Chapter 1018

Chapter 1025
In Ye City of the Wei State, Wang Meng, the confidant of Emperor Ran Ming of the Great Wei, hesitated again and again, and finally chose to speak: "Your Majesty, there has been a dispute in the cabinet about the Byzantine Empire, and the cabinet ministers who suggested that the Great Wei should form an alliance with the Byzantine Wei State are equal to the ministers who oppose it." Now that the stalemate is deadlocked, Prime Minister Wang Jian will hold an enlarged cabinet meeting soon to discuss this matter. Although even if an alliance is formed, this matter will not have much impact on my Great Wei, but it should be a good opportunity for Your Majesty. Your Majesty's adopted son Wa His biological father was Julian, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, his maternal grandfather was Constantine, the great emperor of the Byzantine Empire, and his biological mother was Constantine’s princess. Valence’s identity should be that of the Byzantine Empire. Of course, Valens has no soldiers and no power, and it is impossible to return to the country to ascend the throne. Moreover, the Byzantine Empire has been in turmoil since the death of Constantine, and there has been no victory or defeat for many years. On the contrary, it made the entire Byzantine Empire turbulent, and the people in the country were miserable. Many people even began to miss the peaceful scene when Constantine was in power, so... If our Great Wei supports him, he can become Byzantine Emperor of the Empire."

Ran Ming's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he continued: "I understand, the people of the Byzantine Empire miss Constantine's rule. If Valens, the real heir of Constantine, suddenly returns to Europe , will definitely get the support of many people, coupled with our great Wei's force and financial support, it seems that it is not difficult to regain the throne, and Valens is my adopted son, and his mother is my concubine, If he gives birth to a child in the future, he will be Valens' own younger brother, so sooner or later this throne will be my blood and blood!"

"That's right, that's exactly what I planned. Europe has already been fighting for the throne. At this time, we only need to send a powerful fleet to protect Valens and return to Europe. Show our strength again, and it will definitely make you The number of people supporting Valens has greatly increased, and it is not difficult to regain the throne." Wang Meng said: "At this time, our Wei's navy is idle anyway, and I have inquired about the military strength of the Byzantine Empire. Their Roman Legion The tactics adopted were still more than 300 years ago. With such an army that is behind the times, our Great Wei can completely block ten with one. Now that the strength of the Gupta Empire’s navy has greatly increased, and Chen Yong’s plan has also made breakthrough progress, we can Considering the plan to deploy in Europe, now is an excellent opportunity.”

Of course Ran Ming knew what Wang Meng meant. At this time, Wang Jian was the prime minister of the cabinet. According to regulations, he would have a ten-year term of office. Now it seems that Wang Jian will live another seven or eight years. Big mistake, this prime minister can definitely not step down until the end of his term.In the cabinet, the person who will replace Wang Jian as the second prime minister is none other than Xie An.If Xie An was allowed to serve as Prime Minister for another ten years, Wang Meng would have to wait another 17 years.Now that Wang Meng is 37 years old, he doesn't have much time to wait, so he has to find another shortcut.

The greatest merit is the savior, and the second is to open up the territory. If Europe can be brought under the rule of Wei, Wang Meng will gain a very high reputation. At that time, he can compete with Xie An and replace Wang Meng. It is not out of the question that Jane becomes the second chancellor of the empire.So Wang Meng thought about it again and again, and decided to tell Ran Ming his plan.

A territory slightly smaller than that of Wei State, with a population of 5000 million. This market alone can drive Wei State crazy. Businessmen can get substantial profits, officials have more opportunities because of the large increase in territory, and soldiers have the opportunity to make contributions. For Wei Guo, this is definitely a happy situation for everyone.

"It seems that you have a plan in mind." Ran Ming said with a faint smile: "Tell me about your plan!"

"In the first step, I plan to establish diplomatic relations with the Byzantine Empire. During this period, I, Wei, should also send envoys to the Byzantine Empire to reach a unified understanding on the smooth flow and trade of the land Silk Road. The second is to explore the Byzantine Empire by the navy. The sea route of the empire!" Wang Meng said: "Only by knowing the enemy and yourself can we win a hundred battles, so only after we establish diplomatic relations with the Byzantine Empire, can we place our secret operations inside the Byzantine Empire to facilitate the detection of Byzantine Empire intelligence! The minister's plan is to Within this year, an intelligence network of a certain scale can be initially established, and then people who are pro-China can be found.”

While Ran Ming and Wang Meng were secretly discussing the layout of Europe, several senior officials of the Gupta Empire were discussing the response measures of the Gupta Empire with Samadhara Gupta in the Great Hall of the Gupta Empire Palace in Huashi City of the Gupta Empire.At this time, the Gupta Empire was facing a huge crisis, with the powerful enemy of Wei State approaching outside, and internal ministries were ready to move. It can be said that the Gupta Empire was precarious at this time, and the entire Gupta Empire was in danger of being destroyed if it was not careful.

"Ministers, let's talk about it, what should our Gupta Empire do now?" Samadhara Gupta said.He was the second emperor of the Gupta Empire. During his reign, the Gupta Empire began to expand wildly, and now it has expanded nearly a hundred times.Successive victories also made Samadhara Gupta develop an invincible temperament, but the navy was wiped out, Tamil Nadu betrayed its independence, and Andhra Pradesh lost more than two-thirds. Of course, he is arrogant , I also know that it must be handled with caution.

"Your Majesty the King, all the ministers, Serisli's attack and the failure of the empire have made those indigenous tribal leaders and local kings who had originally surrendered to our Gupta Empire become ready to move, making our Gupta Empire a matter of life and death. We can only resolutely fight back Only by destroying all the traitors can our Gupta Empire dominate the world.” Among the Gupta Empire, Balram Halvi has a relatively high reputation, and to a certain extent, can be divided with Samadhara Gupta family fight.Because Balram Halvi is the prime minister of the Gupta Empire, the prime minister has the personnel power appointed by officials below the city-lord level of the entire Gupta Empire, as well as financial power, so he has great power, and the Gupta Empire does not have the supervision of the Huaxia Yushitai , so in the entire Gupta Empire, Balram Harvey's henchmen spread all over the country. To a certain extent, Samadhara Gupta actually had to take Balram Harvey's feelings into consideration.

Marshal Manid Singh redeemed Manid Singh with [-] Gupta Empire gold coins from the Wei State Expeditionary Army. Marshal continued: "Your Majesty, my ministers. The enemy is powerful. Let alone those rebels. Although they are strong, But they are just a bunch of rabble. With our Gupta Empire's army, they will definitely be able to defeat them. However, those Serisians are different. Many of them are elite troops who have experienced a brutal battle. Compared with our Gupta Empire The army of the empire is more powerful in combat."

In fact, since the entire navy of the Gupta Empire was annihilated, even if he was redeemed, Marshal Manid Singh has made up his mind to be an ostrich. Under normal circumstances, he regards himself as a deaf and dumb in the Gupta Empire.But sometimes, there are some things he has to say. At this time, the entire Gupta Empire army died at the hands of Wei Jun, with more than 30 horses. Although this loss will not hurt the Gupta Empire, it is still extremely uncomfortable.Balram Harvey didn't know anything about military affairs, and he only wanted to have a good fit, which might ruin countless elite soldiers.

But before Balram Halvi could refute him, Samadhara Gupta interrupted him: "The Serisians are still too far away from us, and their navy is indeed powerful, but ministers, don't forget, Their naval warships can't rush to the shore, even if Wei Guo sends their elite troops, but the number is definitely not the opponent of our Gupta Empire, this king believes that our Gupta Empire can still win in the end."

Balram Halvi nodded: "Everyone. We have detected that Wei Guo is stationed in Tamil Nadu. There are only two divisions in total, and the total is only more than 2 to less than 3 troops. That's all. It can be seen that what they value most is Nanyang, rather than interfering with us. This is undoubtedly an opportunity for us. We must grab the complete occupation of Nanyang by the Seres. If the Seres completely suppress the natives Rebellion. If we mobilize more troops to Tamil Nadu, it will be more difficult for us to defeat those Tamil rebels, so before the end of the war in Wei, defeat the Tamil rebels and Seris, and completely eliminate those The attempt of the imminent indigenous tribes. Only in this way can we confront Wei."

Marshal Manid Singh said: "Your Majesty, although the State of Wei does not have so many elite Serisian troops to attack our Gupta Empire, they still have countless indigenous rebels. The number of indigenous people in the entire Nanyang Islands is more than tens of millions. , if Wei Guo were to arm those native youths, our Gupta Empire would lose our superiority in numbers.”

Balram Halvi yelled: "Marshal Manid Singh, you are enough, a failed general, a former captive of the Seres, I really don't know that I spent [-] dinaras Was it a mistake to redeem it back?"

However, all the ministers present fell silent at this time. It was not unheard of that Wei Guo sent an indigenous servant army to Tamil Nadu. The country's equipment is notoriously excellent. Even if the combat effectiveness of the indigenous army is not high, they are still human beings and will not stand there to be killed by the Gupta army. As long as it is a war, there will always be casualties. At this time, with Puli and Pan The Diya rebels aggressively attacked Andhra Pradesh, and large tracts of land in Andhra Pradesh had been lost. To make matters worse, in many places, tribes and nationalities that had originally surrendered to the Gupta Empire had rebelled against the Gupta Empire. It was suppressed by the Gupta Empire army, but the Gupta army also suffered heavy casualties. At least 30 troops died in the suppression of the rebellion, and at least hundreds of thousands of soldiers were injured.This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Gupta Empire. "

"Army expansion, we must expand the army on a large scale. With Huashi City and the northern states as the center, recruit a large number of Vaishyas and Sudras to join the army to defend our country." Samadhara Gupta said: "In addition to The Tamil rebellion in Tamil Nadu in the south, the Marawas and Kathiawas in the area east of the Indus Valley in the west of the Gupta Empire, they surrendered to the Gupta Dynasty, and now there is news that they are plotting to rebel , and the Serbs from Gujarat in the western coastal area, they even blatantly besieged the officials sent by the king and killed the soldiers of the king, and the king will never tolerate all traitors."

In fact, the troubles of the Gupta Empire were far more than that. Historically, the Marawas, Kathiawas, and Sages (descendants of the Kushan people) had armed resistance to the Gupta Empire for more than 388 years until [-] A.D. In [-], King Chaori married his princess Prabavati Gupta to King Rudrasina II of the Kingdom of Vajathaka in the Deccan region in the southwest, and the two countries were in an alliance.In the west, King Chaori mainly repaired with the north and the south, and concentrated on attacking the countries of the Serbians. After four years of fierce wars, he defeated the Marawas, Kathiawas, and Serbians and expanded his territory to the Arabian coast.

Upon hearing this, Prime Minister Balram Harvey became anxious, "Your Majesty, our current financial resources simply cannot afford to support such a large army. Even if we can recruit enough soldiers, we don't have the weapons to fight them." Arm them!"

Samadhara Gupta said: "At this time, as the Great Wheel Ming King who defends Buddhism, I call on the believers all over the country to fully promote their style. Military pay and the like can be completely exempted, which can save a lot of money. The money is gone. As for weapons and equipment, we can use the arsenal under our control, and we must step up production.”

Samadhara Gupta did not know that their relationship with Buddhism was extremely close, and Buddhism and the Gupta Empire used each other, but when Samadhara Gupta asked the temple to bear military expenses, those temple hosts and religious figures He didn't want to do it anymore, which planted a huge hidden danger for the demise of the Gupta Empire.

When the Gupta Empire was mobilizing for large-scale war, the situation in the Western Regions of Wei State also began to change. General Anxi ordered all tribes in the Western Regions, who were not of our race, to be killed if they did not surrender.Therefore, seeing the great power of the Wei State, all the countries in the Western Regions chose to surrender.When the news spread, the surviving Han Chinese in the Western Regions quit. They gathered and surrounded the camp of Anxi General Liu Ke, shouting slogans, asking Liu Ke to give them justice.

In fact, although the Han people in the Western Regions suffered heavy losses in this round of purges, they were not completely killed. You must know that in the Western Regions, the time of peace is almost like a rainy day, and it is rare to see them a few times a year.Therefore, the Han people living here are very good at saving their lives.On the contrary, the caravan members and guards of the Central Asia Development Company suffered heavy losses, because they didn't realize that the people from the Western Regions dared to attack them, and they were caught off guard.

However, those Han people or descendants of Han people who live in the Western Regions have long prepared hiding places. Some have dug secret rooms in their homes, and some have secret passages to hide in deep mountains or on the Gobi Desert. There are quite a few survivors. Although these survivors are alive, most of them have relatives who died in this genocide. Naturally, they don't want to see the murderer who killed their relatives go unpunished.

It is actually a joke to say that the Han people will complain in virtue of virtue. Only politicians who stand up and talk without back pain will talk and act like this without principle and bottom line.Originally, only tens of hundreds of people came to General Anxi to seek an explanation, but later, when Liu Ke's order to "kill anyone who is not of our race" was spread, Han people from all over the world flocked to the city of General Anxi. Xingyuan, tens of thousands of people and some exiled officials held the banner of "Give me justice, blood for blood" and surrounded the Xingyuan of General Anxi.

At this time, Liu Ke was also in a hurry to turn around. Although he had a heavy soldier in his hand, he must not attack the people. Otherwise, not only would his political future be ruined, but Ran Ming would kill him to avenge the anger of the people. If the people who lose their minds rush to the gate, everyone in the gate will definitely suffer, even if he fails to do well, he will be beaten to death by the angry people.

Ji Polu who got the news was immediately panicked, and the military base was surrounded. Once the conflict intensified, it would be an ending of two defeats and serious injuries.Although Ran Ming loves the people like a son, he still has to stick to the majesty of the court. No matter what, he can petition, but it is illegal to attack the general.

Ji Polu, who was about to retreat back to Yecheng to recuperate, hurriedly turned to Gancheng, and finally arrived at the Xingyuan of General Anxi before the two sides broke their faces.Due to the hasty rush, the wound on Ji Polu's body burst due to the shock, and the blood was dripping, which looked shocking.Ji Polu resisted the feeling of dizziness, tenaciously climbed onto the roof of the carriage, and shouted to the angry people who surrounded General Anxi's camp: "Fathers and elders, I am Ji Polu, the appeasement envoy of the Western Regions, please be quiet! I understand everyone's anger, and all the members of the Protectorate of the Western Regions understand that everyone can demonstrate and protest at the General's Xingyuan, but they cannot attack the General's Xingyuan. Is it His Majesty the Emperor? I am the pacifier of the Western Regions, and I will definitely give everyone an explanation. Now please select a few seniors who are highly respected, and this special envoy will go with the representatives to ask for an explanation from General Anxi. Please believe in His Majesty the Emperor , the imperial court and this special envoy will definitely give you an explanation! Well, everyone retreats, retreats beyond the warning line, and there will be no more incidents of attacking Xingyuan!"

At this moment, the people who were retreating suddenly fell to the ground with a plop.There was another commotion among the people, and Ji Polu went up to watch, only to find that he was just fainted from hunger.

Ji Polu yelled loudly at the guards in front of General Anxi's camp: "Who, didn't you see that the people are hungry and fainted? You go to the fire leader immediately and prepare meals and drinking water for the people present. If you come out again Unexpectedly, you wait to go to the military court."

Naturally, the guards of General Anxi's Mansion would not obey the orders of the special envoy Ji Polu, even if Ji Polu represented the emperor, but this duty was only to appease the civil affairs of the Western Regions, even if it was responsible for assisting in the defense of Beiting City, it was actually not Ji Polu The duty of breaking the prisoner.However, after the guard asked Liu Ke for instructions, Liu Ke still nodded in agreement with Ji Polu's request.

In fact, Liu Ke heard very clearly what Ji Polu said before General Anxi's departure. At this time, Ji Polu has really grown up, and he is probably the best among the sons of the ministers. With what Beiting did, he would definitely not be able to get away with being promoted to the third rank, and he might even be able to earn a title.

However, Liu Ke is also having a headache. The people want revenge, but is it possible to kill all the people from the Western Regions?
(End of this chapter)

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