Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1014 Purgatory of Blood and Fire

Chapter 1014 Purgatory of Blood and Fire

Chapter 1021 Purgatory of Blood and Fire

"If you can't kill you Yuwen, shooting down your Wang Qi will also be a fatal blow to your morale." Xue Qiang wanted to do it, but it was only a breath of effort.However, the Spike arrow left the string, but unexpectedly missed.When Xue Qiang wanted to shoot the second arrow, he saw an enemy cavalry rushing towards him wielding a scimitar. Almost instinctively, Xue Qiang shot the spike arrow at the cavalry.With a distance of more than ten steps, there is almost no possibility of missing.

At this time, Xue Qiang only had one arrow left. "Don't miss any more, or it's all over!"

"Tang Jun lost!" Seeing Wei Jun's cavalry with less than a hundred cavalry, Yu Wenyi sneered and said: "I have already known all kinds of Wei Jun's tricks, and I have figured out how he will act long before the battle begins! Capture the thief first and capture the king first, but what kind of identity is this king, how can he fight desperately with an unknown pawn of them?"

However, at this moment, Xue Qiang shot his last arrow, and Yu Wenyi's Wang Qi disappeared from the battlefield immediately.

The surrounding soldiers of the Allied Forces of Western Regions couldn't see the specific situation at all, Xue Qiang took the opportunity to shout: "Old thief Yuwen is dead!"

The remnants of the cavalry also roared after Xue Qiang, and the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions were suddenly at a loss.Xue Qiang looked at Paoze behind him, and shouted loudly: "Why are you standing there, let's go!"

Xue Qiang fled back to Beiting in embarrassment while taking advantage of the chaos of the coalition forces of the Western Regions.But at this time, the number of people has been counted, more than [-] riders left the city, but less than [-] riders came back, and everyone was injured.


Ji Polu's plan to save the defeat finally failed, and the bloody battle continued the next day. The head of the Beiting city had become a Shura hell, and thick blood was like a trickling river, spilling all over the city's horse road.Remnants of limbs and arms can be seen everywhere, flames and blood are intertwined, like the last touch of blood red before the setting sun disappears.

Outside the city, the sharp wooden stakes of the siege vehicles were hitting the fragile city wall again and again. Every time they hit, a deep hole was left in the city wall made of rammed earth.Dozens of hundreds of ladder vehicles were mounted on the top of the city, and countless soldiers from the Allied Forces of the Western Regions climbed up. The remaining remnants of the Wei army fought desperately to resist, but in the end they were outnumbered, and the top of the city had lost control. The enemy army surged up like a huge black wave, completely submerging hundreds of defenders in the wave.

Ji Polu followed the soldiers of the Wei army and fought and retreated. His chest, back, and thighs were covered with incisions, some were nearly a foot long, and some penetrated more than an inch of flesh. His face became paler and paler, and he felt that the strength in his whole body was getting weaker and weaker. The vitality slowly flowed out of his body along with the blood, leaving him with only an empty shell, which was still supporting every part of him. an action.

"Daddy, the child can no longer be filial in front of you!" Ji Polu felt his strength getting weaker and weaker, and the horizontal knife in his hand was getting heavier and heavier, he knew that his time was running out.

Since the bright silver spear he made broke, Xue Qiang didn't know how many Wei army standard spears he had changed, let alone how many times he had picked and stabbed him. Xue Qiang's strength was getting weaker and weaker, and the wounds on his body were getting worse The more he got more, the more blurred his consciousness... At this moment, the long spear in his hand encountered resistance again. Xue Qiang gritted his teeth, concentrated all his strength on his hands, bowed his legs, and the sight in front of him All the scenes were shaking, and only figures could be seen in the blur... In the end, Xue Qiang failed to assassinate the enemy, and the spear in his hand broke again.

"Long gun!" Xue Qiang waited for a long time but did not wait for the long gun handed over by Pao Ze beside him. He turned his head and saw that there was not even a Wei soldier on the left or right.At this time, Xue Qiang's hands were empty and his whole body was limp and weak. Looking at the approaching enemy army, he struggled to get up and yelled at the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions: "You bastards, don't get complacent too early. Zheng, the Western Regions will be bloodbathed, and none of you can escape!"

Xue Qiang was a little bit emotional, today is the real hero, all the strong in Wei country use their strength, and the wise use their wisdom, why worry about the failure of Wei?Huaxia is not happy?In a word, Huaxia has never become weaker. The so-called weakness is just that the real talents and heroes have been suppressed.The Hu people are not really powerful and invincible. Thinking about Zu Ti's Northern Expedition, the support given to him by the Jin Dynasty court was the food and wages of thousands of people.Three thousand bolts of cloth, not even a weapon.However, after four years of hard work, Zu Ti regained a large area of ​​territory south of the Yellow River, making Shi Le dare not send troops south.But when Zu Ti was preparing for the Northern Expedition, the Jin court sent people to seize power, which ruined the good situation at once, and the famous patriotic general died of grief and anger.

If the emperor of the Jin Dynasty had a broader mind at that time and gave Zu Ti greater support, there might not have been the subsequent separatist regimes of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms.If the Eastern Jin court had given Liu Kun greater support, this patriotic general who had been stuck in Jinyang surrounded by a crowd for more than ten years would not have died in another country.In the Jin Dynasty, it was not that there were no powerful generals, such as Zhou Chu and Bei Gongchun, who were not defeated by the enemy, but died in the conspiracy of "our own people". Of course, Xue Qiang didn't know that in history, roughly as Xie An, Huan Wen, Xie Xuan and others were either forced to rebel or left idle. It has to be said that this is a kind of sadness.

Xue Qiang was grateful for Ran Ming's generosity, even traitors like him and Ji Polu could give them a chance, so trusting and generous, why not repay them with death?When Xue Qiang thought of this, his body was suddenly filled with strength, his eyes widened, and he roared angrily: "The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and wealth, dust and soil. Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and the fertile land for thousands of miles is barren. Looking at the world, there is nothing to do." Captives, what is broken in the way of heaven can be repaired by everyone."

This song of the Red Turban Army plagiarized by Ran Ming became the military song of the Wei Army just like serving the country with loyalty, but in this time and space, the title of this song was changed to "Song of Killing Hu"

Just when Xue Qiang saw that he was about to be killed by the enemy, a voice sounded from behind him: "Good man, don't give up your parents, just for the common people and not for the master. Hold the steel knife 99 and kill Hu'er before you stop." Reinforcement It's coming, but Xue Qiang can't laugh.Because these reinforcements are all ordinary people in the city, not only have they not received military training, but they are either too old or too young.There are gray-haired old men, and there are still childish boys.

These reinforcements quickly passed Xue Qiang, and then rushed towards the enemy.Just like butter meeting a branding iron, it is quickly melted. These reinforcements are powerless to defeat the enemy. Their role is very limited. The only role is to delay the enemy for a while.

When the two childish teenagers strenuously supported the exhausted Xue Qiang and walked a distance of about a hundred steps, the reinforcements of five to six hundred people were almost killed.

At this moment, Jiang Xun, who was already missing his right arm, came to Xue Qiang with a dozen of Wei soldiers who were cold and indifferent, and said, "Deputy Envoy Xue, hurry back to the city with XX."

"Back to the city?" Xue Qiang said with a sneer at the moment: "Our city wall is about to be lost. Where can we go back to the city?"

Jiang Xun said: "There is a secret room in the city. Xun can let the special envoy and deputy envoy enter the secret room. There is water and food in the secret room. As long as the enemy can't find the entrance, it is not a problem to persist in it for a month and a half."

"What? You let Qiang be a deserter!" Xue Qiang said excitedly: "So many brothers have died in battle, even if Qiang is alive, it is as if he is dead. If I don't leave, I am absolutely wrong. I still have strength. Can kill the enemy, give me a gun, I want to fight!"

At this moment, Jiang Xun winked at the Wei army soldier behind Xue Qiang. The Wei army soldier understood. When Xue Qiang was unprepared, the Wei army soldier slashed at the root of Xue Qiang's neck with a knife, and Xue Qiang responded. fall.

When Jiang Xun with Xue Qiang found Ji Polu, Ji Polu hurried forward and asked, "How is Xue Qiang?"

Jiang Xun said: "Vice Envoy Xue is fine, but the humble officer saw that Deputy Envoy Xue was too excited, so let him rest! As a special envoy, time is running out, quickly follow the humble officer into the secret room."

Ji Polu said, "How many people can the secret room hold?"

Jiang Xun thought for a while and said: "This secret room was secretly built by the Zhang family of Dunhuang more than 20 years ago. It was originally used to prevent Hu people from attacking Beiting. provided dry food and water for a thousand people for forty days."

You must know that the geological conditions of the North Court are not suitable for excavating the secret room. The entire huge secret room is built with stones and giant trees. The North Court is not short of stones, but there are not many giant trees.Just manual mining of stones consumes endless manpower, material and financial resources. At this critical juncture of the city's peril, the Zhang family of Dunhuang voluntarily took out the secret room in order to preserve a little confidence in Beiting.

Ji Polu didn't retreat, he said lightly: "This special envoy will not retreat on the city wall, and the city wall can still hold on for a while. If this special envoy leaves, the soldiers' persistence in their hearts will disappear. This special envoy will try my best to help you. Delay time, hurry up and organize your manpower, put children under the age of 12 into the secret room, then seal the entrance of the secret room, pile up firewood on it, light the fire, and prevent the enemy from entering the secret room. My Anxi army reinforcements will come soon Arrive at Beiting."

"But!" Jiang Xun was going to knock Ji Polu unconscious first like he did with Xue Qiang, but Ji Polu was much more difficult to deal with than Jiang Xun imagined. When Ji Polu saw Xue Qiang who was unconscious, he knew that Jiang Xun was going to Use force on him.So Jiang Xun didn't dare to move around at this time, and saw Ji Polu holding a dagger in his right hand, the blade of the dagger was facing his heart.

"Don't force me again!" Ji Polu said firmly: "Longyou is attacked by shrimps in shallow water, and tigers are bullied by dogs in Pingyang. When the situation rises again, the Yangtze River will flow back. One day when the tiger returns to the mountain, half the sky will be stained with blood." If he follows Ling Yunzhi in the future, I will blood stain the sky of the Western Regions. Tell those children that they will avenge us in the future, and will never kill all the barbarians in the Western Regions, and never seal the sword."

"If you don't kill all the barbarians in the Western Regions, you will never seal the sword!" Jiang Xun and others shouted in unison.

A nation can prosper for a while, but it will never have a long history like the Chinese nation.When the Hu people encountered difficulties and had to make a choice, the first thing they gave up was the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, then women and children, and finally the young and old.Because they all know that in the harsh environment, without the protection of young and old, women, children, old and weak will never survive.However, when the Huaxia nation was also facing a desperate situation, their choices were absolutely different from those of the Hu people. The first sacrifices were the young and the strong, then the old and the weak, and finally the women and children.These two completely different concepts are chosen according to people's living environment.It is not right or wrong, but it is because of this outlook on life that the Chinese nation will stand in the forest of nations in the world for 5000 years.

At the most critical moment in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Huaxia nation was massacred to only four million people, but the Huaxia nation was still not exterminated.The Mongols invaded and slaughtered countless people, but the Chinese nation still stood firm.This is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, and it is this fine tradition that makes Huaxia

Ji Polu gave up his chance of survival, he gave up the opportunity to those Beiting youths, to preserve the lives of a thousand youths is to leave a thousand seeds, as long as these youths do not die, the thousand seeds will be Create a thousand families and produce thousands of offspring, and this hatred will not disappear with the passage of time.

The melee fighting at the top of the city lasted for more than an hour, and there were fewer and fewer defenders of the Wei Dynasty, and they were submerged in the black tide of the enemy army, not even a single wave splashed.It doesn't matter about leadership and command, everything is in vain, and the thick smoke rising everywhere seems to indicate the four words of helplessness, "The general trend is over."

Ji Polu was forced to the corner of the city, and he had no choice but to jump.Paoze's dying screams could be heard next to his ears, and wherever he looked, there were scenes of corpses being torn apart by random blades.Ji Polu's teeth were almost crushed, and his eyes were blood red.

But at this time, Yu Wenguo, the lord of Yuwen Kingdom, looked excitedly at the coalition forces of the Western Regions who were gaining more and more advantages, "Beiting City is here!"

As a matter of fact, Yuwen has long been in contact with Beiting. For Yuwen Kingdom, the capital at this time is too small, and whether Yuwen Kingdom has excellent talents for building the city. The capital city of Yuwen Kingdom at this time is completely a city at the level of a Han village. There are almost no defensive functions.Moreover, Yuwen Kingdom is full of nomadic cavalry, and the best grassland at the foot of Tianshan Mountain is Beiting.After all, this used to be the old Dragon Court of the Northern Huns, with a grassland of 6 miles, which could support tens of thousands of elite cavalry, so that they would not be afraid that a small enemy force would succeed in a sneak attack.Moreover, the city defense facilities of Beiting City are good. The coalition forces of the Western Regions attacked a city with only [-] defenders, and [-] or [-] people were killed or injured. Once it becomes the new capital of Yuwen Kingdom, at least in terms of city defense functions , much stronger than the old ones.Moreover, the geographical location of Beiting is excellent. It guards the most critical Cheshi ancient road in the Western Regions of the Silk Road, and there is no suitable supply location within [-] miles of Beiting.

Even if the Wei army attacks in the future, it will not be an easy task.Yuwen said: "Invade the city, all the warriors will be promoted to three ranks, and three female slaves will be rewarded, ten horses and ten cattle each!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. This is an eternal truth. Stimulated by the order of Yu Wenyi's heavy reward, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions attacked more violently. Unclear, fresh blood flowed out slowly from the wound, bursts of coldness leaked from the bones of his body, he didn't know how much blood was left in his body, he only knew that he was getting closer and closer to death, as close as if He stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, and only waited for the other foot to step in. From now on, everything in the mortal world has nothing to do with him.

"Brothers, this special envoy doesn't... have... the strength, I... should... go on the road." Ji Polu smiled sadly, his mouth could no longer make a sound, he originally wanted to say: "Brothers, These barbarians will definitely not end well."

He is the youngest son of Ji Wei, and Ji Wei is the chief of staff of the Wei State. As the number one in the military, if his son was killed by the Western Regions in the Western Regions, wouldn’t those generals of the Wei Army dare to show mercy to the countries of the Western Regions? Want to offend Ji Wei?This is a very simple truth. Once the Anxi Army arrives, there will be a bloody storm in the Western Regions.

Wei Guo will never compromise, nor will he make peace, Wei Guo can only fight, revenge can only be avenged with blood!

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Okay, you go first, wait for me on Huangquan Road first, we will be together, if we are lucky, we may be born into the same mother's womb, and we will be brothers in the next life." As the figure approached, Ji Polu felt that this vague figure was very familiar, but he couldn't see who it was, and his consciousness fell into a coma again.

The person who came was none other than Xue Qiang.Xue Qiang is unwilling to enter the secret room even if he dies, Jiang Xun has no choice but to let Xue Qiang return.

"Include me!" Jiang Xun followed afterward.

It's a pity that they are like a drop of water in the ocean, instantly submerged by huge waves.At this time, the allied forces of the Western Regions completely occupied the city wall of Beiting City. The soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions began to pour into the city, removed the sand and stones accumulated in the city gate, and opened the gate. Enter the city.

However, the battle did not end with the loss of the city wall, but became more serious because of the loss of the city wall.Beiting City is too far away from the Great Wei, and there is very little cement from the Wei Kingdom here, and a large number of houses are wooden structures in the traditional Chinese style.In a house near the city gate, a dying veteran was pulling a rope feebly. At the end of the rope was a brazier. At this time, the weather in the North Court did not need a brazier at all. Obviously, the function of the brazier was not for heating, but It is used to start fire.

Right below the brazier, countless dry firewood piled up, and a group of excited soldiers from the Allied Forces of the Western Regions poured into the courtyard. At this moment, the dying veteran shouted: "You bastards, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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