Chapter 1012

Chapter 1019

Seeing the bravery of this general of the Yuwen Kingdom at this time, the morale of the Yuwen Kingdom's army was greatly boosted.

Jiang Pu remained silent, swung his saber forward, and killed the general of the Yuwen Army.At this time, Jiang Pu already had the dead in mind. Beiting City is not like Yumen Pass, Tongguan or Jianmen Pass. This is not a fortress-type pass city, but a complex city. Defense is only one of its functions. In addition to the army, there are tens of thousands of civilians.Yumen Pass is small and simple, so you only need to consider defense and war issues, but Beiting City is large and complicated. Apart from the enemies outside the city, Jiang Pu must also consider the variables inside the city.Although the city is full of Han people at this time, the Han people are also very prone to traitors. Will some of these people take advantage of the war to make trouble in the city?Or have these people secretly colluded with the countries of the Western Regions long ago?

Jiang Pu must consider all these issues.Of course, in terms of specific operations, Polu from Beiting helped him share a little bit, but Jiang Pu also had to leave a part of his troops to prevent turmoil in the city.

Since this is a city, the daily consumption of materials alone is an astronomical figure. For example, vegetables will soon be used up just by storage, and fuel cannot be effectively replenished.There are still a lot of light cavalry in the city.However, the elite cavalry was relatively insufficient, so the deputy captain Wen Shiwu repeatedly asked to go to battle but did not get Jiang Pu's permission.The inability of the cavalry to go out of the city to fight calmly limited the use of Jiangpu's defensive strategy. It was difficult to implement the strategy of "attacking and defending the city" like the original one. The gates were always closed, and internal consumption could not be replenished. cause a lot of stress.

At this time, Beiting City had reached its final juncture. Not only did many soldiers feel hopeless, but even Jiang Pu was disappointed.Not to mention that they didn't pass on the news safely, so what if it did?From Beiting to Yecheng, even if the horses run non-stop, it will take at least one and a half months, and even if they order support from the Dunhuang garrison or the Yumen Pass garrison recently, it will take at least three months to pass the news , As for when the reinforcements will arrive, perhaps only God knows.

Regarding the idea of ​​abandoning the city and fleeing, Jiang Pu never thought about it. It's not that Wei Guo can't lose a city, nor is he unwilling to bear the price of losing a city.However, Wei Guojun stipulates that once the city is abandoned, there is only one situation that will not be held accountable. The first is to transfer the people in the city out. so what?
Beyond Beiting, Yiwu is the closest city to the Kingdom of Wei, but Yiwu City is more than 300 miles away from Beiting, and there is only one road in the middle. A hundred chances to kill them all.At such a price, even if he escaped, he would not end well.

Perhaps death is his final destination.Just die, Wei Guo treats the families of martyrs well, his son will be sent to the county school, and there will be generous rewards, so that they will have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

Looking at the warm document in his hand, the tears in Ji Polu's eyes flowed down uncontrollably.Jiang Pu actually left him a letterhead and his letter of proof, which handed over all the power of Beiting to Ji Polu.Where did Ji Polu not know that Jiang Pu was explaining the funeral?
"Special envoy, will Anxi really, really come to rescue us?" Xue Qiang suddenly became worried.

"Yes, they must come!" Ji Polu didn't answer him, but just sat under the festival banner.That look does not allow others to have the slightest doubt.

At this moment, Beiting City is extremely weak. If Jiang Pu cannot expel the soldiers of the Yuwen Kingdom Army from the city wall, the best choice for Ji Polu is probably to prepare for street fighting immediately, but he did not prepare for street fighting, because he knew that Yuwen Kingdom The soldiers must go to the city.

Because, Jiang Pu unscrewed the two skin bags on his waist, and a very familiar smell came over, which turned out to be kerosene.Jiang Pu, who rushed to the front, was hit by several arrows. He didn't stop or hesitate, and continued to rush towards the soldiers of the Yuwen National Army.

"The Great Wei is mighty, the Great Wei is Wansheng!"

More than 300 wounded veterans of hundreds of battles pulled out the plugs of their leather pouches and poured kerosene on their bodies. Even if Pao Ze was killed by the enemy, they dragged Pao Ze's body and continued to move forward.

Finally, more and more soldiers of the Wei Army mingled with the soldiers of the Yuwen Army on the city wall. Sure enough, this group of soldiers of the Yuwen Army were extremely brave. Killed so many corpses littered the field.

But none of the more than 300 soldiers with the dead in their hearts retreated, especially Jiang Pu. He turned his head and shouted at the back: "Jiang Xun, you bastard, do you want me to die in vain? Quickly fire the rocket!"

"Rocket, prepare to launch!"

The sound of "咻咻" broke through the air, and a walking wall of fire was formed instantly. Looking at this wall of fire that continued to approach them, the general of the Yuwen National Army said in horror like a demon: "Madman, they are all lunatics!"

He turned his head and ran, but as soon as he turned around, he felt his leg being pulled, and a wave of warmth came up from the bottom. He looked down and saw a soldier of the Wei Army who was severely wounded in his abdomen tightly hugging his leg. , And the Wei Army soldier also quickly burned into flames.

He wanted to use it to break free from the soldier's embrace, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't get rid of the soldier.Looking at this soldier, he was actually dead, but his hands were tightly clasped together. The general of the Yuwen National Army wanted to cut off the soldier's arm with a lance, but there was a reverberation from the tiger-toothed lance. Tremor force.It was locked with chains.

Ji Polu and Wen Shiwu, deputy lieutenant of Beiting, looked at the enemy and ourselves in the sea of ​​fire, feeling like a knife was twisting their hearts.

At this moment, I don't know who started it.Someone shouted: "The smoke of the wolf rises, and the mountains and rivers look north. The dragon rolls up, the horse neighs, and the sword is like frost."

... More and more soldiers shouted the battle songs of the Wei army, and even the people in Beiting City, including women, children, old and young, also sang the battle songs of the Wei army.

The fire at the top of the Beiting city wall burned for nearly two hours, and finally slowly extinguished. However, more than 800 soldiers of the Yuwen National Army who attacked the city wall were also buried in the flames along with Jiang Pu and more than [-] people.

After the fire was extinguished, the allied forces of the Western Regions did not attack the city immediately, but sent people to shout: "Don't resist, we only want Beiting City, all the Han people in your city can leave, we will never stop."

Ji Polu roared: "The mission entrusted to me by His Majesty is to defend and take root in the Western Regions. I am the special envoy of the Great Wei Western Regions, not a deserter who was beaten to the ground!"

Conley Muke raised his head and stared blankly at the embarrassed young man at the top of the wall.Tired, sluggish, and scarred, but his expression was still stubborn, and his eyes showed uncompromising determination. Conley Muke suddenly realized that no matter how eloquent he was, it would be of no avail.This young man's will is more stable than Mount Tai.harder.

"Are you from my father's clan?" The young man from the Western Regions repeated the same sentence.After watching for a long time, Guo Shiyan found that this guy was a fool.Suddenly Chen Ben nodded and said, "We are the Anxi Army of the Great Wei. Who is your father?"

"It's Dawei!" This young man from the Western Regions seemed to be a bit out of his mind. When he heard the word "Dawei", he suddenly tore off his clothes, exposed his chest, and pointed to his chest and said, "I am Great Wei people, you are my father’s people, and my father asked me to follow you. My father said that his people are the most powerful people in the world. As long as I follow my people, no one will dare to bully me! My father said, let me find his people , Follow his people, I will do whatever his people tell me to do. If you kill people, I will follow you to kill people; if you eat meat, I will follow you to eat meat. Please accept me!"

The situation is changing, Yiwu, an oasis in the desert, unexpectedly experienced heavy rain. Although Yiwu City is an oasis, rain is not uncommon, but torrential rain is very rare.

In the vanguard camp of the Anxi Army outside Yiwu City, the air seemed to be extremely heavy, and there was an illusion that the entire sky was about to be suppressed, but the wind was still strong, with bean-sized raindrops hitting people's faces, and occasionally there was a sound in the clouds. Thunderbolt, it seems that the rain of this rain will not be small.

Guo Shiyan, the vanguard general of the Anxi Army and major general of the [-]th Cavalry Division, suddenly felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.There will be heavy rain in Yiwu, and the entire Western Regions dare to unite to massacre the Han people in the Western Regions indiscriminately. Except for women who survived being robbed as prostitutes, almost all Han men who are taller than the wheels are brutally killed up.Within a range of two hundred miles, one after another scouts quickly fed back the news from the scouts. Seventeen massacre sites were found around Yiwu alone, and there were as many as a thousand mutilated corpses.

At this time, Guo Shiyan really admired Liu Ke. Liu Ke insisted on dispatching troops ahead of time. Although he did not tell the soldiers the reason, the soldiers of the Anxi Army still somewhat resisted this order. You must know that in the first month, the march was covered with heavy snow and dripping into ice. , What kind of torture will it be for them.Perhaps Liu Ke had already foreseen this situation. He was a little worried about the changes in the Western Regions, so he eliminated resistance and supported the early departure.Unexpectedly, Liu Ke's worries turned out to be true!The feeling was even more absurd: up to a quarter of an hour he had been on the verge of winning, it was only an armed march, and a fight seemed impossible.At this time, he realized that the situation they faced was much worse than planned.

"Old Guo, we have to make a decision quickly. Beiting is in crisis. I don't know how long we can hold on. We must hurry to the city of Beiting!" Chen Ben said, "If we are late, we will be the sinners of Wei!"

"But, we don't have an order? General Liu's consent is definitely needed for this matter!" Guo Shiyan also knew that soldiers are expensive and fast. The key is that their responsibility is to be the vanguard of the whole army, and they are responsible for erecting military depots while marching.

"If you fight by asking for instructions, you won't be able to catch up with the heat!" Chen Ben said angrily, "Well, you continue to lead the forward army to advance as planned, and I will only lead a cavalry regiment to quickly march towards Beiting."

Guo Shiyan pondered for a moment, his heart suddenly moved, and he said courageously from nowhere: "The coalition forces of the Western Regions have 10,000+ troops, and a cavalry regiment passing by will not be of much use. How about this, I will hand over the forward army to you , take you as the main force, control the forward army, Ma Yi, the commander of the [-]th Cavalry Division, as the deputy, and you still march according to the plan. I will lead the [-]th Cavalry Division to move forward lightly to check the situation."

Ma Yi said: "General Guo, you are a vanguard general and should control the vanguard army, this matter should be left to the last general!"

"Don't say any more, time is urgent." Guo Shiyan ordered: "General Ben's order, all the [-]th Cavalry Division, bring the necessary equipment and supplies, and prepare to set off in a quarter of an hour!"

The 52th Cavalry Division has a total of more than 36 troops. It has the 25nd Cavalry Regiment, the [-]th Cavalry Regiment, and the [-]th Cavalry Regiment. There is also a medical battalion directly under it, with a strength of more than [-] troops.All Anxi cavalry divisions are equipped with three horses per person, one of which stores power, one rides, and the other horse transports equipment and supplies.Anxi army cavalry can carry [-] catties of dried meat, [-] catties of fried noodles, and [-] catties of milk powder. As long as there is water, there is no need for supplies, and they can still fight for up to [-] days.

With the sound of Guo Shiyan's assembly horn, more than 7000 people gathered within a quarter of an hour.I saw the galloping horses were furious, and gradually gathered into a square formation.These [-] or so riders and more than [-] war horses slowly gathered into a black torrent, rushing towards the west.

Ji Polu said: "Brothers, the enemy general said that to let us live, we just need to withdraw from the Beiting. You...will you retreat?"

Some of the remnants of the Beiting army couldn't even stand up. Hearing this, they were stunned for a moment, and then some showed a look of hesitation and struggle.After a long silence, a weak but firm voice suddenly came from the crowd. "I... will not retreat!"

This voice seemed to open the gate of the flood, and soon there were echoes in twos and threes from the crowd.

"Don't retreat! We are soldiers of the Great Wei, guarding the city of Wei for His Majesty, and our duty is. Your Majesty has treated us with great kindness, how can we live up to His Majesty's high expectations. We can die, but we must not retreat!"

"No! Why do you want us to retreat? If you want to retreat, they will do so!"

"Yes, we will not retreat!" In the end, the chaotic voices poured into the sea like a trickle of water, converging into a turbulent wave with one voice. "No retreat! No retreat! No retreat!"

Xue Qiang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Grandpa, I have already had enough, at least 18 years later, I will be a good man again!"

The fire oil is gone, the crossbow arrows are also consumed, even the gray bottle and golden juice are gone.Facing the densely packed coalition forces of the Western Regions under the city, Ji Polu also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Seeing that the victory is in sight, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions are also very excited. They are very familiar with the tactics of the Wei Army in Beiting at this time. , the damage is very limited.Therefore, the coalition forces of the Western Regions attacking at this time are all using heavy weapons such as axes, maces, horses, spears, and spears. Although these heavy weapons may not be able to break through the bright armor, they can effectively kill the soldiers of the Wei army. .

The final persuasion to capitulate has broken down, and there is no room for relaxation. In fact, whether it is Yu Wenyi or Kang Limuke, they all understand that they have no way out. It is the more than [-] Han people who were killed. Ran Ming will not Let them go.Perhaps other emperors would not care about the life and death of these more than ten thousand people, but Emperor Ran's of Wei State would definitely not ignore it.

At this moment, Beiting is like a ripe fruit that can be picked easily.Although Conley Muke admired Ji Polu's loyalty and bravery, he admired him before him, and he should kill the one who should be killed.Kangli Muke also knew that the longer the time, the stronger the mourning of the soldiers of Wei State would be.This sentiment of the soldiers of the Wei State could not be allowed to spread, so they ordered a fierce attack.

But Ji Polu understood this truth better. In addition to encouraging the soldiers on the city wall, he ran back and forth to comfort and encourage those soldiers, and even mobilized the older men or women in the city to join the battle.Because everyone understands that once Beiting is breached, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions who have suffered heavy casualties under the city of Beiting will definitely massacre the city, and no one will be spared.

At this time, the coalition forces of the Western Regions had the absolute upper hand. There were not only 5000 to [-] Yuwen National Army outside the city of Beiting, but also tens of thousands of cannon fodder from the Western Regions. Although these people were old and weak, they Once it goes crazy, its destructive power to Beiting is no less than that of those soldiers of the Yuwen National Army.At this time, there were only [-] troops left in Beiting City, of which there were as many as [-] people who were lightly or seriously injured.

Although more than [-] people sound like a lot, if you defend those defensive city gates, these people are enough.However, Beiting is just a comprehensive city. The scale of the city is large, and there are many forces that need to be defended, and the enemy's superior forces can be fully deployed.

A total of more than [-] troops launched a fierce onslaught from all sides of Beiting City. In order to break through Beiting in one fell swoop and not give the soldiers of the Wei army any buffer, Kangli Muke also issued a command from the governor, "Come up to me, Kill those who turn back!"

Kang Limuke's guards became a battle supervisor, holding a bow and designating the generals in front. If anyone retreated or hesitated, he was shot and killed on the spot. The advantage of weapons in China is also lost due to the exhaustion of supplies. After all, the key factor in determining the outcome of a war is still people.Gathering together, they were like huge rocks pressing towards the city wall, and the soldiers of the Wei army on the city wall couldn't stop them.They were killed on the ground one after another, and they didn't even have the chance to retreat.

In the era of cold weapons, the strength of the Han people is generally not as good as those of the Hu people from the Western Regions. After all, carnivorous animals are much more powerful than vegetarian animals.Seeing that the disadvantage of the Wei army on the city wall became more and more obvious, Xue Qiang suddenly snatched his festival flag from the guards around Ji Polu, then quickly took the festival flag off the flagpole, and put it on his long spear .

(End of this chapter)

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