Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1021 Private Club

Chapter 1021 Private Club
Chapter 1028 Private Club
Ten miles away from the opponent's tribe, he began to order the cavalry to clear the Yue Chuan Department's cavalry post. When Qibi led his troops into the Yue Ban Department's camp, he launched a charge. Although the young and strong Yue Banbu also fought back with bows and arrows, they were not prepared enough after all.The counterattack was also a little weak, and it didn't have any impact on Qibi's troops at all. On the contrary, the formation of their bows and arrows in Qibi's troops was chaotic, and the army did not gather together. Effortlessly broke into Yue Ban's department and carried out a massacre.

The tactics of the cavalry are always like this, and it has always been a quick decision. If the cavalry is delayed in fighting the enemy, the longer it is, the worse it will be for them. However, in a head-on confrontation between the cavalry and the cavalry, generally only two or three soldiers are needed. A charge can decide the outcome, especially when one side has the upper hand, they usually eliminate the opponent with a crushing posture.

In just one night, the remnants of Yuwen's troops disappeared from the banks of the Shiqi River. This made Guo Shiyan, the [-]th Division of Anxi Cavalry who followed behind, very puzzled. He immediately sent out scouts to expand the scope of the investigation to inquire about the situation. As a result, the scouts came back half a day later to report. They didn't find any Yuwen Army.This made Guo Shiyan even more puzzled. The terrain near Shiqi was open and there was a very lush grassland. It was impossible to hide a large army here. Could it be that they flew away?
It's just that Guo Shiyan didn't expect that in the evening, the last scout cavalry returned. The number of this scout cavalry was one cavalry platoon. As a result, the fifty or sixty cavalry including the lieutenant platoon leader all seemed to have lost their souls.

"what happened?"

"Report to the general that something serious happened!" The lieutenant cavalry platoon leader said: "Now it is certain that Yu Wenyi led the remnant troops and fled again. Before they left, they looted Yue Ban's troops. Not a single one alive!"

"There are corpses all over the place, could it be..." Guo Shiyan suddenly thought of a possibility that made him feel cold when he heard this, and immediately raised his head and shouted, "Hurry up and lead the way, this general wants to personally check the situation of Yue Ban's department!"

Guo Shiyan took a battalion of cavalry to the Yuebanbu camp in the upper reaches of the Shiqi River. When he was four or five miles away from the Yuebanbu camp, Guo Shiyan found no less than a thousand vultures flying in the air. The mountain eagle is a large raptor, more than one meter long.The body feathers are mainly dark brown, the bare skin of the head and neck is lead blue, and the top of the head presents dark brown down.This vulture lives on carrion, as long as the vulture appears, it means that there are a lot of corpses.

Sure enough, a few hours away from Yue Banbu's resident, even against the wind, he could smell a strong stench, which made people want to vomit.Entering the Yuebanbu residence, there are corpses everywhere. Among these strange corpses, most of them are old, weak, women and children of Yuebanbu, and a few are young and strong. These corpses are piled on top of each other, almost forming a mountain of corpses.

There was not even room to dismount, Guo Shiyan was carefully preparing to get off the horse, but he saw the corpse of a baby under one year old. The baby's stomach was cut open, and the small body was curled up there naked, with an innocent face. It was full of blood, but the two big eyes were opened dully, making people really unbearable to take a second look.

Seeing the corpse of the baby under his feet, even Guo Shiyan, who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, couldn't bear it. Finally, he sighed softly, retracted his foot that was about to step on the mountain of corpses, and then ordered feebly: "Clean up the corpse. Come out and burn it with fire as soon as possible. The weather is too hot now. If it is not handled well, it may cause a large-scale plague. This is probably Yuwen's real intention. Yuwen is too poisonous. If the general catches him He, will definitely execute him Ling Chi."

The absolute calculation method of the population of a nomadic tribe is different from that of the Han households.During the Yongxing period, the average population per household in Wei State was only [-] people, and in the eighth year of Kaiyuan, the population per household in Wei State increased to [-] people.According to the method of calculating the population in the Western Regions, the number of underage children in each tribe is multiplied by six, which is the number of adults in this tribe.It is not easy to feed a child in the Western Regions who only eats and cannot bring food to the tribe.Especially the half-grown children of eleven or twelve years old, they have the appetite of adults, but they don't have the skills of adults.A tribe with a population of more than [-] and a population of nearly [-] just disappeared.

When Liu Ke saw the battle report, he gritted his teeth and roared, "Beasts are worse!"

"General, Yuwen is cruel and ruthless. He is no different from a beast. The final general asks me to ride the 10,000th division lightly and chase after Yuwen to capture and kill him, so as to comfort the [-]+ dead souls in the Western Regions!" Guo Shiyan didn't know Wei Guo The entire strategic plan for the Western Regions, but in his view, the Western Regions already belonged to the State of Wei, and the people in the Western Regions became the people of the State of Wei. The murderer who killed the people of the State of Wei must not let him go no matter what.

"Yuwen is definitely going to attack. I know that the 7000th Cavalry Division can advance lightly, and I am willing to catch up with Yuwen in the next few days. It's just that our Anxi is more than 7000 miles away from Chang'an. You must know that the [-] Do you need to spend a lot of money on the road for every grain transported up by Duoli? It’s not that the general doesn’t want to ride the [-]th Division lightly, it’s because we can’t keep up with the supplies. But don’t worry, General Guo, I’ll report the matter here immediately Give it to the court. Presumably the court will not let the Yuwen people be so arrogant at that time!" Liu Ke said angrily at this time, although he did not kill less in the past, but it was all on the battlefield, and the people who killed were all Those who dared to resist the order of Wei, but slaughtered all men, women, and children like this, he would never do such a thing.

In fact, Yuwen had no choice. Wei Guo pursued too quickly, and he didn't have time to take away the people of the Western Regions, and keeping these people didn't actually affect him, but he caused a large-scale massacre in order to artificially create a plague.This will not only break the living environment of the tribes in the Western Regions, but also prevent Wei State from obtaining guides and supplies familiar with the terrain of the Western Regions. At the same time, this man-made plague can deal a fatal blow to Wei State's army.

Don't think that Cheng Zhi is whimsical, in fact, this is a common practice of Hu people, even Huo Qubing, a champion and military genius of the Han Dynasty, was also tricked by it.Yu Wenyi led the troops to flee all the way to the west. As long as they encountered water sources along the way, those tribes near the water sources would be massacred by the whole clan, and then create potential plague areas one by one.The soldiers of the Wei army who followed behind could only passively collect the corpses to prevent the outbreak of the plague.

However, the Western Regions are sparsely populated, and this artificially created epidemic area has little effect.At this time, the temperature in the Western Regions is very high. Although the high temperature is easy to cause plague, but in the weather that can even bake an egg on a stone, the water in the corpse will evaporate within two or three days, thus turning into a corpse. mummies.Only corpses thrown in the water are likely to cause plague.

This has become a vicious circle, the more Yu Wenxuan massacres in the Western Regions, the stronger the desire of the soldiers of the Wei army to kill him, the more they will not let him run away.Therefore, no matter how difficult the conditions are and how harsh the environment is, the generals of the Wei army gritted their teeth, overcame numerous difficulties, and clung to Yuwen's tail.

Ran Ming is a person who can't stay idle. After dinner that day, he looked at himself in the mirror and found that the fat was growing all over the place, and there was an increasing trend of vertical development. Ran Ming said to Lin Heishan: "Heishan, get ready. Let's go for a walk!"

"Your Majesty, where are you going?"

"It's just to go out on the street outside, walk around, and look around."

"Ah? Your Majesty, this won't work. You are no longer an ordinary citizen. If you let others recognize you, you will be in the headlines tomorrow! If you let the cabinet members know that they must skin me, your Majesty, you will let me go." Minister, there is an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child at home, they cannot do without me."

"Fart, you have a three-year-old child. I remember you are an orphan. Where did you come from as an 80-year-old mother?" Ran Ming said angrily, "Let's go out with makeup so that no one will recognize it, can't we?"

Lin Heishan had no choice but to agree. After a while, Ran Ming put on a public face, which belonged to the kind of people who were thrown in the crowd and didn't want to take a second look after one glance.Looking at himself in the mirror, Ran Ming was quite satisfied, so he changed into a blue Confucian shirt, held a folding fan, and hung a sword on his waist.

Just after leaving the palace, Ran Ming suddenly found that there were dozens of soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army in plain clothes around him. Ran Ming looked back and said, "Are you afraid that others will not recognize me if you make it like this? Don't follow so close Spread out, Lin Heishan, you have also studied security, you should know how to do it, right?"

Lin Heishan said helplessly: "Everyone spread out!"

Only then did Ran Ming walk down the street in satisfaction.Although it was already time to light the lanterns, Wei Guo did not impose a curfew like other dynasties, so the streets were very lively with people coming and going at this time.Ever since Ran Ming invented the sedan chair, the dignitaries and dignitaries of Wei State have become obsessed with this kind of travel tool.Of course, this kind of sedan chair is definitely not suitable for long-distance travel, it is only suitable for wandering around in the inner city.The industrial and commercial development of Wei State is getting faster and faster, especially the real estate industry. Although Yecheng, the capital of Wei State, is not small in size, it is not comparable to cities of the size of Chang'an and Luoyang after all. However, as Wei State becomes more and more stable, Ye Housing prices in the city are also getting higher and higher.Even the most common two-entry small courtyard has skyrocketed to tens of millions of yuan.

Under the condition of market economy, demand determines the development trend. There are fewer and fewer wooden buildings in Yecheng, but more and more reinforced concrete buildings.Walking on the street suddenly, Ran Ming thought he had come to a wealthy town in later generations, where there were three-story buildings everywhere.

At this time, Yecheng was also undergoing great changes. After solving the problem of food and clothing, the people began to pursue the enjoyment of the spiritual realm. Some old people were walking on the street, and some women and their girlfriends held hands and seemed intimate.There are also drunks and bad friends hooking up shoulder to shoulder, making a lot of fools.There are also scholars who point out the country and encourage writing.Some Taoist priests distributed Taoist leaflets to people, some shopping malls distributed various small advertisements, and even monks chanted scriptures while walking.

After walking around slowly for more than an hour, Ran Ming suddenly came to the door of Yixiao Qingguo, but at this time, Yixiao Qingguo's business plummeted, and it was no longer the most expensive consumer gold cave in Yecheng. He opened a shop opposite Yixiao Qingguo Green Pearl Pavilion.Looking carefully at the plaque, it turned out to be Xie An's inscription.Now Ran Ming was very surprised, since Xie An became the Minister of Finance, he rarely went out to socialize, since this store dared to steal his business, and was able to ask Xie An to write an inscription, his status must be unusual.

Ran Ming immediately gave up the idea of ​​going to Yixiao Qingguo to take a look inside, and instead walked to the Luzhu Pavilion.However, the waiter, who was dressed in a smart attire, stretched out his hand to stop Ran Ming and said, "Excuse me, sir, our small shop only accepts regular customers, and you are not a member of our shop, so we cannot accept you in this shop!"

"What?" Ran Ming was very surprised when he heard this. This was more than 600 years ago. Did private clubs appear in Wei?The business of private clubs is a derivative product of power. The media of later generations are all-pervasive. Those second-generation officials and the sons of wealthy families came up with this method to build a good relationship, and the business of private clubs was born from this.It is not surprising that private clubs are found in later generations, almost every city has them, and ordinary small counties have such places, but it surprised Ran Ming to appear in this era.

Ran Ming was very angry when he was stopped, and angrily said: "Aren't you open for business? How can you drive customers out?"

Xiao Er saw that although Ran Ming was dressed in ordinary clothes, he had an extraordinary temperament, so he did not dare to offend easily. You must know that this is at the feet of the emperor, and there are countless high-ranking officials. If they offend the children of some high-ranking officials, although they are not afraid, they will inevitably have some troubles .So Xiao Er said very politely: "Yes, sir, but we don't do business with everyone here, only regular customers, so please go!"

Chapter 929 Valens
Chapter 929 Valens
The connection was rejected, and Ran Ming's temper also came up: "Then what if I don't have to go in?" Xiaoer said without giving in: "Guest officer, I can only be sorry." Saying that, Xiaoer rushed to the wing room and shouted : "Second brother, someone is making trouble!"

There was only a sound of footsteps, and there were more than a dozen well-dressed men in the wing room. Although none of them were holding weapons, it was obvious that these dozens of people were not good people.Before Ran Ming could react, Lin Heishan and a dozen soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army in plain clothes protected Ran Ming.

The leader of the Sheshu, who is known as the second brother, is also a bit knowledgeable. Seeing that the soldiers of the imperial forest army in casual clothes walk vigorously, and everyone is a powerful generation of Kong Wu. Although he was secretly surprised, he was not afraid. This guest officer, Xiao Di is very polite. This is the rule of our small shop, and we do not accept foreign guests."

Ran Ming said: "Regular customers are made by strangers, so can I apply for membership now?"

The second elder brother lightly pointed to a line of small characters on the door of the store and said: "That's not okay, our store is a women's club, only women can enter, and no men above the second floor are allowed to enter!"

It was only then that Ran Ming realized that there was a line of small characters written on the side door, and it was easy to miss if you didn't pay attention: "Professional women's service club, male guests are not allowed!"

Only then did Ran Ming realize that he had made a big oolong, and Ran Ming had no choice but to leave angrily.

It's a bit strange that the women's professional club is opposite to Yixiao Qingguo.You must know that the street of Yixiao Qingguo can be said to be a high-end red-light district in Yecheng. Not only are the housing prices here expensive, but the environment is also unflattering. If a woman from a good family comes here, it will definitely have a bad influence. Is it here What else is tricky?In later generations, there are often some pedicure shops and shampoo parlors, in fact, they are all engaged in skin and flesh business.

After leaving the Luzhu Pavilion, Ran Ming purposely observed the customers who entered the Luzhu Pavilion from a distance. After a while, Ran Ming noticed the difference. Most of the women who came here did not look like women from a good family, but they were a bit dusty. .Ran Ming then ordered a soldier of the Imperial Forest Army to take Ran Ming's letter and go to the nearby hidden post of the royal guard to find out the details of the Green Pearl Pavilion.

After about half an hour, Ran Ming finally got the answer he wanted. The boss behind the Green Pearl Pavilion was none other than Jin Chengyue, one of Ran Ming's nine concubines.This Lvzhuge adopts novel ideas and specializes in the business of the top brothel, designing clothing, beauty care and image design for them, and even training in charm, communication skills, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etiquette and so on.If the top names in brothels in this era are the stars of later generations, then the function of this Luzhu Pavilion is a huge brokerage company, responsible for marketing and promotion for its famous prostitutes.

Ran Ming also felt admiration for Jin Chengyue's business acumen. Ran Ming only talked to Jin Chengyue about this aspect when he was in Ningyuan. With just a few words left by Ran Ming, she actually managed to make a business plan that is no less than that of later generations. Concept of service company.You must know that at this time, the top names in the brothel are all very rich, and for their fame and popularity, they must not hesitate to spend a lot of money.

Ran Ming walked around the street for another half an hour. On a bustling street, he saw a bathhouse called "Heaven on Earth". A comprehensive entertainment venue for fun.

(End of this chapter)

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