Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1024 Great Wei Mission to Rome

Chapter 1024 Great Wei Mission to Rome

Chapter 1031 Great Wei Mission to Rome
Hearing this, Valens immediately raised his head anxiously, looked at Ran Ming and said, "Father, I don't have any malicious intentions, I just don't want to spend my whole life like this, so I want to study in a military academy! "

Seeing that Valens was still avoiding the important things, Ran Ming asked with a chuckle, "I don't want to spend my whole life waiting to die, but I'm just curious that after you graduate from the Great Wei Royal Military Academy in the future, according to the According to the rules and regulations of the military academy, you are going to serve in the army of Wei, what are you going to do then?"

"At that time I...I..." Valens seemed a little guilty. After hesitating a few times, he finally summoned up his courage and said, "Then Valens, like everyone else, is willing to open up borders for the defenders of the Great Wei."

Ran Ming smiled and said: "Then do you plan to make contributions on the battlefield, rise to a high position, and attract my attention, and then you will be promoted to the position of a senior general, and use our Wei army to help you regain the throne?"

Hearing Ran Ming speak out his deepest thoughts, Valens was also terrified, although he had already had a premonition that the emperor in front of him, his adoptive father in name, might have guessed what he was thinking. , but when Ran Ming said it himself, it still made him feel unacceptable, and he didn't even know how to react.

In the late October of the Yellow Emperor era, Wei Guo’s huge mission to Rome finally set off after more than half a year of preparation. This time the team was led by Chang Wei, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites of Wei Guo, and the deputy envoy was the staff officer of the General Staff Department. Viru.However, the scale of this mission is very large. Among them, there are guards composed of 10 Imperial Guard officers and soldiers, and a merchant camp composed of 21 business representatives.

The 21 firms plus their guards and buddies have a total of 6000 people.The point is not that the missions are large in number, but that they carry a large amount of cargo.

Although Valens concealed it very well, Ran Ming discovered from his flickering eyes that he was still playing tricks on him.Although Ran Ming wanted to borrow Valens' identity so that he could influence Europe.However, Valens is not Ran Ming's only choice.Although Valens' identity was not a secret in Wei, it was only circulated in a very small circle, and little was known about him by the outside world.

At this time, Helena and Ran Ming's child has already been born. Although it is still less than one year old at this time, if it works well, it is not impossible to replace Valens.Some people like to think they are smart.If Valens was more honest with Ran Ming, and the father and son opened up the window to explain the matter, Wei Guo would definitely support Valens to return to Europe and regain the throne of the Roman Empire. Although to a certain extent, Valens would be controlled, but But it is much stronger than now that he is deeply feared by Ran Ming.

"My concubine sees Your Majesty!" Just as Ran Ming was meditating, Helena Constantine, wearing a palace attire, paid Ran Ming generously.If you put aside Helena's skin color and appearance, just by her words and demeanor, it is impossible to associate her with a Roman.As the daughter of Emperor Constantine, Helena, who was deeply educated in the Roman palace, has an almost morbid obsession with the etiquette of the Wei palace.

Whether it's sitting posture or gestures accompanying speech, she must demand perfection from herself and not allow herself to have a single flaw.Especially her weird accent when she speaks. In order to speak standard Wei Guoguan dialect, in terms of language, she almost requires herself to practice at least five hours a day, her voice is hoarse, and she still doesn't stop to rest.This made Ran Ming feel distressed.But the hard work is effortless. Helena's official language at this time is very standard. Even Li Jingshu, who has learned Chinese since childhood, has some Bashu dialect when speaking, but Helena is standard official language. What a few women of different races don't have.

"I've told you many times, we are husband and wife, so there's no need to see each other like this!" Ran Ming was very uncomfortable with this change in Helena, because this change made Ran Ming feel very strange.

"Courtesy cannot be broken!" Helena still replied solemnly.

"Okay, it's up to you!" Ran Ming knew that he couldn't control Helena's obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he sighed, "I'm looking for you today because of some changes in the Roman Empire in Europe.

"European Roman Empire, what happened there?" As soon as Ran Ming's words fell, Helena asked anxiously. Neither heard.It's just that the Roman Empire has an inseparable relationship with her. Her father and ex-husband both sacrificed their lives for the Roman Empire, so she also pays special attention to the situation of the Roman Empire in Europe.

At this time, Emperor Jovian of the Roman Empire was the head of the Guards of the former Roman Emperor Julian (equivalent to the General Guard of the Central Plains Dynasty). In 363 AD, Jovian joined Julian in the expedition to Sasan Persia.Julian was badly wounded in the battle and died during the retreat on June 363, 6 AD.The next day, Salutius, the commander of the Praetorian Guard, announced that the army supported Jovian as the successor.In this way, Jovian became the new emperor of the Roman Empire.

In the eyes of the emperor Ran Ming, the death of Julian, the former emperor of the Roman Empire, was full of doubts, and Jovian's accession to the throne was even more unbelievable.However, at this time, almost all of Constantine's three sons and many sons and nieces died in the civil war for nearly 20 consecutive years. Whether Constantine's nephew Julian or Jovian came to power, they were full of conspiracy.

Continuous internal battles for power have made the formerly powerful and prosperous Roman Empire no longer exist. Although the Roman Legion expanded again and again at this time, during the reign of Constantine the Great, the Roman Empire had a total of 20 permanent The Roman Legion, about 59 to 65 troops, but in the time of Constantine I, the Roman Legion increased to 23 permanent legions, and increased to 80 Roman troops and [-] Roman auxiliary legions in the Jovian period The strength of the Roman Empire is approaching [-], which is almost three times that of the Sasanian Field Cavalry Legion of the Persian Empire. However, the number of troops has increased, and the combat effectiveness of the Roman Empire has not been imposed. In view of this, the total military expenditure has more than tripled Fan.This is really a great irony - the army that should have been used to defend the empire has instead become a heavy burden for the empire, crushing the empire itself bit by bit.

Helena didn't care who was the emperor of the Roman Empire, but as a princess and queen of the Roman Empire, she still had deep feelings for the subjects of the Roman Empire.Hearing that the Roman Emperor Jovian was defeated in the battle with the Persian Empire and was seriously injured, the Eastern Roman Field Legion consisted of five Roman cavalry brigades (each brigade was three battalions, with about 1000 to 2000 people) During the period, there were ten Roman legions with a total strength of about 7000. Including the cavalry attached to the Roman legions, the Roman Eastern Field Legion had a total of 1 to [-] cavalry, but its opponents were [-]. More than ten thousand cavalry, after the failure of the Eastern Field Legion of the Roman Empire, others lost more than two-thirds of their equipment and nearly half of their personnel.

This is very fatal to the Roman Empire. If there is no external help, the Roman Empire may perish as a result.But what is gratifying is that the people of the Roman Empire did not abandon their government, but rushed to join the army. Even if the Roman Empire would be defeated in every war with the Persian Empire, they would immediately replenish enough troops.It's just a pity that with the heavy losses of the elite soldiers in the Roman Legion, the combat effectiveness of the Roman Legion has been seriously degraded.

"Husband, no, Your Majesty, please request the Roman Empire!" Helena was already in chaos at this time.

Ran Ming said: "You also know that although Great Wei has nothing to do with the Roman Empire, I have no obligation to help them. In this world, there will never be a free lunch. Unless..."

Originally, Helena already felt hopeless, but when she heard Ran Ming's words, she knew that there was still hope for the Roman Empire.

Ran Ming said at this time: "Helena, you are the daughter of Emperor Constantine, your three elder brothers, Constantine II, Constantius II and Constantine I He succeeded to the throne and divided up the Roman Empire, and his two nephews and many other relatives were killed by Constantius II. After the death of Julian, in this world, only you are the king The person with the closest blood relationship to Emperor Tandin, if you want, you can go back to the Roman Empire. The throne belongs to you. For you, I can lead an army to expedition to Europe to help you regain the throne.

"I..." Helena heard Ran Ming's suggestion, but there was a hesitant expression on her face.She was not an ambitious person in the first place. From her heart, she was not very willing to be an emperor. In addition, since she married Ran Ming again, although she was not a queen, she was one of the four concubines. In the harem, Ran Ming didn't favor one person over another. Ran Ming always treated wives and concubines equally.So she is also very satisfied with her current life, and now she hears that she will give up her current peaceful life.When she went to Europe to fight for the throne, it was difficult for her to make up her mind for a while.

Seeing Helena's silence, Ran Ming continued to persuade: "I know Helena, you don't want to be the emperor of the Roman Empire, and you don't want to be separated from me. In fact, this problem is easy to solve. You can pass the emperor's position to Ye Son, when the time comes we will live together."

Ye'er is Ran Ming's ninth son, and also the son of Helena and Ran Ming. He is only seven months old and not yet a year old.

Although Helena did not participate in politics, as a princess of royal family background, she still has political vision and political mind.She understood Ran Ming's intention almost at this moment.

"The Roman Empire is an empire that has been passed down for thousands of years. No matter who is the Roman Emperor, his duty is to protect the Roman subjects." Helena said: "If Ye'er becomes the Emperor of the Roman Empire, then Europe and Wei are one family. At that time, can Great Wei help us more in Europe? For example, the farming technology, textile technology, etc. here are far more advanced than those in Europe. These can greatly improve the quality of life of the people. You must know that even during my father’s rule, There are still many people in Europe who can’t even eat enough.”

"Of course!" Ran Ming said with a smile: "As long as they are willing to accept our rule, then we will naturally treat them as our own people, and we will never treat them badly!"

Ran Ming immediately assured that, of course, if some Europeans don't know how to flatter them and dare to resist them, then don't blame him for being rude.

Ran Ming decided to abandon Valens and let the doll Ran Ye be the emperor of the Roman Empire. Will the Roman Empire agree?This is not what Ran Ming considers. Perhaps it is the reason why Helena's genetics are relatively strong. This Ran Ye is obviously different from the Huaxia people, but a very obvious Eurasian.Although this made Ran Ming regretful, it was easier to be accepted by the Romans.

After Helena agreed, Ran Ming took Helena to the staff headquarters.

"See Your Majesty, join the imperial concubine!"

"My love, please!" Ran Ming said, "There is one thing that needs to be planned by the general staff. Now that the war between the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire has reached the most critical moment, if there is no external help, the Roman Empire is likely to lose power in the next three to five years. It was destroyed by the Persian Empire. Therefore, I decided that our Wei army would send troops to help the Roman Empire, and when our Wei army and the Roman army attacked the cavalry field army of the Persian Empire, I would like to know how many troops our Wei army would need to dispatch to complete this task?"

"20 cavalry!" Chief of General Staff Ji Wei said directly: "According to my estimation, to defeat the Persian Empire army, the Great Wei should dispatch three to five cavalry divisions. If you want to help the imperial concubine regain the throne, then You need 20 cavalry elite troops, and you have to bear the price of [-] to [-] casualties!"

"20 troops, 5 to [-] casualties?" Ran Ming asked in surprise, "Is that too much?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is not difficult to defeat the Persian army with the combat power of our army. In fact, the Anxi army's westward expedition has long considered the result of the interference of the Persian Empire. At that time, 300 (including [-] troops and [-] civilians) Han troops went west. Conquering the Western Regions, there is no reason for the soldiers of our Great Wei to be weaker than the Han army. That's why the Anxi Army deployed three cavalry divisions and four infantry divisions. It is not difficult to defeat a Persian Empire that has been fighting for years. Their Persian cavalry At best, they were light cavalry from [-] years ago. Our Wei cavalry can completely defeat them. Of course, our Wei cavalry arrived in Europe for the first time, so it is very necessary to show the strength of our Wei army. Too few numbers will definitely not be a deterrent It works!" Ji Wei said: "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about the supply problem. Our navy is so powerful that we can dispatch [-] warships and [-] transport ships. This time our Wei Guang is going to expedition to Europe, so we have to fight again. Let’s take a look at the Gupta Empire. According to intelligence, the Gupta Empire is unwilling to fail. They are flirting with the remnants of the Di people, and they are giving them support. Now the plateau is a sword hanging over our Great Wei’s head. It’s time to solve this problem. "

In fact, Ran Ming has also considered the issue of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The key is that there is neither rich mineral resources nor fertile land. It is like a chicken rib. Every time the issue of Fu Jian's remnants is mentioned to the cabinet, the cabinet ministers will always propose peace. resolve this matter.

However, although a peaceful settlement will help reduce the casualties of the Wei army, it is inevitable once and for all.You must know that the strategic position of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is too important. If it becomes stronger there, it will be like the Tang Dynasty and Tubo. Tubo completely regards the Tang Dynasty as a granary. When they want to grab it, they will come and grab it, and then turn around and run again go back.Even Tian Khan Li Shimin has nothing to do with Tubo.

First cut off the connection between the Gupta Empire and the remnants of Fu Jian, and cut off their foreign aid. Relying solely on the output on the plateau will definitely not be able to feed Fu Jian's large army, and then the plateau problem can be solved once and for all.

Ran Ming nodded and said: "How is the formation of the three mountain divisions going? Now that Wei has taken down the Western Regions, Tingzhou is a newly acquired land, and it is necessary to maintain the place with a large army. And the Tianshan Mountains in Tingzhou The climate is similar to that of the plateau, so the three newly formed mountain divisions can be placed on the Tianshan Mountains for adaptive training. As long as the training of the three mountain divisions is completed, our Great Wei will send troops to conquer the plateau and establish Tibet.”

Ji Li said: "What Your Majesty said is very true. The difficulty of this expedition is not the war, but the supplies. Moreover, the distance is too far, the amount of supplies is too large, and the difficulty is too great."

"No matter what, we must ensure that the frontline soldiers have enough food, warm clothes, and medical treatment for their illnesses and injuries." Ran Minglang said: "I will never allow it. My soldiers have shed blood for Wei. And weep."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty! The logistics department will do their best and will never owe the frontline soldiers! Otherwise, if something goes wrong, your Majesty, please cut off the heads of the ministers!"

(End of this chapter)

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