Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 509 The Business Woman Does Not Know the Hate of the Subjugated Country

Chapter 509

Chapter 513
In ancient times, road construction was basically made of glutinous rice soup mixed with three clays, which were compacted in three layers, and the road surface could not be inserted with a knife. This is a good road.

A good official road, as long as it is repaired well, does not need large-scale renovation within ten years.Of course, the ancients did not use limestone, nor reinforced concrete, nor asphalt stones. It is just ordinary soil, which can last ten years without being damaged by wind and rain. How embarrassing is the lost road construction developer!

Ran Ming used steel bars to build roads. Although they didn't understand, they didn't refute.Anyway, there are too many strange and ancient things in Ran Ming's head. Who would have thought that mixing molten steel and molten iron together would make steel?

And the quality is not worse than that of Baisteel, but the efficiency has increased by dozens of times.In particular, the manufacture of Xiangyang guns made Wei Meng, a leader in the field of machinery, willing to bow down.

In view of the fact that the loads of vehicles in ancient times were generally low, and there was no such serious overloading phenomenon as in later generations, Ran Ming's requirements for quality were not so strict.The pavement of ordinary road sections does not use steel bars, and only other bridges are poured with steel frame.The places where the pilot projects were poured with reinforced concrete were all placed in Buqigang outside Buqi City.

As Ran Ming manufactured a large number of sea-going ships with keels, the shipping volume of the port has increased greatly, and it has become a cargo transshipment base from Wei State to Jin State Jiangnan.

However, due to the frequent exchanges of merchant ships in the port of Buqi, there are extensive trade exchanges, and it is also the transfer base of materials controlled by the State of Wei in Liaodong, so the volume of transportation has naturally increased by 2000 million shi (20 tons). Now the port of Buqi, It is obviously difficult to support such a huge throughput.

Ran Ming also felt a big headache, but fortunately, the invention of reinforced concrete gave Ran Ming the idea of ​​expanding the port. In this way, the experiment was placed in the special military wharf of Bugang.

The current military wharf has only more than [-] berths for large ships of [-] shi (thousand tons) and a daily unloading capacity of up to [-] shi.

According to Ran Ming's design, this newly built port will be able to moor up to 150 large ships with ten thousand stones, a permanent warehouse with a storage capacity of two million stones, and three gantry cranes that can be pulled by manpower.

Even though Ran Ming kept saving, he still used more than 130 catties of steel. You must know that in the eighth year of Yonghe, according to historical records, the annual steel output of the entire Jin Kingdom was only 450 tons.

Ran Ming spent 130 catties on the construction of Buqigang Wharf.The 450 tons of steel produced in the Jin Dynasty required a large amount of armor and weapons, as well as a considerable number of agricultural tools, kitchen knives, axes and the like.A port actually used Jin's steel output for a year and a half. I'm afraid only a lunatic would dare to do that.

When the news got out, General Jiang Gan, who was in Xiangshan, immediately became angry. How many sharp horizontal knives can be made with 130 million catties of steel?How many sets of excellent Mingguang armor can be produced, I am afraid that all the soldiers under their command use two horizontal knives, and everyone wears Mingguang armor, I am afraid that they can't consume so much steel.

Not only Jiang Gan went crazy, but even Zhongshu Ling Liu Qun, Shangshu Ling Wang Jian, and Zuo Pu shot Zhang Gan in Yecheng. They couldn't stand it anymore. .

In fact, when Jiang Gan impeached Ran Ming, the memorial had just left Xiangshan, and Ran Ming's sticky stick sent the news to Ran Ming.Huo Qi's eyes showed a ferocious light: "My lord, General Jiang's messengers have just left Xiangshan, and I am sure to intercept them all before they reach Yecheng!"

Ran Ming smiled. In this era, there are still certain limitations, that is, good steel is used on the blade, and there is no way that the output of steel is too low. If there is no Ran Ming, the annual steel output of Wei State will not exceed 100 Thousands of catties, gathering the steel of a country may not be enough to build a whole port.

In the era of low productivity, steel was basically used in the military.However, Ran Ming took Wei Guo's original one-year steel production, but now it can be produced in ten days.What's more, with the seven new steel factories put into mass production, it is not a problem for Wei Guo's steel output to suddenly reach 8000 million jin. Although Ran Ming dare not expect to reach the steel output of later generations in this era, at least he is confident that The iron and steel output of Wei State reached the highest level of Song Dynasty.

Ran Ming responded calmly, no matter whether he asked, he just focused on building the road, he didn't know that because of this reason, even Ran Min couldn't be indifferent.Move to Jiaodong Kingdom in person to see how Ran Ming, a prodigal son, did it!
Ran Ming is at the construction site all day long, staring at the construction, there is nothing he can do about it, cement pouring is a strange thing, no one understands it except him, Ran Ming not only has to stare at the construction site, but also teaches dozens of three Wait for the craftsman.When Ran Ming returned to Buqi Jiaodong Palace, it was time to light the lamps. Since the girls had already gone to Yecheng, and Ran Ming also came to Buqi temporarily, so the Buqi Palace seemed very calm at this time.

Ran Ming asked his servants to burn the heat, and he took off his clothes.Lie in the bathtub, rest with your eyes closed.

Suddenly footsteps came, and Ran Ming didn't open his eyes or move.Because Ran Ming was really tired, in the bathroom of the palace, there was probably no one else who could come in except the palace maids.The visitor added some hot water to the bathtub, because Ran Ming usually does not allow people to take a bath, and the visitor consciously wanted to leave again, and Ran Ming suddenly said: "Wait, I just need a guide!"

Hand reference, that is, massage.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Ran Ming felt that the voice was very familiar, suddenly he was startled, opened his eyes hastily, and turned around to see that it was indeed Li Jingshu.

"How could it be you!"

Li Jingshu smiled and said, "Why can't it be a slave?"

Ran Ming was shocked when he saw that it was Li Jingshu who came, he quickly grabbed the bath towel to cover his lower body, and said anxiously with a blushing face, "Get out!"

A look of surprise flashed across Li Jingshu's face, and she soon calmed down.Faced with Ran Ming's scolding, he was not only indifferent, but also lightly brushed the bangs on his forehead, and lightly parted his lips: "His Royal Highness Jiaodong, isn't your home beautiful?"

Li Jingshu's voice was low and soft, a little deliberate, a little contrived, and a little seductive, without a doubt, it made her even more irritating.

Ran Ming was choked by her words, at this moment Ran Ming no longer dared to look Li Jingshu's face in the face.However, Li Jingshu's image was already engraved in Ran Ming's mind.Shengxue in white clothes, with a graceful figure, although her voice makes people feel passionate and full of temptation.But her figure is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, like the resentful Chang'e in Guanghan Palace.Li Jingshu's face is indescribably beautiful and extremely delicate. I am afraid that the artificial beauties of Korea in later generations will be weaker than her.

Ran Ming said with a little shortness of breath: "You are beautiful, you are so beautiful!"

At the moment, Ran Ming only has a one-and-a-half-foot bath towel on his body, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, tall and fit, with disbanded black hair hanging over his shoulders, and healthy, wheat-colored skin, like a masculine sculpture.The drops of water from Ran Ming's hair fell gently on his strong chest. Although Li Jingshu was not an innocent little girl, it was she who looked at a naked man like this, and a touch of rosiness flooded her face unconsciously.

In fact, ever since Li Jingshu was secretly stolen from Yecheng by Ran Zhi, she was still on the only way for Ran Ming, so she wanted to have a sweet story between Ran Ming and Li Jingshu, so that Huan Wen jumped the wall and killed Ran Ming in a healthy state. bright.But Ran Ming obtained Daheng Island by mistake, and secretly placed Li Jingshu on Daheng Island, which made Ran Zhi's plot fail.

However, Li Jingshu's status in Jiaodong Palace is very embarrassing.He is not Ran Ming's female relative, nor is he an ordinary servant.Although Li Jingshu was the princess of the subjugated country, Ran Ming never underestimated her.He neither acted frivolously, nor treated him as a slave, and usually ordered two servant girls in the mansion to serve him.Ran Ming's kindness brought troubles to Li Jingshu, but the servants in the palace pointed at her because of Li Jingshu's status as neither a woman nor a concubine.

This kind of criticism is nothing but the jealousy of not having enough grapes and dislike sour grapes.Li Jingshu didn't dare to have too many extravagant demands.After Ran Ming left Yecheng, Li Jingshu was the only "master" left in Ruoda's Jiaodong Palace.During the free time, Li Jingshu sorted out the manuscript papers that Ran Ming practiced calligraphy in his spare time. Suddenly, one day, she saw Ran Ming's writing "Smoke Cage, Cold Water, Moon Cage, Sand, Mooring Qinhuai at night near a restaurant. A business woman doesn't know the hatred of perishing the country, across the river It’s like singing flowers in the backyard.” It is this satirical poem written by Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty, in which the so-called merchant women don’t even know the hatred of subjugation.

However, it was Ran Ming's unintentional plagiarism that successfully brought back her sad past. Although there is no Chen Shubao satirized in the poem in this era, Li Jingshu naturally thought of his brother Li Shi, the last emperor of the Han Dynasty. If it weren't for Li Shi's long-term obsession with this sluggish sound, her Chenghan Kingdom would not have perished.

Now that Cheng Han has been dead for more than ten years, she has also grown from a little girl who doesn't understand human affairs to a mature woman.However, this kind of growth is full of sadness and endless blood and tears.When Huan Wen forced her to be his concubine, Sima Xingnan, the eldest princess of Nankang, was jealous and brought her servant to kill her.Li Jingshu was not afraid at all, but felt a sense of relief.

But later Sima Xingnan saw that she was pretty, so he didn't have the nerve to destroy her.Li Jingshu lived in a daze, like a walking dead.However, Li Jingshu never let go of her hatred of subjugation towards Huan Wen.Huan Wen had only one wife and one concubine throughout his life. Huan Xuan was not born when his wife Sima Xingnan died. Huan Xuan finally rebelled against Jin, Huan Xuan was defeated and died, and Huan's family was also punished. In the end, there is the shadow of Li Jingshu.

Ran Ming also felt that Li Jingshu was difficult to deal with. In history, Li Jingshu was not moved by the swords and staffs of Sima Xing's male servants, and she calmly dressed in the mirror. A girl who was only fourteen or fifteen years old could do this. people admire.Although men are usually animals that think from the lower body, Ran Ming, as a big boss in later generations, naturally would not be easily seduced by women.

(End of this chapter)

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