Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1015 Anxi Army Arrives

Chapter 1015 Anxi Army Arrives

Chapter 1022 Anxi Army Arrives
As he said that, he pulled the rope in his hand, and the brazier fell from the top of the table, and quickly ignited the firewood, and the fire was out of control.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions wanted to retreat. After all, no one wanted to be burned to death.But they didn't see the veteran slam his shoulders into a nearby wooden cabinet. The wooden cabinet fell, and the mechanism was activated instantly. At the entrance of the courtyard, a huge pothole appeared. The soldiers of the Allied Forces of the United States fell into the pit, and the screams rang out.

Scenes like this are happening everywhere in Beiting City. The fire oil has been exhausted during the defense of the city, and the gunpowder is gone, but they still have uncooled blood and the unyielding heart. Heart.

When he heard about the great changes in the Western Regions and when Beiting was in critical condition, Guo Shiyan, the forward general of Anxi, rode more than [-] cavalry from the [-]th division and headed straight for Beiting.

However, there is still a straight-line distance of more than 300 miles from Beiting to Yiwu. Under normal circumstances, it would take four to five days for the cavalry to arrive.Just like Xianbei horses, if they ran 150 kilometers a day for three consecutive days, more than half of the horses in an army would be useless.In later generations, there was great confusion about the speed of the Mongolian army's westward expedition, that is, the Mongolian army's daily advance distance was between 150 kilometers and 1219 kilometers under normal combat conditions. Especially in September 9, Genghis Khan's two When two generals, Subutai and Jebe, attacked Hualazi Mo State, they failed to break through because of the strong fortifications in the city.Jebe led his army back five hundred li and rested his troops.When the enemy detectives learned that Genghis Khan's army had retreated five hundred miles away, the city guards relaxed and relaxed their vigilance.After the Mongolian army rested for a few days, one night Jebe suddenly ordered to lead an army to attack the city of Yucheng.The army traveled five hundred miles at night and arrived at the city in the early morning of the next day to carry out a surprise attack.Because the city was unprepared, Genghis Khan's army easily broke through the city and won a complete victory.

This has puzzled future generations, because whether it is traveling five hundred miles at night, advancing for three consecutive months, or marching an average of more than 150 kilometers a day, cavalry do not have it.In ancient China, Fenghuo Special Rider could travel 25 miles a day, but this speed was built on the basis of a complete post station system, and it was completed by pulling force. The ancient post stations were separated by [-] to [-] miles, which happened to be a war horse. It was completed at the speed of charging while recharging energy.It takes about a quarter of an hour between each post station. If the knight's physical fitness is good enough, it is not a problem to travel a hundred miles in an hour.But how did the Mongolian army achieve such a terrifying speed?

Thanks to a program in later generations called Baijia Forum, a group of experts were studying the issue of Mongolian marching speed, and finally they were able to research it, that is, the Mongolian cavalry did not use galloping horses, but walking horses.Although there is only one word difference between galloping horse and walking horse, the effect of marching is very different.If a friend watches a video of a horse race, but it is slowed down, when the horse races are charging, there will always be a moment when the horse vacates all four hooves, so that the physical energy of the horse during the gallop is very high.In short-distance horse racing, the sprint distance of a thousand kilometers is usually about 1 minute, but this is only the instantaneous speed of the horse, just like a person running a [-]-meter race, but for a long-distance gallop, a war horse must not be able to achieve such a speed.Walking horses is to use horses like people when they are running. At any time, one of the four legs of the horse will always be on the ground, and when the horse is walking fast, it can save a lot of energy.

During the experiment, Ran Ming used 33 horses to conduct experiments. As a result, the horses can walk a distance of [-] miles in one and a half hours. This speed reaches an astonishing [-] kilometers per hour. The best iron-shoeed horse (the ancestor of the Mongolian horse) can only run at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour when galloping, but it can barely gallop for half an hour.

As for Mongolian horses, Ran Ming naturally knew that although there were no Mongols at this time, Mongolian horses had existed for a long time. Ujumqin horses, Baicha iron-hoofed horses, and Wushen horses were all attributed to Mongolian horses in later generations. of horse breeds.When Ran Ming formed the Anxi Army, he did not equip the cavalry of the Anxi Army with the most numerous Xianbei horses in Wei State, nor the Hequ horses improved by Huaxia as early as the Han Dynasty, but adopted the ugly Baicha iron hoof horses.

After training, the Baicha iron-shoe horse can march at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour for three hours without rest.In the state of rotation, the first horse can walk for three hours in a row, while the second horse can walk for two hours.In this way, the cavalry of the Anxi Army can march for five hours a day, which means ten hours and a distance of six hundred miles.However, Guo Shiyan is well aware of the supernatural speed of soldiers. He only asked the soldiers to carry a small amount of dry food and water, and the horses that consigned the supplies also marched for an hour. Under this desperate and forced march, they arrived in Bari in just one day Kun Lake (in today's Mulei County, [-] kilometers from the border line between the easternmost part of Changji Prefecture and Mongolia).

The distance between Balikun Lake and Beiting is only about 260 miles, and Guo Shiyan actually walked more than 1000 miles during the [-]-hour forced march.But at this time, the entire army was exhausted, especially when a large number of soldiers were left behind. When camping on the east bank of Balikun Lake, after counting, the entire army was only in the early [-]s, and more than one-third of the soldiers were left behind.

In Guo Shiyan's command tent, all the officers looked extremely haggard, and everyone's uniforms had a sour smell, and there were even mottled blood spots between the thighs of several officers, but they stood in front of Guo Shiyan.Everyone does their best.Packed up his military capacity.

Of course, Guo Shiyan's appearance was not much better, his mouth was full of blisters, and his face was peeled off by the scorching sun in the Western Regions. Guo Shiyan didn't even look at these officers, but looked at the dark night sky with deep eyes. "Sit down, everyone!"

At this time, Guo Shiyan turned around to face the officers, with a habitual smile on his face: "The Western Regions are indeed in chaos, and all the officers and men are exhausted after galloping thousands of miles along the way. Ben's buttocks are bloody and bloody, not to mention riding a horse, even moving it is extremely painful. The Western Regions have been my Chinese territory since the Han Dynasty, but now we can't see a Wei person, and there are many bones along the way , don’t ask, those dead are all my people from Great Wei.”

Guo Shiyan's voice suddenly rose an octave: "When will my people in Great Wei be slaughtered like pigs and sheep? Shame, shame, this is the shame of our soldiers in Great Wei. As a soldier, we cannot protect the country and the people. Are we worthy of the military uniforms we wear? Are we worthy of the food we eat, and are we worthy of the long hours we have?"

"The Western Region is the Western Region of our China. Since we are here, this is our territory! Whoever wants to make trouble here should ask our Anxi Army if we agree! Your Majesty formed the Anxi Army for the purpose of stabilizing the Western Region. Sound, Beiting is waiting for our military might!"

"Long live Your Majesty, Great Wei Wansheng!" There was a low echoing voice from below.

Guo Shiyan smiled.Take a deep breath.In fact, he was too tired to straighten up.But he knew that after six hours a day of forced marching, the fighting will of the Eighteenth Cavalry Division of the Anxi Army was still high.But physical strength is already exhausted.If you give them time to rest, they will lie down completely without recovering for a day or two.Now it is necessary to go all out and complete the task of rescuing Beiting before the will has weakened.

This grind.This miraculous long-distance raid and the strong town of Beiting will be the birthplace of an elite army.The Anxi army will live up to His Majesty's high expectations, and will resolutely use me in the first battle, and use me to win.

Guo Shiyan yelled: "Everyone, there is no coward in our Anxi Army. Your Majesty is watching us in Yecheng. At the critical moment, give me the top. Even if you can't top it, you have to climb up for me. Now I order, ride the 36th regiment As a pioneer, each person carries all armed equipment, dry food and drinking water for one day, and discards all other supplies. He does not stop or rest along the way, and goes straight to Beiting City, no matter what resistance he encounters. Whether it is Xianbei people or Tiele people! All in all, open the way with firepower, let's go in! Your goal is Beiting City. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Colonel Ma Xu Ma Dongsheng, the head of the 36th Cavalry Regiment, shouted loudly.This Qinzhou man seemed to have inexhaustible energy.

"The [-]th Cavalry Regiment is led by myself. If the enemy has not broken through the Beiting, we will go straight to the enemy's central army. All resistance encountered on the way will be served by grenades and horizontal knives! Everyone. Remember one thing, don't take prisoners in this battle, Anyone who surrenders voluntarily or passively will not accept it. In this battle, our Anxi Army will not only win the battle, but also kill all the countries and tribes in the Western Regions. When we mention the name of our Great Wei, we will be scared to pee crotch, kill them so that they no longer have the courage to face us Wei people squarely!"

"Riding the 52nd regiment as the general reserve team, if the 36th regiment is in a tight situation, it will quickly follow up and support."

Guo Shiyan's tone became colder and colder.The situation in Beiting.They couldn't figure it out. 6000 people, three regiments that are not full of size, want to save a city as big as Beiting.And the city may have been lost.No one knows what kind of enemy they will encounter.Even Guo Shiyan has no bottom.

Resolutely breaking into Beiting City is the top priority. If Beiting has changed, let the people of the Western Regions control the situation in Beiting.It is our greatest threat.Now, Beiting cannot be lost!As long as you can win Beiting.Then any situation.There is room for relaxation.

"The courage of the generals. The generals are not afraid of death, why should the soldiers be afraid of them. The history of our Anxi Army is too new. If the soldiers are to rush up at that time, only the officers will take the lead! More than 80.00% of our officers are His Majesty the Emperor I taught it myself, and followed him through life and death. If anyone falters, he will shout for me instead of following me." Guo Shiyan stopped his mouth with a cold smile, and waved his hand forcefully: "Get out!"

The officers roared.Everyone feels like they've been given a shot of adrenaline.


Sweat and blood dripped from Ji Polu's face, and his face became more and more hideously distorted.The muscles in the cheeks quivered and twitched with the pain.

"The special envoy is awake!" There was a burst of cheers, and people were blurred.

Ji Polu slowly opened his eyes, he thought he was dead, he wanted to pinch his face to make sure he was really dead, but just as he raised his hand, he felt a biting pain, could feel Pain proves that he is not dead.He smiled miserably: "It seems that Lord Yan doesn't accept me either!"

It was also thanks to Ji Polu wearing double-layer armor, although the wounds on his body were shocking, in fact there was no fatal injury, he just passed out due to excessive bleeding.Of course, without the influence of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world, he wouldn't be able to survive with such an injury.However, due to the influence of Ran Ming, Wei Guo's medical skills have improved significantly, especially in the treatment of trauma, and blood transfusions have become more and more mature.

"How is Beiting now?" Ji Polu looked at the sky that was already red, and asked worriedly, "Tell me how it is?"

"All the city walls are lost, and nearly half of the inner city has been lost." A clerk said as if not worried at all: "But the special envoy can rest assured that the countries in the Western Regions can only get a ruin. We have adopted a scorched earth policy. As long as the Western Regions Wherever the Allied Forces of the Nations attack, we will set fire to it, and even if they occupy the whole city in the end, they will not be worth the loss!"

"Okay, okay, His Majesty will avenge us!" Ji Polu's eyes turned red, and he nodded with sobs: "Then who is in charge now? Xue Qiang? Or Jiang Xun?"

The official said: "Deputy Envoy Xue was seriously injured and unconscious. He hasn't been rescued yet. I'm afraid it won't happen. Lieutenant Colonel Jiang has already died in battle, and his body has not been recovered. Presumably, he was ruined by the barbarians."

Standing on the watchtower outside the city, Yu Wenyu, who was the commander of the Central Army of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions, said with a smile: "It seems that we can go to the city to have lunch at most tonight!"

"Your Majesty, it's just." Conley Muke said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid there is no place to eat. These Han people are too stubborn to resist. They will set fire wherever we attack. I'm afraid we won't be able to occupy a whole city if we occupy it." yard!"

Yu Wenyu hesitated for a moment, pointed to the city wall and said, "Actually, what I want most is the city wall. As for the houses in the city, our king is a nomad, born a warrior born on horseback, how can he live like the Han people?" That kind of house? Sleeping in the house, the king will not be able to sleep, and if the king wants to sleep, he will only sleep in the king's tent."

At this moment, Kangli Muke suddenly said: "The king sent reinforcements again?"

"Reinforcements?" Yuwen asked suspiciously, "All our troops are here, where did the reinforcements come from?"

"Please look, Your Majesty?" Conley Muke pointed to the milk wine glass in front of Yu Wenyu while speaking.

At this time, the kumiss glass on the case table had layers of slight waves. Yu Wenyi was also a man who had survived a hundred battles on the horse. How could he not be aware that this was a scene of a large number of cavalry approaching rapidly. Although he could not hear the sound of horseshoes, It proved that the visitor was still far away, estimated to be ten miles away, and the distance of ten miles sounded very far. For the galloping cavalry, it was only a stick of incense.

"Come on, hurry up and find out what's going on?" Conley Muke immediately ordered: "Other people, be on alert immediately, the people who come here seem like enemies but not friends!"

Qibi, the Tie Lexihou, has now become the commander of the coalition forces of the Western Regions. There is no way that his trilogy will be wiped out. If not for Qibi's bravery, he may have been annexed by others long ago.Although he is the commander of a thousand commanders, Qibi only has 700 people under his command at this time, and among them, there are less than [-] Tiele people.

Qibi was very unwilling to lead the trilogy out as a scout, and used him desperately in the war, but he was thrown aside by breaking the city to gain benefits, how could he be reconciled?What comforted Qibi a little was that the siege didn't seem to be going well, and all the ministries suffered heavy losses. Seeing this, he finally felt a little more balanced.

"I'm not dazzled, am I? How come there is the dragon flag of Wei here?" Qibi said to himself, "Do you think the characters on that flag are Chinese characters?"

"Reporting to Xihou, those are not Chinese characters, but Wei characters." A Tie Le humanely said, "The characters on the two flags are Wei on one side and Anxi Army on the other."

"What?" Qi Bi's eyes widened suddenly, staring blankly at the torrent of black iron and steel.Facts have proved that Qi Bi is not dazzled, it is indeed the arrival of the Great Wei King Master.

As it got closer, Qi Bi finally saw clearly that the people who came were indeed the Wei army.While Qibi was stunned on the spot, Moyue [-] cavalry also quickly changed formation while galloping. Colonel Ma Xu of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment watched the flames in Beiting City, and the screams of killing and screams shook the sky .He roared angrily: "These bastards from the Western Regions dare to massacre the city, brothers, kill as much as you like."

(End of this chapter)

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