Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1025 Go to Wei State to find the answer

Chapter 1025 Go to Wei State to find the answer

Chapter 1032 Go to Wei State to find the answer
Just when Ran Ming wanted to show off his muscles to Europe, a luxuriously dressed young man walked out of Huashi City, the capital of the Gupta Empire. Chandala Gupta II.

As Wei became stronger and stronger, the Gupta Empire felt a great threat.At this time, Wei State was not only a threat to the Gupta Empire, but also very likely to overthrow the Gupta Empire's rule.

Although the Wei State and the Gupta Empire are very far away, in comparison.Samadhara Gupta of the Gupta Empire spent a lot of money and finally got a lot of information about Wei.At this time, Samadhara Gupta already knew that the Wei State was only a principality with a small piece of territory more than ten years ago, with only a few people and tens of thousands of soldiers, but they were defeated in a short period of more than ten years. Eliminated powerful opponents one after another, and quickly completed the reunification. What is even more incredible is that Wei State has achieved incredible achievements in both economic and military affairs.

Therefore, Yue Ai is puzzled by the strength of Wei State. In order to find out the real reason why Wei is strong, Yue Ai decides to disguise herself as an ordinary person and travel around the land of Wei, looking for the real reason why Wei is strong. One aspect is to increase your own knowledge.After patient persuasion, Samadhara Gupta finally agreed to Moon Love's request,
Yue Ai disguised herself as a little prince from an indigenous tribe in Nanyang, and set foot on the road to Wei State with only two guards.However, the two guards of Yue Ai are not ordinary people, but very powerful ascetics of the Gupta Empire, especially the muscles of the Gupta Empire have been cultivated to abnormal strength. Although the longbow of the Gupta Empire is not strong in piercing armor, but For flesh and blood, it can easily kill with one blow.However, these two ascetics do not need any armor and shields for auxiliary defense. They can withstand the close-range shooting of the Gupta longbow only by relying on their flesh and blood.

Samadhara Gupta believed that only Kanjun Sharma and Mani Iyer (one of the ancient Brahmin castes) were enough to protect the safety of Moon Love, as long as there was no large-scale army, Kanjun Sharma Both Erma and Mani Iyer can protect Yue Ai from the encirclement.

After half a year of slow progress, Yue Ai finally came to the Guangzhou Governor's Department (Zhi Fanyu) on the mainland of Wei State. When she first arrived in Guangzhou, Yue Ai was stunned by the prosperity of Guangzhou.In fact, at this time, Guangzhou was not more prosperous than the north, but rather lagged behind.As soon as she came here, Yue Ai discovered the difference between this place and the Gupta Empire.

The biggest difference between the Wei State and the Gupta Empire is the difference in administrative management. The Gupta Empire is divided into 34 states (equivalent to the states of the Wei State), but the Wei State has set up counties under the state-level administrative level, consisting of several counties However, whether it is the county magistrate, prefect or state governor, they do not adopt the hereditary system like the Gupta Empire. The governor of a state or the king of a city is hereditary. It is so troublesome for the Gupta Empire to abolish the title of a nobleman, and the officials in the county only have administrative power and no military power. Maybe, unlike the nobles of the Gupta Empire, after each one became powerful, they didn't listen to the orders from above at all.

The administrative difference between counties is only one aspect. In addition, Wei State also has various differences from the Gupta Empire, such as allowing ordinary people to own land.It is simply unimaginable for ordinary people to own land in the Gupta Empire.In addition, taxation and other aspects are also very different. In the Gupta Empire, monks are a privileged class. In Wei State, although monks and Taoist priests in Wei State can also own land, their land and various industries must be taxed according to the law.

Yue Ai even thought that if the Gupta Empire collected taxes from temples and monks like Wei State, it could completely solve the financial crisis.You must know that the Gupta Empire is expanding its army and preparing for war at this time, but there is not so much money in the treasury to arm these new troops.Just asking temples and monks to contribute part of the money has aroused their resistance.Almost facing each other, Yue Ai made up her mind even more. She must learn from Wei Guo in the future and resolutely collect taxes from those temples and monks.

What made Yue Ai even more inconceivable was that the nobles of Wei State would still be dealt with by law. He saw with his own eyes that a city lord (the Marquis of Wei State) was deprived of his noble status due to tax evasion, and his family property was all was copied.Moreover, the biggest difference of Wei State is that all the officials are officials from other places. These officials were born in the north, so they can only come to the south or west to become officials. In this way, they have nothing to do with the local nobles, so When enforcing the law, they don't care about the interests of those nobles. Anyone who obstructs their law enforcement will be severely punished. This has also caused many nobles to lose their titles and even go to jail for breaking the law.

The officials of the Gupta Empire are all hereditary, and over time they have reached a relationship of marriage or an alliance of interests with the local nobles. In this case, they will not consider the interests of the country at all, but will do everything possible to evade taxes and evade taxes. Lose the public and enrich the private.

Moreover, Yue Ai also discovered that the officials of the Wei State have terms of office, and the county magistrate and the first-level prefect are all elected for five years. In a county or county, they can only serve two consecutive terms, that is to say, they can serve in one place for ten years at most. Officer, and then transferred to other places.In the State of Wei, there are generally five aspects in assessing an official's performance. The first is the population issue, and the second is the income of the common people.The third is the local economic development, the fourth is the local education infrastructure, and the fifth is the tax situation.

For the difference between Wei State and Gupta Empire, Yue Ai can't say whether it is worry or joy for the time being, but after staying in Guangzhou for a month, Yue Ai finally decided to go north to visit the capital of Wei State.However, when Yue Ai took a boat northward in Guangzhou, Yue Ai discovered something incredible to him, because the boat he took this time had no sails. He had seen Wei’s ships before and knew that their ships were It was driven by sails, but the boat they were on had no sails and no oars.On the contrary, there was something like a chimney that was spraying out thick black smoke, which made him feel very strange. He couldn't understand how the ship was driven, let alone what these chimneys were for?

It was also with this kind of curiosity that Yue Ai took Kanjun Sharma and Mani Iyer after boarding the boat.I have been paying attention to the actions of everyone on board.When he started the boat, he obviously felt that the hull began to vibrate, as if a monster had come to life in the hull, and then the boat was slowly leaving the port driven by a movement from nowhere, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Faster and faster, the sea wind and waves can't affect the speed of the ship at all.

Yue Ai was very lucky, and met Wei Guo's steam engine paddle steamer.In fact, this kind of steam engine is still in the verification stage. The steam engine of Wei State was officially invented on January 4797, [-] in the Yellow Emperor era. However, in order to be cautious, Ran Ming did not immediately use it on a large scale, but groped forward.The horsepower of the steam engine invented for the first time was very small, so the ship that could carry the steam engine was only equivalent to a [-]-ton feeder ship.

At the same time as the steam engine was invented, the steam engine trains also began to be put into strict repairs. At the same time, the state of Wei accelerated the construction of the railway.Wang Jian, Prime Minister of the Wei State Cabinet, planned to build a [-]-mile railway between the two sides. This is the railway from Buqigang to Yecheng. In the future, the Wei State will build a railway network between counties and counties. Even bigger, Ran Ming will use the Longhai Railway of later generations.Complete Wei's east-west longitudinal railway main line network.

At this time, the steam engine ship is not much faster than the sail ship, and the only advantage is that it does not have to consider the wind direction.As the ship moved forward, Yue Ai began to look for someone to answer her doubts.Fortunately, Yue Ai has conducted intensive training in Chinese for nearly half a year, and she can barely communicate with others.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency?" Yue Ai looked at a person on the deck leaning on the strings of the ship and asked.

The person Yueai asked was actually an ordinary sailor on the ship. He was called Your Excellency and he smiled and said, "Your Excellency is the name of a nobleman. My surname is Yang. You can call me Xiaoqi or Qilang."

"Qilang, may I ask why this kind of boat under our feet can run so fast without sails and oars?" Yue'ai blushed, but this question held in his heart would drive him crazy.

Yang Qilang said with a smile: "Actually, this is nothing. Wheel ships actually appeared in Dawei ten years ago. At that time, dozens or hundreds of people stepped on the pedals to drive the wheel ships. Forward. However, due to limited human strength, this kind of wheeled ship could not travel far at that time, and could only sail in rivers or lakes. At the beginning of the year, our Royal Academy of Sciences of the Great Wei invented this steam engine. The steam engine is too Well, you can drive the wheel boat instead of people. You don’t know. I used to ride the wheel on the boat. I was so tired every day. I didn’t even have the intention to take a step. Now it’s fine, and I can go to the port comfortably. .”

Hearing that it was a ship driven by equipment, Yue Ai wanted to go in and take a look, but this was a top secret of the State of Wei. Both the working principle of the steam engine and the equipment were kept secret.Of course, if this newly tested steam engine ship is not an industry under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I am afraid that they will not even be able to carry out the test and verification.

At this time, if one travels from Guangzhou to Buqi, even with a favorable wind, it will take ten days or half a month to resist Buqi Port, but the speed is much faster at the speed of the ship.On the second day alone, they arrived in Linhai County for a resupply, supplying a large amount of coal and fresh water.In fact, the energy efficiency of the steam engine at this time is absolutely speechless. A small boat with a load of 70.00 tons needs to load [-] tons of coal for the steam engine alone, and more than [-] tons of fresh water.It accounts for [-]% of the carrying capacity. If the steam engine is not modified, it may not be worth putting into commercial operation.

You must know that it is impossible to go there by this transport ship. One person does not count as food. A lot, but in the income of the common people in Wei State, it is not low.If it is an ordinary craftsman, he can only get a salary of [-] or [-] yuan a month, while a skilled craftsman can earn only about [-] to [-] yuan a month. It takes nearly half a year's income to build a ship, and ordinary people really can't afford it.

But Yue Ai is a person who is not short of money. Although the Gupta Empire is in financial difficulties and crises, but when he left Huashi City, he brought a full [-] denaras. This time the boat ticket is only his money. one ten-thousandth of.

After passing through Linhai Port for replenishment, the ship continued northward, and finally arrived at Buqi Port on the evening of the seventh day.Although Buqi Port was originally built as a military port by Ran Ming, but at this time the military port and civilian port have been completely separated, and Buqi Port has become the port with the largest throughput in Wei State.

After more than ten years of development, Buqicheng has become an international metropolis. If the original city is expanded by nearly ten times, the residents of Buqi are not only Wei people, but also Japanese, Silla, Baekje people, Goguryeo people, Tianzhu people, Persians, Arabs, etc. are all mixed together. There are exchanges and conflicts between various beliefs, but it is not very serious. This is the territory of Wei State, and everything follows the rules of Wei State For the Lord, whoever is causing trouble here will hit you without discussion.Moreover, they will be included in the blacklist of Buqicheng, and they will be refused to enter the city in the future. If this is the case, no businessman will bear this kind of price, so people of other races here are very honest.For them, it is better to be beaten or fined than to be refused entry, and the loss will be much greater.This also gave Yue Ai an eye-opening feeling.

Not its city, let Yue Ai feel what is expensive.When she was in Guangzhou, Yue Ai fell in love with Wei Guo's food, but although Guangzhou is also a port city, it is not at the same level as Buqi, just like Xiamen Port and Shanghai Port in later generations, the consumption levels must be different.

In order to make Yueai eat, drink and have fun, Kanjun Sharma and Mani Iyer chose the best when they were in charge of Yueai's food and accommodation.As a result, she lived in a restaurant called Sihai Restaurant, and spent a total of [-] yuan for one day's accommodation plus food and drink, which made Yue Ai feel a pain in the flesh.

However, Yue Ai also opened her eyes here. It turns out that this is not a simple restaurant, but a trading center.Every morning, merchants who need to ship goods write their names and prices on the blackboard in the hall, and if anyone needs goods, they can ask the restaurant staff for the merchant's contact information, and the transactions are all in the restaurant It's done straight away.It is strange that it is not expensive to consume in this kind of place.

However, Yue'ai's purpose is not to do business, he still wants to visit Yecheng, so after only one day's rest, he embarked on the road to Yecheng.In order to go to Yecheng, Yue Ai specially rented a luxurious four-carriage. After leaving the city, Yue Ai was shocked again. It is not surprising that the road in the city is paved with stones, but it is never so far away from Yecheng The distance is actually all paved with stones. Isn't Wei Guo too rich?
Later, Yue Ai realized that the paving stone was not stone but something called cement.

"Aren't you from Wei?" Seeing Yue Ai's surprised look, the coachman said firmly as if seeing a bumpkin.Yue Ai was taken aback when he heard this. In order to avoid being recognized by others because of his accent, he deliberately did not speak along the way, but he did not expect to be recognized by others.Yue Ai was taken aback suddenly, while Kanjun Sharma and Mani Iyer beside her hurried forward to protect Yue Ai, glaring at the coachman aggressively, as if they were incompatible with each other.

The coachman stared at Yue Ai, master and servant for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "You want to kill me? I advise you to give up this idea, otherwise you will never be able to run fifty miles away if you kill me!"

"Who the hell are you?" Yue Ai watched the driver reveal her identity, but she was not afraid of the murderous aura on Kanjun Sharma and Mani Iyer, obviously she was not an ordinary person.Kanjun Sharma and Mani Iyer, as the top ascetics of the Gupta Empire, possess superb martial arts skills. Even if they look at the entire Gupta Empire, they can be ranked first. His murderous intent will also be terrified.Yue Ai found that the other party was definitely not simple. Although Yue Ai had never participated in a real battle, she had an excellent intuition for danger. He found that the coachman had no murderous intent or hostility, and then calmed down.

"Of course I'm from Wei." The coachman smiled and said, "You rented my carriage and never started from it. This road goes straight to Yecheng. There is a post station every fifty miles. There is no other intersection except the post station. You guys Even if you kill me, the postmen will find you at the next station, and they will definitely notify the road guards to arrest you."

Hearing this, Yue Ai put her hanging heart in her stomach.Yue Ai tried to ask: "I look similar to you, and I didn't speak in front of you, do you know that I'm not from Wei?"

(End of this chapter)

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