Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1030 The First Special Forces Team in History

Chapter 1030 The First Special Forces Team in History

Chapter 1038 The First Special Forces Team in History

Wenchuan County is governed by Wenchuan County. In fact, there are not many troops in Wenchuan County. Although Wenchuan County has a security regiment, it is actually only stationed in various counties in the county. Today, there are only more than [-] troops in Wenchuan County.Not to mention suppressing the Qiang rebellion with this amount of troops, it is even a question of whether Wenchuan City can be kept.

However, Wei Guo changed because of Ran Ming, not only changed the equipment and fighting will of Wei Guo's army, but the most influential thing was the martial spirit of Wei Guo people.Wei State has a complete reserve system, and the mobilization speed during the war is much faster than before.Wei's current reserve army is actually no worse than the original regular army of the Jin army. Although they only have two months of drill time each year, it is common to know that the original Jin regular army does not train once a year.

Under the joint war mobilization promulgated by Wu Chief and Sun Lie, the entire Wenchuan County is boiling. , there are not so many rules.The imperial edict promulgated by Ran Ming is that once they respond to the war mobilization, the common people will automatically enjoy the treatment of the regular army soldiers of the Wei army, and those who win can get military merit and rewards like the regular army soldiers.Under the fierceness of this policy, the people in the counties of Wenchuan County were young and strong, and everyone took their own weapons to the conscription sites in various places. Common craftsmen with blacksmith skills melted iron pots or kitchen knives at home and made weapons. For a time, there were many soldiers in Wenchuan County.

In just half a day, Wenchuan City in Wenchuan County alone received as many as [-] reserve or volunteer soldiers. Wenchuan County is not a large county, and its inventory of armor and equipment is extremely limited. Chief Wu distributed the only [-] crossbows to those Reserve soldiers who can shoot, and four ballistas and sixteen eight-ox crossbows on the city wall are also on standby.

In fact, the Qiang people in the city were not treated harshly. Prefect Sun Lie issued a decree that during the war, the whole city would enforce the prohibition system. If they left without reason, they would be severely punished, so there were only sergeants on the street at this time.

"Wu Duwei, Sun Taishou, now there are Qiang rebels appearing all around Wenchuan City. It seems that their intention to surround Wenchuan is very obvious!"

"It seems that the Qiang people's rebellion is well prepared!" Sun Taishou said: "Soldiers, this prefect will advance and retreat together with all the soldiers, regardless of life or death, we will fight to the end!"

Wu Chief said: "Now the Qiang rebels outside the city have gathered as many as [-] people, and it seems that the number is still increasing with the passage of time. This battle is not easy to fight!"

With [-] regular army officers and soldiers plus [-] temporarily recruited reserve soldiers and civilian husbands, it will definitely be very difficult to deal with tens of thousands of Qiang rebels.The Qiang people are physically stronger and stronger than the Han people, and they are all soldiers. They have received military training since childhood, and they are proficient in bows and horses. They are far from comparable to the Han people's reserves.But fortunately, the rebels did not attack the city immediately, so the Qiang people did not attack the city for the first time, so this is also where Chief Wu's confidence lies.If they were really placed in a field battle outside the city, the four hundred soldiers of the security army (reorganized from the original county soldiers) who were not originally the first-line army of Wei State would not be able to withstand the attack of the Qiang people at all.

There is no such thing as salutation before soldiers. These Qiang rebels rushed to Wenchuan City shouting slogans without resting after arriving at the city.Grand Administrator Sun Lie stood at the top of the city. Although Chief Wu was Han, he could understand the slogans shouted by the Qiang rebels below because he had lived in a place where Han and Hu mixed together. "If you kill Sun Lie's son, you will be promoted to three ranks, ten cattle and horses each, and twenty female slaves."

Hearing this, Wu Chief said to Sun Lie: "Prefect Sun, you have offended these Qiang people terribly. The leaders of these Qiang tribes hate you so much, and the rewards they issued are not low. I didn't expect you to have such a brain! Valuable, not counting promotional official positions, these properties alone amount to tens of millions of dollars."

"Huh!" Prefect Sun Lie said with a smile: "In the past, these Qiang tribes surrendered to the imperial court in name, but in fact they were still the emperors of the various tribes. Now the prefect follows the law of the king, so naturally he will not allow the emergence of a state within a state." !"

The ethnic policy of the Wei State is actually a replica of the local tyrants and the division of land. This policy has seriously damaged the interests of the tribal leaders and former nobles of various ethnic groups. However, the freedom and interests of the original tribes have been greatly enhanced. .It is said that the tribes of all ethnic groups are actually vested interests, but the traditions that have been cultivated for thousands of years cannot be changed overnight with a piece of decree, just like the later generations of China advocated freedom of marriage. In fact, since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, many places still follow it Tradition: "The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker."

A mass of rebels rushed to the city. Although these rebels were mainly Qiang people, there were also many Di people, Tubo people, Liao people, and almost all ethnic minorities in the southwest region participated.

"There are still Di people. They still don't give up. It's not enough to ride on the heads of us Han people for more than 50 years!" All ghosts and monsters have come out. Okay, okay, it's really great!"

"Come on, kill all the Han people!"

"Kunlun God will bless us.

"Buddha will bless us."

Bloodthirsty light flashed in Wu Chief's eyes: "Crossbow arrows are ready, shoot!"


"嗤嗤" The sound of the crossbow machine piercing the air and the sound of crossbow arrows piercing into the flesh sounded, and the rebel soldiers who charged at the front were easily torn apart by the crossbow arrows, causing bloody sprays on their chests.The rebel soldiers with insufficient armor could not resist the shooting of the crossbow arrows. The crossbow arrows easily penetrated the bodies of the rebel soldiers and took their lives.Countless rebels are like harvesting wheat.One by one they fell to the ground.Facing the dense crossbow machines of the Wei army, those rebel soldiers wanted to rush in.It's simply not possible.Soon, their bodies piled up a thick layer under the city.

Facing the heavy losses of the rebel army, Wu Chief, the captain of Wenchuan County, did not show any compassion. He ordered to the densely populated rebel army one after another: "Fire the ballista! Shoot the eight-ox crossbow!"

"Boom boom boom!" Ballista shells fell into the rebel formation one after another. When the ballista shells exploded, they directly tore the rebels into pieces, leaving gaps in the dense crowd.

"Calista! The Han people fired." When the cannon sounded, countless rebels were killed directly.Those hot-headed guys finally showed a trace of fear in their eyes.

In the hands of these rebels, except for some cold weapons, they rarely have weapons such as bows and crossbows.Regardless of whether it is the Qiang people or the Di people, even the bows and arrows made by the Tubo people are far different from the Wei army's standard crossbows in terms of range and power.Facing the powerful firepower of the Wei army, naturally it suffered heavy losses.At the same time, the heavy loss also calmed their minds, and fear also struck their hearts.Some people even threw away their weapons in fright and fled.

Most of these rebels are poor people among the Qiang people. The reason why he became an accomplice of the tribal leaders and nobles is mainly because the tribal leaders and nobles have accumulated a lot of prestige in their hearts for a long time. and noble command.In fact, only the power and interests of the tribal leaders of various ethnic groups have been lost, and their lives are much better than usual.

Under the heavy casualties, these rebel soldiers began to fear.At this time, Quan Yi in Bailong Mountain, about [-] miles south of Wenchuan City, was having a banquet with a group of Han Chinese tyrants and tribal leaders. At this time, a subordinate came to report: "Quan Shizhong, Wei The national army began to suppress, and the Qiang and Di people of various tribes suffered heavy losses."

"Haha! That's great!" Quan Yi said: "The rift has already appeared, and there is no possibility of reunion. Order our people to help these poor Qiang people. It is best to attack Wenchuan and slaughter Wenchuan. That At that time, even if Ran Ming wanted to ease the conflict with the Qiang people, it would be impossible!"

The state of Wei is also troubled now. When the Qiang people in Wenchuan launched a rebellion, the Wei State General Staff Headquarters was formulating a rebellion to encircle and suppress Bai Yalisi.

"Chairman Ji Bai Yalisi has given us a problem!" Zhang Ai, deputy director of the Operation Department of the General Staff Department of the State of Wei, said: "The key is that he has more than 3000 hostages in his hands, which makes us use our hands. Even in the end we If we can successfully eliminate these rebels, once more than 3000 martyrs and hostages are massacred, we will have no choice but to kill ourselves to thank the world!"

"Now we have nothing to do. Let's find a way to rescue the hostages. No matter how high the price is, we must rescue the hostages." Ji Li said: "This is not a regular battle, the point is a surprise."

Xie Ai said: "If we talk about regular warfare, the Great Wei has no shortage of troops capable of fighting, but to save the hostages, we must recruit special talents. The general's former chief recommends a talent, and maybe he can successfully rescue the hostages!"

"I don't know which Gaoxian General Xie will recommend?" Ji Wei asked curiously knowing that there were many strange people under Xie Ai's command.

Xie Ai said: "It's not Gao Xian, you will know it if you tell me, my wife Chen Yan!"

"What?" Ji Li was also very surprised, Xie Ai had already married Hu Niang to fill in the house, and everyone knew that Xie Ai's second wife was named Chen, but they didn't know that her boudoir name was actually Chen Yan.

It can be said that apart from Ran Ming's original "sticky pole" action team, only Xie Ai's death squad is the closest to the special operations of later generations in the entire Wei Kingdom, and the direct commander of this death squad is Xie Ai's current commander. Stepwife Chen Yan.Xie Ai said: "If you want to rescue the hostages, there are too many people. You must dispatch the most elite small troops. Now the general's death squad has already been integrated into the royal guards. If you want to rescue the hostages, you must call in the masters of the royal guards to secretly sneak into the In the valley, wait for the opportunity to assassinate the leader of the rebel army, create chaos, and cooperate with the rebel army to destroy the rebel army."

"That's it! It's not too late, let's split up." Ji Lu said: "I will enter the palace now to ask His Majesty for an order to dispatch elite Royal Guards to carry out the rescue work. At the same time, I can order the rebel army to rush to Xiangyuan."

Resolute action is the true nature of a soldier. As soon as he entered the palace to see Ran Ming, Ran Ming actually thought about letting the royal guards take action, but after all, although the royal guards belonged to the military, they were not under the jurisdiction of the general staff. The army directly under Ran Ming is the same as the imperial guards of the imperial forest army, and they are all the soldiers of Ran Ming's son of heaven.For Ji Li's request, Ran Ming did not hesitate, and immediately agreed. He transferred the members of the former death squad that Xie Ai was familiar with to Xie Ai, and formed a team composed of elite ace scouts from various armies, elite royal special guards, and the guards directly under the general staff. Squad, this squad is composed of 120 seven people, some are proficient in assassination and poisoning, some are good at blowing arrows, some are good at archery, and there are also elite one-hit kill skills.

Ran Ming couldn't help laughing after hearing the news that this squad and the rebellious army were leaving: "Perhaps this will be the first special operation in history!"

"The hostages and rebels are currently concentrated in the Banshan Temple on Jiulong Mountain (now Xiantang Mountain), [-] miles northeast of Xiangyuan City. This Banshan Temple was built by Fa Zuo, a disciple of Fo Tucheng, the former master of Zhao State. Later, after Fa Zuo died , this Banshan Temple has also fallen, and is now occupied by rebels." After listening to the report, Hu Niang began to arrange it on the sand table.

As time passed, the more information Tiger Niang received, the tighter her eyebrows frowned.This Banshan Temple is built on the mountain, backed by rocks, facing deep ravines on three sides, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and only one upright road, which can be described as easy to defend but difficult to attack.If the hostage factor is not considered, in fact, this Banshan Temple is like Ma Su's Jiexiang. Even if the siege does not attack, these rebels can be trapped to death. According to the requirements, the rebels were regularly sent food and various vegetables, as well as firewood.The key is that the Cuiwei Peak above the Banshan Temple protrudes among the peaks, it is simply a natural watchtower, which can be seen almost from the bottom.All the trails up the mountain are guarded by rebels, with a wide view during the day and bonfires at night. Once you do it, it is difficult to avoid the rebel sentries on Cuiwei Peak.

The warm sunshine in the morning shone through the windows and filled most of the living room.The faint golden light kept wandering in every corner they could touch with a warm breath.Today is a fine day.However, at this time, Tiger Niang's body was completely icy cold, and she couldn't feel the warmth of the sun at all.

Difficult!It is almost impossible to sneak into Banshan Temple without anyone noticing, unless you can go up and down the mountain at the same time. However, all the roads to Cuiwei Peak are guarded by rebel sentries. First of all, it is impossible to approach Cuiwei Peak silently.Originally, there was no outpost on Cuiwei Peak, but apparently there were experts among the rebels. After occupying the Banshan Temple, they set up an outpost on Cuiwei Peak. The location of this outpost is very tricky. Cuiwei Peak protrudes about ten feet, and it is on such a flat and protruding rock that an outpost is built. This outpost is almost closed, and only a window is opened in the leeward place. See Shino.

According to observations, there should be 20 people in the outpost, and six of them stand guard at the same time every time. Even if they can get close to Cuiwei Peak, they cannot sneak into the outpost without anyone noticing.

"What should I do? What should I do?" At this time, Tiger Niang was also at a loss. Hu Niang sighed slightly. She knew that even if she took the risk to infiltrate, the chance of success was less than [-]%. The army went on a killing spree. One must know that five or six thousand rebels could kill three thousand unarmed old and weak women and children. It would probably take less than a quarter of an hour for these rebels to kill all the hostages.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face in the special operations team laughed softly. He looked like he was 34 or five years old.There are light blue beard stubbles on both sides of the cheeks of the slender face.From time to time, a cold light flashed in a pair of long and narrow eyes, obviously he was the kind of person who would dare to draw his sword at each other if he disagreed with each other.And the two slender, slanted eyebrows that entered the temples on his eyes added a lot of murderous aura to him.The tall straight nose bridge, the thin and slightly raised lips seem to tell that the man in front of him is a cold and ruthless killer.

This person is none other than Zhongli Wuchang, the most bloodthirsty killer of Xie Aiyuan's death squad.Zhongli Wuchang was good at melee assassination. The number of people killed by him was not three hundred, and almost no less than 200, and none of them were simple characters.

Hu Niang suddenly became furious and said: "Death is impermanent, how dare you laugh at my old lady?"

"How dare you be humble!" Zhongli Wuchang's lips curled up slightly, and he said with a smile: "Little aunt, how dare you laugh at you. But you are also a fan of the authorities, and you really think too highly of those rebels. After all, they are just a bunch of rebels." The rabble, they're far less vigilant than you might think."

"Oh!" Tiger Niang said, "Tell me your opinion?"

"Although the rebels use the wolf smoke as a sign during the day and hold bonfires at night, in fact, their communication methods are too simple, that is, the simplest single smoke to indicate safety, and double smoke to warn. And there is only one patrol every half an hour. Zhongli Wuchang said: "We have every chance to take down the sentry post on Cuiwei Peak within half an hour after clearing out the sentries at the intersection below."

Tiger Niang said: "How sure are you?"

"Seventy percent!" Zhongli Wuchang said: "If it is tomorrow morning, then ninety percent!"

"Do it during the day?" Hu Niang said, "Can't you see clearly on a rainy day?"

"Of course!" Zhongli Wuchang said: "This subordinate has checked the weather. There should be a light rain tomorrow between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-]. Although it is light rain, the visibility is less than [-] paces. The sentinels on the peak could not see the situation below the mountain at all. We have the opportunity to approach the six checkpoints below Banshan Temple. In fact, it is not difficult to sneak into Banshan Temple without passing through the checkpoints. Soldiers, how can you hold me back?"

"Okay, done!" Hu Niang said: "Now I assign tasks! General Hu!"

"The last general is here!" Hu Guang was also very depressed at this time. He was a major general of the rebellious army, but he had to accept the command of a woman who didn't even have a position.

"How many people can the rebellious army pick out who are good at climbing?" Tiger Mother asked coldly.

Hu Guang said: "750 people!"

"Huh, why are there so many?" Hu Niang knew that although Wei's army was elite, there would definitely not be many people with climbing skills like Baizhang Cliff.However, a mere rebel army could pick out more than 700 people, which obviously exceeded her expectations.

Hu Guangdao: "The three field infantry regiments of the Rebel Army, except for a few civilian staff who are not proficient in climbing, all combat personnel are good at climbing."

(End of this chapter)

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