Chapter 504 There Are Frozen Bones on the Street of the Rich Men's Wine and Meat ([-] more)
Chapter 508

As a Xianbei nobleman who ate meat for a long time, Murong Ke also suffered from very serious anorectal diseases. He also hated greasy food, but because of environmental restrictions, Murong Ke had no choice but to eat or drink unless he wanted to be a god. .

In the past few days when he came to Wei, Murong Ke basically ate at home alone except for banquets. He always ate the refreshing kelp shreds or mung bean vermicelli.

But I saw that there are nearly [-] varieties of cucumbers, peaches, eggplants, spinach, lentils, sword beans, gourds, water spinach, lettuce, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, celery, day lily (day lily), etc. Don’t eat them in winter, even in summer. Murong Ke has only heard of some vegetables, but never tasted them.

In fact, there are not so many varieties of canned vegetables that Ran Ming sells. These things are purely made by Ran Ming himself to satisfy his appetite. In cans, the taste is also not good, sour, kind of like the pickles of later generations.

Ran Ming didn't like it very much, but Xie Daoyun liked to eat this kind of food the most during pregnancy. Ran Ming had people prepare a lot to please Xie Daoyun.

Who knows, after Xie Daoyun gave birth, his taste changed, and he didn’t like it anymore, and Ran Ming didn’t like it either. Give it away, it’s a little shabby, and it’s a pity to lose it. When I came here today, Ran Ming personally chose the gift, so I’m going to pass these things. All the canned food with a shelf life was given to Murong Ke, and the quantity was quite a lot. There were thousands of tins and thousands of catties of various canned vegetables.

These canned vegetables made Murong Ke dumbfounded, and it took him a while to recover.If these cans were in the country of Yan, although they were not worth the same weight of gold and silver, at least they were worth the same weight of copper coins.

We must know that in the Han Dynasty, ten coins are one tael, and a thousand coins are more than six catties. In fact, Ran Ming's Wei Guoxin coins are as heavy as Han Wuzhu coins, but they are fine in color, have sufficient copper, and are of high value.

Looking at Murong Ke's appearance, Ran Ming said proudly: "A small gift is not a respect!"

Murong Ke hurriedly knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "I am very grateful to Ke for such a great gift, but it's hard to repay Ke now that I don't have much to offer!"

"You don't need to report it!" Ran Ming said with a smile: "Today, I want you to accompany Gu Yi to get drunk!"

Murong Ke thought about it in his mind, this Ran Ming was rumored to be an excellent mature woman, could it be one of his concubines that he had a crush on?You must know that Murong Ke's first wife is also his aunt and cousin, Gao Shi, who has died, and Murong Ke has not continued.Although there are several good-looking concubines now, Murong Ke doesn't take it seriously.You must know that ancient people had completely different attitudes towards wives and concubines. The hatred of taking a wife is like the hatred of killing a father.But asking someone for a concubine is not an insult, but a symbol of deep friendship. If it is because of a woman that the relationship between Murong Ke and Ran Ming can be eased, Murong Ke is happy to do so.

Murong Ke couldn't help laughing as he watched Ran Ming repeatedly persuade him to drink.

He thought in his heart: "It must be that King Jiaodong is thin-skinned, and he is embarrassed to speak. It will save trouble to pretend to be drunk." Murong Ke has already made a plan in his heart, as long as he is drunk and wants to stay overnight, he will let him All the concubines come out to serve Ran Ming, as long as Ran Ming is willing to keep any servant, he will give that one to him!

Thinking of this, Murong Ke also let go of his heart.

Talking and laughing with Ran Ming, drinking the immortal drunk mellow liquor.

Five tastes of food, three rounds of wine.

When Murong Ke was just a little drunk, Ran Ming said, "Murong Minister must have heard that Gu is now ordered to build a [-]-mile expressway. Trucks can travel [-] miles a day, and horses can gallop. Even without horseshoes Can travel eight hundred miles a day!"

Hearing this, Murong Ke was shocked. Although the iron cavalry of Yan State had swept Liaodong, destroyed Goguryeo and Fuyu, and were invincible, the overall movement speed of the Yan Army cavalry was not fast, and they could only travel [-] miles a day when they were fully armed.If the state of Wei could build such a highway that travels [-] miles and rides [-] miles alone, who in the world would dare to oppose Wei?

Can it be reversed?With a freight speed of [-] miles a day, the consumption is extremely small.Wei Guo can use almost negligible road consumption to suppress rebellions in various places.With the existence of this kind of road, the emperor would not pretend to be ignorant of any problems in various places. Natural and man-made disasters could also be rescued in time without losing the hearts of the people.

Murong Ke nodded, he understood Ran Ming's intentions a little bit, because he fell in love with the Xianbei people.Although the total number of Xianbei people is not large, there are more than 30 people from the Murong tribe plus other tribes who surrendered to the Murong tribe, men, women, old and young.

In fact, Murong Ke's guess was right, Ran Ming just took a fancy to these former Yan people.These more than 30 people, Wei Guo can no longer treat them as free labor, but the real people of Wei Guo, even if Xianbei people are no longer a thing, Wei Guo still needs thousands of dollars to buy horse bones, and treat them as a national fusion .

Ran Ming said: "If you want to build roads, you also need people. Those of your tribe don't know how to farm land. Of course, it's not that Wei Guo doesn't give you land, nor does it want to give you land, but it takes time to learn how to farm land. But now there is a way to let them all eat and have clothes to wear. We need [-] strong-aged laborers alone. There are not enough men, and there are no problems with strong-aged women. One person works hard for a month and gives them a stone of polished rice alone. Grain, plus six taels of refined salt, and a piece of cloth, of course this will not be fine silk but ordinary linen."

One stone of polished rice weighed 120 catties. In the main rice producing areas of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, when new rice came out, it only cost six or seven hundred old coins, while Wei Guoxin's money was only equivalent to six or seventy coins.

However, this price is not available in Liaodong. The rice transported in the Jin Dynasty was not available, and the consumption of water transportation was lower, and it would have to increase by more than [-]%, but it would cost about a thousand yuan to transport it to Yecheng by land.But if you want to go to Liaodong, if you go by land, the price will quadruple!

Not to mention ordinary soldiers and civilians of the Murong Ministry, even Murong Ke can't eat rice as he pleases.Murong Ke was moved now.

Ran Ming went on to say: "Murong Minister, the matter of recruiting workers can only be left to you. Anyway, the Xianbei people are already poor. They eat three meals of dry rice, which only weighs sixty to seventy catties. Each person has one stone of polished rice per month. There is no shortage of one or two, all for you, how much you want to give to the laborer, as you like, half a stone or eighty catties, I don't care!"

If it was the other leaders of the Murong Department, they would definitely have fallen into Ran Ming's trap at this time, and they would deduct food from the laborers.Once the news gets out, their Murong clan will lose the support of their tribe. This is because Ran Ming wants to drive a wedge between their Murong clan and ordinary tribe.Once the Murong family loses the support of ordinary people, their Yan State will lose the possibility of restoring the country forever, and those clansmen will also become the people of Wei State.Murong Ke smiled slightly, not revealing Ran Ming's sinister intentions, and said with a smile: "Ke has agreed to this matter, and Ke will implement it as soon as possible!"

Ran Ming also saw that Murong Ke had seen through his bad intentions. In fact, Ran Ming didn't expect this little trick to fool Murong Ke.But Ran Ming wasn't worried. Murong Ke might not be corrupt, but he couldn't stand the corruption of the leaders of the small tribe below.

Even if they are unwilling to embezzle, if Ran Ming's sticky pole doesn't even have the ability to pull a few people into the water, Ran Ming doesn't have to pay tens of thousands of gold for activities every year.

"One hundred thousand laborers, one at most, they must be assembled!" Ran Ming laughed and said, "As long as the laborers are assembled, there will be a big gift for them!"

With the advent of the new year, Ran Min has already set off to lead a group of ministers to the Sixth Battalion of the Infantry outside the city and the garrisons of the Shesheng, Yueqi, Tunqi, Modao and other troops to work hard.

Although Ran Ming was Ran Min's son, he was naturally excluded by Ran Min for this excellent opportunity to gain military prestige.

Ran Ming is a little tired at the moment, his mind is tired, and his heart is even more tired.

Just the day before New Year's Eve.Liu Mo, Xie Daoyun, Li Shi, Stripes, etc. who were in different countries came to Yecheng with Ran Ming's two children.There is a saying that a long absence is better than a newlywed, a warm and soft jade, a family of spring, Ran Ming's three wives and three concubines, Ran Ming did not treat one favorably than another, all the rain and dew were shared.

Stripes lay on the bed sideways, quietly looking at the sleeping Ran Ming with her arms outstretched, a long-lost happiness flooded her heart.For Stripes, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, and tonight is destined to be a particularly important night.

Stripes has finally made the transition from girl to woman.Ran Ming is happy, but also hard-working, although his tiredness has no effect at least for now.

Relatively speaking, the new Zuomin (there was an error in the previous article, the predecessor of Hubu was not Duzhibu but Zuominbu, which was changed to Hubu in the Tang Dynasty to avoid Li Shimin’s min character) Shangshu Wang Meng couldn’t sleep, but Wang Meng didn’t like Stripes is so blissful that he can't sleep, but a lot of things are waiting for him to do.

Yang got up and watched it three times, each time she returned disappointed.The lights in Wang Meng's study are still on. She knows that Wang Meng's habits will never be wasted. If he sleeps, he will definitely not turn on the lights.

Wang Meng was staring at a large pile of data with red eyes in the outer room of the study.On the other side, there are more than a dozen calculators who are calculating something non-stop.With the completion of Ran Ming's series of auction transactions, the elites of the gentry had to resell a lot of grain in order to obtain Ran Ming's secret formula for making a fortune. According to a rough estimate, this grain is enough to feed all the people of Wei State for three years.

Wang Meng was very angry at the moment. Since the third year of Yongxing, although Ran Ming had taken many measures to get a lot of food, tens of thousands of people still starved to death in Wei.And almost more than [-]% of the grain sold by these gentry clans was old grain, and some of it had been aged for three or four years. Although the taste of the old grain for three or four years was very poor, it could at least fill you up and not starve to death.

Wang Meng said angrily: "I can't think of it, I can't think of it, these aristocrats who are always crying for poverty have such a lot of financial resources, and a random sum of money is more than three times the annual financial income of our Great Wei. It's really amazing. What a shame!"

(End of this chapter)

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