Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1031 The Empire is Restless

Chapter 1031 The Empire is Restless
Chapter 1039 The Empire is Restless

Hu Niang was speechless when she heard this, but she didn't dwell on the matter, but said indifferently: "The special operation team is responsible for cleaning up the rebels' open and dark posts, and then asks all the rebel troops to follow up. Once discovered, immediately Turn the surprise attack into a strong attack, and occupy the Mahavira Hall as quickly as possible, as well as the Halls of Medicine Buddha, Lantern Buddha, Lantern Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha on both sides."

"The last general takes orders!"

"Zhongli Impermanence!"


"The Cuiwei Peak outpost will be handed over to you"

"Squads one to six are in charge of six checkpoints. Each team clears a checkpoint. Once the rebel checkpoints are cleared, they pretend to be rebel sentries to delay the time as much as possible. Teams seven to twelve, with three cliffs, are responsible for opening the way. The target beheaded, I want the heads of the [-] rebel leaders including Bai Yalisi in the first time!" The tiger mother said: "We don't have a rehearsal, we only have one chance, either succeed or die!"

This word of death is said with murderous intent.

Early the next morning, Hu Niang came to the base of a pine tree in the middle of the mountain opposite to the Banshan Temple, and looked at the Banshan Temple shrouded in mist and rain with a telescope.It didn't take long, and the whole body of Hu Niang was soaked by the rain, but Hu Niang was like a squatting statue, motionless!

"Action!" Tiger Niang typed out the action code.

As Zhongli Wuchang guessed, the rebels were not too vigilant. After all, they were not a real professional army, and these slaves, although they were formerly prisoners of war in various wars, in fact the barbarian art of war is still Staying at the stage of slashing with a knife, the great thing is to know some simple biochemical tactics.

The members of these special operations teams are basically people who are proficient in the five-element dunjia technique. The five-element dunjia sounds tall, but in fact they use camouflage to sneak in or escape.And the so-called ninjutsu of a certain island country is actually the superficial knowledge of the Five Elements Dunjia Art of the Chinese Taoist school.

The first ones to act are teams [-] to [-], with ten people in each team. Some of them are disguised in earthy colors, some are disguised in the color of the surrounding vegetation, and some are disguised as rocks. Technological equipment, but with the simple camouflage tools, they integrated themselves with the surrounding environment, wriggling like maggots, and slowly approached the six checkpoints.

Finally, the first team approached the first checkpoint, and saw five or six barbarian rebel sentries roasting mutton around the fire, while the four sentries outside looked back at the mutton on the fire from time to time.There was no way, these slaves were tortured a lot on the construction site, and usually they had no chance to eat sheep. Even if their lives were improved during the holidays, these slaves could only get a piece of pork or a piece of dried fish.

Perhaps before becoming captives, they were elite fighters, but their long-term slave life made them lose their warrior instincts and the vigilance they should have.Even standing guard has become half-hearted.At this moment, a barbarian sentry turned his head, and the action team members who were prostrate on the ground suddenly jumped up.

These members of the action team are no better than the special forces of the later generations who have become monks halfway. When it comes to cold combat or unarmed combat, these members of the action team who were born as killers are much better than the special forces of later generations.With just a tap of a finger, the barbarian sentry fell to the ground inside like a kite with a broken string.

"Raheem, you are too greedy. How many times have I told you that the mutton is not roasted properly, and you will have diarrhea if you eat it."

Several sentries didn't realize the problem, thinking that Raheem couldn't wait any longer, but this sentinel who had become a corpse attracted the attention of the rebel sentries. At this moment, the members of the action team of the first division Jump up one after another, and then defeat the enemy with one move.In less than ten breaths, ten rebel sentries died on the spot without making a sound.And none of the action team members used a knife.

Maybe it’s because you’ve watched a lot of anti-Japanese dramas. In fact, it’s this kind of action to clean up the sentries. Under normal circumstances, not only can you not use guns, you can’t use knives, because as long as there is bleeding, it will arouse the vigilance of elite veterans, because they Especially sensitive to the smell of blood.

"It's done!" Looking at the members of the action team of the first unit, the tiger lady quickly completed the disguise of the rebel sentry, and those corpses were thrown into the pit not far away, and then covered with a layer of camouflage The earth-colored camouflage, even if you look closely, is still a pile of dirt.

The second team and the third team all completed the cleanup operation very smoothly.At this time, the tiger mother issued a second command, which was to climb the cliff.

I saw a member of the action team who was as thin as a monkey at the bottom of the cliff, holding a knife in his mouth, digging his fingers into the crevices of the rocks on the cliff, and climbed more than a foot high in an instant.Even in dry weather, it is not an easy task to climb the three hundred-foot cliffs of Banshan Temple, but in rainy days, the cliffs are more slippery, and it is obvious that the climbing skills of the members of this action team Quite smart.

In just half a stick of incense, this member of the action team, who was as thin as a monkey, successfully climbed to the top of the cliff.Then the ropes wrapped around the waists of the members of the thin operation team were thrown from above, and more and more members of the operation team quickly climbed to the top of the cliff.But Zhongli Wuchang didn't stop after climbing up the cliff, but continued to run towards Cuiwei Peak. If you don't look carefully, it's really because of hallucinations.

Zhongli Wuchang's speed is very fast, especially the stone pillars that are more than ten feet high. He is almost stepping on the rope ladder and flying upwards like a ball. The scimitar swirled in the air, and there was a low "chi chi" sound of the blade piercing into the flesh. The four sentries on the top of the post almost all moved at the same time, covering their throats with their hands, but they were cut by the sharp blade. With an open throat, how can it be so easy to be covered?

"Plop!" The four sentries fell to the ground one after another. At this moment, another sentry came out of the post, but what greeted him was a scimitar dripping with blood.

In a quiet room in Banshan Temple, Bai Yalisi, the leader of the Xiangyuan rebel army, is specially entertaining a person. This is the figure of a man, who looks tall and strong, wearing a black cloak that covers his head, and there is no trace of skin on his body. .

"Bai Yali Si, you are really smart, you have not disappointed me!" The man's voice was a bit vague and weird, and he didn't know until he turned around that he was wearing a ferocious ghost mask, straight to his face. The neck is covered.

Bai Yalisi was very nervous, and he said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, I have followed your orders, but now there are soldiers and horses of the State of Wei everywhere around the Banshan Temple, I'm afraid we may not be able to escape!"

"Your worry is too much, as long as you have 3000 hostages, the court of Wei State will definitely compromise!" The mysterious man in black said with an extremely ugly laugh: "His Majesty the Emperor of Wei State is a hypocrite who loves fame." , In order not to damage his reputation, he will definitely not sit back and watch you slaughter those hostages, and for his hypocrisy, he will definitely know the conditions that should be given to you."

"Your Majesty, there are Wei Jun everywhere now, why do you need to go deep into the tiger's den?" Bai Yalisi said.

"Of course I'm here to help you!" As the man said, he flicked his sleeve lightly, and threw a piece of object to the ground with a tinkling sound.It turned out to be a bunch of keys. "This is the key to preside over the secret way of the Zen room. This time you slapped the court of Wei Guo. They will let anyone go, and they will not let you go. So this is your way of life. I have given you the secret way. You have prepared a sum of money and dry food, first follow the secret path and enter the depths of Nine Dragon Mountain, there are many caves in Nine Dragon Mountain, first go in and lie down for a while, avoiding the limelight, and then leave Wei after the limelight passes."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," said Bai Yalisi, kneeling respectfully in front of the mysterious man in black.The moment Bai Yalisi lowered his head, a sly light shone in the eyes of the mysterious man in black.Perhaps Bai Yalisi, a Kucihu man, doesn't understand, but as a Han, he is very aware of the dynamics and thinking methods of the Wei State court. Wei Guo will never compromise with Bai Yalisi, because everyone knows that this opening , Wei's slave situation will get out of control.

Five or six hundred years ago, Chen Sheng yelled out the political slogan "Wanghou Jiangxiang Ning?" This political slogan was injected into the genes of resistance by the Chinese nation.Once Bai Yalisi's rebellion succeeds, it will definitely point out a path of struggle for the more than 600 million slaves in Wei State.Naturally, the Wei court would not sit back and watch this kind of thing happen, so they would do everything possible to wipe out Bai Yalisi's troops.

Bai Yalisi looked at the back of the mysterious man in black going away. At this time, he hurriedly found twelve confidants including Sima Shunzai and Liu Hu, who were from Hanoi.In history, Bai Yalisi claimed to be a great general, named himself Shanyu, changed his name to Yuan Jianping, and used Sima Shunzai as his mastermind. (Historical books call it the Northern Jin Dynasty. In fact, this rebellion was dominated by the Western Regions, and only Sima Shunzai, the mastermind, was Han.)
During the long waiting process, Bai Yalisi suddenly became extremely uneasy, and he seemed to smell a dangerous smell in the air.

Hu Niang saw in the binoculars that Zhongli Wuchang had issued the signal of "successfully cleared", Hu Niang smiled slightly, and said to a woman beside her who obviously did not look like a woman from the Han family: "Sister Yao, the rest will be up to you!"

This woman named Yaomei is a woman with a lot of background in the Jianghu people. Her bandit nickname is "Femme Beauty." Of course, it does not mean that her heart is so vicious, but because she was born in Miao Village and is good at driving poisonous snakes and ants. Famous for worms.When the royal guards were recruiting all kinds of talents throughout the country of Wei, Yaomei was sold to the royal guards of Wei by her patriarch's father at the price of fifty shi of rice.

As a Miao woman, Yaomei is extremely agile. She carries a large basket in proportion to her figure, and quickly shuttles through the valley, gradually approaching the back gate of Banshan Temple. Yaomei hides in one place Among the dense bushes, peeking towards the mountain gate behind the Banshan Temple.After observing for a while, she couldn't help grinning, and suddenly lifted the lid of the big basket, Yaomei stuck out her tongue and whistled strangely, like a snake spit out a letter.

Immediately, tens of hundreds of poisonous snakes of different colors and sizes slipped out of the basket, and they climbed out of the basket one after another, cruising excitedly as if they had taken a stimulant, or raised their tongues seven inches up, all of them were used. Staring at Yaomei with cold eyes, she seemed to be a loyal subordinate following orders.

"Hey, go, my babes!" Yaomei's charming big eyes seemed to be talking to herself, "It's been a while since I've used this skill. I'm not called a bewitching beauty for nothing. Playing with poison is my housekeeping skill!"

Those poisonous snakes seemed to be possessed by demons, listening to Yaomei's strange whistle, they flocked towards the Banshan Temple one after another.Dozens of hundreds of venomous snakes crowded together densely, charging forward like soldiers in battle.Under Yaomei's strange whistle, the big and small poisonous snakes in the Jiulong Valley seemed to be soldiers who had heard the battle horn. They crawled out of their caves one after another and headed towards Banshan Temple. snake.

There are a lot of rebel sentries guarding the back gate of Banshan Temple, almost hundreds of people. With this size of sentries, it is impossible to clear them out without anyone noticing. How much resistance is encountered.The key is that they have hostages in their hands, which makes Wei Jun throw a mouse.

At this moment, a barbarian sentry shouted in horror: "Snake, snake, snake!"

"What's there to be afraid of snakes? Make a fuss. This place is called Nine Dragon Mountain, not only because the mountain looks like nine winding dragons, but also there are a lot of snakes in this mountain. But don't worry, most of the snakes in Nine Dragon Mountain are not poisonous!" A barbarian The leader of the rebel army smiled and said: "You will enjoy your food soon, watch me catch the snake and make snake soup for you!"

However, before the leader had time to catch the snake, he was dumbfounded on the spot. If he could be scolded by later generations, he would definitely scold: "I'm so stupid, so many snakes!"

Hundreds of thousands of snakes attacked the sentinels, and the stunned leader reacted at this moment.It appears that these snakes are migrating.You must know that you will encounter gazelle or wild horses migrating in groups when you pass by the Western Regions. In this case, as long as any person or animal stands in the way of animal migration, even if it is the natural enemy of gazelle, the wild wolf, you must back away.

"Get out of the way, this is a group of snakes migrating, let's not get in their way!" The leader retreated frantically, and shouted at the Hu soldiers beside him as he ran: "Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly. Don't seek death."

But soon some barbarian soldiers realized that something was wrong. These snakes did not migrate, they simply came here to fight for their lives. For a while, many barbarian soldiers were bitten by snakes and died of poisoning.There were also quite a few snakes chopped into meat by the barbarian soldiers.

Soon after, the abnormal phenomenon at the back mountain gate alarmed Bai Yalisi and others who were planning to hold a meeting.Bai Yalisi's mastermind, Hanoi Sima Shunzai said strangely: "Heimen, I have never heard that snakes can migrate!"

"What should I do?" Bai Yali suddenly panicked. At this time, almost three to four hundred people were bitten by poisonous snakes, and nearly half of them died. Now these poisoned people will not live long.

"Save me, save me quickly, I've been bitten!"

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I don't want to die!"

"Help, run, run!"

At this time, the five or six thousand rebels in the entire Banshan Temple were in chaos, and at this time, they did not realize that there were a large number of uninvited guests in the Banshan Temple. The hostages needed to be rescued, and the soldiers of the rebellious army quickly rushed into the temple from all directions in the Banshan Temple.

At this moment, dozens of rebel soldiers who hid at the base of the temple wall because of avoiding poisonous snakes suddenly felt a pain in their backs. As usual, the soldiers of the rebellious army were cut down to the ground in an instant like chopping melons and vegetables.This kind of situation happened everywhere. In fact, seeing this scene, not to mention Sima Shunzhi, the mastermind of the rebel army, even the nervous leader of the barbarians knew that this must be an offensive action by the Wei army.

Bai Yalisi said as if thinking of something: "Come on, hurry up, go to the front hall, and control those hostages!"

At this moment, a crossbow suddenly appeared from the rain curtain and shot directly at Bai Yalisi. Seeing that Bai Yalisi was about to die in the dark arrow, Liu Hu, the confidant next to Bai Yalisi, stabbed him backhand. Split the incoming crossbow bolt into the air.However, Bai Yalisi had not recovered from the shock, only when a Hu soldier in Tsing Yi suddenly raised a knife and slashed at Bai Yalisi. This Hu Ren soldier in Tsing Yi was actually Action team members in disguise.

Bai Yalisi only felt a bright shadow appearing in front of his eyes, and the sword glow went straight to Bai Yalisi.

With a sound of "铛", sparks shot out, and the swords clashed, the sound pierced everyone's eardrums.Liu Hu is a man of Iron Buddha, with a strong body and infinite strength. With this knife, he directly retreated the man in Tsing Yi for a few steps. If you look carefully, the man in Tsing Yi's tiger's mouth has been split open, dripping with blood.

Liu Hu won the power and refused to let others, he roared: "Take me one more time!"

Liu Hu immediately rushed forward, stabbed his chest, and slashed in circles, attacking the Tsing Yi man's chest.His swirling, slashing and slashing movements are extremely smooth and natural, it turned out to be an antelope's horns, and there is no trace to be found!Almost all the members of the action team practiced the assassin's sword skills, and they paid attention to lightness and agility, which was suddenly different from Liu Hu's domineering two-army swordsmanship.Seeing Liu Hu's strength, the man in Tsing Yi didn't dare to catch it head-on. He cooperated with his footwork and moved three feet horizontally. He didn't notice the direction of the blade. He tried his best to move another three feet to barely keep up with the rhythm. But he was shocked back three steps again.

However, when Liu Hu was fighting with the man in Tsing Yi, he only heard Bai Yalisi's scream, and saw that Bai Yalisi was shot in the chest by a bone-penetrating nail.Liu Hu was distracted at this moment, Tsing Yi quickly stepped forward like a loach, only to see that he threw the knife in his hand towards Liu Hu as a hidden weapon, at this moment, two daggers less than one foot suddenly appeared in the hands of the Tsing Yi man.The man in Tsing Yi was as fast as a blue light in the rain, circling around Liu Hu, only to hear screams again and again. When the man in Tsing Yi retreated, Liu Hu almost became a man of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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