Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 503 Where is the way out for the Xianbei Murong Department

Chapter 503 Where is the way out for the Xianbei Murong Department (fifth watch)

Chapter 507 Where is the way out for Xianbei Murong Department?
Upon hearing this, the people below sighed.

As the father of Concubine Liu, King of Jiaodong, Liu Yuan is a serious royal relative, and a concubine of the Zhongshan Liu family who owns the marquis. With this status, other nobles dare not despise him.

Liu Yuan softly said to the clerk beside him: "Zhongshan Liu's firm bid for pearl cultivation technology with [-] gold!"

Although Liu Yuan's voice was soft, it was heard by some people with sharp ears. These people are not stupid. What is the relationship between Liu Yuan and Ran Ming? They are a family. Liu Yuan has no children and only one daughter, Ran Ming. Ming is his half son, will Liu Yuan be Ran Ming's babysitter?

At this moment, Zhang Xun, Wang Cheng, and ordinary merchants who had not made any bids made their bids one after another, and the hidden bids were received by the waiter at the front desk. After a while, there were more than twenty bids on the front desk.

However, at this time, these merchants with gentry backgrounds still did not make a move.

When Ran Ming saw this situation, he might be cold-hearted. In fact, his pearl cultivation technology has not been verified in practice. Ran Ming has no idea whether it will be as advertised in the Pearl Paradise.Although the gentry background merchants present didn't know about it, Zhang Xun, Wang Cheng and those powerful merchants all knew that those pearls were the wedding gift that Zhang Xun and Wang Cheng jointly presented to Ran Ming.But they clearly knew that this was a scam, but they did not hesitate to act. The purpose was to give gifts to Ran Ming in a different direction, so as to obtain a lot of benefits.

However, just as Liu Yuan shouted loudly: "The time is coming soon, is there anyone who needs to bid? If not, within ten breaths, the bidding will be closed soon. Now the countdown starts, ten, nine..."

At this moment, those merchants with aristocratic backgrounds began to write.Those papers have already written their own business names, their own signatures, and the names that need to be bid, and the only difference is the number of bids.A number, even with a brush, is very fast.Soon those elite merchants of the gentry cast their bids. Thanks to Liu Yuan's sentence of [-] gold, these elite merchants of the gentry were afraid that they would miss out on this good opportunity to make a fortune because the bid was too low.

In this bidding document, the highest bid was actually 15 gold, while the lowest among the top ten was Liu Yuan's 100 gold.Ran Ming raised more than 100 million gold in the auction of pearl cultivation alone. 100 million gold, one gold is exchanged for ten thousand coins, ten thousand gold is one hundred million coins, more than one million gold, equivalent to more than 100 billion Wei Guoxin coins, and the old Eastern Jin coins are more than 1000 billion coins, if you buy rice, you can buy more than 5000 million stones, The Wei State has a population of more than 400 million, and the per capita is nearly [-] Shim.

Of course, this is only a theoretical figure. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, so much rice could not be produced.

In short, Ran Ming made a huge amount of money this time.With this money, not only did Ran Ming's construction of roads come to fruition, but also the treasury of Wei State, which was about to bottom out, ushered in spring.

After Wang Meng learned that Ran Ming had completed the auction, he came to Ran Ming and said, "Your Highness, this transaction should be taxed!"

"Come on!" Ran Ming had money in his pocket. Although the follow-up of this transaction still required a lot of trouble, more than half of the money was basically in his pocket.

Ran Ming said: "Gu can't tell, how much tax Wang Shangshu plans to make Gu pay!"

"Thirty thousand gold!" Wang Meng knew that Ran Ming was rich, and now that the crown prince Ran Zhi had been sent to the army for training, Ran Ming was the best candidate for the throne.Wang Meng is very optimistic about Ran Ming, but Wang Meng hopes that Ran Ming will start buying people's hearts with money now.

So, he thought for a while and the lion opened his mouth and said, "Eighty thousand gold!"

[-] gold is equivalent to [-] taxes per transaction volume, which is a heavy tax on the basic business tax in ancient times.

Ran Ming smiled and said: "Cut, you are still the Minister of Wei Duzhi, this is too petty! You only need 30 gold if you want, and I will give you [-] gold alone!"

In fact, this is one of Ran Ming's actions to stimulate the economy.

The difference of 30 gold is not more than 39% of the [-] gold of Yongxing, which had the highest financial income in Wei Guonian, in the fourth year.With so much cash flowing into the national treasury, Ran Min’s act of loving the people will probably be spent within a year. Most of the water conservancy construction, cattle, farm tools, seed subsidies, and people’s absorption plan will be used up, and there are rewards. To meritorious soldiers and soldiers who were killed or disabled.

Ran Ming gave Wang Meng a receipt. With this receipt, which is equivalent to a bank note in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Wang Meng can receive 30 gold in the internal bank of the Huaxia Business Alliance!

Now that Ran Ming wants to build a highway, he has no shortage of craftsmen, especially skilled craftsmen. There are enough skilled craftsmen for him to use, and he is not short of money. More than 80 gold is enough for Ran Ming to build roads.However, Ran Ming lacked people. After the beginning of spring, the expressway needed to be built, but the Han people needed to go to spring plowing, and there was no one for him to build the road.It's not impossible to recruit civilian husbands by force, but the cost is too high. Ran Ming's goal is that after next year, Wei will be self-sufficient in food.Therefore, spring plowing not only cannot be delayed, but also needs strong support!
Since the entire surrender of the Yan State, the prisoners of war of the Murong tribe of Xianbei are no longer prisoners. They are from the Xianbei tribe of the Wei State, and like the Han people, they are all Wei State citizens.

However, the Xianbei people had barbarian nationality with a relatively low political status, or some had naturalized nationality.

Ran Min originally wanted to give the surrendered Xianbei the same status as the Han people, but Ran Ming told Ran Min: "People are very strange, the more difficult things are, the more precious they are.

On the contrary, the easier it is to get, the less you care! "

Just like in later generations, it is very difficult to obtain a green card in the United States, but countless Chinese people are struggling to get a green card. It seems that with a green card in the United States, they become the top of the world.

However, the national preferential policies in later generations have become the source of all unstable factors.Preferential treatment in terms of family planning, education, etc., and respect for their absolute national autonomy, did not bring about real unity, but instead became a source of division.

Ran Ming does not want to implement a policy of inequality among ethnic groups, but a policy of inequality for everyone.In fact, the United States, the paradise of foreign slaves who worship foreigners, is not a real democratic society, let alone equality for all.

If you make a fucker who is also a black man equal to other blacks, he will definitely spit shit on your face.

Ran Ming instituted a system of three-level and nine-level warriors in the army, in order to encourage all the generals and soldiers of the Wei State to appreciate martial arts, take pride in martial arts, and be proactive.Ran Ming divided the craftsmen into three grades and nine grades, and even made the craftsmen become real nobles and nobles, which also made them enterprising, and gave them invisible and tangible spurs and encouragements.Ran Ming does not focus on the inequality of birth, but focuses on the size of the contribution to the country, and then divides them into identities.Even the gentry, as long as they betray the interests of the Wei state, they will be labeled as traitors, which will not only deprive the gentry of their aristocratic status, but also affect future generations.

Strict punishments will be imposed according to the circumstances and nature of Chinese nationals who betray the country.At the same time, a lot of honor and material rewards will be given to those foreigners who have contributed to the Wei state.

The status of barbarian and naturalized nationality is different, and naturalized nationality and Chinese nationality are different.Ran Ming also used this kind of inequality to let them see the benefits of being a citizen of Wei State. Ran Ming even used the power of public opinion to spread a dream of wealth and honor in Jin State, Liang State, and Dai State at all costs.

"Do you want to be rich? Do you want to live a life without worrying about food and clothing? Do you want to stop worrying about hunger? Then come to Wei State. As long as you have the nationality of Wei State, you can become a rich person and become a A man above all men."

Although Wei State is unable to launch a military attack right now, Ran Ming does not want Jin, Dai, and Liang to feel better, at least to make them feel the danger of cultural invasion.

After Murong Ke surrendered to the State of Wei, he also behaved honestly with his tail between his legs. He did not dare to contact the former Yanchen, nor did he dare to be suspected of forming a party.After finishing his work every day, he would return to his mansion without leaving the gate or stepping through the second door.

When Ran Ming asked to see him, Murong Ke hurriedly dressed, opened the door of the ceremony very formally, led the whole family and servants, and greeted Ran Ming at the door: "His Royal Highness King Jiaodong has come to the humble house. It is a great honor for Ke and the whole family!"

Ran Ming didn't engage in any false politeness with Murong Ke, he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Murong Ke, I know you miss Yan Guo very much, and those days when you were galloping on the prairie, and I know you Life in Wei State is not satisfactory, I have nothing to do today, so I came to drink with you!"

When Ran Ming's words were heard by Murong Ke, it was like being struck by lightning.To say that Murong Ke, a surrendered minister, actually has his homeland in his heart, is a crime of beheading.

Murong Ke knelt down on the ground and kowtowed again and again, "I absolutely do not miss Yan Guo, Yan Guo is a thing of the past, and I am living a very good life in Wei Guo, very good, I will wake up with a smile in my dreams!"

"Really?" Ran Ming said with a smile, "I'm afraid you don't even believe that!"

Murong Ke broke out in cold sweat, and said anxiously: "Your servant is terrified!"

"Forget it, I'm not here to make a fuss today!" Ran Ming waved his hand and said, "I just want to drink today, and those who have nothing to do with it, let them quit!"

Murong Ke had no choice but to order his family members to avoid him, and led Ran Ming to the living room of his mansion.Murong Ke hurriedly ordered his servants to prepare food and drinks. In fact, Ran Ming didn't like the hospitality of the Xianbei people. There were almost no vegetarian dishes, and all of them were meat.

Ran Ming looked at it, but he didn't have any appetite at all.Of course, in this season, vegetarian dishes are definitely more expensive than meat in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month in the era of no fresh-keeping means and greenhouses.

Ran Ming said: "Let you take away the food and drink, today I will let you taste the real food!"

Ran Ming gestured, and the attendants behind hurriedly moved things down from the carriage, including immortal drunk mellow liquor, as well as various canned fruits and vegetables.

This kind of canned food, which can be stored for up to eighteen months, is the only economical way to eat fresh vegetables in winter.

When he heard that the canned food was put on the dining table, Murong Ke's eyes straightened.

(End of this chapter)

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