Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1013 What a pity

Chapter 1013 What a pity

Chapter 1020 What a pity
Ji Polu said in a daze, "What are you doing?"

The emperor could not do everything himself, so he had to appoint someone to act on his behalf. However, he had no promises and relied on festivals. The envoys in the Han Dynasty did not distinguish between levels. In the Jin Dynasty, envoys began to distinguish between levels.The festival represents the identity of the emperor, and all envoys who hold the festival represent the emperor's visit, symbolize the emperor and the country, and exercise their rights.

Xue Qiang held up the festival flag of Polu nationality. The white characters on the black background belonged to the big flag with Wei characters, and there were four small characters on it: "If I come in person"

The moment Xue Qiang raised the festival flag, he shouted: "Long live Your Majesty!"

Many people on the battlefield looked over, Xue Qiang's festival flag was raised, and no one could see him except those who were close at hand.The crowd just saw the festival flag symbolizing the emperor's presence, and shouted after Xue Qiang: "Long live your majesty, long live your majesty! Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

In the state of Wei, through the recitation of Bianwen stories, everyone knows a few stories about Ran Ming.Ran Ming is not only the emperor of Wei State, but also an eternal invincible myth in the hearts of the people of Wei State. He is a god and a legend.The status of the emperor among the common people is very high, especially a good emperor like Ran Ming who is close to the people and loves the people, not to mention that Ran Ming is also a god of war in Wei, a synonym for victory.First, a dozen people shouted, followed by dozens, then hundreds, and finally thousands of Wei soldiers shouted in unison. The rhythm of the four words seemed to have some kind of magical power, and the blood of all Wei soldiers was excited in the ups and downs. .

Although the soldiers of the Wei army didn't know that the festival flag was not actually a broken prisoner, they saw the festival flag and gathered together towards the festival flag.At this time, the herd mentality exploded, and many people fell into madness inexplicably under the four-character slogan. Some people rushed to the city wall in front of the soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, and were hacked to death by the enemy, but they continued to rush forward. I don't know whether it is because they have lost their judgment, or because the people in front are rushing forward and the people behind are rushing up again, so that they have to move forward in the "flow of people".

After all, the space of the city wall is still too small. Under the impact of this "flow of people", the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions who climbed the wall are like flames, and this "flow of people" is like thousands of ants hugging together Prepare to roll through a sea of ​​fire.This return to animal instinct is doomed to the death of the outermost people, but most of the people in it can still survive. This is only effective in the era of cold weapons, and it is possible to live on a specific battlefield, and there is no way to predict. Drilled ant ball array.

Under the impact of the ant ball array, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions who climbed onto the city wall had some extraordinary martial prowess, but they had nowhere to display them. Before they even had time to swing their knives and axes, they were squeezed to the ground, thousands of them Stepping on it with big feet would crush even an iron man, let alone a body of flesh and blood?
War is actually the domain of madmen. The competition on the battlefield is who is more crazy than the other, and the competition is who is more fearless than the other.Back then, the Volunteer Army charged forward with the superior firepower of the multinational coalition forces, especially the kind of courageousness that did not fear death. When they shot at the multinational coalition forces, they fired softly, and even killed people with fear.

The formic ball formation that Xue Qiang created suddenly on the battlefield is like a stream of sulfuric acid. Wherever it passes, no matter how fierce the enemy is or how hard the steel is, it will be quickly dissolved and finally turned into molecules.

In the end, the attack that Kangli Muke was determined to win was disintegrated this time. The soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions were frightened by this crazy ant ball formation. They threw away the weapons in their hands and turned around. Some ran too slowly. They were pushed down and trampled into meat, or panicked and jumped off the city wall like dumplings.The average height of the city wall is three feet six feet, jumping off the wall, there is almost no possibility of surviving.

Conley Muke's supervising team fired a rain of arrows at the allied forces of the Western Regions, and the supervising team was not soft on their own people. It was really a rain of arrows, a barrage of knives, blood was condensed, and countless gods of death hovered over the battlefield. Countless people have opened the door to the world on the other side!Even if this is the case, the advantage in the battle situation has not been restored, but even the supervising team has been washed away.

"How did this happen, how did this happen?" Conley Muke lost his mind for a moment. He didn't understand how he could be reversed in just a moment when he had an absolute advantage.It doesn't make sense, he is also a mighty fighter, but he has never seen this scene on the battlefield.Finally, the enemies on the city wall were wiped out. At this time, the fanatical people gradually calmed down, and they felt tired and painful. At this time, they realized that their familiar faces had disappeared a lot.The heart-piercing cry rang through the sky.

Holding the festival flag, Xue Qiang slowly arrived at Ji Polu's side, and handed the blood-stained festival flag to Ji Polu respectfully: "Special envoy, fortunately, I am not disgraceful!"

Ji Polu nodded silently, raised the Scarlet Festival flag and said, "My Great Wei Wansheng!"

Xue Qiang's anite ball array saved Beiting's critical situation at the most critical moment. Especially at the cost of less than [-] casualties, it dismantled the fierce attack of more than [-] enemies in one fell swoop, killing and wounding nearly [-] soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions. The morale of the soldiers and civilians of the State of Wei in the north court of the city was greatly boosted.

Ji Polu raised the Scarlet Festival flag and shouted, "My great Wei Wansheng!"

"Great Wei Wansheng!" Beiting soldiers and civilians roared in unison, their voices soaring into the sky.

At this moment, Beiting Deputy Captain said: "Special envoy, look, there is a situation!"

I saw the sparse cavalry in the central camp of the coalition armies of the Western Regions began to quickly gather together and form a cavalry square one by one.Then more than [-] cavalry from the northwest of the Chinese army slowly entered.These cavalry were all the fists of the Xianbei Murong tribe, armored cavalry at the bottom of the box.Each of these [-] cavalrymen rode West Pole horses with bloody horses from Dawan in the Western Regions. Although the West Pole horses were not faster than the bloody horses, the sweaty horses were actually the same as Tibetan mastiffs in later generations. Low BMW, universally equipped troops is simply not realistic.However, the number of Xiji horses is very large.The horse is a good horse, and the armor and weapons are not ordinary. He is holding a thick and heavy Byzantine sword. His treasured sword glowed with an azure blue cold light.

Ji Polu finally saw through the binoculars the banner of the comer, it was actually the banner of Yuwen, the lord of Yuwen!

"Not good!" Ji Polu's heart felt like falling into an ice cellar: "The enemy has increased their troops again!"

Don't look at Wei Jun's victory because of Xue Qiang's ant ball formation at this time. In fact, everyone who understands knows that Wei Jun has reached its limit.The bloody battle lasted for more than three months. Although there were several rotations in the middle, they could not completely eliminate the fatigue after all.Ji Polu thought to himself: "There are still [-] cavalry in the city at this time, and they have not gone to the city to participate in the battle. He originally wanted to deal a fatal blow to the enemy at a critical moment. However, the coalition forces of the Western Regions have increased their troops. Beiting will be lost. At that time, the [-] cavalry will be consumed by the enemy's crowd attack. It is better to take advantage of Yuwen's arrival and relax their defenses. , The morale of our army is bound to be boosted, even if we lose Beiting, this battle will be worth it!"

Ji Polu immediately expressed his thoughts, Xue Qiang was moved, took a deep breath to cheer himself up, and shouted: "The opposite is the Lord Yuwen, this last charge, no matter the victory or defeat, is worth it! The cavalry let me come Lead the team!"

"You?" Although Ji Polu's rank is not high, but under the influence of Ji Li for a long time, he has become accustomed to Ji Li's passionate fighting style. He let go of the pressure and psychological burden, and only one thought in his mind: "Victory!" The past few years in the rain of guns and arrows has allowed him to establish a belief: victory must be victory!Yes, every time Wei Jun was by his father's side in the past, Wei Jun created many impossibilities in a crisis, and this time it will definitely be the same!

In fact, Xue Qiang, like Ji Polu, was treated as a sinner. Ran Ming didn't kill him at the beginning, so it was because of his father Xue Tao's face.Although Xue Tao's rank is not as high as Ji Ruan's, he can be regarded as Ran Ming's confidant general.He's already missed it once, making it very difficult for his dad.If the crisis in Beiting can be reversed, not only will he win honor for his father, but with Ran Ming's character of emphasizing love and friendship, he will definitely treat the Xue family of Hedong favorably.For a family, it is obviously very easy to distinguish the future of the family from the children of the family.

Except for the east gate of Beiting City, the other three gates were sealed with stones and sandbags. Near the city gate, Xue Qiang stood up on his horse and pointed his gun and said, "A big fish came from the camp of the coalition forces of the Western Regions opposite. The head of Yuwen Kingdom, the most powerful country, this time Beiting was attacked by the coalition forces of the Western Regions, and he, Yuwen, is behind the scenes. Brothers, muster your strength. Make this final push, and then we will take the head of Yuwen Kingdom The head of the leader, I will ask His Majesty for credit in the future!"

All the soldiers responded in unison, and rushed towards leaving the city.

After the defeat of the allied forces of the Western Regions, Kang Limuke was so angry that he almost vomited blood, especially his personal guard team was also dispersed by the rout, and they trampled each other to death, causing heavy casualties.For this reason, Kangli Muke beheaded more than 200 generals above the centurion level.Almost half of the coalition forces have had officers replaced.

With the arrival of Yuwen, Kang Limuke stopped singing bad faces, and Yuwen began to sing red faces, rewarding the generals of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, and rewarding the generals of the Western Regions coalition with wine and meat.The mood of defeat in the camp of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions was swept away, and the atmosphere was filled with joy instead.

Regarding the situation that the Beiting defenders are at the end of their battles, both Kang Limuke and Yu Wenyi are very clear. Don't look at Xue Qiang's ant ball formation that saved the Beiting's dying situation at the most critical moment, but they all know that, in this way This scene cannot be reproduced. This is also the dying struggle of the Wei army in Beiting City, and it is also a flashback.

And they all know that in the first month, the cavalry in Beiting City would go out of the city from time to time to disrupt their offensive rhythm, but in the past two months, Beiting City has never had the motivation to go out of the city to fight back. The city's cavalry has been completely lost.

The combination of many reasons has made the defense of the Allied Forces camp of the Western Regions a lot slack.When Xue Qiang led more than [-] riders out of the city, Yuwen soon got the information.Yuwen yelled, "Good job, great job!"

Soon Yu Wenyi's armored cavalry began to come out of the battalion to meet them. The cavalry of the two sides collided, but it was hard to tell who had the advantage.At this moment, Xue Qiang knew that the knights under Yuwen's command were waiting for work, but they were all armored cavalry, that is, heavy cavalry.This kind of armor is very heavy, and it is a heavy burden for both knights and war horses.Even if they don't fight, their self-control will not last long, not to mention that Yuwen came from a long distance, no matter whether they are cavalry or horses, their physical strength is almost exhausted.

Soon the cavalry from both sides rushed very close, and they could see each other's faces even without binoculars. To Xue Qiang's surprise, all of the three thousand cavalry on the opposite side had scars on their faces!Like Wei's army, they are also experienced in battle, but they are different from Wei's.In the past, they were defeated many times by the state of Wei. They lost too many battles, but they still survived in many defeats, especially in the Western Regions. A series of victories in the country made them extremely sturdy, and at the same time, it also gave them an urge for revenge more than anyone else!
Amid the shouts of both sides, the cavalry of both sides rushed together.The light of the knife burst out sparks under the setting sun. The Xiji horse and the Hequ horse of Wei State actually have part of the same bloodline. They squeezed and stamped on each other under the urging of their masters, and their amazing roars echoed like wild beasts. More than a thousand people are fighting for life and death here!
The collision of light cavalry and heavy cavalry was unexpected, not one-sided.Rather, the relatively small number of cavalry of the Wei army was evenly matched with the [-] armored cavalry of Yuwen Kingdom.Of course, Yuwen Kingdom's armored cavalry is ten times that of Wei State's cavalry, and they can't last long in the face of absolute superiority.

Blood splattered, some from the Wei army, and some from the Yuwen army. Seeing the tragic battle, the Ji Polu and the Wei army officers and soldiers at the top of the city were all terrified!The two cavalry were on equal footing for a while during this round of battle, but the cavalry of nearly [-] cavalry from the Allied Forces of the Western Regions slowly surrounded them to form a peripheral pressure.

Xue Qiang did not disperse the formation to attack, but formed a front arrow array. He is the front arrow of the front arrow array. In order to prevent the blood from slipping and the blade being knocked away by the enemy, Xue Qiang and the more than [-] cavalry under his command used cloth With their hands and weapons intertwined, more than [-] cavalry warriors rushed desperately in the enemy formation, Xue Qiang's long spear could quickly tear a bloody path wherever it passed, these more than [-] cavalry soldiers, everyone in this army Both are two sets of weapons: one hand is bound with a light shield, the shield is made of tough balsa wood with a sharp edge made of fine steel; There are more than [-] people and horses, and everyone has the ability to gallop without holding the bridle!
Under the absolute superior force, although Xue Qiang's attack is sharp, their number is rapidly decreasing.These Beiting cavalry elites are all superior cavalry officers. In Jiang Pu's original plan, these people are the seeds of the Beiting Protectorate Army. Every cavalry has the ability to be a platoon leader. It will make Ji Polu and Beiting Deputy Captain's heart bleed.

"Special envoy, let me lead the boys to attack, we can't just watch them die in vain." Jiang Xun said with red eyes.

Ji Polu said: "Their blood will not be shed in vain. We will definitely avenge this revenge. Brothers will not be alone, because we will go down to accompany them soon!"

Outside the city, Xue Qiang still failed to make his wish in the end. Now that more than half of the three hundred cavalrymen were killed, they were still only a hundred steps away from Yuwen, but this short distance of a hundred steps seemed to be so close.There is only half of the sun left, and the setting sun's rays are like bloodstains, but the more eye-catching red is the blood of the battlefield.

Xue Qiang gritted his teeth, no longer took chances, and shouted: "I won't go back! Go up! Fight them!"

However, at this moment, only a crisp sound of "cracking" was heard, and the handle of the white wax rod in Xue Qiang's hand broke off. It was broken in response, and his right hand was freed. Xue Qiang gritted his teeth, and swung the shield with a swiped Byzantine scimitar.

Suddenly, Xue Qiang discovered that a Yuwen National Army cavalry had a red iron tire bow hanging on his horse's head. Heavy cavalry generally would not be equipped with bows and arrows, especially this kind of iron tire bow.It seemed that this cavalryman was at least a general at the level of a commander, otherwise it would be impossible for him to carry his own weapon on the battlefield.Xue Qiang hid in a stirrup quickly, disappeared from the horse, and missed the cavalry's fatal blow. However, at the moment the cavalry hesitated, Xue Qiang suddenly appeared, and he used brute force to break the hanging red iron tire. Bow leather rope.At the moment Er Ma missed, Xue Qiang drew three spiked arrows from the quiver on the back of the cavalryman.

With an arrow in hand, Xue Qiang has the aura that I have in the world, but it is a pity that the guards around Yuwen are not vegetarian, they ride more to protect Yuwen, and there is no gap in defense.Xue Qiang could only secretly exclaim that it was a pity.

Xue Qiang's arrow landed on Yuwen's king's flag.

(End of this chapter)

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