Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 508 It’s Over

Chapter 508
Chapter 512

When the officials of Wei State got the news, almost all of them wrote a letter to impeach Xie An.

Among them, Liu Qun, Wang Jian, and Zhang Gan contributed the most.In particular, Liu Qun submitted three memorials three times, requesting that Ran Min be dealt with seriously, Xie An's capital enemy and collusion with the enemy country.

However, when Sima Xun entered Chengdu, he played the banner of becoming a king on his own. In particular, Ran Min officially named Sima Xun the King of Shu. This is Wei's second first-rank prince with his own fiefdom.

Liu Qun vaguely knew that he had wronged Xie An, and at this time the envoy sent by Ran Min had already set off. Although it would not hurt Xie An's life, it might hurt Xie An's heart.

Therefore, Liu Qun, Wang Jian, and Zhang Gan thought about it and decided to plead guilty to Ran Min.

When Xie An arrived in Yecheng, he personally apologized to Xie An for his forgiveness.

Ran Min looked at the papers of the three, and after a while, he smiled leisurely. Ran Min got up, helped the three of them up, and said: "The three lovers are loyal to the country, what is the crime?"

Wang Jiandao: "Your Majesty, An Shi is unparalleled in wisdom and cunning, and he has learned a lot from others. He is definitely not in vain. With his upright conspiracy, Jin has to disrupt his original plan. I will never wait. If Because of us, there was a rift between Anshi and His Majesty, and the ministers and others will die!"

Ran Min said disapprovingly: "An Shi is not such an immeasurable person, Ai Qing, don't worry!"

Ran Min became really angry and sent envoys to arrest Xie An for questioning, but later, as the "deaf and dumb" sent detailed information, Ran Min also knew that Xie An was wrongly blamed, so Ran Min hurried to remedy it.

The envoys were ordered to continue to go to Chang'an, but the order was changed, and Xie An was specially appointed as the prince's junior teacher!
Taiwei, Taibao, and Taifu are the three princes, and they are first-rank, while Shaoshi, Shaobao, and Shaofu are three orphans, and they are from the first-rank official rank.Sangu's duty is to be in charge of the emperor, manage yin and yang, and promote the country, which is the most important duty.There is no fixed number of staff, no special teaching, and three no actual positions.

Although Xie An was the governor of Yongzhou at this time, he was only a civil servant of the fourth rank, and the General Zhenxi on his body was only of the third rank.Now conferring the false title of Cong Yipin is also a show of favor!

Of course, even if Ran Min didn't take remedial measures, Xie An's heart would be chilled.The fault was also Ran Min's, but the subordinate's.The emperor can never be wrong, even if he is wrong, the courtiers are deceiving the emperor.

Ran Min looked at the three ministers and said: "This matter is over, you don't have to feel guilty, I think Xie Anshi will also understand the difficulties of the three lovers."

Ran Min's behavior made the three of them even more uneasy.

Ran Dao picked up a glass and handed it to Liu Qun, and then bid the waiter bring the wine to Wang Jian and Zhang Qian. At this moment, Ran Min said: "You three lovers, don't blame yourself. This is just a trivial matter. Come on, the three lovers must Qing was also shocked, after drinking this glass of wine, I was completely shocked!"

The emperor bestows wine, as long as it is not poisonous wine, it is a great favor.Even if it was three bowls of bad wine that was so sour like vinegar, they would drink it like fine nectar.

A glass of thin wine made the three Wei ministers cry with gratitude.

Ran Min also felt that drinking alone was too boring, so he asked three people to sit at the table. Like Ran Ming, Ran Min was also used to that kind of round table, so eating together in this way can shorten the distance between people.

The three sat down in order according to their status.

Ran Min coughed lightly, and said: "You guys came at a good time today. I have an important matter to discuss with the three lovers. Last night, the "deaf and dumb" sent an urgent secret report. General Xiliang (Zhang Yaoling) thank you Ai has sent envoys to Wei, and will arrive in Yecheng soon!"

Liu Qun said: "Wei from Xiliang must be for Zhang Zuo of Dongliang."

Wang Jian nodded and said: "Your Majesty, I have heard about the internal disputes among the Zhang family in Liangguo. In fact, Zhang Zuo's Dongliang is stronger in terms of strength. No matter Zhang Yaoling of Xiliang or Zhang Zuo of Dongliang, they think It is the orthodoxy of Liang State, and no one will obey anyone. Xie Ai wants to unify Liang State wholeheartedly, but he is weaker than Zhang Zuo in terms of strength. He is forced to unify by force, but he is afraid that the two tigers will fight each other. One will be injured. In the end, it will be taken advantage of by my great Wei. , so he must seek the help of our Great Wei for his mission this time!"

"I think so too!" Ran Min pondered, "It's just this favor, do you want me to help?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them fell silent.Zhang Qian suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I think that we must help with this favor!"

"Oh!" Ran Min looked at Zhang Gan with blazing eyes and said, "What's Zhang Aiqing's opinion?"

"Actually, it's all because of one person!" Zhang Qian said solemnly: "At first, Qian thought that Fu Jian was defeated in the battle of Tongguan, and he only led less than ten thousand people to flee in embarrassment. Going to Huanwen was rejected by Huanwen, and he was also rejected when he wanted to go to Liangguo. The whole world is an enemy, isolated and helpless. I am afraid that ordinary people have long been discouraged, but he led his troops across the snow mountain. He is now entrenched in Chencang, and he secretly communicates with Zhang Zuo of Dongliang. Fu Jian, the remnant of the Di Qin Dynasty, is strong and strategic, and has both civil and military skills. He will be his Majesty's rival in the future. With the help of Fu Jian and Wang Zhuo, even if Xie Ai uses his troops like a god, he may not be able to support him alone!"

Ran Min closed his eyes, thought for a while, and sighed: "I want to go from west to north, and from north to south. Although I intend to go west, I also know that it's not the right time to go west!"

Liu Qun said: "Your Majesty, the only solution for now is to send more troops and horses to settle in Chang'an, the western capital, and wait for the East and West to fight each other, and then slowly plan it!"

Ran Min nodded, thinking silently.In fact, he has seen Fu Jian's tenacity.The end of the road is the most test of a person's perseverance.Back then, if Xiang Yu hadn't killed himself, he might not have had the chance to make a comeback.However, Fu Jian stood up again and again, like a tumbler.

Ran Min hesitated for a moment, and then said with clear eyes: "Now Dai Guo has surrendered to our Great Wei, and I have also received news that Tuoba Xianbei has secretly reached an alliance with Di Fujian and Zhang Zuo. Once our Great Wei supports Xie Ai's Xiliang, I'm afraid they will jump over the wall. The three lovers must know best that now we, Great Wei, are strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and we don't have the strength to support Xie Ai at all. Self-protection, Jin, Dai, and Liang, they will definitely reach an alliance!"

Wang Jian clasped her fists and said, "Your Majesty, it's actually quite understandable. The Empress Dowager Chu Suanzi of the Jin Kingdom knew that she could not defeat our Great Wei militarily for a while, so she used the Great Jin to steal the world's orthodox name and united the two Liang Kingdoms and the Dai Dynasty. country, trying to isolate our Great Wei. If Chu Suanzi promises Zhang Zuo a lot of money, it may not be impossible for Zhang Zuo to shake hands with Xie Ai."

Ran Min said: "Since the founding of our country, our Great Wei has been enemies all over the world. All along, our Wei country has been preoccupied with not only dealing with Jin, but also dealing with Dai in the north, Liang in the west, and Jin in the south. , and the Tuoba tribe of the Dai State is not a good thing. They first professed their ministers to the Jin State, and then to the Yan State. But I was worried about them, so I had to order Ji Wei to stay in Jinyang to prevent them from going south! If Ji Wei and his troops can be drawn out, it will be no harm for Jin to isolate Wei. I will let them know that those who disobey me end!"

Liu Qun expressed concern and said, "Your Majesty, Goguryeo is the same as Dai. It has been repeated repeatedly. Now that there is no Yan State to suppress them, I'm afraid they will become a serious problem for our Wei State in the future."

"I don't think that's necessary!" Ran Min said confidently: "Yan Guo has attacked Goguryeo three times, and now Goguryeo has only [-] to [-] people, and the city is only a dozen or so. It will take at least a few decades, and I don’t know what will happen in a few decades. Anyway, not only Goguryeo, but also Silla and Baekje can truly become a prefecture of our Great Wei. It’s just how to break the isolation of Jin now. ?”

Wang Jian also showed concern. After all, as long as Wei Guo supports Xie Ai, Zhang Zuo must concentrate on attacking Xie Ai in order to have a stable rear.And in order to prevent Wei State from interfering in Liang State's war, Chu Suanzi will definitely order Huan Wen to attack Sima Xun, and Sima Xun is just a waste snack. Now without Wei State's support, even with Yizhou's geographical advantage that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, It is absolutely difficult for him to last three months.

At this moment, Zhang Qian's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, "Your Majesty, I have heard a saying that there is no need to leave a name for a good deed!"

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!" Wang Jian clapped his palms and smiled, "Our country of Wei can help Xie Ai secretly, and we can definitely do it without anyone noticing. Ai, speeding up the fight in Liangguo is simply killing two birds with one stone!"

Ran Min glanced at Wang Jian and said, "Let Wang Qing handle the envoys from Xiliang! Remember that Wei's special weapons must not appear on Liang's battlefield!"

Ran Min immediately pointed out the key point. Wei Guo's standard horse crossbow was powerful and the horizontal knife was unparalleled in the world. However, as long as this kind of weapon appeared in the Xie Ai army in Xiliang, a fool would think that Wei Guo had already made a move secretly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Wang Jian said, "I know what to do!"

Qingzhou is not its own city, Ran Ming inspected the production workshop of the steel bar, looked at this kind of steel bar glowing with roasted blue light, and showed a knowing smile on his face.

Niu Shi, the second-class craftsman, looked at the threaded steel bar and said with a smile: "Your Highness, this method is wonderful. Although this steel is not as good as refined steel, it is still a high-quality steel. As long as it is so short, it can be quickly Making it into a horizontal knife is much faster in terms of efficiency than using steel billets!"

Ran Ming shook his head and said, "This kind of steel is not used to make weapons, but to build roads!"

"Building roads?" The second-class craftsmen Wei Meng and Xie Fei are well-known master craftsmen in the history of the Later Zhao Dynasty, especially Xie Fei and Wei Meng. They actually used primitive tools to make a stone tiger that can carry thousands of people. Although Xie Fei is good at building ships, as craftsmen, they still know how to build roads.

(End of this chapter)

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