Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 295 Conspiracy in Guanzhong

Chapter 295 Conspiracy in Guanzhong (fourth update)
Chapter 300

In fact, Xie An also wanted to form a good relationship with the Wang family, and it would be best to get closer.He was about to promise Wang Xizhi, when suddenly he saw his wife Liu Shi blinking at him behind the screen.

Xie An was puzzled, but in order to find out, he said to Wang Xizhi, "Anshi can't decide this matter, so I have to go back and discuss it with my brother!"

Seeing that Xie An didn't say anything to death, Wang Xizhi was also satisfied. After all, Xie Daoyun was not Xie An's daughter, and no matter how he was the actual head of the Xie family, he had to tell his father about this matter!
When Xie An came to the backyard, Liu looked around nervously, coaxed all the maids and servants away, until there was no one else around, she said mysteriously: "Something has happened!"

On the other side, Xi Chao, who was in Jiankang, an unworldly genius in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, also saw Ran Min's intentions from it. In fact, not only Xie Ai, Xie An, and Xi Chao saw Ran Min's real layout, but also Even Wang Meng saw Ran Min's intentions because of a trivial incident!

Ran Min issued a secret decree, ordering Wang Meng, Prime Minister of Jiaodong, to unload the grain that Ran Ming brought from Lushikeng in the south of the Yangtze River directly at Buqihai Port. City, this change made Wang Meng see something unusual.Especially the secret order written by the "deaf and dumb" directly on the spot.

Some strategic military materials, such as [-] horizontal knives, [-] horse crossbows, [-] cans of kerosene, and [-] sets of Xiangyang guns (returning guns are not very pleasant) newly built by Jiaodong Kingdom, were disguised as grain transport ships. The Changshui Army went directly upstream along the Yellow River and transported it to Luoyang!
This order made Wang Meng see Ran Min's intention, that is, Ran Min's real plan is to plot Guanzhong!
Wang Meng was overjoyed immediately, and ordered the Jiaodong Army to replace the civilian husbands and directly ship the military supplies.

At the same time, another move by Ran Min started to release the mist, and the other armies of the Wei army began to gather. They marched towards the southern line of Qing, Xu, and Yuluo.

In order to ensure the secrecy of the news, Ran Min used "deafness and dumbness" to block the news for a day and a half outside the army assembled on the southern front.

Therefore, the secret operations of various countries trying to detect the reality of the Wei army on the southern line were all ruthlessly wiped out!At the same time, Ran Min intentionally let Xi Zuo see the troops transformed from civilian husbands into the elite troops of the Wei Army, and began to continue to oppress the southern front!

Luoyang is the general logistics base of the Southern Front Campaign. A large number of civilians are actually troops dressed up by the elite troops of the Wei Army, marching towards the front line of Luoyang!
The war on the southern front was cloudy, and Huan Wen felt the pressure for a while. After all, his lair was blocking the western front of Wei Jun's soldiers.Fortunately, Xi Chao told Huan Wen about Wei Jun's intentions in time.

Huan Wen then sent a secret letter to Xi Chao, asking him to further implement the plan!
Just when Ran Min started to implement all the strategic preparations around Guanzhong, the emperor and ministers in Shengle City also started a heated debate over whether to save Yan or not!

In the court hall in Shengle City of Daiguo, the debates were very characteristic.The Dai State was established by Tuoba Shiyiqian, and it is also recognized as the predecessor of the Northern Wei Dynasty!At this time, the national language of Dai State was still dominated by Xianbei, and the ministers of Dai State started a fierce debate over whether to help Yan State!

Of course, the debates in the Daiguo court are different from those of the Han people.

Han people argue by citing scriptures to increase persuasiveness, or deliberately confusing the audience, or secretly changing concepts, causing opponents to refute speechlessly and lose their position.

But the Tuoba Department of the Xianbei was different. They were fighting for who had the loudest voice and the most imposing manner.

Dai Wang Tuoba Shi Yiqian listened to it for more than an hour, and felt his head was extremely big.

In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Liang Guohou his younger brother Tuobagu for advice!

"In the opinion of the fourth brother, how should we deal with this matter!"

Tuoba Gu is the fourth younger brother of Tuoba Shiyiqian. In [-] A.D., Tuoba Yihuai, the leader of the Tuoba tribe, died, and his second younger brother Tuoba Shiyiqian, who was held hostage by Zhao Xiangguo, succeeded to the throne. At.

All the ministers thought that Tuoba Shiyiqian might not be able to come back to take the throne due to recent major accidents, and they were afraid of further changes.Tuoba Shiyiqian's third younger brother, Tuoba Qu, was fierce and changeable, not as honest and gentle as Tuoba Gu.So the lord Liang Gai and others killed Tuoba Qu and supported Tuoba Gu as the master!
Tuobagu resolutely refused, and exchanged his desire for his brother!

It can also be said that if there was no Tuoba at that time, he would have nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Tuoba Shiyiqian was very grateful to Tuoba Gu, and enfeoffed half of the country and tribes to Tuoba Gu.Besides, Tuoba Gu was magnanimous and talented, so Tuoba Shi Yiqian asked his younger brother for advice.

Tuoba thought for a while and said: "From the opinion of Mr. Xu, it is very reasonable! I help Yan to fight against Wei on behalf of the country. While helping Yan to avoid the country's destruction, it is also helping us on behalf of the country. Like Yan If not, Wei Guo’s soldiers will definitely turn their spearheads after destroying the Yan State, and point directly at our Dai State. And our Dai State is naturally no match for the Wei State. In order to die, Yan State will help it!”

Daiguo is an official system that basically refers to the system of the Han Dynasty.

The official positions are generally like this, but some names follow the Qin system.For example, Lang Zhongling, that is, "Guang Luxun" in the Han Dynasty was a senior official who was close to the emperor.It belongs to the doctor, Lang, Yezhe, Qimen, and Habayashi Suwei officials.Guards the gates of the palace.However, Dai Guo's Lang Zhong Ling is obviously not worthy of the name. Xu Qian's Lang Zhong Ling is only equivalent to Su Wei Lang Jiang, who is in charge of the safety and security of Shengle Dai Palace.If you want to change to the official position of later generations, figuratively speaking, it is the head of the Central Guard Corps. Although the official is not big, he must be the emperor's confidant.

Xu Qian was very proud when he heard that Tuobagu supported his opinion, with a big smile on his face.

Then Tuo Bagu said again: "Of course, Zuo Changshi Yanfeng's words are not aimless, and they are also reasonable. Soldiers, deceitful way! The major affairs of the country must be investigated. Therefore, it is necessary to be cautious. Support Yan, and reinforcements are too important. Too little is useless, if there are too many, we will expose the belly and back of our country to the iron cavalry of Wei State."

Before Yanfeng had time to rejoice, Tuoba said again: "Of course, what Otsuka Zai said is very correct!"

No wonder Tuoba Gu is so popular in the Tuoba Department, this guy is a good guy, he slides like a loach, no one can offend him!
He said all the opinions of several factions in the field, which sounded like a lot, but in fact they were all unnutritious nonsense.When Tuobagu made all the officials drowsy, the meat part came.

Tuoba Gu said: "In the opinion of the captain-in-law, if Yan Guo can show enough sincerity! Our Tuoba Department and Murong Department have the same origin, so if we don't help them, we will help someone!"

Fortunately, Tuoba Shiyiqian knew Tuobagu's character well, and after being patient, he finally understood what Tuobagu meant: "This knife will be brutally slaughtered!"

However, Sikong Yangqi of the Yan Kingdom has already received Murong Ke's instruction. In order to prevent the Yan Kingdom from perishing, he is willing to pay any price, even if the Yan Kingdom becomes a vassal of the Dai Kingdom!
It's a pity that Murong Ke obviously forgot that he is a person who only cares about interests but not face, and how can Dai Guo be a face-oriented and self-deceiving regime like the Central Plains Dynasty?

Shi Yanfeng, the left chief of Dai Wangfu, greedily said, "Dai Guo sent troops to support Yan Guo, and Yan Guo must pay [-] horses!"

He Yegan, the husband of Princess Liaoxi, the captain-in-law, said even more shamelessly: "In addition to war horses, there are also millions of oxen and horses as tribute!"

No one is the most pragmatic nation than the Xianbei people, Otsuka Zaiyu Wenxin said with a cold smile: "We still have to move 10 people to our country."

"Using the Liugu River in the Yan Kingdom as the boundary, all the land to the west will be ceded to our Dai country." Tuobagu pointed to the simple sheepskin map, and said sinisterly: "Dai Wang, look, this is the Liugu River, here In the north there are Yanshan Mountains, and in the south Bohai Sea is all over the sky. If you build a majestic pass here, it can be said that one man guards the pass, and no one can open it!"

Liugu River is the dividing line between Suizhong County and Xingcheng, belonging to Changli County, Youzhou.

In fact, Tuobagu's vision is vicious enough. To the west of Liuguheyan is the place where Shanhaiguan is located, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.As long as Dai State owns the land west of Liugu River, Yan State will never want to take it back again.

Therefore, Dai Guo immediately set a barely acceptable bottom line, 20 horses and millions of cattle and sheep!With the Liugu River as the boundary, all the land to the west must be ceded to Daiguo!

In order to get help from Dai Guo, Sikong Yangqi of Yan State fully agreed to Dai Guo's blackmail!

However, Yang Yu adopted the trick of dragging characters.Xiang Tuoba Shi Yijian said: "The country of Yan also lacks horses now. With the financial resources of the country of Yan, it is impossible to get 20 horses! There are cattle, horses and sheep, but if millions of cattle and sheep are given to the country of Dai at once , Yan Guo will also starve to death countless people, so the payment must not be paid all at once. One hundred thousand horses, paid in three years, and one million cattle and sheep, can be paid within five years!"

Seeing that Yan Guo agreed to such a condition, Dai Guo suddenly felt regretful again, and he really should speak up a little more!However, Tuoba Shiyijian was also afraid.

If the country of Yan is pushed into a hurry and offended, it will force the country of Yan to surrender directly to the country of Wei. At that time, they will turn their heads and act as the vanguard of the attack, and they will have fun!
At this time, although Yan Guo was weak, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.No matter how bad the Yan army is, it can also break a few teeth of Dai Guo!
In this way, Dai Wang Tuoba Shi Yiqian mercilessly extorted a large amount of wealth from Yan State, and then ordered Dai State's elite troops of 15 soldiers to gather in Shengle!After the preparations and assembly are completed, choose a day to set off!

Yang Yu received Dai Guo's promise, and sent back the negotiation matters as quickly as possible. After working day and night and exhausting more than a dozen horses, the messenger told Murong Ke about Dai Guo's conditions. After Dai Guo's request, he was so angry that he fainted. Such a condition is simply asking for Murong Ke's life.

Murong Ke can accept the condition of ceding the land west of the Liugu River. After all, the Yan Kingdom currently does not have the strength to occupy these places.

Murong Ke is happy to see Dai Guo sharing the anger of Wei Guo.

However, what made Murong Ke extremely angry was that there were [-] war horses when he opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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