Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 506 Lifting a Rock and Shooting Its Own Foot

Chapter 506 Lifting a Rock and Shooting Himself in the Foot (Part [-])

Chapter 510 Shooting yourself in the foot
Ran Ming continued to laugh and said, "Those elites of the gentry admonish the emperor every day to be a holy king, a wise king, and a wise king. If they oppose such a good policy, they will slap themselves in the face!"

Wang Meng was right when he thought about it. This kind of policy is an ideal phenomenon in their Datong society, where everyone has clothes to wear and everyone has food to eat?
Wang Meng said: "Meng can also remonstrate with His Majesty at the same time, increase the intensity of pensions for the bereaved sons of meritorious officers and soldiers, and refugee orphans, so that the government schools in various places can speed up the cultivation of enough talents! At that time, the gentry and they will not be able to make a fuss!"

Ran Ming nodded and said: "After a year or two like this, the shortage of human resources in Wei will become more and more prominent. Merchants will compete for manpower with the gentry, and the appearance of a large number of self-cultivating farmers will also increase the demand for commodities. The ability has greatly increased. The benefits of farming are definitely not as good as the workshop, and the workshop is not as good as sales. The profit drives the gentry to give up merging land, and then turn to business!"

Wang Meng said: "This merchant is not a good thing. I'm afraid they will be too big in the future. What is your Highness going to do?"

"How can Gu not think of it!" Ran Ming smiled, and asked back: "With the wisdom of Mr., you must have a countermeasure?"

Wang Meng didn't deny it, but he didn't directly say a countermeasure. He paused and said, "Your Highness, do you know the difference between a merchant and a noble family?"

Ran Mingdao: "It is different in essence. The gentry is a privileged class formed in society based on the family and the standard of family status. They have a detached political position and can be completely self-sufficient economically. But merchants are different. Raising the political status of merchants again and again, in fact, Mr. Gu has also seen that Gu does not completely trust merchants. In this world, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests. If the interests are the same, they are friends and allies. On the contrary If you hinder your own interests, you are the enemy! In fact, merchants are far easier to deal with than gentry! Merchants pursue their interests and the interests of gentry are completely different, and merchants will never be able to become gentry!"

Wang Meng smiled, and did not deny that what Ran Ming said was true.Merchants are different from the self-sufficient gentry manor-style economy. There are many ways to deal with disobedient merchants. They can block the merchants from the source of the goods, or use the system to restrict them to death.But the gentry are different. They not only have political status, but also the power of public opinion. They say that you are good, and that is good or bad.But the gentry say you are not good, good or bad, this is the energy of the gentry.

Fortunately, Ran Ming already owns a newspaper and has a part of the power of public opinion, so he will not be completely controlled by the gentry.

Wang Meng didn't mention his strategy to deal with the merchants' big tails. He believed that Ran Ming could do a better job in this regard!

"In fact, no matter how powerful the merchants are, they can't control the government and fight against the country!" Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "Sir, help me with one thing!"

Wang Meng stood up and said, "Please show me your Highness!"

"It is planned to build in the workshops of more than [-] craftsmen each, and establish an association for the protection of the interests of artisans." Ran Ming was afraid that Wang Meng would not understand, and explained: "The main duty of this association for the protection of the interests of artisans is to protect the interests of all artisans. To build a harmonious society together, they need to negotiate with the employers about the salaries of craftsmen, working hours and working conditions, etc. In addition to negotiating the relationship between craftsmen and employers, they also need to pay attention to the living conditions of craftsmen in need and help each other!"

Although Wang Meng didn't understand the trade union system of later generations, his eyes became brighter after hearing Ran Ming's explanation.Involuntarily stretched out a thumb to Ran Ming and said, "Your Highness is wise, this Craftsman's Association is wonderful!"

Ran Ming smiled and said: "The lonely Jiaodong Palace is just an empty shelf now. There are no officials such as Zuo Changshi, Thirteen Cao Shi, etc., and there is no way to be lonely. If there is a way, those who are capable will work harder. I hope that sir can help me with this idea." Implementation done!"

Wang Meng looked distressed, thought for a while and said: "Although Meng can help His Highness, it is only a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause. Meng is now the Minister of Zuo Min. His responsibilities are limited and his energy is limited. I am afraid that he will not be able to do everything. Difficulties, this is not a long-term solution! I want to recommend talents to His Highness, but what does His Highness think?"

"That's great!" Ran Ming said, "I don't know who the master wants to recommend?"

"Tian Xie, a native of Beiping County, Youzhou, a well-known scholar in Youzhou, has a lot of knowledge and talents, and can be the literary director of the Jiaodong Palace. This human talent is transcendent, and he will be able to properly handle all kinds of documents in the future of the Jiaodong Palace!" Wang Meng continued: "And Yangzhi and Yangyao, famous scholars in Beiping, are both knowledgeable people, and they are by no means in vain. Yangzhi is good at criminal names, and he is unique in governing the region. He can be in charge of the affairs of the people of Jiaodong Wangfu, and Yangyao is more proficient in human relationships. Can be added as the right chief of the palace!"

Ran Ming vaguely remembered that Wang Meng recommended talents to Fu Jian after the destruction of Yan, and these people all performed well in the later Di and Qin Dynasties.Ran Ming excitedly said: "Mr. Quan Yi, but this is not enough, is there any more?"

Wang Meng laughed dumbly and said: "Han Yin, the younger brother of Han Heng's clan in the original Zhongshu Ling of the Yan Kingdom, is a famous scholar in the original Yan Kingdom, with extraordinary talents and knowledge, but because his biological mother is a Goguryeo slave, he is not tolerated by Murong Jun. This person has been approved by Wang Zuozhi. Talent, talent and learning are not inferior to that of his clan brother Han Heng, he can be added as the Zuo Changshi of the palace!"

From the first day of the first lunar month to the Shangyuan Festival (also the Lantern Festival), this is the day when all government offices in Wei State are closed, and officials, big and small, are on holiday.However, at this time, Yecheng was filled with a festive atmosphere, and there was a faint sense of urgency!With the completion of Ran Ming's auction transaction, Ran Ming also fulfilled his contract.With the official implementation of the craftsman hierarchy system, more than [-] third-class craftsmen, four second-class craftsmen, more than [-] people, and more than [-] fifth- and sixth-class craftsmen rushed from Qingzhou to Yecheng. Yecheng!

However, along with Han Yin, the eldest brother of the Jiaodong Palace, Shi Yangyao, the eldest brother of the right, Cao Yangzhi, the literary family, and Cao Renqun, Li Cao, successively accepted the conquest of the Jiaodong Palace during the festival.

Because Ran Zhi was assigned to the army by Ran Minfa, he was not allowed to return to Yecheng for three years.Everyone vaguely saw that Ran Ming had the hope of seizing the heir, so these people accepted Ran Ming without hesitation and became civil servants of Jiaodong Palace.With these talents enriching the Jiaodong Palace, the subordinates of the Jiaodong Palace were in place, which greatly relieved Ran Ming's pressure.

In ancient China, the rural plot was very heavy and extremely xenophobic.After Xie An entered Guanzhong, he did not carry out large-scale reforms in Guanzhong. He appointed a large number of Guanzhong celebrities to fill the Guanzhong officialdom. Fortunately, these celebrities were different from the corrupt scholars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Xie An didn't do anything on the surface, but in fact he invited celebrities from Hanzhong to his talks several times.During the banquet, Xie An specially invited Wei Ji, a famous scholar in Hanzhong, into the inner room for a secret talk.

Although they are both celebrities, Xie An's celebrity is a celebrity in the world. According to later generations, Xie An is an international superstar, while Wei Ji is just a local celebrity. The difference is huge.Naturally, Wei Ji didn't dare to offend Xie An.

Wei Ji is from Jingzhao Duling, and Webster's is also from the Dulinghao family. Although Webster's at this time is far from being as glorious as Jingzhao's in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, at least their influence is not weak now.

Wei Ji is not only a famous scholar in Guanzhong, but also the younger brother of Jingzhao Duling Webster's patriarch, and he is very powerful in Webster's interior.

Xie An didn't beat around the bush when facing Wei Ji, and said directly: "Since An succeeded Yongzhou Inspector and Zhenxi General, he hasn't made an inch of merit, and he is really ashamed of His Majesty's trust. I wonder if Rong De can help me!"

Rong De is Wei Ji. Although Wei Ji is now an idler, in fact he has served as the internal history of the Later Zhao Guanzhong.Wei Jidao: "I don't know how An Shi wants Rong De to help him?"

Xie Andao: "Rong De has a nephew, Wei Yan, who is now the county magistrate of Xunyang County, and also has a family brother, Wei Hu, who is the commander of Sima Wei (Sima Xun)..."

Having said this, Xie An suddenly stopped talking and looked directly at Wei Ji!

Wei Ji understood, this Xie An asked him to come forward as a lobbyist to say that he would surrender Wei Hu and Wei Yan and betray Sima Xun.It can be seen from Xie An's meaning that Xie An is going to take Liangzhou, at least Hanzhong County.To tell the truth, Sima Xun, the governor of Liangzhou, was tyrannical and harsh in his administration. Once his subordinate officials and Liangzhou nobles said something unpleasant, they would be beheaded on the spot or shot by Sima Xun with a bow. Therefore, the local people regarded Sima Xun as a Disaster, very worried.

Including Wei Ji, although Wei Shi had nephews who served under Sima Xun's command, Wei Shi didn't like Sima Xun.

Hanzhong is his lair, and if he doesn't make a move, he will be fine, and if he makes a move, he will want Sima Xun's life.

Wei Ji thought for a while and suddenly said: "Mr. An Shi, what can Rong De get?"

Xie An said: "An is still lacking a mate, if Rongde doesn't dislike him, can he give in!"

dislike!That would definitely be a joke.Don't drive the governor of Yongzhou, he is the first adjutant of Yongzhou who is second only to Xie An, and his power is even greater than the standing senior officials of later generations. Because of him alone, the door can increase its great influence.Weighing gains and losses in his heart, Wei Ji finally decided to help Xie An to make a fortune!
During the half-month annual holiday of all the officials of Wei State, Xie An, who had been inactive in entering Yongzhou, suddenly made a move.Wei Yan, the county magistrate of Xunyang County, sent Zhang Miao, the younger brother of Zhang Ju, a powerful man in Guanzhong, to Dong Run's department, and led 160 healthy soldiers into Xunyang. drop.At the same time, Dong Run led an elite force to march [-] miles and occupied Nanxiang County, blocking Sima Xun's way back to Yizhou.

Just when Sima Xun ordered his sons Sima Kang and Xirong Sima Kui to lead the main force of Sima Xun's army to retake Nanxiang County, Sima Xun's general Wei Hu suddenly launched a mutiny in Xicheng County, the seat of Hanzhong County.

(End of this chapter)

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