Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 294 Ming Attack on Yan Kingdom

Chapter 294 Ming Attack on Yan Kingdom (Third)
Chapter 299

Because Youzhou may not even have [-] Han people, even if you get Youzhou, what's the point of having Youzhou without people?
Move the people inland to live in Youzhou?At present, this method does not work at all!
For so many years, the Han people have been terrified of being killed by the Hu people. The contradiction between Han and Hu is very sharp, and there is no possibility of reconciliation in a short period of time. It is like a seesaw.Unless, one party crushes the other party to death.

There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence between two nations that are evenly matched and hold deep hatred for each other.

The State of Wei has a bumper harvest this year, and the food can fully meet the needs of a big war. Especially, Ran Ming blackmailed the Lu family with 50 shi of rice grain in Wu County, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty pretended to be generous and rewarded 100 million shi.

It can be said that these rations are enough for Ran Min's more than [-] troops for a year!
After getting more and more detailed information, Xie Ai's face, which has always been calm, gradually revealed a serious color.

In history, Xie Ai used literature and military affairs, and because of his invincibility, he was envied by the audience.

Then in this time and space, just in response to that sentence, is it a blessing in disguise?

Because Xie Ai participated in the war between Diqin and Wei, Xie Ai lost troops and generals in front of Ran Ming, and did not take advantage.

For the crime of negligence, Zhang Zuo dismissed Xie Ailiang as General of Guowei and replaced him with General Wuwei and Governor of Dunhuang.

Without Ran Ming, he, Xie Ai, would be killed by Zhang Zuo as Zhang Yaoling's confidant just like in history!

From the standpoint of an outsider, Xie Ai can easily see what Ran Min lacks the most.

That's the population, especially the Han Chinese.Only a sufficient Han population is the fundamental factor for the stability of Wei!However, there are not so many Han people in Youzhou. Besides, with Wei's strong military front, there is no need to fight at all. You only need to use the threat of war to ask Yan for the captured Han people. Murong Ke dare not refuse!

"Sir! News from Dark Seventeen!" A slender maid handed a roll of paper to Xie Ai gracefully.This woman is Xie Ai's personal maid, confidant, concurrent concubine, confidential secretary, life secretary, and Long Lingxin, deputy commander of the death squad!
Don't look at this charming little girl, anyone who underestimates her has suffered from her!
Like other celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Xie Ai also liked charming maidservants.exist
Around Xie Ai, there are almost no thick and strong men, but there are all kinds of beauties!

Xie Ai lightly picked up the coded letter, which read: "Wei Guowei's army stationed in Hangu Pass, and left in the dark three days later. Wei Guo's Tiger Roaring Battalion also stationed in Tongguan, and then left Tongguan. It is currently missing! "

Seeing this information, Xie Ai frowned, carefully considering the intention.After a long while, Xie Ai showed a wry smile: "It's a good trick to deceive the world, almost fooled Ai too!"

Long Ling Xinjiao smiled and said: "Who in the world can fool Xie Lang...!"

Xie Ai didn't answer, and smiled wryly. In fact, until just now, he was almost led by Ran Min and entered a misunderstanding.

Xie Ai is worthy of being a top commander. He guessed Ran Min's real intention by using empathy.

The Beiwei Army and the Huxiao Camp have almost [-] elite cavalry troops.

No matter where this army reaches, it is enough to change the outcome of a war!

At this time, Xie Ai has already analyzed Ran Min's real intention, which is neither a real attack on the country of Yan, nor what other people imagined. He is building plank roads, crossing Chencang secretly, attacking the country of Yan in the face, and if the country of Yan rescues the country of Dai , on the way to ambush the army on behalf of the army!

Ran Min's real goal is Guanzhong, and the rich and fertile Qinchuan 80 miles away in Guanzhong, as well as the [-] Han people in Guanzhong. If Ran Min gets Guanzhong, he will be able to rely on Guanzhong as his foundation and watch the world rise again!
Compared with Di Qin, the loss of Hangu Pass means that the southern gate of Guanzhong has been opened. Wei Jun can use Hangu Pass to attack Guanzhong at any time, and Tongguan is the east gate of Guanzhong.

Diqin lost the south gate and east gate, like a little girl whose clothes were torn apart, she may face the ravages of the enemy anytime, anywhere!

And Wei Jun is a sharp sword hanging over Di Ren's head, and it may fall anytime, anywhere.

This feeling is uncomfortable for anyone!
The 3 Wei army elite, no matter how hidden they are, there are clues to be found. Since they can find out, even if the spies of Qin State are incompetent, they will not be able to discover this problem for a day or two. The amount of consumption will definitely be discovered.

Without these two troops, the Wei army at Hangu Pass would have only 6000 soldiers and horses, Tongguan would be better, and at most [-] troops. If it is not a fool, Qin will never let go of this opportunity!

"Guanzhong is in danger!" Xie Ai secretly said: "Without the strategic buffer zone of Di Qin, Liang State will face Wei State directly, how can Liang State resist?

If the wise and martial Zhang Chonghua is still alive, Liang Guo's army is naturally not afraid of the Wei army. Besides, Ran Min himself is also Xie Ai's defeated general, so he is not afraid of Ran Min at all.

Unfortunately, the hero is no longer.The young master is hard to convince the crowd, and the power falls to the side.The country of Liang is in distress! "

Thinking of this, Xie Ai rushed to the maid beside him and said: "Ling'er, pass on my order, let Long Lan come to see me quickly!"

Long Lan is the elder brother of Long Lingxin, who lives in Dunhuang County Hucao!
After a while, Long Lan came to Xie Ai and bowed his hands in salute.Xie Ai said: "From now on, save [-]% of taxes, secretly recruit warriors, and build armor and weapons!"

Long Lan nodded.

Xie Ai said again: "Remember to do it cleanly, don't let those people catch it!"


Xie An, who lives in the Dongshan Bieyuan in Shangyu, also paid attention to the upcoming war between Wei and Yan, but like Xie Ai of Xie An, he always set his position as an outsider. On the contrary, he will not be a fan of the incumbent.

At this time, Xie An and Wang Xizhi were playing chess.

Wang Xizhi was full of worry in the face of Wei State's offensive against Yan State.

Although Wang Youjun is also defined as a politician in history, but compared to those real politicians, Wang Youjun is still too bookish!
Wang Xizhi said: "The Lord of Wei has no benevolence and righteousness, and starts wars lightly. Although the country is big, it will die if it is warlike! The future of Wei is worrying!"

Xie An smiled casually, and said: "Young Master Yi really thinks that Master Wei is really a man?"

"Isn't it?" Wang Xizhi asked back, "Last year, although the State of Wei was victorious against the State of Yan, the State of Wei has been in war for a long time, and the people are worried about peace. Is it the actions of the Lord to act in such a perverse way?"

"This statement is absurd!" Xie An didn't give the great book sage any face, and said bluntly, "How does Young Master Yi view Wei Lord's Northern Expedition?"

Wang Xizhi said: "It's nothing more than an attack from the east to attack the west, openly chasing the swallows, and secretly plotting against the country! It is unwise to seek the strong with the weak, and to fight with one against two!"

"No, no!" Xie An shook his head and laughed, then pointed to the chessboard and said, "Look at this chess!"

"Falling into death, lifeless!"

Xie An lightly dropped a sunspot on the lower right corner, and the black dragon, which was originally in a position where the head and tail could not be connected, and the left and right could not be connected, actually came alive!
Wang Xizhi wondered: "What An Shiru means is that the Lord of Wei also took risks in his army, and he was born after death?"

Xie An shook his head and said: "It's not true. Ran Minzhen is the hero. Since ancient times, Guanzhong has won the world. Guanzhong is blocked by four majestic passes controlled by one man. If Wei wins Guanzhong, he will be invincible. ! And Qinchuan, which is [-] miles away, is rich in products, enough to support more than two million people! Qin took Guanzhong and swept the world, how similar!"

Wang Xizhi asked: "Anshi, how did you know that Lord Wei wants to go to Guanzhong!"

Xie An said: "It's very simple, everyone gets what they need! Wei has Qing, Yan and Ji, there is no shortage of war horses, food and grass, up to three years, and granaries in various places are enough to fill, and there is no shortage of soldiers, Wei even more. The only thing that is lacking is population. , the 80 Han people in Guanzhong are unwilling to be oppressed and bullied by Hu people, and Wei Zhu seized the jade seal of Zhao Chuanguo, which has already occupied the name of righteousness. If Wei Zhu leads the army into Guanzhong, it will get twice the result with half the effort. This is called the right time carry on;
Since Di Qin lost Hangu Pass and Tong Pass, he was in an embarrassing situation of being passively beaten, facing the threat of Wei Jun's iron cavalry all the time, and there was no danger to defend on the southeast and southeast.This is called good location.

Di Qin Zhujian Lisheng was born as the prince, Fu Sheng was cruel by nature, and his prestige was not enough to convince the public, so he insisted on taking his life and replacing him.Internal discord, three points lost before a fight!

Wei Guo is not the case. Although there is also a battle for the reserve position, the king of Jiaodong has taken care of the righteousness and put himself in the pledge, so he cut off the possibility of competing for the reserve. When the whole country is united as one, it is said that the people are in harmony!The right time, the right place, and the harmony of people.

The three are all occupied, how could Lord Wei have no reason not to enter Guanzhong! "

"Even so, it can't be concluded that Ran Min is plotting Guanzhong this time. Could it be that he won't go north first and then south, defeat Yan first, sweep away the generation with the power of victory, and then lead the army south!" Wang Xizhi retorted.

Xie An said: "It's very simple. If you were in the position of Fu Sheng or Fu Jian, how would you treat Hangu Pass and Tong Pass, where there are only thousands of Wei soldiers stationed? At this time, won these two great passes, wouldn't it be a missed opportunity?"

At this time, Wang Xizhi realized the difference between himself and Xie An. He couldn't argue with Xie An. Wang Xizhi talked about calligraphy with Xie An very shamelessly. He knew the weakness of defeating the enemy. Although Xie An's calligraphy was also good, how could he? Can be compared with Wang Youjun.

This is scholarly spirit, this is a blatant slap in the face!
Xie An couldn't help showing displeasure.

Of course Wang Xizhi wasn't a real fool, otherwise he wouldn't have become a scholar.

Seeing Xie An's complexion, he immediately changed the subject and said that the issue he was most concerned about was marrying the Xie family and letting one of his sons marry Xie Daoyun as his wife!
Wang Xizhi said: "Gunzi Ningzhi and Weizhi are not yet married. I think they are about the same age as Dao Yun and they are in the right family. Anshi and I are as close as brothers. How about getting closer?"

(End of this chapter)

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