Chapter 1019

Chapter 1026

Liu Ke also didn't want to make the relationship with the people too stiff. After all, the Wei State was different from the previous dynasties. The previous dynasties shouted slogans loudly, but in fact they didn't care about the interests of the people at all.In addition to collecting taxes, there is no scruples about the lives of the people.But the state of Wei is different. This is a case of Ran Min taking advantage of the Huaxia nation's reluctance to be enslaved, unwilling to be slaughtered by others, taking advantage of the centripetal force and undying blood of the Huaxia nation, thus erupting fierce resistance and going through untold hardships. A country built with countless sacrifices.

The two emperors of the Wei State represented the interests of the people from the beginning to the end, and the Wei State represented the interests of the entire Chinese nation. This is not a political slogan, but a national policy.If you don't care about the interests of the people, you will be attacked by the court inside and outside. I am afraid that it will cause public anger, and even Ran Ming will not be able to protect him.Besides, from Ran Ming's point of view, he would not care about the life and death of the people in the Western Regions, and the slogan of Wei Guo's entry into the Western Regions was to avenge the dead people, which obviously deviated from the political slogan.

Liu Ke said helplessly: "Order the troops to provide food and water to all the people present, and prepare tents for the people to live in temporarily."

To be honest, Liu Ke is really not afraid of Ji Polu's status. Lieutenant General Liu Ke, the commander-level general of the front army, and Ji Wei, the chief of staff, the military's No. 1 relationship should not be too close. He must avoid suspicion .We must know that the appointment of lieutenant generals and the adjustment of military ranks and positions mainly depend on Ran Ming's attitude, and the chief of staff can play a very limited role.To become Ji Li's confidant, getting promoted and getting rich is as risky as being suspected by the emperor. Besides, Liu Ke, as Ran Ming's direct general, would naturally not act on Ji Polu's face.

Seeing that the people's emotions calmed down slightly, Liu Ke's face became darker and darker, and he said angrily: "Damn it, it's really abominable! This general's order is only suitable for the Beishan battlefield, how could it spread throughout the Western Regions. Now everyone knows , Putting our Anxi army on the cusp of the storm, this is simply putting the general and the Anxi army on the fire. They are forcing the general to kill and surrender. Once they kill and surrender, the general's reputation will be ruined. Throughout the ages, this butcher general has never had a good end, this general is not like the second god of killing!"

Although he complained in front of his subordinates, Liu Ke quickly eased his emotions. He had to face the detainees and representatives of the common people. Don't think that these common people would definitely kill the people from the Western Regions on a large scale at this time to meet the demands of the common people. It is easy to be attacked by civil servants and political enemies, but if the demands of the people are not met, these people will definitely not leave. If the Anxi Army's great cause of the Western Expedition is delayed, it will be all over: "Big trouble. Really big trouble! Those common people's vision is too short-sighted, how can they repay their hatred like that, even if they don't make this request, this general will let all these young men from the western regions go to the battlefield, serve as cannon fodder, and die in the war. Credit, I also avenged the people. But now it’s hard to get off the tiger. In addition, I would like to inform that the troops around the country have stepped up their guard. Don’t let the people and the people of the Western Regions clash. Add oil, there is no possibility of detente."

Following the representatives of the people who were born in Polu, there was Zhang Zhi, a native of Beiting, whose characters were as before.Born in the Zhang family of Dunhuang, belonging to the branch of the Zhang family in Dunhuang.Zhang Zhi was born in 295 A.D., and is now 77 years old. In later generations, 77 years old is not a big deal, but in this turbulent Western Region, he can live for so long, which obviously corresponds to the sentence, old but not dead is a thief .Zhang Zhi's prestige in the Western Regions is quite high. Although he has never been an official, he has opened a small academy in Beiting City.Almost [-]% of the scholars among the Han people in the Western Regions came from his disciples. It can be said that his disciples and former officials are all over the Western Regions.

As for the other representative is Zheng De, courtesy name Youxue.Zheng De is a strange thing. His ancestors were the personal servants of Zheng Ji, the guardian of the Western Regions of the Han Dynasty. He entered the Western Regions with Zheng Ji and took root. After more than 300 years of development, the Zheng family in Beiting gradually became a powerful force in the Western Regions.During Zhang Mao's period, he asked Zhang Mao to attack the Western Regions, so he raised troops as an internal response and let the Zhang family of Qianliang enter the Western Regions.Zhang Mao appointed Zheng De as the governor of Xizhou.But Zheng De felt that this position was too low, so he refused to accept it.If you don't accept it, don't accept it, but all the officials sent by Zhang Mao to Xizhou were squeezed out by various means, and finally angered Zhang Mao and sent troops to arrest him.He rebelled against Qianliang again.As a result, he was almost completely annihilated by the former Liang army. In the end, he escaped from death by bribing Guo He, a doctor of literature in Qianliang.After Zhang Mao died, Zhang Jun succeeded him.Seeing the handover of Qianliang from the old to the new, Zheng De thought he could take advantage of it, so he rebelled against the Liang, but before Zhang Jun sent troops to put down the rebellion, he was betrayed by his cronies and bundled to Zhang Jun.Ordinarily Zheng De should be dead at this time, but Zhang Jun did not kill him, but made him his groom. In front of Zhang Jun, Zheng De was very well-behaved, gradually gained Zhang Jun's trust, and finally returned to Xizhou , as the long history.Ordinarily Zheng De was getting old and should have stopped, but after Zhang Jun died, he continued to rebel. As a result, this time the rebellion became a farce, and no one responded, so he took two old servants to rebel.The news reached Zhang Chonghua's ears, and Zhang Chonghua took Zheng De as a joke.However, the most successful thing for Zheng De in the end was to stand completely in Ran Ming's camp and become a hero when the whole country of Liang surrendered to Wei. Now Zheng De finally succeeded in rebelling against Liang.

When Ji Polu, Zheng De, Zhang Zhi and others saw Liu Ke, they all bowed and saluted: "See General Xi!"

"You don't need to be too polite, everyone, please sit down!" Liu Ke pointed to the chair and said to everyone.

"Thank you, General Anxi!"

Before Liu Ke could speak, Ji Polu got up and said, "General Anxi, this time Polu would like to ask you a question. If someone in our Great Wei territory committed the crime of murder, arson, robbery, or rape, is it okay?" When the yamen servants arrive at the scene, can you absolve yourself of crimes by surrendering with bare hands?"

If Liu Ke didn't listen to what Ji Polu said, he would have eaten his food for nothing for so many years. He frowned and said, "Of course not, Dawei Lu. Those who commit crimes will be punished for three thousand miles, and they will not be allowed to return to their hometown for life, and they will not be pardoned. As for robbery and rape, they will be sentenced and punished according to the circumstances."

"General Anxi, you are so right. Polu thinks the same way." Ji Polu then showed a blank expression and said, "It's just that Polu doesn't understand, are people from the Western Regions more noble than our Wei people? Don't we The people of Great Wei who broke the law in our Great Wei territory must be severely punished, but these people from the Western Regions can be pardoned without guilt? General Anxi, as the general who conquers the West, from your point of view, it is a matter of love that the descendants should not be killed. There are excuses. But according to our Great Wei Law, those who are guilty of crimes from the Western Regions must be severely punished. If not, where will the General put Your Majesty, and where will we put our Great Wei Law?"

Although Liu Ke didn't want to bear the infamy of killing and surrendering, it didn't mean that he really intended to protect those people from the Western Regions.Liu Ke thought for a while and said: "Okay, if you want to maintain the majesty of Wei Law, this general will absolutely cooperate. How about this, I will hand over all the soldiers from the Western Regions to you, and how you deal with them has nothing to do with this general. It will bring too many variables to the Western Regions, do you understand?"

"General Anxi, don't worry!" Ji Polu said: "As the pacifier of the Western Regions, Polu will definitely handle this matter properly. Your Majesty once said that being kind to the enemy is cruel to your own people. This envoy will not Kill all the people from the Western Regions, but the crimes committed by the people from the Western Regions must be punished, otherwise how can we convince the public?"

"Very good, very good, let's do it like this!" Liu Ke said: "The Western Expedition is a national policy formulated by His Majesty and the Chief of Staff, which cannot be questioned or changed. This general will not interfere with your affairs. Stable, this general will leave an infantry division and all cavalry lightly and seriously wounded in the Western Regions, except for those seriously wounded who have no combat effectiveness for the time being, the lightly wounded are all ready to fight at any time."

"Thank you, General Anxi, for your support!" Ji Polu led the representatives back to the common people. When the common people saw Ji Polu and others came out empty-handed, they thought that General Anxi was deliberately protecting those people from the Western Regions, and the people became emotional again.Ji Polu said loudly: "General Anxi has an order that all prisoners will be handed over to us for trial. Those who are guilty will be punished and those who are innocent will be released on the spot. Judgment, everyone is welcome to come and watch!"

"Long live Your Majesty, Great Wei Wansheng!" Hearing this news, these people were extremely excited.

On July [-]th, [-], the Yellow Emperor's Era, the Protectorate of the Western Regions held a public trial for the indiscriminate massacre of Han people by the coalition forces of the Western Regions. At the request of Emperor Ran Ming of the Great Wei Dynasty, this case must be dealt with strictly and severely. Complete evidence is required, and innocent people must not be killed indiscriminately!

Because it was a public trial, and most of the victims were family members, it was difficult to collect evidence. In order to obtain evidence, Ji Polu used coercion and temptation to all the prisoners of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions. He interrogated all the prisoners separately. Those who report other people's crimes can reduce their own crimes.As for those who refuse to confess and persist to the end, the most severe measures will be taken.In this case, those captives rushed to report the crimes of others in order to obtain crime reduction for themselves.Soon the Protectorate of the Western Regions obtained sufficient evidence.

Before starting the public trial, Ran Ming issued a secret decree to the detainees. While ensuring the fairness of the law, the interests of the subjects of the country must be put first. There is not enough evidence to delay the trial time, so that the officials have enough time to find evidence. People from the Western Regions took advantage of the gaps in the law and caused their own subjects to suffer injustice. Of course, these words were said privately by the eunuchs who passed the decree.

When the Western Regions Governor's Office was trying the case of the indiscriminate massacre of Wei people by the coalition forces of the Western Regions, on August [-], [-] in the Yellow Emperor era, Emperor Ran Ming of the Great Wei Empire presented a statement to the cabinet. It is called "Wei State People's Interests Priority Protection Act", referred to as "Protection Law". , education, health care, housing, transportation, etc.Under the same conditions, the salary of the people of the Han nationality is higher than that of the people of other ethnic groups here.People of the Han nationality have the right to preferential treatment of benefits over people of other nationalities. When government agencies, enterprises and institutions recruit from the public, under the same conditions, the employer must give priority to the people of the Han nationality.

When people of the Han nationality suffer from natural disasters or man-made disasters, they have the right to be treated and rescued prior to people of other ethnic groups.Disabled people, poor families, children, and elderly people in nursing homes have the right to give priority to people of other ethnic groups when receiving charitable donations.

Citizens of their own country have priority in terms of education, medical and health services, and transportation. For example, when going to school, the tuition fees of citizens of their own country are lower than those of other ethnic groups, followed by students from vassal states, and even more so by other countries. International students.When two injured people go to the emergency department of the hospital, the Han people will be given priority in arranging for treatment. In the event of a disaster, the Han people have the priority to escape by means of transportation, etc.There is also a stipulation that people of other ethnic groups cause life safety injuries and property embezzlement to Han people within the scope of Wei State, and the crime will be added to the original punishment.

Within the scope of the State of Wei, for investment, the capital of the Han people enjoys the most preferential policies, followed by the capital of other nationalities in the State of Wei, the third is the capital of the vassal state, and the capital of other countries is the least.The same goes for taxation. The "Protection Act" also clarifies the obligations that Wei citizens should fulfill while enjoying benefits.When Wei State is facing war, any citizen must unconditionally respond to the country's call and join the army to fight.When the enemy invaded, the Han people must do their best to assist the army to enter the defense, obey the command of the defenders, refrain from picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and merchants must not drive up prices when the country is in crisis.

The "Protection Law" bill was written in the same vernacular language as Ran Ming. The entire bill involved 63 clauses, with a total of more than 23 words, and the feasibility was discussed in the cabinet.Since there are no officials from other tribes in Wei's cabinet for the time being, Ran Ming did not implement it immediately after the unanimous approval of the cabinet, but held an expanded meeting, that is, all officials above the seventh rank in Yecheng discussed it.Although there are many foreign officials in Yecheng, this bill is still overwhelmingly voted into the proposal.

At the same time, the "Protection Act" also began to publish the full text of the "Dawei Empire Times", "Current Politics Highlights", "Business Times" and other influential newspapers, and the news officially spread in Wei State. There was a huge sensation.Since historical records, most regimes and dynasties in Chinese history have brutally suppressed and exploited the Han people, and expressed friendship to other ethnic groups and foreign countries, and even flattered and bowed their knees. This is the king inside and the saint outside!And Wei State is the first country to adopt the guiding ideology of inner sage and outer king as the concept of governing the country.

Celebrities, Confucian scholars and politicians from all over the world can already foresee that as long as the "National Priority and Protection Act" is officially promulgated, Wei Taitai will explode with extremely strong cohesion, and ethnic, racial barriers and contradictions will all be eliminated. If they disappear, the people's support for Wei's royal family and court will reach its peak, and no country in the world can defeat them.

(End of this chapter)

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