Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1022 Taking advantage of the loopholes in the law

Chapter 1022 Taking advantage of the loopholes in the law

Chapter 1029 Taking advantage of the loopholes in the law
The facade of this "heaven and earth" is very grand, and the decoration is also magnificent, especially there are four welcoming ladies on the left and right of the entrance. Whenever a guest comes to the door, these eight welcoming ladies will bow and salute.

Ran Ming was about to enter the "heaven and earth", but suddenly he asked Miss Yingbin: "Waman?"

Although the Wa people are the same as the Han people, they are all yellow race, they also have yellow skin, black eyes and black hair, as long as they don't speak, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between the Wa people and the Han people.It's just that as long as they talk, you can find a clear difference.In fact, there is a very big misunderstanding in the anti-Japanese dramas of later generations. No matter what kind of people, after a few days or months of training, they can speak Japanese smoothly. In fact, this is simply impossible.In fact, the Japanese language is the same as Chinese, with many local dialects. You ask a foreigner who is familiar with Chinese to let them listen to Chinese dialects?

The welcoming group who was asked by Ran Ming said respectfully: "Hayi (this syllable in Japanese is actually very similar to "Hey, express clearly, yes) in Qin Dynasty, it should be a variant of Chinese Hey. ) Yamiko is from Bungo Country (now Oita County, Kyushu Island), please take care of me! "

Ran Ming didn't stop at the door, and entered the hall of "Tianshan Renjian". After entering, Ran Ming found that the decoration style here is simply a copy of "A Smile to Allure the Country". Luxurious, it looks more resplendent.

As soon as Ran Ming and Lin Heishan entered, a waiter wearing a green tube top came forward and said, "Dear guest officer, what service do you need?"

Ran Ming said: "What fun do you have here?"

The waiter said proudly: "In our heaven and earth, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing we can't do."

Ran Ming laughed when he heard this, "Tell me about your scouting service here?"

The waiter said: "Our soup house here (soup means hot water) mainly serves soup plates. We have [-] Japanese beauties here. As long as you have money, you can ask them to accompany you in the soup. They All of them have undergone special training, have superb manual techniques (both massage), and can even stay overnight. If you don’t want to go out, we have a guest room upstairs, and you can take it out if you want. If you feel bored drinking alone, we There are also hostesses, if the guest officials like to play some elegant sentiments, we also have geisha who are proficient in playing, playing, playing, playing, chess, calligraphy and painting."

Ran Ming was a little angry when he heard this. There were more than 800 Japanese girls in just one store. Ran Ming knew that the best thing about Japanese girls was that they were a group of outstanding ninjas and the best spies. .In order to obtain information, they don't care about their bodies.Today he just found out that there is such a store in Yecheng, who knows how long it has been open?With only these [-] Japanese women, Ran Ming believed that they would be able to spy on Yecheng as a sieve, and Yecheng had no secrets to speak of.Although Ran Ming was angry in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, and asked again: "Apart from these, do you have anything else to do? Like a casino?"

The waiter smiled and said: "Of course, we have the best gambling house in Yecheng, Yezi Pai (the predecessor of mahjong), Pai Gow, and dice. If you want to play a little more intensely, we also have life-and-death fighting every night here."

Ran Ming said: "Take me to the fighting arena!"

"This!" The waiter showed a hesitant expression.Ran Ming has been through such scenes for a long time, how could he not know that the waiter wanted a tip?There is no nonsense, just throw out ten taels of silver bills. The waiter's eyes lit up immediately. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took the bank note and stuffed it into his pocket. Then he said with a smile: "Guest officer, please follow me!" "

Ran Ming followed the waiter into the dark room, the waiter gently shook the bell next to it, suddenly a cage appeared in the dark room, the waiter signaled Ran Ming not to worry, she explained: "Guest officer, let's sit down here?"

This made Ran Ming even more surprised. This is simply the elevator of the later generations, the difference is that the power is not driven by electricity, but by manpower stirring the winch.The elevator descended slowly with the sound of rattling. To Ran Ming's surprise, the elevator descended for at least half a stick of incense. Obviously, the basement was dug very deep.Then there is a problem. The altitude of Yecheng is not high. In the plains, the altitude is only about 100 to [-] meters, and the groundwater can usually be dug up by more than ten meters.But this basement must be more than ten meters deep. How did they make the basement waterproof?
Coming to the basement, Ran Ming's eyes suddenly lit up. The decoration here is not worse than above. There are lampshades made of crystal hanging on the walls, and a crystal lamp is placed every ten feet, illuminating the whole basement like daytime.This is a casino, where hundreds of people are gathering to gamble. Gambling equipment, gaming tables, croupiers, etc. are all available, but there is no place to exchange chips, and everyone gambles with cash.

Ran Ming didn't gamble, but went to the fighting arena.The fighting arena is connected to the sound of gambling. To be precise, it is also part of the casino.

Entering the fighting arena, Ran Ming found a fighting platform with an area of ​​more than a hundred square meters in the middle.But there is no fence, but a white circle is drawn on the ground, and the battle is in full swing.I saw two small women fighting fiercely.

If you want to watch fighting competitions, the most interesting ones are the sub-lightweight or lightweight. The heavyweight is actually not worth watching. Because of their heavy weight and strength, both of them have the strength to knock out their opponents with one punch, and often win or lose. Decided in an instant.Ran Ming thought that the fighting here was for Han people to compete in martial arts. Although Ran Ming encouraged all people to practice martial arts, he would not let his people become others' playthings. If it was a man fighting here, Ran Ming would not mind killing people up.But listening to the shouts of the two people in the field, Ran Ming realized that he was thinking too much. The female warriors fighting here are also Japanese.At this time, the battle had come to an end, both sides had similar fighting skills and similar strength, and as a result, both sides were bloodied.

Ran Ming bet on someone at random, but he didn't expect to win in the end.Then Ran Ming went around the casino again, and played for half an hour, winning and losing.At this time, Lin Heishan said: "My lord, we should go back, otherwise there will definitely be troubles later!"

Ran Ming also felt satisfied, so he agreed.Just after leaving "Heaven and Earth", Ran Ming's face changed.Lin Heishan said: "My lord, where are we going?"

"Go back!" Ran Ming shouted coldly.

Back in the palace, Ran Ming shouted at You Yi, the regular attendant, "Let the royal special guard Li Ye come to see me right away."

Seeing Ran Ming's bad tone, You Yi ran away with small steps.However, before Li Ye came, Wang Meng did.Wang Meng handed a memorial to Ran Ming and said, "Your Majesty, your adopted son is not easy!"

After reading the memorial, Ran Ming realized that it was his adopted son Helena's son Valens who proposed to study at the Great Wei Royal Military Academy.At this time, Ran Ming had a headache. If other people make such a request, even if the other party is not Han, but as long as he is loyal to Wei, Ran Ming may agree, but for Valens, a prince who was exiled from the Byzantine Empire However, Ran Ming didn't know whether to agree to the other party's request, because Valens' status was too special.

Valens is the son of Helena, his maternal grandfather was the greatest Emperor Constantine of the Byzantine Empire, and his father was the former emperor Julian.If Valens was a few years older, I am afraid that Ran Ming would think that the other party was a high-level spy sent by the Byzantine Empire to spy on the information of Wei, and even this time he asked to enter the imperial military study of Wei, in order to steal the advanced knowledge of Wei Military thought and strategy and tactics.

But now Valens is only ten years old, and Julian is dead. Without the support of Wei, he would never even think about taking back his throne.Of course, the Roman Legion of the Byzantine Empire has completely lagged behind this era in terms of military equipment and military philosophy.As early as the Han Dynasty, the remnants of a Roman legion became mercenaries to participate in the battle against the Han Dynasty, but were defeated and captured by the Han army. (The plot is very different from Jackie Chan's movie Heavenly General and Lion.) With the same number of people, the Roman legion is no match for the Han army at all, let alone the Wei army with more advanced equipment and combat ideals.

However, if Valens is allowed to study at the Great Wei Royal Military Academy, then Valens will definitely be able to learn Wei's advanced military concepts and technical equipment, and then the fallen Roman Legion is likely to be reborn and reborn from the ashes.

This guess is a bit scary. Ran Ming guessed that Valens wanted to study at the Royal Military Academy after careful consideration and had a deeper plan. In order to realize his own value, when he grows up in the future, he can use the power of Wei to help him regain the position of emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Although Ran Ming thinks it is difficult for a ten-year-old child to think so far, Valens But he is not an ordinary child. The strict education he has received since he was a child has made him mature far beyond his peers.Maybe he can really think like an adult.

Ran Ming thought of this, and suddenly said fiercely to Wang: "Jing Lue, what do you think?"

Wang Meng said: "Your Majesty, this Valens doesn't know our plan, so he jumped out impatiently. After all, he is still too young. If he is a few years older, maybe he will be more stable. However, We should not be afraid of his repetition, because the artillery and muskets of our Great Wei can be installed in the army at most the next year, and new military theories will appear at that time. By then, the military concepts, strategies and tactics learned by Valens will have fallen behind And the war is a competition of the comprehensive strength of two countries, and now the Byzantine Empire is in decline, they have no chance to challenge the Great Wei. At most two years, the Anxi Army will be able to occupy Congling, according to His Majesty's plan, set up in Congling Three military fortresses, in addition, we cannot destroy the Persian Empire, at least we must leave the Persian Empire as a buffer zone between us and the Byzantine Empire."

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "Although Valens is my adopted son, I can't treat one more favorably than another, so how about it, I will decree to canonize him as the Great Qin King (not the King of Qin, but the King of Rome) Jing Lue , you will go to serve as the Great Qin King's teacher, and concurrently serve as the Great Qin King's Palace Chief History."

Ran Ming wants to have a ten-year-old child whose outlook on life and values ​​have not yet been truly established. Through the people around him, his outlook on life and values ​​can be completely influenced.Wang Meng is fully capable of playing with Valens between hands and applause.

Wang Meng thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, it may not be easy to confer Valens the title of Great Qin King." Ran Ming said disapprovingly: "It's just a prince who pays tens of millions more in salary, and I don't care about that." Order a little money!" Hearing this, Wang Meng was taken aback and moved two steps subconsciously.

"Why? Don't I even have this bit of power?" Ran Ming said in amazement: "Could the cabinet still reject my canonization decree?"

"Your Majesty, the cabinet will definitely reject your imperial decree to confer Valens the title of King of Great Qin." Seeing that Ran Ming really didn't understand, Wang Meng explained: "Your Majesty, you were the King of Qin, so the King of Qin will be the King of Qin in the future." The descendants of the courtiers naturally have to avoid taboos. In the future, we will generally be vacant as the King of Wei and Qin, unless His Majesty intends to make him the crown prince, and the King of Qin will be his transition. Once Vaslens is canonized as the King of Qin, I am afraid The great Wei Zhongzhong will not agree."

Ran Ming suddenly remembered that Li Shimin, the king of Qin in the Tang Dynasty, ascended to the throne after the Xuanwumen Incident. Since then, there has never been a Qin king established in the Tang Dynasty.Moreover, the post of Shangshuling, because Li Shimin once held this position, since the Zhenguan Dynasty, there has been no post of "Shangshuling" in Tang Dynasty Shangshu Province, only the left and right servants, although the name of "Pushe" belongs to Shangshuling Auxiliary officials, but Zuo Pushe is actually exercising the minister, but he is actually the prime minister. This is the so-called "taboo".Although ancient Chinese documents recorded the Roman Empire as Great Qin or Byzantium, the title of King Qin is too sensitive.

Ran Ming suddenly remembered that in Chinese historical records, the Roman Empire was called the Great Qin, also known as "Fufu" or "Haixi Kingdom".He said: "Then I will canonize him as the King of Haixi!"

"Great kindness!" Wang Meng nodded, the king of Haixi, people's first impression is the king of Haixi County, the township of Haixi County, which is now the city of Lianshui, Jiangsu.Jurisdiction over the three counties of Xiangben, Haixi, and Linhai. According to the tradition, the king of Haixi belongs to the very young king among the county kings.Anyway, Valens and Ran Ming are not related by blood, so there is nothing wrong with that.

At this moment, Royal Guard Li Ye arrived. Seeing Li Ye coming, Wang Meng bid farewell. Ran Ming said, "Jing Lue, don't go back in a hurry. This matter has something to do with you."

Hearing this, Wang Meng began to feel uneasy.

Ran Ming took a sip of tea, then pointed at Li Ye coldly and said, "I spent money to set up the royal guards, the purpose is to let the royal guards be my eyes and ears, but now in Yecheng, more than 800 spies have sneaked into the Japanese kingdom , Yecheng has been spied into a sieve, and my royal special guards don't even know about it."

After hearing this, Li Ye's expression became extremely serious.Then Ran Ming told what happened that night again.Wang Meng laughed and said, "Your Majesty, you have misunderstood. This "heaven and earth" is not an intelligence base for Japanese people. I dare to vouch for it!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming knew that Wang Meng was not an aimless person, so he asked, "What happened to the more than 800 Japanese girls in the sky?"

Then, Wang Meng spoke eloquently.It turned out that with the economic development of the Wei state, the people and the common people became more and more prosperous. Even in the event of natural and man-made disasters, they would not sell their sons and daughters and survived.Although the laws of the State of Wei do not prohibit prostitution, if a good man is forced into prostitution, the punishment is very severe.According to the law of the State of Wei, once a person is accused of forcing a good man to be a prostitute, it should be verified.Then the main culprit ransacked his home, his property was confiscated, and he was exiled for three thousand miles without pardon.All accomplices or thugs are also exiled, ranging from 30 to [-] years.And the exile of three thousand miles does not mean three thousand miles away from Yecheng.It means that it is three thousand miles away from the border of Wei State, and three thousand miles from the border of Wei State. If you go northward, you have to go fishing in the northern part of Hanhai.If they were exiled to the south, they would have to go to the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, such as the Chitu Kingdom.If it goes west, Yiwu is the boundary. The price is too high, and no one is willing to pay the price of forcing a good man into prostitution.

In ancient times, there were two main sources of prostitutes. First, the family members of prisoners sent them to the Jiaofang Division for sale.However, during the reign of the two Wei emperors, Ran Ming and Ran Min, such laws were abolished.Even if they commit a heinous crime, their family members will not be used as camp prostitutes, but will be exiled directly.

The main reason why the State of Wei introduced such a law is because the territory it occupies is getting bigger and bigger, and it is very difficult for the people to migrate. No one is willing to stay away from their homeland, so Ran Ming had no choice but to kill only the head of the culprit. The people, usually are exiled.Now the prostitutes in the Wei state have no formal sources, but the pornographic industry is extremely prosperous.There is a saying that there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. This countermeasure is to sell women from Japan or Koryo, Baekje, and Silla for training to become the main force of brothels.Although the laws of the State of Wei severely punished women from good families in the State of Wei for prostitution, they did not stipulate how to deal with the Japanese.So the loopholes in the law have been exploited by such unscrupulous merchants.

Wang Meng said: "As far as I know, more than [-]% of all the brothel prostitutes in Yecheng and even the whole country are no longer Han girls, but in our Great Wei Dynasty, all the clients don't like Hu girls, and those who look like our Han girls are the same. The unmatched Silla and Japanese women have become a hot commodity. Not only in heaven and earth, but also in Yecheng’s most prestigious brothels, there are a large number of Japanese women.”

(End of this chapter)

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