Chapter 1017
Chapter 1024

Spring in the Western Regions comes later than in the Central Plains. Even at the end of March in the lunar calendar, the grasslands began to spit out tender shoots.However, before these tender shoots could grow and thrive, they were trampled into a ball of mud by countless horseshoes.After General Anxi General Liu Ke received Ran Ming's order, the entire Anxi Army quickly marched into the Western Regions, its main infantry advanced slowly, and the four cavalry divisions under its jurisdiction with more than [-] cavalry began to sweep the Western Regions .

The iron hooves of Wei's Anxi Army broke through the tranquility of the Tianshan Mountains. Although there were more than 20 cavalry, it was not a large number in terms of numbers. Not to mention other things, there were at least 20 cavalry in the entire Western Region.Of course, the allied forces of the Western Regions suffered heavy casualties under the city of Beiting. Now it is impossible to gather [-] cavalry, but it is still possible to gather [-] cavalry.However, all the Anxi cavalry in Wei State were elite.

Yuwen knew that if he hid in the city, he would be conquered by Wei's army sooner or later, so he voluntarily gave up Duyan City.Concentrate all the troops about [-] paces and set up an ambush on Beishan outside Duyan City (now the eastern suburb of Kuqa, Xinjiang).Beishan, also known as Chisha Mountain, is located in the [-]-mile-long mountainous area, surrounded by mountains and full of strange rocks. The peaks are composed of red, yellow, green and white colors in various poses and with different expressions.Beishan is reddish-brown in color, and under the sunlight, it is smoky, like a burning flame.There are also unique and beautiful peaks here.Carved by the power of nature for thousands of years, some are like the "Stone Forest" in Guilin; some are like the "Potala Palace" in Tibet; some are like skyscrapers;The famous cocoa sand iron and copper smelting site in ancient times is here. This is not only a beautiful mountain range, but also a copper and iron mine with huge reserves, which can be called a natural treasure house.

As early as the second year of Shenjue in the Western Han Dynasty (AD 60), Qiuci surrendered to the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty established a military force in Beishan and stationed the army.It is a pity that Guo Shiyan, the [-]th Division of the Cavalry of the State of Wei, was too vigilant, and discovered Yuwen's plot in advance, and then pretended to be in the game, and sent cavalry to occupy Duyan City, leaving only a small number of troops to garrison, while the main force of the cavalry swept the surrounding area .Immediately afterwards, a supply unit of the Wei army had more than a thousand large and small vehicles.

Yuwen thought that as long as the Wei army's heavy troops were destroyed, the Wei cavalry would have no supplies and could only retreat. After all, the Western Regions did not have so much food to feed Wei's large army.

In the deduction plan of the General Staff Department of the State of Wei, the core control area of ​​the Anxi Army is the Beiting Grassland. With the Beiting Grassland in hand, the Anxi Army is equivalent to having a natural granary. The Anxi Army went west.As for the enemies of the countries and tribes in the Western Regions, all of them are good at cavalry, and the Wei army relies on them to fight against each other. One is cavalry against cavalry. In field battles, it is only to weaken the opponent, and cannot win decisively. In the close combat stage, you still have to rely on cavalry, or Modao formation.But Modao Formation not only has high requirements for weapons.The requirements for the source of troops are higher, so the Wei State's army of one million, the cavalry can increase by tens of thousands within a year, and it is difficult for the Modao army to increase by several thousand.

In this case, the staff set up a set of tactics for the Anxi infantry to curb the charge of thousands of cavalry in the flat area, which will greatly improve Anxi's ability to face the cavalry of the Western Regions or the Persian cavalry. Time advantage!
Under the collective wisdom and efforts, Wei Guo came up with a set of tactics.This set of tactics is not new, but it is a chariot that the Central Plains has long since abandoned.Since the large-scale use of cavalry, chariot soldiers have been eliminated by historical trends because of their slow speed and high cost.The chariot formation of the State of Wei is actually not the ancient two-wheeled chariot, but an improved version of the four-wheeled heavy-duty carriage.This kind of chariot is all produced on a standardized assembly line. When necessary, it can be connected end to end like stacked blocks. A foldable shield is installed on the outside of the chariot. As long as the shield is erected, it becomes a temporary iron car city. , Not afraid of the charge of the cavalry at all.The Anxi infantry can not only use long and short weapons on the chariot to kill the approaching enemy cavalry, but also take advantage of their bows and crossbows to kill and injure the enemy in large numbers.And the chariot soldiers can also change from horizontal to vertical, and come from behind.

This time, it was the 1000th Chariot Regiment of the 1000th Cavalry Division that cooperated with the [-]th Cavalry Division to encircle and wipe out Yuwen.Niu Zijie, the captain and deputy battalion commander of the [-]st Regiment under the [-]th Division, was responsible for serving as the bait. More than [-] chariots (which can undertake both combat missions and cargo transportation tasks) and more than [-] heavy horse-drawn carriages advance in double formation, and the team stretches for nearly six or seven miles.

An urgent report from Zhongfeng in an unnamed valley in Beishan reached Yuwen's hands. When he saw it, his face changed, but he was quickly torn into pieces. His vulture-like eyes became sharper, and he shot towards the east like a knife!
"Press me over."He jumped onto the wagon where his banner was erected, and ordered the driver: "Forward, forward, forward!"

"Your Majesty, let the last general go, you wait here for the news of the last general's victory." Kangli Muke came over to persuade him, but was kicked off by Yuwen!

Now all the more than [-] ambush soldiers hiding in Beishan came out and rushed towards the convoy on the road.

Yuwen's ambushes were everywhere, and Zhang Chunwang, the lieutenant colonel of the 404th Supply Regiment who had been lazily lying on the chariot, jumped out excitedly.The supply regiment is no better than the main infantry regiment. The supply regiment is notorious for its greater contribution and less military merit.This time assuming the bait task, as long as the performance is not loose, the great work will not escape.

"Brothers, the guests are here, please treat them well, you can't neglect the guests!"

The more than a thousand chariots of the Wei State began to change rapidly. In fact, it is very easy to adjust the direction of the chariot of this design, and it is even easier to connect front and rear. You just need to loosen the reins of the nanny horse and pull the nanny horse to one side. Directly relying on inertia, when two cars collide together, the card slot will tightly connect the two cars.At most ten breaths of effort, two chariots can be docked together. In just half a stick of incense, these more than 1000 chariots have become two columns, and then slowly become an oval.The folded shields on the chariot were also erected, forming a huge hedgehog formation.

At this moment, Captain Niu Zijie also became different, his face was extremely heavy, the number of a supply regiment in Wei State was far less than that of infantry, and their strength of one regiment and one battalion was actually only equivalent to an infantry who was not satisfied with the establishment. corps.The combat effectiveness of an infantry regiment is not the same as that of an infantry regiment. After all, the main task of the logistics regiment is to supply, not to fight.

Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Chunwang ordered coldly: "Calbow gun, the stone heart bullet is free to fire!"

"Boom boom boom!" The stone heart bullets and gunpowder bullets fell across the air in an arc, and hit the cavalry rushing towards them, killing them all on the spot!The gunpowder bombs exploded shrapnel and flew in all directions. Although the power to injure people was far inferior to that of the artillery of later generations, in the dry northern mountains, a large amount of iron oxide and terracotta dust were produced and sprinkled into the eyes of the enemy troops.What is even more frightening is the shocking power of the explosion of the gunpowder bomb, which is like the power of the gods exercising their duty to punish the ignorant people, making people crawl to death!After a round of ballistas fired more than 600 shells, everyone would look up whenever Yuwen's troops came out, whenever there was a harsh sound in the air or a shadow covering them, but in fact, if there were shells coming, they would just want to see them. It's too late to go!Is it life or death?That depends on the master of death.

More than 400 eight-ox crossbows also shot indiscriminately. In a world dominated by red, blood is just a little bit of red embellishment, and corpses are just skins, and they are not dead yet. Crawling on the ground, struggling on the back of the horse and falling to the ground, but these must be seen very close, if you look farther away, you can only see countless shaking human heads like ants!
As time went by, the entire chariot formation became more rigid, and the foldable folding platforms were raised. These folding platforms are movable arrow towers, and each folding platform can hold a squad of crossbowmen. , condescending, harvesting the lives of the enemy all the time.On this cruel battlefield, life is like worthless, like ants, and no one has ever shown mercy.

Captain Niu Zijie felt out of breath for a while, what about the Secretary of the Anxi Army Soldiers Committee?So what with fiery loyalty to the Emperor?So what about being a fierce soldier on the battlefield, and what about being born in the martial arts hall with disciples of the emperor?So what after rigorous training!So what if you have the enthusiasm to join the battle!If he hadn't personally experienced the feeling of this short-distance contact with death, then he would never be able to become a real soldier of all battles.

The sky outside the car array was speckled, like an ugly pockmark. Hu Qi, who was getting closer and closer, did not dare to look up at the sky. Those with shields could block the rain of arrows but could not block the shells. The crossbow guns that can't hold the eight oxen crossbows can avoid the shells but may not be able to defend against the crossbow arrows and crossbow guns flying from the front. During the time when they rushed to the car formation, the intensive long-range attacks have already taken away thousands of people. Tens of thousands of lives!Is this chariot formation a formation, or a fortified city?
Even Yu Wenxuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, was startled by this power, and did not dare to approach for a while, only those Huqi were surrounded by the back, rushing towards the chariot formation like a tide.The Hu cavalry in the back didn't know what was going on in front at all, and seeing this horrible scene in front, they were too scared to go forward, but the cavalry behind were crowded and charged forward involuntarily.

The soldiers of the No. 40th Division and the [-]th Regiment of the Wei Army Infantry and the soldiers of the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]th Division stubbornly resisted the attack of Hu Qi with a small force.
"Wei's army has become stronger, and their equipment has become more advanced. The gap between us and Wei's army has not narrowed, but has become wider!" Conley Muke said worriedly: "I didn't expect their An auxiliary soldier fought so tenaciously."

"The Western Region is our Western Region. If Wei Guo wants to take it away, he can't do it without throwing tens of thousands of lives here!" Yu Wen said: "If this place is not tens of thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, this king must have turned around and ran away. As long as we win In this battle, if the Wei army's supply troops are defeated, the Wei army will not fight and collapse because of the loss of supplies, and when their cavalry loses food and grass and cannot run, the lonely king will cut off all the heads of the Wei army!"

"So".Conley Muke said coldly: "What if we can't win this time? .

Yu Wenyi frowned, and glanced at Kangli Muke.The shouting and killing around him couldn't stop him from thinking.

"I can't win this time,"

That would be a very terrible thing for Yu Wenguo. Yu Wen had a sudden insight into something, not from Kang Limuke's worry, but from this ambush operation.A bad premonition came to my heart.

"Indeed!" Yuwen's voice was trembling, and he said in an unquestionable tone: "The most important thing right now is to win this battle! If we lose this battle, it will be very troublesome, very troublesome! This king will never allow this!"

Half an hour passed, and seeing that the army hadn't made a breakthrough, Yuwen became impatient. At this time, the front of the car formation had turned into a dead area. Countless people from the Western Regions watered the land with their blood and corpses. An arrow stuck in the throat.Arrows were stuck in the corners of their eyes, their chests were blasted to pieces, some had only heads, some had only hands and feet, but none of this could stop them from moving forward.It's not that people from the Western Regions don't want to stop, but they simply can't stop!The rear is constantly crowded forward, the front is the Naihe Bridge, but the people behind seem to be rushing to reincarnate!

However, at this moment, a black battle flag appeared at the end of the land, followed by two, and then three, and the cavalry in black armor changed from dozens, to hundreds, to thousands, and then to tens of thousands.

Almost instantly, Yuwen's greatest advantage in numbers was coming to an end. Yuwen's face changed drastically, before he even had time to react, the cavalry on the periphery saw tens of thousands of horses rushing up and down the mountain. escape!Escape the first, there will be the second, the third!At this time, it is not that the ground is loose, but that the army's morale has been defeated!
"The whole army began to counterattack." Zhang Chunwang almost caught the fleeting opportunity by conditioned reflex. With a backhand finger, the round chariot formation quickly began to change, and the entire chariot formation began to quickly become three quarters long under the traction of the poor horse. The snake pierced through the enemy cavalry formation.

Even if Kangli Muke stepped forward and yelled to fight to the death, he couldn't stop the defeat.

This was originally a conspiracy, a conspiracy created by Liu Ke, using a chariot regiment and an infantry battalion as bait, and then surrounding it with three cavalry divisions, eating up Yuwen's main force in one fell swoop.In fact, it is very simple. When Yuwen was defeated under the Beiting City, his prestige in the Western Regions had dropped to a freezing point. There were too many countries and tribes who picked him up to please Wei, so they naturally helped Wei to deceive Yuwen.忔.Yuwenyi received the news that the cavalry of the State of Wei was raiding the various countries and ministries in the Western Regions. In fact, there was no such thing at all, and the ambush plan formulated by Yuwenyi was sent to Liu Ke that night, and it was not a copy, but a very special one. Multiple copies.

More than [-] soldiers from the three cavalry divisions began to tighten the encirclement, and each of the cavalry soldiers of the Anxi Army became hideous. They brandished horizontal knives and wantonly harvested the heads of Hu Qi.The Wei cavalry never advocated personal bravery, but like the Modao army, advancing like a wall, there is almost no gap between each cavalry, and each Hu cavalry must face at least three or four Wei cavalry attacks at the same time, and more As many as seven or eight riders, even if they have three heads and six arms, they can't defend against them.

At this time, it was no longer a battle, but a one-sided massacre. The massacre lasted for an hour before General Anxi rushed to the battlefield. At this time, the cavalry in the Western Regions was less than 2 horses. Liu Ke frowned and raised his eyebrows violently. Raising the horizontal knife in his hand, he shouted loudly: "The generals of the Anxi army obey the order! They are not of my race. Those who do not surrender will be killed!"

This is not because Liu Ke is benevolent, but because the Western Regions are the focus of Wei State's management. It is impossible for Wei State to immigrate on a large scale at this time, but the development of the Western Regions is urgent. slave.The Silk Road needs to be rebuilt as a highway, and farming is also imperative. How can it be done without free labor?

Dozens of orderlies with loud voices around Liu Ke immediately shouted in unison after hearing the order: "General Anxi's military order: All officers and soldiers of the Anxi Army obey the order! Those who are not of my race will be killed if they do not surrender!"

More than [-] soldiers also yelled: "General Anxi's military order: All the soldiers of Anxi's army obey the order: not my race. Those who do not surrender will be killed!"

Liu Ke's order was originally only in response to this battlefield!In order to give orders to more than [-] people on a chaotic battlefield, there must not be too complicated words, but simple and effective words, so that people can understand them at a glance, and "those who are not of my race, those who do not surrender" are the most important words. Commands that can distinguish between friend and foe, so that everyone can understand what to do at once!

However, what Liu Ke didn't expect was that this order spread throughout the Western Regions, and those who were not of my race would be killed if they didn't surrender.This is not a joke, even if Liu Ke only sent a messenger to a tribe with tens of thousands of people, the tribe would immediately surrender and dare not repeat it.You know, starting from the Battle of Beiting, after nearly half a year of continuous fighting, the population of the entire Western Regions has dropped by nearly half, and almost [-]% of them are young and strong in the Western Regions. They saw the determination of the Wei State, so naturally they did not dare to disobey the Great Wei the meaning of.

(End of this chapter)

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