Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 507 Xie An made a move in Hanzhong

Chapter 507
Chapter 511 Xie An made a move in Hanzhong

Wei Hubu captured Sima Xun alive, and sent him to Chang'an with his sons Sima Longzi, Changshi Liangdan, Sima Jinyi and others.At the same time, more than [-] households in Hanzhong County, more than [-] people, and twelve counties were directly merged into Wei State.

However, what is surprising is that after seeing Sima Xun, Xie An didn't know what Xie An and Sima Xun had said. Not only did Xie An let go of all the captives, but Xie An also gave Sima Xun [-] shi of grain, [-] horses, and [-] horizontal knives, the standard weapon of the Wei army. Three thousand sets of armor.

After the news came out, the whole country of Wei was in an uproar.All civil servants are angry, this is a blatant enemy, treating us as air?At this time, all civil servants of Wei State wrote to Ran Min to impeach Xie An, regardless of their vacation.

What is even more incredible is that after Sima Xun was freed, he entered Shu through Jiange.Enter Chengdu from Fucheng.Although Zhou Fu, the governor of Yizhou who returned from the defeat, suspected Sima Xun, but without evidence, he thought that Xie An's envoy was a tactic of alienation, so he reported the situation to Huan Wen.When Zhou Fu didn't wait for Huan Wen's next instructions, Sima Xun launched a mutiny in Chengdu, captured Zhou Fu, the governor of Yizhou, and took control of the whole city of Chengdu by force.

Although this incident was surprising, Huan Wen couldn't remain indifferent. He had just quelled the Yizhou Rebellion and actually controlled Yizhou. Sima Xun actually stole Yizhou before his ass was warmed up.

What's more amazing is that after receiving Xie An's secret letter, Emperor Ran Min of the Great Wei Dynasty showed Sima Xun's personal letter of allegiance, issued an imperial decree, and officially canonized Sima Xun as the King of Shu in the Great Wei Dynasty, and sent envoys to warn the Eastern Jin Dynasty that Sima Xun was the son of the Great Wei Dynasty. King of Shu, if the Jin State attacks Sima Xun, it will be tantamount to declaring war on the Wei State, and the Wei State will not hesitate to fight until every soldier is killed.

Chu Suanzi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.If Sima Xun was not beaten, the whole world thought that the Jin Dynasty would be afraid of Wei Guo, but if they fought, they would fall into the conspiracy of Wei Guo. Besides, after Sima Xun occupied Yizhou, it would be like a knife hanging on their heads.

After Ran Ming heard the news, he smiled calmly, "Now I can go to build the road with peace of mind!"

Ran Ming then rushed to Zuo Changshi Han Yin and said, "Yifu, from Yecheng to Buqi, along the way, we plan to build sixteen quarries, seven iron smelting plants, and eleven cement plants. Start construction. At present, there are no technical problems in the quarry and iron smelting plant, but the cement plant is the top priority and must not be neglected. Construction is strictly in accordance with quality standards!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Han Yin said sternly: "Who dares to obey the law, Yin, kill his whole family!"

"Damn it!" After listening to Han Yin's words, Ran Ming had to re-evaluate the gentle Han Yin, who was thin and thin with a long beard.He actually opened his mouth to kill the whole family.

Among the eldest brothers in the Jiaodong Palace, the left was the most respected in ancient times, and the left servant was always half a grade higher than the right servant, and the right servant was always lower than the left servant.Similarly, the left long history is the first, and the right long history is the second.Zuo Changshi is in charge of the affairs of the Jiaodong Palace and its external relations, while Yang Yao is in charge of the normal operation of the Jiaodong Palace.

Ran Ming found himself much more relaxed with these talents joining him.There is no need to personally do anything, as long as there is a purpose, these subordinate officials will handle it properly.Especially the literary rafter Tian Xie, whose articles were so well written that Wang Meng was amazed.Ran Ming just didn't understand, King Jiaodong never lacked paper, but this Tian Xie was too economical, even if it required tens of thousands of words, he only needed dozens or hundreds of words to solve it completely.What makes Ran Ming even more depressed is that, except for himself who doesn't understand it, other people can understand it.

Tian Xie's literary talent is very good, but only in literature, he is not as erudite as Wang Meng said. In fact, he doesn't know anything about military affairs, and he doesn't know much about governing the country, but his writing is impeccable.Ran Ming didn't understand why this Tian Xie was so unknown in history.

After Ran Ming arranged the general direction of work for the next month, he became idle instead.The literary rafter hesitated to speak, and repeatedly opened his mouth to speak, but for some unknown reason, no one spoke.

Ran Ming looked at Tian Xie's appearance, and was overjoyed, "Hehe, is there something wrong with literature?"

Tian Xie said: "Xie has something unclear, I hope His Highness can clear up the confusion!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming said with a smile: "Why is this so embarrassing? But it's defenseless!"

"Why does Your Highness know that Sima Xun has occupied Chengdu and made himself king, so he can say that the coming year will be safe and sound!" Tian Xie said in puzzlement, "Sima Xun stole Chengdu to stand on his own. From Xie's point of view, the war in the coming year will definitely not be spared!"

"It's actually very simple!" Ran Ming explained: "Xie Anshi is using an upright conspiracy. The so-called conspiracy means that you can see that it is a trap, but you have to jump into it. In the fourth year of Yongxing, Sima Xun and Under the alliance of Zhou Fu, governor of Yizhou, Xiao Jingwen's rebellion was finally suppressed. At this time, the state of Jin really pacified the whole territory of Yizhou and took Yizhou back. However, after a year, the land of Shu was lost again. For Jin, this is definitely a very embarrassing thing."

Ran Ming took a sip of tea, and then said leisurely: "If Sima Xun stands on his own feet, the entire court of the Jin Kingdom will definitely lose face. If the emperor didn't make Sima Xun King of Wei and Shu, and claimed that the Jin Kingdom attacked Sima Xun is equivalent to Wei Guo declaring war. This is like driving a duck to the shelf. Even if the Jin Dynasty does not want to fight Sima Xun, it must bite the bullet and fight. If he does not fight in the eyes of the world, he is afraid of Wei Guo. But this battle It will definitely not end in a short time. With the power in Sima Xun's hands, he can't resist Huan Wen's all-out attack. In order to protect himself, Sima Xun must take refuge in Wei Guo and let Wei Guo support him!"

The right leader, Shi Yangyao, also suddenly realized when he heard this, "Besides, Yizhou is steep, with difficult supplies, easy to defend and difficult to attack. From the situation, as long as Sima Xun is backed by the Great Wei, he will always have the upper hand. In the subsequent During the war, Wei Guo can also quietly moisten things, and gradually penetrate the counties and counties of Yizhou, making full preparations for the recovery of Yizhou by the Great Wei in the future."

In terms of military affairs, Ran Ming may not be able to take charge of the army for the time being, but the entire Jiaodong Palace agrees that the construction of this expressway is Ran Ming's political achievements, and it is also for the purpose of gaining popularity!In order for Ran Ming to win the great treasure, they also had to become Conglong's masters and hide in Yuansu, and they also racked their brains to take it away for Ran Ming's supremacy.

At the same time, Qingzhou began to gather general mobilization, and almost all the production of armor and weapons was stopped by the general supervisor, specializing in the production of steel bars for road construction.There was no such steel bar machine in ancient times, but these difficulties did not bother the ancient craftsmen.

Even Ran Ming didn't expect that there was a blacksmith of Guo Da in Qingzhou. This Guo Da was from Yizhou, and his ancestors were master craftsmen of Shu.He came to Qingzhou with all the Jin craftsmen.According to the rating of craftsmen, Guo Da was first rated as a fourth-class craftsman.Considering that Ran Ming needs the kind of steel that is long and hard but not too strong.I thought of a way and asked the craftsman to make a forging mold.This mold is like a briquette for later generations.On the top is a mixing furnace that can hold more than a hundred catties of molten steel.

Then Guo Da had someone dig a well with a water depth of more than six meters, using the attraction of the earth to let the molten iron flow down the mold, and then the well water would quickly cool the molten steel, thus producing second-class rebar similar to later generations.Ran Ming looked at this kind of rebar in later generations, and was so surprised that he didn't speak for a long time.Ran Ming thought he had met a colleague passed down from generation to generation.

When Ran Ming heard the news, he hurried Qingqi to Qingzhou Buqi Steel Factory. After questioning, Ran Ming finally realized that he had underestimated the ancient craftsmen in the past.

Ran Ming is not aware of this production method, it seems that it did not appear in history, but the appearance of this casting method makes Ran Ming extremely excited.Originally, Ran Ming wanted to use steel bars, so he had to take that kind of rough steel billet and use manual forging to get steel bars.However, this method is slow and wastes manpower. If the demand is small, it is easy to solve.But they need to build bridges to build highways. The demand for this kind of steel bars is simply an astronomical figure. With the emergence of this casting method, at least Ran Ming's highway plan doesn't have to worry, the steel bars can't meet the demand!
Perhaps in Ran Min's eyes, Xie An is a seasoned handsome guy who, besides doing nothing all day long, just drinks, brags, and farts, and seems to be the most youthful loli.However, it is such a handsome guy who is harmless to humans and animals.

After reading Xie An's report, Ran Min said excitedly: "Come and serve wine, I want to drink three hundred cups!"

In fact, Ran Min didn't really think highly of Xie An. He "reused" Xie An because of Ran Ming's face. He wanted to win over the Xie family from Chenjun. Ran Min's hope.

Just as the waiter put the wine on the table, and before Ran Min had time to move his chopsticks, at this moment, Zhongshuling Liu Qun, Shangshuling Wang Jian, Zuopu shot Zhang Gan, and the three giants of Wei State were present at the same time. Ran Min knew it even if he didn’t have to think about it. Something must have happened!
Ran Min said: "I don't know why the three lovers have come?"

Wang Jian and Zhang Qian looked at Liu Qun with embarrassment on their faces.Liu Qun thought for a while, then bit the bullet and said, "Your Majesty, today we are all here to plead guilty!"

As they spoke, Wang Jian, Zhang Gan and Liu Qun raised the apology memorial above their heads and knelt on their heads without lifting their heads.

Yecheng is only more than 600 kilometers away from Chang'an, which is more than 300 miles.With the speed at which the "deaf and dumb" transmits news in Wei, it only takes two nights and one day, or two days and one night to send the news of Chang'an to Yecheng.In fact, when Ran Min just received Chang'an City, when Xie An released Sima Xun privately, and gave Sima Xun food, armor, and horizontal knife, Ran Min also became murderous towards Xie An.

(End of this chapter)

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