Chapter 1028

Chapter 1036
On the distant Red Sea, there are turbulent waves.A huge fleet is sailing with difficulty.This fleet is the Great Wei Mission from the State of Wei to the Roman Empire.

At this time, the Suez Canal has not been officially opened. To reach Europe by sea, one must bypass Africa. Not to mention the distance, the Wei State Navy has not explored such a long distance. For unfamiliar seas, the variables are too big.

Even though the wind was strong, Chang Wei did not go back to rest in the cabin, but tied himself to the deck and let the sea breeze blow.At this time, Chang Wei was over 50 years old. In fact, he was not only an outstanding diplomat of Wei State, but also very capable himself.Originally, based on his background and experience, it was not difficult to be promoted to the Minister of the Ministry.But Ran Ming also has his plan, as long as Chang Wei completes this task, he can be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and then enter the cabinet as an extremely human minister.

In addition to forming an alliance with the Roman Empire and jointly fighting against the Persian Sasanian Empire, this mission to the Roman Empire also has another purpose to carve up Central Asia.Of course, at this time, Chang Wei also shouldered a secret mission, which was to unite with the Roman Empire and open the Suez Canal.This time they passed the Red River and arrived in Suez, and they were about to turn overland to Constantinople.

Egypt, one of the four ancient civilizations at this time, has now been incorporated into the Eastern Roman Empire and became a part of the Eastern Roman Empire. It was annexed by the Sasanian Empire until more than 200 years later. Soon with the rise of the Arab Empire, including the Sasanian Empire All were annexed by the Arab Empire.

Originally, this journey was very smooth, but when they arrived at the Red Sea, they encountered a storm. The Imperial Guard cavalry who had just undergone adaptive training were tossed and vomited, and both men and horses suffered heavy losses.After finally surviving the storm, taking stock of the losses, only three transport ships and one horse ship were lost, especially the loss of more than 200 horses, which made Chang Wei very distressed.

As a last resort, Chang Wei had no choice but to change his itinerary. Instead of disembarking in Suez, he landed in the Kaaba (now Mecca) on the east coast of the Red Sea. Chang Wei found that they had entered a world of barbarians.

At this time, Arabia has not yet formed a unified nation and religion. There are more than 360 tribes in the entire Arabian Peninsula, and each tribe has its own totem and belief. These tribes fought with each other, resulting in a large number of bandits and robbers.

Even on the first day of boarding the Kaaba area, Chang Wei's troops were attacked by as many as seven bandits of varying numbers.It's just a pity that Wei's imperial guards are not the same as those of the Great Song Dynasty. Although Wei's imperial guards are all tall and strong, they are not young birds who have not seen blood.The army of Wei State has a strict rotation system. To become an imperial guard, one must have a military merit of three or more, and at least ten beheading ranks.

When these half-dead soldiers of the Imperial Guard who were tortured by the sea discovered that the robbers on the Arabian Peninsula were actually attacking them, these half-dead soldiers of the Imperial Guard instantly became excited like chicken blood.You must know that it is impossible for such a huge fleet to land on the Kaaba without alarming these robbers.After all, the alliance between the State of Wei and the Roman Empire also had a profound commercial nature. This mission carried a large amount of property, which attracted robbers to attack the mission of the State of Wei.

But this gang of robbers obviously didn't inquire about the situation clearly. They didn't know what kind of people they were facing. Although they had more people than Chang Wei's, the leaders around Chang Wei were all the elite of Wei. The elite of the Imperial Guard cavalry.The Praetorian Guards basically couldn't get a chance to fight, but they were suffocated.If the soldiers of the Wei State want to be promoted and make a fortune, they only have military exploits, but where do they have the opportunity to make military exploits in the imperial guards?
So as soon as this bandit appeared, before they could make a move, the guard cavalry in the Wei State Mission took the initiative to charge. They had been holding back on the ship for several months, especially in the first few days. It was so dark that they vomited, and now they are all holding their breath, wanting to show off in front of the envoys, and their equipment is extremely sophisticated, let alone a mere gang of robbers, even if they are facing an army several times their size. Arab regular cavalry, they also have the certainty of victory.

The Arabs at this time are not the Arabs hundreds of years later. They have not formed a unified nation and belief, so naturally they do not have the kind of crazy belief of moths throwing a ship on fire.

After only three rounds of crossbow firing, and even without formal contact, this Arab bandit with thousands of people began to collapse.The Wei State mission has 6000 people, of which the real mission members are no more than 1000 people, 5000 are cavalry of the Imperial Guard, and the other [-] people are merchants and merchant escorts.

These Wei State Merchant Guards are not good birds. If you think about the later East India Company, you will know what kind of urine the Wei State Merchant Guards are.These merchants are doing business at sea, and under normal circumstances, they will fight as soon as they can, and rob as soon as they can, and they will never waste opportunities.Seeing the defeat of this bandit now, if you don't take advantage of it, it is definitely not Wei's notorious merchant guard.

At least nearly 3000 members of the Merchant Guard raised their blades and cooperated with the Janissary cavalry to hunt down these robbers.As the envoy of the mission, Chang Wei, he did not prevent the merchant escort from massacring the robbers.Although Chang Wei is not a general, he knows that they are not familiar with the place here after all, and their number is limited, so bloody means must be used to let the local robbers know how powerful they are, and when others want to provoke them again, they must Weigh your own strength.

A group of nearly ten thousand bandits disappeared in the Arabian Peninsula in just half a day, especially the accompanying envoy of the Roman Empire, Alex Villatna, was stunned when he saw this scene.At this time, the Arabian Peninsula and the central and northern regions were all under the rule of the Roman Empire. However, because the Roman Empire had fewer victories and more losses in the war with the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire mobilized most of its garrisons to participate in the war against the Sasanian Dynasty. , which rapidly deteriorated the security situation in the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt.The local Roman legions can barely control some large and medium-sized cities, and they can only let it go in remote areas.

In Alex Veratner's impression, these Arab bandits were no worse than the Persian cavalry, and sometimes even more troublesome than the regular Persian cavalry.They are elusive, they are fierce and brutal, and once they succeed, they are often left alone. This Arab bandit group of nearly [-] people, even if it is against a full-strength Roman legion, I am afraid that the Roman legion will not be able to fight with their whole body in the field. retreat.

"Oh! God! Am I right?" Alex Veratna said to Severus, the deputy envoy of the State of Wei beside him: "These Serisians are so powerful? They seem to have defeated this city without any casualties. Thousands of robbers?"

Severus said disapprovingly: "It's not a big deal. You must know that after more than half a year of rough seas, the Imperial Guard cavalry can only display [-]% of their combat effectiveness. If they are allowed to rest on land for a month , I'm sure you will be even more incredible."

"Is that true?" Alex Veratner asked puzzled, "There shouldn't be many elite troops like Wei, right?"

"It's really not many. There are 45 infantry divisions, 100 cavalry divisions, and four marine corps. More than [-] million people." Severus didn't have much sense of identity with the Roman Empire at this time. Now he has joined the nationality of Wei State, and by virtue of his merits, he has become an earl of Wei State.However, he has a fief that can only be owned by a duke in the Roman Empire.For these Severus are very cherished.The purpose of his return to the Roman Empire this time is to search for his relatives and bring them back to the Kingdom of Wei.

"They have more than 100 million people in such an army?" Alex Veratna's mouth was almost cracked to the root of his ears: "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Severus said lightly: "Did you know? Wei Guoan's Western Army has launched a western expedition. Four infantry divisions and three cavalry divisions have been mobilized, with a total of more than [-] troops , and the place where they conquered is the eastern part of the Persian Empire, and in the paper deduction of the staff department, there is no follow-up support plan, this is not because the Serisians are arrogant, but because they do have this strength."

In the end, nearly [-] men and horses were killed in half a day, and the rest escaped without a trace. It must be said that this cold-blooded slaughter really deterred many Arab bandits.There is a saying that people die for money, and birds die for food. The Wei State Mission carried too much property, so much that the Arab bandits clearly knew that the Wei State Mission was a tough one, but they still swooped like moths on a flame. come over.

These bandit groups began to unite secretly, and the scale of each attack was larger than the last, and the methods used were also different, but this brought enough slaves to the Wei State Mission.Chang Wei ordered these slaves to build more than 400 carts under the guidance of merchants from Wei State. These carts are exactly like Wei State's chariots and can serve as temporary mobile fortresses.

After more than half a month's advance, the Wei State mission was also full of dangers along the way. Especially when they arrived in the Hijaz area, they encountered more than [-] robbers and tribal coalition forces. With the help of the castle fortress, the Wei State mission still resisted more than ten times the enemy's attack.And repel these bandits and tribal coalition forces.

Of course, this is not all because the fighting power of the Wei State army is too abnormal, but because the hastily united coalition forces are not united. Facing the crossbow array on the Wei State Che City, none of them is willing to consume their own strength. The field union finally failed due to internal and external reasons.

However, at this time, the Wei State Mission can finally feel at ease, because they met a Roman United Legion who came to support them.The Roman legion is a basic combat unit, which is equivalent to the brigade or division of later generations, while the Roman joint legion is composed of three to five Roman legions, which is equivalent to the army or group army level unit of later generations.

Originally, the consuls of the Roman United Legion thought that they would face the Wei State Mission as a savior, but it was a pity that they were destined to be disappointed, because the Wei State Mission not only carried a large amount of property, but also carried as much as More than 2 prisoners of war.

Bailey, the consul of the Roman United Legion, immediately drafted an urgent letter and sent it to Constantinople.In this letter, Bailey described in detail the combat effectiveness of the guards of the Wei State Mission, and a set of figures made the Roman Emperor Jovian break out in a cold sweat.

One thousand cavalry fought 32 consecutive battles for 87 days, killing more than 300 enemies and losing about [-] of them.

The drizzle was weaving obliquely, and a luxurious carriage was driving slowly in the rain.A group of knights in black armor slowly advanced on the official road.There were almost 100 knights in this team, and their pitch-black Mingguang armor shone coldly in the rain.

There are a lot of Wei people joining or retiring from the army now, and people soon realized that the cavalry was different.Because this knight has a cast iron plate of a unicorn on his right chest.Anyone from Wei who has been in the army will feel that there is only one army in the world who can wear the unicorn iron plate, and that is the Royal Forest Army of His Majesty the Emperor Wei.

The predecessor of this Royal Forest Army was the Qilin Guard, the personal guard of the Emperor Wei when he buried his residence.It is not easy to become a Qilin or Yulin army in the Wei State. Unlike other dynasties, the Wei State Yulin Army selects meritorious children and or good family children to enter.The recruitment standard of the Wei State Yulin Army is referred to as three-five-eight thousand. The so-called three-five-eight thousand refers to the basic requirements of the imperial forest army, which are a minimum of three years of military service, five noble military achievements, a height of eight feet, and the ability to read a thousand characters.You must know that these four conditions alone are enough to eliminate more than [-]% of Wei soldiers.

The Imperial Forest Army of the State of Wei is the elite of the elite of the State of Wei's army. Of course, in Wei State, a country that emphasizes martial arts and favors martial arts, they have the fanatical admiration of the common people.Pedestrians on the road or chariots and horses galloping on the official road saw the cavalry of the Royal Forest Army of the State of Wei appearing, and consciously got out of the way, watching the Royal Forest Army pass by solemnly and solemnly.

"How could it be the Imperial Forest Army?" A driver driving an ox cart immediately stopped the cart, stood straight beside the ox cart, and gave a military salute to the passing Imperial Forest Army.This coachman is also a veteran of the regular army of Wei State, and also a reserve soldier.

"Husband! Who are they?" The coachman didn't hear his wife's cry, but murmured to himself: "Strange, strange, I haven't heard of any big shots here. How could they dispatch the Imperial Forest Army?"

The Royal Forest Army was dispatched, and there was naturally a lot of movement. However, Wei's army was treated very well and their status was very high, but their military discipline was very strict. If they oppressed or disturbed the people, their fate would be very miserable.In Wei Guo, there is no one who can command the imperial forest army except the current emperor.

This carriage is very spacious, and the facilities inside are also very complete. There are not only a large and comfortable low couch, but also a wardrobe that is convenient for changing and washing, and a complete set of toiletries. Most especially, there is an ancient bookcase on the wall of the carriage. , there are tables, chairs, incense burners, more than a hundred books and Guzheng Xiaodi.This place is not blindly extravagant and exaggerated, but everything is exquisite and practical, as if something is missing, it will be very inconvenient.For a while, I couldn't think of anything else that was missing in the carriage.

This four-wheeled carriage is comparable to the touring cars of later generations.

The carriage with the spring damping device was driving slowly on the official road, and the vibration of the carriage could hardly be felt. There was a young Mr. Jia about [-] or [-] years old sitting in the carriage. Although this young man looked a little thin, he The eyes are shining with the light of wisdom.

This boy is none other than Ran Yun, the eldest son of the emperor who was sent to the people by Ran Ming to experience the suffering of the people.It seems that since he was born, Ran Yun has been extremely obese due to overnutrition, but in just over two years of folk life, not only has his body fat disappeared, but he has also grown from an ignorant child to a real man.

Ran Yun knows his origin, he is the eldest son of Ran Ming, according to the tradition of establishing a direct line, he is the most likely to aspire to the crown prince of the East Palace, but this is not absolute, because his father is also the second son, who successfully succeeded The throne, and his younger brother Ran Bin also has a chance.But there is only one position, so he must obtain Ran Ming's approval before he can become the prince.

In the past two years of folk life, Ran Yun suffered a lot.The family who adopted him is obviously not rich. In order to subsidize the family, he also went to work in the kiln factory like those mud-legged people, especially in order to earn a mere few tens of dollars a day. His hands were covered with thick calluses.In order to pay taxes, he had to be made things difficult by officials who were not even looking at him with his eyes.In order to marry him, his adoptive mother begged everywhere, took out half of her life savings, and told him about the ugly girl with freckles in the tailor's house next door.

Now Ran Yun finally understands Ran Ming's painstaking efforts. If it weren't for this experience, he would never know that the money he usually rewards Gong'e and eunuchs at will is an income that a peasant family can't earn in a year.If it weren't for this experience, he would never know that a seemingly weak and half-grown child can eat a liter of food for a meal.If it weren't for this experience, he would have no idea how the corrupt officials below persecute the people.If it wasn't for this experience, he wouldn't have known the hardships among the common people.If it weren't for this experience, he would also not know how far the distance between scholars and commoners is.

Perhaps this is the real reason why Ran Ming really let the two nobles go to the folk to suffer.Emperor Hui of the Jin Dynasty became one of the biggest laughing stocks in history because the people suffered from disasters and had no porridge to eat. Why not eat minced meat?This does not prove that Emperor Hui is very stupid, but in the environment where Emperor Hui lived, the food in his cognition is either porridge or minced meat.

God is pitiful, Ran Ming is not an emperor who likes extravagance and waste, but the royal family must be the royal family, Ran Yun's previous life is still unmatched by ordinary people.

As the distance to Yecheng got closer, Ran Yun became more and more excited.He thought silently in his heart: "Looking at the picturesque scenery, all of this will be mine in the future."

The Qingming Festival was not formed until after the Tang Dynasty. During the Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was usually a cold food festival.On this day, Empress Xie Daoyun of the State of Wei accompanied Xie An, the head of the Xie family in Chenjun, back to Chenjun to worship the ancestors.After several days of ancestor worship ceremony, Xie Daoyun and Xie An returned to Yecheng together.

Seeing Xie Daoyun's extremely depressed expression, Xie An smiled and said, "The queen is still worried about Prince Yun?"

Xie Daoyun nodded lightly.

Xie An said: "Actually, the empress should be happy, maybe this time is Prince Yun's chance!"

Xie Daoyun is such a smart person, but she cares about it and is chaotic, far less clear than Xie An, a bystander, who immediately came to his senses after hearing Xie An's words: "Uncle, do you mean that Yun'er may enter the East Palace? "

"Of course!" Xie An said: "A teacher who never forgets the past, His Majesty is a genius, so naturally he will not repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, the education of the prince did not adopt the traditional education method. Youdao is a loving mother who loses a lot of money." , That's why His Majesty let Prince Yun stay away from the Queen, go deep into the people, and experience the life of the people. In His Majesty's words, "The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. "

"I see..." Xie Daoyun nodded with deep understanding, "Now I'm just thinking about when Yun'er has suffered and suffered since he was born, and I don't know if he can persevere."

(End of this chapter)

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