Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1016 The Late Han Army

Chapter 1016 The Late Han Army

Chapter 1023 The Late Han Army
A person under Qibi's command who understands Chinese stepped forward and said in blunt Chinese: "Who are you, and who sent you here?"

Ma Xu roared, "We were sent by your ancestors."

Anxi Army Cavalry No.18 Regiment laughed wildly in unison, rode their horses fiercely, and stomped over. Originally, when the 700th Regiment of Cavalry arrived at the bank of Balikun Lake, there were still more than 700 people, but now there are more than [-] people transferred to the team , Less than [-] Wei soldiers who arrived outside Beiting City shouted in unison, and their horses hissed wildly.Although the Anxi Army is a newly formed army, the soldiers of this army are all brave soldiers of Wei State. There are only [-] people, but it gives people the oppressive force of thousands of troops!At this time, the sun was in the sky, and the sun was shining everywhere, shining brightly on Wei Jun's bright armor.

The face of the Tiele man on the opposite side changed, and he shouted, "What are you doing?"

As soon as the words fell, the knife was imminent!Ma Xu rushed in.In fact, when the cavalry hedged, the flexible horizontal knife was far more lethal than long-handled weapons such as spears and spears.Hengdao uses the power of the horse, and the horse uses the inertia of the charge to concentrate its power, and the strength can be imagined.As easily as cutting tofu with a sharp knife, Ma Xu beheaded the Waitele man with one blow.It wasn't until Ma Xu rushed over ten steps away that the headless corpse plopped off the horse.

After a tragic war, Qibi's troops were eliminated, and the remaining 700 people were already regarded as the backbone of the coalition forces of the Western Regions. However, they were far behind the Wei Guoan Western Army. It's better, he rushed to the battle again, and was beaten dizzy by Wei Jun. Zhang Xu took the lead and didn't look back after the murder. It's messed up, the Qibi people are in the army, how can there be any will to arrive after seeing this scene?Qi Bi screamed: "Quick retreat, quick retreat."

There were only three or four hundred soldiers of Tie Le's clan left, and Qi Bi wanted to preserve his strength.He didn't call to retreat, and their six or seven hundred cavalry could hold on for a while, but the retreat situation was even more chaotic!On the battlefield, whether it is fighting on foot or on horseback, giving up your back to the enemy is a deadly move.

Ma Xu raised his horizontal knife and shouted: "Kill, don't leave one behind."

The soldiers of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment responded in unison, shouting: "Use me in the first battle, use me to win, Dawei is undefeated! Dawei is invincible." The voice spread far away.The morale is greatly boosted!The six or seven hundred cavalry under Qibi's troops were completely defeated after only holding on for half a stick of incense. Except for more than a hundred people around Qibi who escaped with their lives, all the others were killed and no one was captured.

As early as Ran Min's period, Wei State had formed a complete set of cavalry training methods, that is, the Han soldiers were tied to the horses, and they were not allowed to dismount from eating, drinking, and sleeping within three months.After three months of hell-like training, coupled with the equipment advantages of Takahashi saddle and bilateral stirrups, the cavalry can initially adapt to Mercedes-Benz.At this time, the cavalry cannot be called cavalry, because they can barely do the same as the barbarians on horseback and charge, coupled with the training of mind, physical strength, and combat skills honed for nearly a year, this can be considered a real army. .Moreover, the cavalry of Wei State are all selected Han people who are strong and strong. When they usually train, they eat either meat or noodles, and the supplement of dairy products is also sufficient. The elite cavalry in the coalition army are not inferior.

At the beginning, Ma Xu just wanted to rush into the city. After all, there were soldiers from the Allied Forces of the Western Regions outside the city, and they could hardly see the edge. At this time, when they rushed into the city, the city wall was lost, and most of the city was burned. In the case of a fire, they can play a very limited role.

Ma Xu said: "The plan has changed, let's fight again!"

At this time, the soldiers of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment, who had hardly suffered any losses, chased the remnants of Qibi and rushed towards the camp of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions.Ma Xu, a man from Qinzhou, is as murderous as a mad tiger.But he is not really crazy, but hides a calm and wise heart under the crazy appearance.Looking at the cavalry from the allied forces of the Western Regions who came in a hurry, he suddenly roared in his heart: "First hit the weak, and then break the strong!"

The allied forces of the Western Regions attacked the walls of Beiting City. In fact, only Yu Wenyu had less than [-] armored cavalry around him, and the rest were a group of mobs who made up their numbers.

Regardless of Yuwen's core of nearly 1000 armored cavalry, Ma Xu's troops are like a wandering dragon, shuttling through the quagmire formed by seven or eight thousand cavalry from the coalition forces of the Western Regions. .But it couldn't stop the way of more than [-] Wei cavalry!
Yu Wenyi, who was watching the battle, originally thought that Beiting would be within easy reach, but when he saw that the battle suddenly started again, he stopped and watched, but the result was completely beyond his expectation, the superior force, which was three times more than four times, could not reach this mere area There were less than [-] cavalrymen of the State of Wei who galloped over a long distance.

At this moment, the [-] or [-] cavalrymen outside the city of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions are like a piece of meat, while the soldiers of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment headed by Ma Xu are like a sharp knife.Facing the charge of the Wei cavalry, the cavalry of the allied forces of the Western Regions had no way to do anything. The distance was far, and the crossbow arrows of the Wei cavalry poured away like a torrential rain. At medium and short distances, grenades were enough to greet them.You must know that the cavalry version of the grenade is like a meteor hammer. Relying on the strength of its rotation, it can deal a devastating blow to the enemy cavalry on the left and right wings that are about to outflank.

"Hold on! Don't take a step back!" The generals of the coalition forces of the Western Regions have long been frightened by the cold-blooded commander Kang Limuke, and they know the fate of retreating without authorization.In any case, it is necessary to block the charge of the Anxi cavalry.It's just a pity that the charge speed of the Wei Guoqi [-]th Regiment did not decrease because of the resistance of the soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions, but it tended to become faster and faster.

"Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first, and capture the king!" Dozens of Wei Jun sharpshooters behind Ma Xu began to shoot cold arrows, specially shooting and killing enemy generals, and soon the troops that encountered Wei Jun cavalry would immediately fall into command How can the chaotic cavalry without command be the opponent of the elite Wei army?

However, for the soldiers of the coalition forces of the countries in the Western Regions, to be forced to this point by less than [-] Wei cavalry with their absolute superiority in strength, it is impossible not to feel a huge sense of failure anyway.Especially Yuwen, he knows the power of Wei Guo.Just when he was about to order the armored cavalry to go into battle, another torrent of black steel suddenly appeared at the end of the earth. At this time, the cavalry of the Wei army appeared in the north, and the cavalry of the Wei army also appeared in the south.

"Your Majesty!" Kangli Muke said calmly, "Wei's main force has arrived, and there are Wei army cavalry on both sides of the north and south. At most, they can arrive at the battlefield within half a quarter of an hour. The general speculates that it's just them. The vanguard of the army, it is estimated that the main force is not far away!"

"Is that the way to go?" Yuwen is no longer a general of the Tuyuhun tribe. After he annexed the remnants of the Tuyuhun tribe, he established a country named after his surname and became a king of the Western Regions. Along with annihilating the six kingdoms of the Tianshan Mountains and dominating the Western Regions, he established incomparable self-confidence.Yu Wenguo is his painstaking effort, this is his honor and his pride! "You can't return without success!"

"Your Majesty, let's go. The main force of the Wei army is approaching. If we don't leave, it will be too late." Kang Limuke said anxiously: "We are not the opponents of Wei, even if the coalition forces of the Western Regions are still strong at this time, we are not the opponents of the Wei army. .In the words of the Han people, if you keep green hills, you won’t be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Just when Yu Wenyi was struggling and didn't want to retreat, the generals of the coalition forces of the Western Regions also realized the might of the Wei army.

"Is there such a powerful army in the world?"

"It seems that the legend of the invincibility of Han Qi left by our ancestors is true!"

In the Western Regions, there is a saying that one Han is worth a hundred Hu. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty conquered the Western Regions, the ratio of the Han army’s losses in battle was 250:250. That is to say, every time a Han cavalry died in battle, Hu Qi needed to exchange 200 lives. .Of course, this data calculated in later generations must be a bit watery.However, the invincible reputation of Han Qi still exists, but it has been forgotten by people in the Western Regions for more than [-] years.

In the past 200 years, the Central Plains has experienced the melee of the feudal lords in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and then there was chaos in China. Even the Han people in the Central Plains were enslaved by the Hu people, let alone the Western Regions?Many tribes and nationalities do not have their own written language. Many people in the Western Regions felt that these legends were made up by their ancestors, because in reality, Han peasants with hoes were no match for warriors on horseback.The Han people are cowardly, the Han people are as timid as mice, and the Han people can be bullied wantonly, but everything in front of them makes the legend they once suspected unshakable!

"The legend is true, the legend is true!"

"The Han people are really strong, really strong!" Now that they recalled the tragic battle under Beiting City, they began to become afraid. Two thousand Han troops (actually ten thousand, of which eight thousand were strong) actually used The city wall killed 6 or [-] of them, and there were countless wounded.

"One Han arrives at Baihu!" A Qiuci general said in a dazed way: "The legend is true, the legend is true."

Saying this, he didn't even bother to gather his own troops, and turned around and ran away.

As for things like running away, as long as there is a beginning, the following will be a matter of course.Seeing the leading generals and nobles fleeing, the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions were also stunned, stopped their movements at a loss, and looked at each other blankly.

"The generals have all run away, and they are beating a fart. If you don't run away, you will lose your life!"

I don't know who made such a roar, the soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions also quickly gathered their formation, and then ran in all directions.At this time, Yu Wenyi suddenly discovered that the number of soldiers of the coalition forces of the Western Regions outside the city was rapidly decreasing, and slowly there were only [-] armored cavalry under his command.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" Most of Yuwen's troops rushed into the city. If there were no troops, he would have no capital to protect himself. He still had a little conscience and ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

Beiting City has now lost two-thirds of its territory, and the remnants of less than [-] people are desperately resisting.If there is no accident, the sunset they can hold on to is God's favor.But for some unknown reason, the allied forces of the Western Regions stopped attacking at this time, began to concentrate, and then ran out of the city desperately.The few remaining defenders were also at a loss, watching the enemy recede like a tide in a daze.

Major General Guo Shiyan of the [-]th Cavalry Division also gathered troops outside the city. Adding casualties and falling behind, there were only more than [-] people left in the [-]th Division.The cavalry of the Wei army lined up, and Guo Shiyan said: "Soldiers, I know that you are very tired at this time. However, the bastards in the Western Regions not only slaughtered the people of our Han family wantonly, they also slaughtered the city after they broke through Beiting. Now Although they retreated, can we let them leave like this?"

"No, no, no!" More than [-] soldiers roared loudly.

"All the lightly and seriously wounded will stay in the city to treat the surviving people, and the other soldiers will follow the general to pursue the enemy!" Guo Shiyan said: "All the soldiers will dismount, feed the horses, eat and drink, and attack in half an hour!"

Ji Polu quietly waited for the last moment, he said to the clerk beside him: "You also know my identity, I can't be a prisoner, we Dawei can't afford to lose that person, I can't do anything now, when the time comes , help me."

The civil servants wept silently.

Ji Polu reprimanded him, "Why are you crying? Wei's good man bleeds and doesn't shed tears. We can't let those bastards look down upon us."

At this moment, the screams and killing cries from outside could no longer be heard in the entire Duhu Mansion. Ji Polu was still wondering when he saw an eleven or twelve-year-old boy holding a bloody horizontal knife , ran to the hall in disgrace: "Special envoy, Master Wang has arrived."

"What, Master Wang is here?" Ji Polu asked, "Are you sure?"

"I promise you, I have already seen it. All the people from the Western Regions in the city have run away, and almost everyone outside the city has run away! A soldier and horse came from outside the city. The fierce charge of this fierce cavalry caused the enemy to panic and suffer heavy casualties."

When Ji Polu heard this, he felt the pressure on his body suddenly lighten. He couldn't hear the crackling sound of the fire burning in the city, his whole body strength also disappeared, his eyes couldn't see the light, and his consciousness began to fall into darkness.

Yu Wenyi originally planned to take Beiting, regard Beiting as the new capital of Yuwen Kingdom, push forward the defense line, and defend against the city.The envoys of Yuwen Kingdom entered Ye City to meet the Emperor of Wei, handed over the letter of surrender to Wei, and paid tribute.

Occupying Beiting City is equivalent to completely controlling the western half of the Silk Road. The right to speak on this Silk Road is no longer decided by the Great Wei, because the ownership of this city is determined by the Great Wei and other states. The country's strategic layout in the Western Regions will be completely disrupted and shuffled.It's just that no matter how good the plan is, it's still nothing in the end.A small city was completely disrupted by Ran Ming's unintentional move.

In fact, even if Yuwen got Beiting, he would still be unable to achieve his goal, because Ran Ming would never allow changes in the Western Regions, especially the control of the Western Regions and Central Asia, which Ran Ming must hold in his hands.Not only the wealth of the Western Regions and Central Asia, but also the grand strategy of Wei State.

Since the Tang Dynasty, China lost the strategic location of Congling (on the border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan), and there is no danger to defend in the Western Regions.If China in later generations still has Congling, building a fortress, there is no need to deploy millions of soldiers at the border.

(End of this chapter)

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