without firearms, can we not fight? ? If you don’t have a grenade, you can use a knife and an axe. If you still have a breath, you can’t let these bastards occupy our Wei’s city!"

This person is none other than Xue Qiang, a son of the Xue family in Hedong who was speculative during the Ranzhi Rebellion. In history, this person was the Minister of Seven Soldiers in the Later Qin Dynasty, Duke Feng Yijun.

With a flick of the spear in Xue Qiang's hand, he picked it up, swung it around, and flicked it. Under the guards on the left and right, he killed more than ten soldiers of the Yuwen National Army in a row. Gun kills.Those soldiers of the Yuwen National Army were all terrified when they saw this, and under Xue Qiang's counterattack, they finally saved the Wei army from falling.

Xue Qiang raised the spear in his hand and shouted: "Great Wei Wansheng, Great Wei Wansheng!"

The soldiers of the Wei Army on the city wall shouted in unison: "Great Wei Wansheng, Great Wei Wansheng."

Seeing this scene, I finally put my hanging heart in my stomach.But before the Polu had time to take a breath, the tiger-toothed lance in the hands of the Yuwen State general who was the first to climb the city wall shook suddenly, and a captain and company commander of the Wei Army was chopped into three pieces by the tiger-toothed lance. The generals of the Yuwen National Army lanced back and forth among the soldiers of the Wei Army, and a few dead souls were added to the lances!None of the soldiers of the Wei army dared to take a shot from him, but when they saw Zhangba tiger-toothed lance approaching, they ran away one after another. There are as many as 400 people.If the soldiers of the Yuwen National Army on the city wall were not quickly driven away, the city wall would be lost.

Ji Polu's tiger's eyes were about to burst, he lifted his knife and shouted: "Come with me, and drive these bastards away."

But when Ji Polu rushed forward, he found that his body was pulled by a huge force and he couldn't move.Turning his head, he saw that it was Captain Jiang Pu of Beiting.

Jiang Pu said: "As a special envoy, it's better to work hard."

"But..." Without waiting for Ji Polu to explain, Jiang Pu rudely interrupted: "Ji special envoy, you are His Majesty's special envoy, any damage will cause a devastating blow to the morale of Beiting City, so familiar I hope the special envoy will think about it carefully. Besides, a certain is the captain of Beiting, how can Hu Er be allowed to show off his power in a certain city?"


"Hu'er deceived me, Great Wei, and no one called?" Jiang Pu said coldly: "The humane Bailu is brave and good at fighting, and in the eyes of a certain family, it is bullshit. My Great Wei warrior never asks for more soldiers. When His Majesty heard the joy, With [-] steps, you can defeat tens of thousands of enemies! There are more than [-] white captives outside the city. They are the remnants who were hunted down by His Majesty for thousands of miles and fled in embarrassment. , let everyone see what a real good fighter is! It’s just that a good tiger can’t hold back a lot of wolves, two fists can’t beat four hands, but I don’t know if there are other brothers in the city who dare to fight with me?”

An officer with the rank of major said: "As long as the captain gives an order, all the young people in the city are willing to fight with Captain Jiang!"

"Okay!" Jiang Pu yelled, and said: "I will attack with 300 people now, and you will lead the brothers who dare to fight to be my successor. How about it?"


Just when Jiang Pu mobilized his troops to fight back, the Yuwen National Army occupying the city wall expanded even more, and more Yuwen National Army climbed the city wall. At this time, there were more than [-] people.I saw these more than [-] soldiers of the Yuwen National Army shouting crazily: "As soon as the jin becomes the law return!" "As soon as the jin becomes the law return"...

Jiang Pu didn't understand the meaning of the shouting of these soldiers of the Yuwen National Army, so he asked Ji Polu in puzzlement, "What the hell are they calling?"

Ji Polu has been in the Anbei Army for a long time, and he knows a little bit of Xianbei language, so he explained: "It means hero, warrior or enemy in Xianbei language."

(End of this chapter)

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