Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1029 The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold

Chapter 1029 The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold

Chapter 1037 The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold
Xie An smiled slightly and said: "The empress is too worried. In fact, there is no need for it. There is a saying that a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring. Your Majesty is just trying to sharpen Prince Yun. It will be good for him to suffer a little bit and suffer a little bit!"

"Seeing that Yun'er's return date is approaching, this palace is also concerned about it, causing chaos!" Xie Daoyun said: "Finally, Yun'er has a bright future!"

"Not necessarily!" Xie An said: "Prince Yun still has a long way to go."

Xie Daoyun was not stupid, and naturally knew that Ran Ming was in his prime, and it was impossible to delegate power so early. Ran Ming did not appoint a prince to maintain the purity of the court.As long as Ran Ming canonize the prince, there must be many ministers rushing to surround the prince with the idea of ​​following the dragon's merits, which will cause party disputes among the court ministers.

Seeing that Xie Daoyun was about to speak, Xie An said: "It's good to understand, you don't need to say it, you will lose it if you talk too much!"

Politics is a continuation of military affairs. Even if Wei Guo can fight, it can't fight the whole world. People who want to be the leader of the earth like Hitler are simply crazy.It is impossible to do it in the era of advanced science and technology in later generations. In Ran Ming's era, Ran Ming also cannot unify the world.It is easy to defeat a country or nation, but it is very difficult to conquer a country and nation.

Ran Ming's ability to govern is the fundamental driving force for Wei to strive for strength.In order to maintain the domestic purity of Wei State, Ran Ming spared no effort.Applying kindness and strength together, carrots and sticks, this is the real way to govern the country.However, the lessons learned by the blood of the later generations of the Celestial Dynasty, no matter whether it is foreign relations or the relations between domestic ministries, it cannot be deliberately condoned, nor can it easily break the balance.

Ran Wei's political system is the responsible cabinet, and Ran Ming will slowly delegate power to the cabinet, allowing the cabinet to perform the functions of the emperor instead of the emperor, and the emperor is only a symbol of honor.The ideal is full, but the reality is too backbone.Feudal rule has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even the prime minister, Wang Jian, is always worried that the doctor Yushi will impeach him to monopolize his power, so he unreservedly sends all major and minor matters of the court to Ran Ming Yulan.This undoubtedly increased Ran Ming's workload and made Ran Ming extremely dissatisfied.

On this day, Ran Ming casually flipped through the approved memorials sent by the cabinet as usual, and there were some memorials that Ran Ming needed to personally approve, but there was one thing that caught Ran Ming's attention.Bai Yalisi, a barbarian from Shangdang, led the crowd to rebel, and there was a huge momentum for a while. Five or six thousand barbarian slaves who repaired the railway responded. They first killed and wounded the supervisors on the construction site, then looted counties and counties, and then retreated into the Taihang Mountains , missing.Hu rebellions are usually dealt with by suppression, but this incident is a bit special, because after Bai Yalisi broke through Shangdang Xiangyuan County, he did not massacre, but looted more than [-] Han people, women and children, and held them hostage. into the mountains.Moreover, he actually claimed that he would negotiate with the imperial court and agree to his conditions, and all the more than [-] hostages would be released, otherwise, the net would be destroyed.At this time, there was disagreement in the cabinet. Those who insisted on repression and those who insisted on appeasement were divided equally.

Ran Ming was not careless about what happened in such a small county, but became more cautious.In the second year of Yongjia in the Western Jin Dynasty, Liu Kun, a famous patriotic poet and anti-Hu hero, sent his captain, Zhang Yi, to lead Shangdang County, according to Xiangyuan, to build a fortress to calm the people.Hence the name Anmin City (now around Baodi Village, 12 kilometers north of Xiangyuan County).Xiangyuan County is a very typical county in the Wei state. Although it is located in the north and was at the forefront of the period of the Five Husbands and China, it is surrounded by mountains and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. On the contrary, there are many surviving people.

However, due to the long-term control of the Hu people here, the Han people have been tortured and destroyed, so the people in Xiangyuan are extremely disgusted with the Hu people.When Ran Min of Wei State raised troops to fight against Hu, many people in Xiangyuan responded to Ran Min's call and rushed to join the army. In a small town with a population of less than 3, more than [-] young and strong became soldiers of the Wei Army.This is also a very typical widow county. According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as [-] widows in the county.As one of the more than [-] counties in the Wei State, Xiangyuan has a very prominent political status. It is a famous county supporting the army and a heroic county in the Wei State.In this Hu slave rebellion, almost all the families of Wei soldiers and heroes were captured.

This was not just a major rebellion. Because of the importance of the hostages, a political case with greater impact soon formed.For this reason, Ran Ming had to handle this matter carefully.

Then Ran Ming held a joint meeting of the cabinet and the military. With all the ministers present at the meeting, Ran Ming slapped the desk so hard that the teacups on it fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. .

Chief of General Staff of the Wei State General Ji Wei, Prime Minister Wang Jian, Minister of Railways Minister Wang Meng and Royal Guard General Li Ye all knelt down in front of Ran Ming with their heads bowed. Not sent.From their faces, you can also see their shame and anger.

"Thousands of slaves who have no armor or weapons and only hold tools such as shovels and hammers can break through a county and hold more than 3000 hostages in the county. Almost 3000% of these 800 hostages are the families of heroes of the Wei Kingdom. My loyal and fearless soldiers gave their precious lives for the empire, but I failed to protect their families. Even if I am a hundred years later, what face will I have to meet those heroes?" Ran Ming roared angrily: "The whole Wei State has more than [-] million slave artisans, if they all follow suit, won’t my people live in the shadows every day?”

Li Yedao: "Your Majesty, I have already grasped the relevant information. This rebellion was led by Bai Yalisi. Bai Yalisi was originally a small jewelry merchant in the Stone Kingdom of the Western Regions. He sold jewelry from the Western Regions to the Kingdom of Wei to earn the difference. It's just that the jewelry market in Wei State is completely saturated now. Bai Yalisi went bankrupt and organized a caravan. When he came to Wei State four years ago, he suffered heavy losses. In order to repay the debt, he used his wife and daughter as prostitutes to pick up customers for profit. After seeing the benefits of this kind of business, he returned to the Western Regions, brought more than 100 orchids, and became a famous old bustard in Shangdang County. However, half a year ago, many of the prostitutes in his brothel had sexually transmitted diseases. After being reported , was forced to isolate and treat Bai Yalisi by Shangdang County Secretary Wei Cao, and Bai Yalisi cut off his financial resources. Therefore, Bai Yalisi hated the government, so he used his wide network and many friends to instigate this rebellion. "

"I don't want to care about these details. I only have one request, and that is to ensure the safety of the lives of more than [-] martyrs of the Great Wei. I will give you half a month to solve all these rebels. I don't want to see similar incidents in the future." Question." Ran Ming said: "In this case, suppression and appeasement will be carried out simultaneously, if these rebels know how to practice and do not harm those martyrs, I can pardon the crimes of the followers."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wang Jian said angrily: "Your Majesty has repeatedly emphasized strengthening the safety management of slaves. How could there be such a big mistake this time?"

Ji Li was a little speechless: "The state of Wei has more than 800 million slaves, of which the slave artisans owned by the government account for about half of the more than 400 million slaves, and the army responsible for guarding the slaves has only more than 60 security regiments. Guarding more than 100 slaves, if there is a rebellion, the security forces will not respond at all. In fact, there are 11 slaves in seven construction sites in Shangdang County where the rebellion took place, and there is only one security team in Shangdang County. There were 76 soldiers of the security forces, and there were only two police arrangements that were dissatisfied with the establishment of the incident. Only 7000 soldiers of the security forces needed to guard more than 100 slaves, and each of them needed to guard more than 100 slaves on average, let alone more than 100 people. It’s more than [-] pigs, why don’t you go and take care of them?”

Ran Ming didn't blame the military too much for its ineffectiveness. After all, this era is not the era of hot weapons, and the number of people directly affects the outcome of the war.Moreover, the slaves are all strong and strong people. It is good that these people do not rebel. Once they rebel, it will spread to the surrounding area. The surviving Shangdang security team responded in a timely manner and locked up the slaves at several other construction sites in Shangdang County in time. Otherwise, if all the 11 slaves were to rebel, it would not be the matter at hand, and it might sweep Shangdang and even the entire Bingzhou.

The military representatives left the political hall and began to go back to formulate a rescue plan, but Ran Ming's anger did not decrease much. It was the first time that Wei had suffered such a big loss since adopting the policy of slave construction of major projects.Wang Meng bit his head and said: "I plead guilty, this matter is because I am too eager for quick success, so..."

"This is the responsibility of the cabinet!" Ran Ming immediately said: "According to my plan, the minimum standard of Wei's public security should also maintain 180 eight security regiments, with about 20 troops. The army is to ensure the security of Wei's territory. There are heavy troops on the border, but we must not slack off in our internal security work. You think that the world is peaceful, and the army will be useless from then on, then you are very wrong. Lions fight rabbits, and we must use all our strength. Let alone There are still more than 800 million slaves in the empire, and these 800 million slaves are more than 800 million bombs. It’s okay if they don’t explode, but once they explode, the loss will be immeasurable!”

When Wang Jian heard this, he was sweating profusely. In fact, he was the leading figure leading the disarmament. Wei State had a standing army of 800 million. In Wang Jian's opinion, there were too many troops. There were no troops around Wei State. Which country and tribe dare to challenge Wei Guo.But he ignored Wei's internal security.If you want to know people who are not of our race, their hearts must be different, let alone more than [-] million slaves who do not even have personal freedom?
Wang Jiandao: "Your Majesty, Bai Yalisi made four demands. First, give these rebels better treatment. They demand the same treatment as ordinary people in Wei State, enjoying free food, wages and medical care. Second, don't hold him accountable. fault, allowing them to return freely to their homeland. Third..."

"Don't talk about it, it's impossible!" Ran Ming said: "This time they have presented me with a problem. They took hostages and asked me to use the mouse to try to fight against me, but I can tell you clearly that this opening cannot be opened. Open, the consequences will be unimaginable. If the more than 800 million slaves in Wei State want to enjoy the treatment of Wei State's citizens, it is not the opposite! There is basically only one source of Wei State's slaves, and that is Wei State's prisoners of war. They dare to fight against Wei State. If you want to fight against the country, you have to bear the consequences of fighting against the country of Wei. These slaves are basically captured after being defeated in the war. It is God's grace that I didn't order the killing of the prisoners. They are too ignorant!"

However, the wind wanted to be quiet but the trees kept growing. Before the Xiangyuan rebellion was resolved, there was another chaos in Wenchuan County of Yizhou (now Songfan). One of the slightly more people is the Qiang people. On May 4798, [-] in the era of the Yellow Emperor, a violent riot broke out in Mianju County, Wenchuan County.

"I heard that the Han people want to turn all of us Qiang people into their slaves."

"The Han people must not be allowed to succeed. We must resist and drive the Han people out."

"The Qiang people should unite and form a country, so that we don't have to be afraid of being bullied by the Han people!"

Under the instigation of tribal leaders and Qiang nobles, a large number of Qiang people began to make noise, and there were also many Tubo people and Di people mixed among them.These Qiang people went all the way to the county government station in Mianju County.The shops and restaurants opened by the Han people along the way were all attacked by these mobs.Countless Han bosses and clerks were beaten, money and goods in the shops were robbed, and women were raped and gang-raped.

These Qiang people have completely transformed into devils at this moment.Even those monks who wear monk's robes are no exception.These Qiang people were already full of resentment towards the Wei government.Now under the instigation of someone with a heart, it has completely exploded.

Just behind the rebels, two people dressed as Qiang people watched the mighty Qiang mob rushing down the main street.There was a smile on their faces.Their plan has been more than half successful.

"Great, these Qiang people have mobilized in Quan Shizhong. They went back to attack the county government of Mianju County, and Wei Guo will definitely send troops to suppress it. And this will inevitably arouse more Qiang people's resistance .As long as we contribute to the flames and the weapons and equipment we provide, it will definitely cause huge turmoil in the Yixi area, and the Qiang people will hate the Han people even more. At that time, we will succeed."

The so-called Quan Shizhong refers to Quan Yi, the servant of Zhongshu Province (the position is equivalent to the prime minister) who is now beside Fu Jian.Quan Yi was originally Yao Gezhong's counselor, and later joined the army under Yao Xiang's men.After Yao Xiang was defeated and killed, he followed Yao Chang and turned to Fu Jian.After the fall of Qin Dynasty, Fu Jian fled to the plateau and annexed all the tribes of Tubo. Because of his great contribution, Quan Yi was gradually promoted from Huangmen servant to Sili school lieutenant, servant,

The Wei State unified the world, especially the Qiang people living in the Wei State. Although they were only barbarians of the Wei State, they lived much better than the Qiang people who fled to the plateau. Gradually, many Qiang people began to sneak to In the territory of Wei State, they became the barbarian people under the rule of Wei State.This made Quan Yi aware of the threat.

The ethnic policy of the Wei State is to weaken the influence of its tribal leaders and nobles on the tribes. Regardless of whether it is Xianbei or Iron Buddha, as long as they surrender to Wei State, they will have separate jurisdiction according to their place of residence. The affairs of the clan are also governed by Wei State Law. In this way, the tribal leader's right to speak is too small. In the past, all the tribesmen were slaves of the tribal leader and their private property, but now the Wei State has turned them into the people of the Wei State, which has caused a great loss of interests. The original leaders and nobles of the big tribe were very dissatisfied.

Quan Yi sent a large number of spies to connect them everywhere, and then encouraged them to rebel against Wei.In any case, as long as the rebellion occurs, the Wei court will definitely not compromise, and they will take suppressive measures. In this way, a rift between the Qiang people and the Han people will arise. As long as there is a rift between the Han people and the Qiang people, for the power wing , he succeeded, and he could prevent the Qiang people on the plateau from fleeing to Wei.

"Come here, order our people not to be scruples, set fires everywhere, kill Han people when they see them, the bigger the chaos, the better, Wei's army will come soon, retreat when the opportunity arises!" Quan Yi said: "Don't look at the leaders of the Qiang people and their soldiers. The private soldiers had a lot of trouble, in fact they couldn't resist the suppression of the Wei army at all."

This time, Quan Yi led nearly a thousand people in various identities to sneak into Wei State. Among them, as many as seven leaders of the thirteen tribes of the Qiang tribe agreed to rebel, and rebellions broke out in most counties and counties in central and western Yizhou.

Sun Lie, the prefect of Wenchuan in the Duwei Mansion of Wenchuan County, and Wu Chief, the captain, are discussing how to stabilize the situation in the county.Wu Chief tends to take the initiative to attack.Arrest those suspects, and then put the leaders of the ministries under house arrest.In this case, the stability of Wenchuan County can be guaranteed.However, Sun Lie worried that this would cause fierce resistance from the Qiang people, which would make the situation even more tense.However, they soon found out.They don't have to worry about that anymore.Because, the rebels had already taken the first step.

"Prefect Sun, Captain Wu, riots have occurred in five counties in the county. A large number of Qiang people are beating, smashing, looting, and burning Han people's shops and homes under the instigation of people with good intentions. Now, the rebellion is intensifying. They They are coming towards the county city. In one day at most, we will be outside the city gate!"

"Hmph! It seems that they want to strike first. Since they want to die, don't blame us for being ruthless! Huzi, immediately send an order to put the troops into the highest state of combat readiness, close the city gate at the same time, and immediately mobilize the reserve forces to assemble. They also sent people to closely monitor the Qiang people in the city, and if there is any change in those Qiang people, they will be killed immediately." Wu Chief's face was full of murderous looks.For these Qiang people, he is the most disgusted.They only know about robbery, and they are lazy. As an old captain who has gone through the Cheng Han, Jin, and Wei dynasties, he has suppressed no less than ten Qiang rebellions during his tenure.In the Cheng-Han period, the Qiang people and the Di people almost wore a pair of trousers. They joined forces to oppress the Han people.

Later, he served as the governor of the Jin Dynasty, but the Jin Dynasty was afraid of the Qiang people's rebellion, so they blindly appease them when they broke out.

Now that he has become the captain (colonel rank) of Wei State, he is naturally familiar with Wei State's policies. Wei State will never tolerate the rebels, so he can kill them openly.

"By the way, the Qiang people's rebellion is so strong this time, we are powerless to suppress it, so we ask for support from the Nanman Captain's Mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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