Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1026 Nip the threat in the bud

Chapter 1026 Nip the threat in the bud
Chapter 1033 Nip the threat in the bud

The coachman said: "Who in the Great Wei Dynasty doesn't know that this cement is a magical thing invented by His Majesty the Emperor? If you don't even know this thing, you are not from Wei!"

When talking about this, Yue Ai said hesitantly: "I am the little prince of the Boni Kingdom. I heard that the Great Wei is very prosperous, so I came to visit the Great Wei. I want to find out the real reason why the Great Wei is stronger than our Boni Kingdom."

The coachman said proudly: "You should come to see it, but since you came here from the south, you have traveled thousands of miles all the way, have you found the reason why Wei is so powerful?"

"I really can't explain this!" Yue Ai shook her head and said, "Although our Boni Country has few people, the land is extremely fertile and produces more grain than the Great Wei, but our Boni Country has always been poor. From Guangzhou From the very beginning, I have been observing everything about Great Wei, such as economy, public security, government officials, etc. It seems that all aspects are better than our Boni Kingdom, but I always feel that these are not the root causes of Great Wei’s strength, so in the end I I am also confused."

"It's not surprising. The reason why Great Wei is really powerful is actually very simple, because we have a good emperor!" The coachman said: "In the past, the emperor only collected taxes from us people, who cares about our life and death? But the emperor of our Great Wei Dynasty was different. Although he also collected taxes, he collected very little, which was much less than in the previous dynasty. Just help our people to solve their difficulties. Ten years ago, I was poor, and my family didn’t even have a broken house. Although the emperor allocated land to me, I didn’t even have any seeds. What should I do? Your Majesty the Emperor Seeing that there are many poor people like us in the world, he lent us money to buy seed farming tools and cattle. No, our life is getting better and better. Don't look at me as a small driver, in fact I'm also rich."

It turned out that this coachman was also a soldier of the Wei Army in his early years. He retired due to disability. The army's meritorious land and pension land received 250 mu plus his own small field. His family has more than 400 mu of land, and the grain alone can produce more than 600 shi every year. , but at this time Wei Guo did not make money from farming, and could barely cover food and clothing.However, he also has a four-wheeled carriage, two horses, four cows, two small six cows, and a small water mill, with an annual income of tens of millions after tax.

Hearing this, Yue Ai was shocked again.The coachman was still not surprised and said endlessly: "Actually, I am not the richest in the village, I can only be considered average. The richest in our village is Uncle Guo from the east of our village. He has nine sons, among them The seven sons all became soldiers of His Majesty, fighting for the country. Especially the fourth son who joined the army was particularly upbeat and made great contributions in the army. He was recommended to a military academy, became a student of His Majesty, and became a battalion commander after graduation. It is said that he can Do it on an equal footing with our county magistrate."

Yue Ai asked in amazement: "Isn't the general of your Wei Dynasty a nobleman? How can a commoner become a general?"

"The generals of our Wei State have only two paths. They make meritorious service on the battlefield, then go to the military academy for advanced studies, and after graduation, they are assigned to serve as generals in the army." The coachman said: "There are more than 30 young people in our village who followed His Majesty to join the army. One, now four have become His Majesty's students. But only Guo Silang is the biggest official now!"

Yue Ai now understands the power of the Wei Army. The Wei Army rewards are very generous. One soldier can guarantee that the whole family will not be hungry. Especially, all the generals are graduated from the military academy, which guarantees the quality and loyalty of the generals. The training of the Wei army is also stricter than that of our Gupta Empire. Coupled with the application of various firearms, it is no wonder that they can defeat us.The military system of Wei State is much more advanced than that of our Gupta Empire.

In fact, Yue Ai didn't understand it at first. In terms of large territory, the Gupta Empire might not be much smaller than the Wei State, and the population is almost double that of the Wei State.It seems that we must learn from Wei's military system.

In fact, Yue Ai is still too young. The reason why a country is strong is not only caused by one aspect, but a combination of many factors.For example, the reason for the prosperity of Wei is not only because of the future technology brought by Ran Ming, but also because of Wei's open political structure, strong economic and population base, etc. The combination of these reasons has made Wei powerful today. , so Yue Ai was wrong from the very beginning, so naturally she couldn't find the answer he wanted.

Ran Ming is a giant standing on the shoulders of history. He naturally understands the advantages and disadvantages of various political systems in history. For example, the Soviet Union, one of the bipolar superpowers, after its disintegration, many experts said that the Soviet Union was due to economic reasons. And disintegrated.In fact, this is not the case. When the Soviet Union disintegrated, funds and venture capital organizations in the United States and Western countries sat empty of the Soviet ruble, and the United States alone took away 20 trillion U.S. dollars.Today, the market value of China's stock market is between 40 trillion and 60 trillion yuan.It is not as much money as the United States stole from the Soviet Union.No matter how later generations evaluate the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the truth of the disintegration of the Soviet Union is that the entire Soviet bureaucratic class was collectively corrupted and played with life and death.

Whether it is the Soviet Union or the Chinese dynasties in history, what kind of natural disasters, what kind of natural disasters are small glaciers, as long as there is a clean and efficient government, what difficulties cannot be overcome?The locust plague in the second year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty affected nearly one-third of the population in the 29 prefectures of Guanzhong. Li Shimin had just been extorted by the Turks to wipe out the treasury, but there was still no civil uprising in the Tang Dynasty, because at that time in the Tang Dynasty Did not lose hearts.Corruption is the deadliest killer of a country, more feared than foreign enemies.During the Civil Fortress Change in the Ming Dynasty, 50 Ming troops were wiped out, the emperor was captured, and Beijing was besieged, but they were not destroyed either. At that time, the Ming Dynasty had not yet lost the hearts of the people because of corruption.

Any dynasty was able to persevere through all kinds of difficulties during the founding period, because the new bureaucratic class was not corrupt enough, and the officials and the people were of one mind.At this time, the national power of Wei State was booming. In fact, the most fundamental reason was that Wei State had a clean and efficient government and a court supported by the people.

Yue Ai is destined not to see these things.

In the Imperial Study Room of the Imperial Palace of the State of Wei, Ran Ming was speechless for a long time looking at the huge map with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters in the Imperial Study Room. This map is the most precise map of the State of Wei so far. Countless manpower, material resources and resources were spent on this map. financial resources.Ran Ming's gaze was fixed on the direction of Wa Kingdom, full of murderous intent.

In this time and space, no one in the entire Wei Kingdom is aware of the dangers of the Wa Kingdom. After all, the Wei Kingdom is not ignorant of the Wa Kingdom. At this time, the Emperor of the Wa Kingdom is a puppet. There is no unity in name. The Wa Kingdom is either a feudal lord or a daimyo. In fact, it is a small and medium-sized slave owner one by one, cruelly oppressing the citizens of the Wa Kingdom in the controlled area.However, because the country of Wa was rich in gold and silver, it attracted countless merchants from the state of Wei to flock here.

At this time, a large number of Japanese women became the main force of brothels in various parts of the Wei Kingdom, and the samurai were trained by the merchants to be dead soldiers or low-level officers of the Nanyang indigenous servant army. Ran Ming proposed three times to send troops to attack the Wa Kingdom, and the cabinet, including the Prime Minister Wang Jian, did not agree. , because these ministers are very clear that at this time the country of Wa is the treasury of the country of Wei, and they want to go to grab the silver directly. Ming will not eat alone, and he will be taxed heavily.So these ministers are not happy.

But these ministers are absolutely not clear that Ran Ming does not want to occupy the Wa country, but simply avenges the 500 million compatriots who died in vain.

At this moment, Zhongchang Attendant You Yi ran over with small steps and said, "Your Majesty, General Jing Zhan has arrived."


This is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a square face that reveals a sense of fortitude. Although a little wrinkles have appeared on the corners of his eyes and forehead due to his age, he does not look old, but it adds a little more to him calm.Although he was only wearing a black armor, without wearing or wearing any decorative items, the suffocating sense of oppression was transmitted to every corner of the lobby in every detail.

Jing Zhan is the absolute direct descendant of Ran Ming. Ever since he led the army to attack Longcheng, Jing Zhan has led his troops to camp in Yingzhou. For ten years, he has never met Ran Ming.At this time, Jing Zhan didn't see Ran Ming's face, just a back view, and this stalwart back view was enough, he saw his father.

Jing Zhan stared with bated breath, stepping on the carpet step by step, completely moving his footsteps. When he was only a few steps away from the steps, he suddenly bent down, then knelt down heavily, and put his head on the carpet.

"Boom!" Jing Zhan's forehead hit the floor heavily, making a dull sound.Ran Ming was disturbed in his meditation, turned his head and took three steps in parallel, and rushed to Jing Zhan, "Get up, don't be so formal." Ran Ming's voice was very low, but Jing Zhan, who was kneeling, He couldn't hear the sound, and it wasn't until Ran Ming's hand helped him up that he saw the shape of Ran Ming's mouth and understood what Ran Ming meant, and Jing Zhan's heart was like thunder.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Jing Zhan stood up slowly, and then expressed himself to Ran Ming with sign language.Ran Ming didn't speak any more, but looked carefully at Jing Zhan.

"It's been ten years since we saw each other, but it's gotten a lot stronger." After a while, Ran Ming said softly. "Not bad, not bad, more and more like an important minister."

Jing Zhan knew that Ran Ming's secret call back to him was definitely not to make things happen, Jing Zhan directly expressed his meaning in sign language: "I am willing to go through fire and water for your Majesty, and I will die!"

Ran Ming looked at Jing Zhan and smiled with satisfaction.He pulled Jing Zhan, picked up a thin wooden stick from the table next to him, pointed to the map on the wall, the wooden stick slid gently on the map, and moved to the upper right bit by bit , passed through Youbeiping, passed through Liaodong, Changli, Longcheng, Goguryeo, Buyeo, Silla, Baekje, passed through a vast ocean, and finally stayed on several islands in the sea.

Since Jing Zhan could read lips, Ran Ming did not use sign language to express, but said directly: "I have a feeling in the dark that the country of Wa will become a big problem for the country of Wei in the future, so this big problem must be eliminated in the bud , do you understand what I mean? I want you to go back and secretly organize Fuyu, Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje, and Sanhan Qingzhuang to form an army of servants, cross the sea, and kill all the people on these islands .can it be done?"

"If I can't do it, I'd like to come and see you!"

"Okay!" Ran Ming laughed loudly: "Very good, who can hit the sword immediately, but I am General Jing. In order to cover up this operation, you will implement it immediately after you return to Yingzhou. First, send people to arrest Fuyu and Goguryeo , Silla, Baekje, and Sanhan Qingzhuang, organize them to build a railway from Beiping to Lelang County, and then let these people replace them with others, and just report their deaths. It was directly assigned by my internal treasury. After the matter is completed, these people must also be silenced!
In the Huaxia vassal state system, the countries most influenced by Han culture are the three kingdoms of North Korea, Japan and South Korea. However, the three countries have no gratitude to China, and they are more than one white-eyed wolf.For example, in the North Korea of ​​the later generations, the Chinese government tightened their belts to help them gain independence, and the result was naturally tears.In later generations, Ran Ming was just an ordinary mafia boss, at most he could stop the Japanese invasion in the economic field, but his efforts were not thankful.

This time, Ran Ming will never let the three white-eyed wolves go easily.Ran Ming's plan is very simple. It is already a common practice in Wei State to recruit aborigines to build railways and other projects with high labor intensity and high risk factor. Even during the construction process, no one was killed or injured. Will watch.

It is the political wisdom and glorious tradition formed since the 5000-year history of China. No one will disobey Ran Ming’s meaning in this respect, because only ministers who help those indigenous people speak, without exception, They have become the people who have the closest relationship with the indigenous people.Ran Ming never arrested or killed these ministers of the Wei state who stood and talked all the time, and all of them were promoted to serve as local officials in the colony.

Ran Ming's plan is actually very feasible. It will be about 25 miles from Youbeiping to Lelang County ([-] counties under the jurisdiction of the county, including today's Pyongyang, Datong River and Haizhou in North Korea). Even in later generations, this is an anomaly. For a huge project, it is not uncommon to deploy millions of workers. If millions of workers work at the same time, and thousands of people starve to death every day, no one will find out.Jing Zhan took this method completely, hiding it from everyone's eyes and ears, and secretly assembled an army to conquer the Japanese.

In order to cooperate with Jing Zhan's operation this time, Ran Ming even transferred some members of the former Xie Ai death squad.

After receiving Ran Ming's secret order, Jing Zhan never showed his face in Ye City. He just left Ye City after meeting Ran Ming.After just half a month, Jing Zhan arrived in Yingzhou.

In a secret military camp in the Taihang Mountains, this is the secret training camp of the Royal Secret Service. Wei Guo's intelligence organization, the Royal Secret Service, has a very complicated composition. There is also Zhang Chonghua's "blue eyes" and Xie Ai's death squad, of course there is Chu Suanzi's "shadow", and Jin Chengyue's "Tiger Organization". The most regrettable thing is that Huan Wen established an intelligence organization to follow Huan Wen's death, and the wind blows the clouds away.

At this moment, in this training camp with thousands of people, suddenly a colonel and officer boarded the commander's platform, and then said loudly: "Now the people whose names I have called will stand out, and the others will continue to train after they are dismissed!"

Thirty-four soldiers who were quickly called out were gathered in a conference room.The colonel officer said straight to the point: "Brothers, you must be very surprised why I recruited you." The colonel officer paused, glanced from left to right, and then said: "A few days ago, the emperor Your Majesty dreamed that the Wa Kingdom would become our great Wei's confidant in the future, and it is our bounden duty to solve your father's worries and problems. We are bound by our duty."

The royal guards will only be loyal to Ran Ming, and they will not be loyal to others unless Ran Ming resigns from the throne or dies.That's why the royal guards were extremely strict in selecting candidates, especially strengthening brainwashing training.Some people may wonder, is it so powerful to be brainwashed?

"We are the royal special guards of the Great Wei. We are the guardians of the Great Wei. No matter what race or individual they are, as long as they threaten the Great Wei, we will kill them all!" It is said that the country of Wa will become the confidant of the state of Wei in the future, then the country of Wa will definitely become the confidant of the state of Wei, so..."

"Kill the Japanese. Kill them all!"

The thirty or forty royal guards present showed fanatic and excited expressions on their faces.

"Very good, very good!" The colonel officer said: "Now prepare immediately, and set off immediately with your equipment in a quarter of an hour!"

On February [-], [-] in the era of the Yellow Emperor, Emperor Ran Ming of the Wei Kingdom proposed the "Wei Guoxing Railway Network Construction Proposal" to the cabinet and delivered a speech: "If you want to get rich, build roads first".Ran Ming's motion was passed with an absolute majority of votes, and the next day Wei Guoge reprinted Ran Ming's speech "If you want to get rich, build roads first" in full in newspapers.At the same time, the State of Wei officially established the Ministry of Railways, which is responsible for managing the development strategies and policies of the railway industry in Wei State, formulating railway development plans, compiling national railway annual plans, and participating in the preparation of comprehensive transportation system planning and other work.

Since the Ministry of Railways is a new department with no historical reference experience, Ran Ming nominated Wang Meng and Wang Jinglue as Minister of the Ministry of Railways, and was approved by Prime Minister Wang Jian, and appointed Wang Meng to take full charge of the preparation work for the Ministry of Railways of Wei State. .At this time, Ran Ming's confidant Wang Meng was finally promoted to the rank of Minister of the Department, equal to Xie An.

(End of this chapter)

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