Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1020 Codenamed "Death"

Chapter 1020 Codenamed "Death"

Chapter 1027 Codenamed "Death"

Since Ran Ming submitted the "Wei National Interests Priority Protection Law" to the cabinet, it has attracted great attention from all walks of life in Wei.According to legal procedures, the submitted bill needs to be reviewed and demonstrated, and various media follow up and report the whole process, which makes the "Protection Law" the most exposed term in Wei.

The gentry, clan elders and influential celebrities from all over the country have submitted their wishes to the governments at all levels. The people of Wei State are looking forward to the smooth passage and implementation of this bill and become the law of Wei State.In many counties and counties, people have even jointly submitted the Wanmin Letter.

While the "Protection Law" bill was still being deliberated, on August 4796, 8 in the era of the Yellow Emperor, Emperor Ran Ming of the Kingdom of Wei formally decreed the cabinet, mobilized elite forces, and formally revised the "Nationality Law of the Kingdom of Wei", "Nationality Law of the Kingdom of Wei" "It consists of three parts, namely, the method of obtaining Wei nationality, the method of withdrawal, and the method of management.The Nationality Law clearly stipulates that the State of Wei does not allow individuals or ethnic groups to retain two or more nationalities, and if they acquire the nationality of another country, they will be deemed to have automatically renounced the nationality of the State of Wei.Citizens of Wei State who marry foreigners and leave Wei State to live with foreigners are deemed to have automatically renounced Wei State nationality.

Wei nationality is divided into three levels, that is, barbarian nationality, naturalized nationality, and Chinese nationality.As long as the Huaxia people of the Wei State within the territory of the Wei State are subject to the jurisdiction of the Wei State law, they can automatically obtain the highest level of Wei State nationality.All the children of Qiang, Miao, Xianbei, Tiefo, Liao and other tribes who were born in the territory of Wei State and accepted the jurisdiction of Wei State law.However, those who were not born in the State of Wei and its overseas territories, but whose parents were both citizens of the State of Wei, and whose parents had lived in the State of Wei or its overseas territories before their birth; those who were born in the State of Wei and its overseas territories and their One of the parents is a citizen of the State of Wei and has lived in the State of Wei or its overseas territory before his birth, and the other is a citizen of the State of Wei although he is not a citizen of the State of Wei; Those who have lived in territories outside the State of Wei before their departure; those who were not born in the State of Wei and its foreign places, whose father or mother is a foreigner, and the other is a citizen of the State of Wei, and who lived in the State of Wei or its overseas territories before the birth of the child Those who have lived there for more than 16 years, of which at least [-] years have reached the age of [-] or above.

The Nationality Law of the State of Wei emphasizes that it is to accept the jurisdiction of the laws of the State of Wei and have the ruler of the State of Wei. Anyone who splits, conspires to treason, or betrays the interests of the country and the nation will cancel the Wei State nationality status of himself and his immediate family members.There are only four ways to obtain the nationality of the Wei State. First, the place of residence becomes the territory of the Wei State. The second is to be willing to abide by the laws of the Wei State, support the Wei State court to rule it, and make great contributions to the court. .Third, if you have lived in Wei State for five years and have no illegal records, you can apply for Yi Ji, which is the nationality of Wei State. If you have lived in Wei State for more than five years and within 15 years, you can apply for naturalization if you have no illegal records for individuals or families. Those who have lived for more than 15 years can apply for Chinese nationality if they have no illegal record.Fourth, if you marry a citizen of Wei State, you can apply for Wei State nationality after one year of marriage.

At the same time that the State of Wei implemented nationality, it completely abolished ethnicity. The column of ethnicity and ethnicity will be canceled in official written records such as personal household registration and nationality. When the Nationality Law was revised, Wei State officially implemented the passport system. Entry and exit in ancient times The management is relatively strict. The ancient Chinese relied on the "Feng Chuan", "Deed", "Zhao Die", "Guo Suo" and "Fu Jie" made of bamboo slips, cloth, wood boards, gold jade or paper. "Fu Chuan", "Road Certificate", "Lu Yin" and other documents for entering and exiting the border fortress Guanjin, similar to modern visas are recorded on them.This may be the predecessor of the passport. The passport of the State of Wei is made of sixteen open red hard paper, with the national flag and national emblem of the State of Wei printed on it. The property is safe, and this is regarded as a provocation against the Great Wei, and the Wei State Army will maintain the power to pursue it. The royal family and court of the State of Wei are your strongest backing."

When the people who got the new passports saw this line of words, they were full of self-confidence, and some even covered their faces and cried bitterly. This is a symbol of a strong country and a solemn promise made by the royal family and the court to citizens who go abroad.Once upon a time, the Chinese were bullied and despised abroad. They were regarded as second-class citizens or even third-class citizens. They worked the hardest and most tiring jobs, but received the lowest wages. Now there is finally a regime and a country that has taken tough measures against the outside world. policies to fight for all rights and interests of the people.

On August 4796, 350, the Yellow Emperor era, after more than [-] days of public hearings, the Protectorate of the Western Regions finally took this genocidal case as a trial. There were [-] people involved in this case, including those in Beiting City. And more than [-] people died in the subsequent battles. Although I lost my life, the crimes committed will not be eliminated because of the death. The family members of the criminals will compensate the victims for their losses. .There are more than [-] fugitives, more than [-] captives in custody, and more than [-] people have committed murder, arson, rape, and gang rape. If the crimes are committed concurrently, all of them will be punished by beheading and executed immediately.Among the remaining [-] people, those who reported meritorious deeds or those with relatively minor circumstances will be sentenced to ten or three years of hard labor, while the more than [-] people are not involved in the case and will be released without charge.

This incident set off a huge wave in Wei State. The media reported the incident in detail. The people expressed deep sympathy for the tragic experience of the people in the Western Regions. Donate.

On the banks of the Shiqi River (now Jinghe River), Yu Wenguo Yu Wenyi's Chinese Army Commander's Tent.

After fleeing in embarrassment, Yu Wenyi led the remnants to flee for more than 3 miles. At this time, the surviving remnants were only less than [-] people.At this time, Yuwen was sitting alone in the king's tent, drinking wine non-stop. He wanted to use alcohol to anesthetize himself, but he found that no matter how he drank, his head was not only not confused, but became more and more sober.

In the Battle of Beiting, although Yu Wenguo suffered a lot of losses, he was not hurt yet, but the battle at Beishan, especially in the face of the terrifying iron formation of the Wei Army, almost gave him the confidence that Yuwen Kingdom had accumulated so hard in the past few years. up.Surrounded by the three cavalry divisions of the Wei State, he and Kang Limuke had no chance to escape, but in the end they escaped with nearly ten thousand horses. In fact, it goes without saying that Yu Wenyi also understood that this was the purpose of the Wei State Anxi Army to release the water.

He didn't understand why Wei Guo let him go at this time. When he escaped from Beishan, all the troops' supplies were lost. In order to survive, Yu Wenyi ordered the troops to loot the tribes near Duyan City and obtain Some grain and food, but when Yu Wenyi and his men were enjoying the looted food, Wei Jun appeared.The boundless cavalry of the Wei Army slashed and killed his trilogy frantically, and he had no strength to resist at all, so he had to flee in the end.

It was the same when they were in Duyan City, it was the same when they were in Gumo and Wensu, and it was the same when they fled to Kunling (in today's Wusu territory). They had just finished looting a tribe, and the cavalry of the Wei army would appear immediately, and they then run.Fleeing and chasing all the way, Yu Wenyi looted more than 100 tribes, killed the old, weak, women and children in his tribe, and left the young and strong to form an army.

If Yuwen could not figure out the real intention of Wei Guo's army at this time, he would have lived in vain all these years.Wei Guo wanted the land of the Western Regions, but he didn't want the people of the Western Regions, and Wei Guo didn't want to be infamous for slaughtering the people, so he used his hands to slaughter the countries and tribes of the Western Regions, leaving a blank Western Region.

Thinking of this, Yuwen's face turned pale with fright.At this time, a personal guard said: "Your Majesty, Tie Lexi is waiting for Qibi to arrive."

As soon as Yu Wenyu heard that Qi Bi had arrived, he immediately got up from Hu's bed and said loudly, "Please, please!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Soon Qibi, who was full of blood, came to Yu Wenyu, and Qibi hurriedly prostrated himself in the tunnel respectfully, "Dear king, I heard that you want to see me?"

"Hahaha!" Yuwen laughed loudly and said, "Qibi, you don't have to be too polite, you can be more casual with me, come, come and sit here."

"Yes!" Qibi agreed, and waited for Yuwen to sit down before sitting down obediently.

Shouyi in the temple asked the guards to prepare the food and drink, and then asked: "Qibi, how is your recovery?"

Qi Bi replied: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern, Qi Bi's injury has completely healed!"

Yuwen looked at Qibi with a smile, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Why do you think he treated Qibi, Tie Lexihou, so preferentially and so politely?It was only because in the Battle of Beishan more than two months ago, the three cavalry of the Wei State launched an anti-siege to Yu Wenyi's coalition forces of the Western Regions.At the most critical moment, Qi Bi stepped forward to protect Yu Wenying and rushed out of the encirclement. Although Wei Jun released the water at the time, but without Qi Bi's desperate rescue, he would not have escaped intact.At that time, Qi Bi almost turned into a bloody man, suffered more than [-] serious wounds all over his body, and his life was dying.

In this way, it is tantamount to Qibi saving Yu Wenying's life with his own life. It is a great grace to save a life. During his career, Yu Wenying abandoned countless wounded and injured, but only took Qibi with him. Yu Wenying often visited Qibi every now and then.No, Qi Bi's injury happened just right, so he, Yu Wenyi, sent someone to invite him to the Wang Zhang of the Chinese Army, and he wanted to personally thank Qi Bi for saving his life.

After the soldiers delivered the food and wine, Yu Wenyu walked together and saw Yu Wenyu got up, Qi Bi dared not sit still, he stood up immediately, but just as he stood up, Yuwen asked him to sit down again, Said: "Qibi, I want to thank you for saving this king's life. If it weren't for you, I might have returned to the embrace of God Kunlun two months ago."

Qi Bi quickly stood up: "The king's words are serious, it is my responsibility to protect the king, if it were any general, they would do the same!"

Yu Wenyu nodded with a smile, satisfied with Qibi's attitude, and asked again: "Qibi, your tribe is gone, this king wants to transfer you to be my general's guard, I don't know if you would like to Don't want to?"

"Abiding" Qibi stood up immediately: "Your Majesty, you are the king of all kings in our Western Regions. You obey all your orders. It is Qibi's honor to serve you. Thank you for your cultivation. Qibi will swear allegiance to you to the death." superior!"

He thought to himself, isn't this exactly what he wanted?The well-planned layout of the scene two months ago almost cost me my own life. Now I have finally managed to break into Yuwen's side. I have finally completed the first step of the mission. As for the follow-up mission, I have to wait until later to plan. up.

Qibi is a Tiele people and a descendant of Wusun people.During the Battle of Beiting, he was frightened by the bravery of the Anxi cavalry.To say that the Tiele people or the Wusun people are actually one of the Western Regions peoples who have received a relatively high degree of Sinicization.Originally, he might not be loyal to the Wei State, but after Beiting, he became a prisoner of the Wei Army.Later, in the captive camp of Wei State, I met his clansmen, and only then did I know that Yu Wenyi sent troops to sweep all the tribes of the kingdoms in order to tie the entire Western Regions to his chariot. Almost all the old, weak, women and children were lost during the purge, while all the young and old were engulfed as cannon fodder.

At this time, hatred welled up in Qi Bi's heart, and he wanted revenge.But for revenge, he became a prisoner of Wei State alone, how can he take revenge?As a result, Wei Guo was almost completely wiped out because of the Royal Secret Service Western Regions camp. Liu Zhao, who was in charge of preparing for the establishment of the Western Regions intelligence network, followed Qi Bi in the prisoner camp. After instigating rebellion, Qi Bi vowed to join the Royal Special Guard.

After simple training, during the Battle of Beishan, in order to restore the impression in Ran Ming's mind, the royal special guards formulated an operation code-named "Nirvana".Qi Bi is the main executor of this operation, and some other special guard elite forces cooperate with him in all aspects. Only three people in Wei State know about the "Nirience" operation. The first one is Qibi, who is the main executor. He must know the details before he can act. There is no written record of this "Nirience" operation. The details of the entire plan It only existed in the minds of three people. He was directly under the command of Liu Zhao, the secretary of the Royal Secret Service, who joined the army. At that time, when Qi Bi received the task, he was very puzzled. Why did his superiors give him such a plan? Wasn't this helping Yu Wen? ?Isn't this helping the evildoers?The purpose of the plan is indeed like this, let Yu Wenyi do what Wei Guo can't do, this is the core content of "Nirvana", and it is also the main core of Wei Guo's conquest of the Western Regions.

This plan was made behind Ran Ming's back, mainly because of Liu Zhao, the brain who was originally "deaf and dumb". What Ming wants, he knows that Ran Ming wants a clean Western Region.It is impossible to report this plan to Ran Ming. Once the report is made, the responsibility will be shirked. After something happens, Ran Ming will be responsible. How dare Liu Zhao do this as a subordinate?Responsibility can only be borne by subordinates, not by the emperor.Although Liu Zhao will be blamed once this action plan fails, but if the plan succeeds, his status in Ran Ming's heart will definitely not be inferior to Du Cong and Li Ye, two of Ran Ming's confidantes.

At this time, almost all the [-] armored cavalry equipment of Yuwen's guards were lost, and there were only more than [-] cavalry guards. At this time, the chief officer of this army became Qibi from Tiele.

Yuwen said: "This was originally the hometown of your Tiele people, but now it is occupied by the Yue Banbu. This king will give you a chance to wash the Yue Banbu. How about it? Can it be done?"

The Shiqi River (Jinghe) River Basin was originally the pastureland of the Wusun people. Wusun was once one of the important countries on the Silk Road in the Western Regions. It was once controlled by the Huns. Later, it married with the Han Dynasty and gradually got rid of the Huns control.However, since 53 BC, Wusun has had two kings, Kunmi and Kunmi, who divided the territory and ruled.Both are full of internal strife and chaos.The power of Wusun State gradually weakened. With the invasion of Zhuzhu (Rouran Khanate), it moved westward to the Congling Mountains and was soon destroyed.

However, the Wusun people did not relocate their entire clan to the west, but left behind a lot of clan members, named as the Tiele clan.As Wusun fought fiercely with Rouran Khanate, and as Wusun moved westward, the Shiqi River Basin gradually became the pastureland of Yuebanbu.This Yue Chuan tribe is actually a descendant of the Huns. After Ran Min wiped out the main forces of the Huns, the Huns immediately abandoned the Huns as a clan name, and called them outsiders with clan names such as Tiefo and Jile.This Yueban tribe is actually a branch left after the Northern Huns moved westward.

However, the Yueban tribe is not a small tribe. Its tribe has more than [-] villages (equivalent to Han households). Although Yu Wenyi once mobilized most of his tribe to be young and strong, there are still many people staying in the Jinghe River Basin at this time.Almost a thousand cavalry can still be assembled.Qi Bi knew that Yu Wenying was testing his loyalty, so in order to gain Yu Wenying's trust and facilitate the implementation of follow-up plans, he carried out Yu Wenying's order without reservation.

Although Qibi was a vassal, the Tiele tribe belonged to the kind of local government where the military and government were controlled by one person, and he was also a battle-hardened man who was very proficient in cavalry tactics.He seized the opportunity that Yue Banbu was defenseless, and rushed towards Yue Banbu at the fastest speed.

(End of this chapter)

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