Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 510 Ran Zhi's First Battlefield Experience

Chapter 510 Ran Zhi's First Experience on the Battlefield (Sixth)
Chapter 514 Ran Zhi's First Battlefield Experience

Ran Ming felt really embarrassed, and said, "You have to watch Gu change clothes!"

Li Jingshu said, "What's so special about it?"

Li Jingshu's words almost caused Ran Ming to suffer internal injuries.However, Ran Ming would not be intimidated by Li Jingshu, he picked up the clothes lightly, and the moment Ran Ming tore off the bath towel, Li Jingshu blushed and turned around.

Embarrassed for a while? "

"How dare the subjugated people embarrass His Royal Highness King Jiaodong of Wei!" Li Jingshu shrugged her shoulders, her tears were like a flood that had let go of the gate, and it was out of control!Li Jingshu's voice became lower and lower, more and more sad, and she looked at Ran Ming charmingly and said: "A slave is just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. It's a pity that the country was ruined and the family was destroyed in the past. What can I do if I take it to heart?" ?”

Ran Ming was silent, and he also knew that it was not easy for Li Jingshu.It can be imagined that when Huan Wen destroyed Cheng Han, Li Jingshu was only fourteen or fifteen years old, but she had to force herself to smile when facing the bitter enemy who destroyed the country and family.Ran Ming sighed and said: "Ming deeply sympathizes with Mrs. Li's misfortune. However, the general trend of the world is that separation and reunion, long-term separation will reunite, and long-term reunion will lead to division. The rise and fall of the country is driven by the general trend and cannot be stopped by human power. "

A smug look flashed in Li Jingshu's eyes.But on the surface she still pretended to be aggrieved, choked up and said: "My family has an unfeeling request, I hope His Highness will agree!"

"If you are within the power of Gu, try your best to perfect the lady of the Li family!" Ran Ming said helplessly: "I think you also know that although Gu is glamorous in front of others, in fact he is suspected of being superior to the master, even if you want to help you revenge, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do!"

"Struggling for world hegemony is just a man's business, and Jingshu is just a weak woman!" Li Jingshu broke down in tears and said: "I just want to have someone to rely on, not to be a plaything in the hands of other men! Huan... Wen... He, he is a beast. , is simply unbearable!"

Ran Ming was secretly surprised, he knew that celebrities in this era were very open to maidservants and concubines.Even if one flirts with the other party's maids and concubines openly in front of the master, even if it is openly asking for sex, not only is it considered rude, but it is considered an unrestrained act of a celebrity, and it will not damage his reputation in the slightest.The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties were a wonderful era. In this era, there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing they can't do.

From Li Jingshu's meaning, it seems that Huan Wen didn't regard Li Jingshu as a taboo, but might instead become a plaything shared by all the celebrities in the West Mansion?With Li Jingshu's looks, let alone drunk, even if she is sober, there are not many people in this world who can withstand her temptation?
As worthy of being the heroine whom I feel pity for, Ran Ming felt that the fire in his heart was about to be uncontrollable, but Ran Ming's nature was not lost.Li Jingshu has been observing Ran Ming secretly all the time, and if she wants revenge, she can only rely on Ran Ming.

Li Jingshu hated Huan Wen who took away her innocence and destroyed the country and family, and even more hated the Sima Dynasty of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who imprisoned his brother Li Shi. As a former princess, Li Jingshu didn't know anything about state affairs.She can see the prospect of Wei State from the development of Jiaodong State. It won't be long before Wei State's national power will be stronger than Jin State.However, Li Jingshu knew that although the Wei State and the Jin State could not accommodate two tigers, the emperor and ministers all had their own destinations.Just like her elder brother, even if he can't become the emperor, he is still the Marquis of Guiyi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and can enjoy the glory and wealth. The ministers before the Cheng Han Dynasty have all turned into officials of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

This natural destination is not what Li Jingshu wants to see. She wants Huan Wen to die, the whole family to be ransacked and beheaded, and the Sima clan to disappear from the world.But although the idea is wonderful, she also knows that if it goes with the flow, this idea will never become possible.

Ran Ming looked at Li Jingshu, who lowered her head and said nothing, with her head drooping slightly, "Okay, don't do this, I promise you, I will help you, and make Huan Wen miserable as much as possible. That's all I can do." It's getting late, Gu is going to rest!"

Ran Ming knew that Huan Wen wanted to rebel in his later years, and without Xie An's suppression in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Huan Wen's power is now more concentrated than in history.Even if the State of Wei could destroy the State of Jin and unify the world, Ran Min would not make it difficult for Huan Wen in order to appease the armies of the Western Mansion, and Huan Wen would be the capital to make a comeback.Ran Ming just wanted to nip these dangers in the bud, and at the same time give the beauty a favor, why not do it?

"Wait a minute!" Just as Ran Ming arrived at the bedroom and was about to open the door to enter, Li Jingshu called out to stop Ran Ming.

Ran Ming was speechless when he turned his head. Ran Ming swallowed hard, and murmured: "Damn, I don't know how to play like this!"

At this time, Li Jingshu's face was flushed, the corners of her mouth were full of spring, and her eyes were straight and misty.She opened her eyes wide and looked at Ran Ming like this, biting her lips lightly with her white teeth, and slowly approached Ran Ming.

Ran Ming doesn't know what to do at this time, push it away, he doesn't want to.Push it down, and fear that this will be a trap, a conspiracy.

Unconsciously, the corner of Ran Ming's mouth drooled.

Seeing Ran Ming's performance, Li Jingshu was very satisfied. With a trace of charm on her face, she slowly hugged Ran Ming's back, and Ran Ming and Li Jingshu entered the bedroom.The two of them were in the same room, and the room seemed to suddenly rise in temperature, and instead of embarrassment, it was a different mood.

Ran Ming's eyes widened, and he said fiercely: "Miss Li, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

Li Jingshu reappeared in embarrassment, lowering her head and not daring to look directly at Ran Ming: "The slave is a subjugated person, and he just wants to find someone to rely on. Isn't that the case with men and women? Could it be that the slave will return to that old man?"

Although Ran Ming is a man who has seen the world, a veteran in love, and a man who has played with too many beauties, but at this moment, the feeling that Li Jingshu brought to him is something he has never experienced before.This kind of ambiguity, this kind of sentiment, all of them are captivating.

"Love whoever the fuck will die, and live forever!" Ran Ming thought to himself.He really couldn't stand Li Jingshu's temptation, Ran Ming roared angrily in a low voice: "I hope you don't regret it!"

"I'm just a broken flower and a willow, I hope His Highness will not despise my family!"

When Ran Ming heard this, he immediately tore off his disguise and turned into a wolf.

A branch welcomes the spring and sends away the cold winter thousands of miles of clouds.

The bedroom is full of passion, but at this time the prince Ran Zhi, who has become an ordinary soldier, is participating in the first battle of his life.

The knife rises, the head falls, blood spurts...

Ran Zhi was not afraid, but had a trace of long-lost excitement on his face.

"Ben Gong killed people, I killed people with my own hands!"

In fact, Ran Zhi is definitely a ruthless and unscrupulous ruthless person, but he has never killed an enemy on the battlefield.Especially the kind of blood spraying in the firelight, which is as magnificent as a fountain, makes Ran Zhi's blood boil even more.

Although it is said that the wrath of the emperor, there are millions of corpses.Although Ran Zhi is not the son of heaven, but for his own benefit, he will definitely regard life as trivial and treat human life as a trifling matter.It is unknown who died directly or indirectly at the hands of Ran Zhi, but Ran Ming has never been as happy as he is today.Everyone's wrath, blood splattered five steps!
However, just as Ran Zhi was stunned on the spot and his mind wandered out of the body, a strong soldier of the Jin army shook his wrist, and the big ring knife in his hand slashed at Ran Zhi's chest fiercely.The Jin soldier's speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, this cold-gleaming ring-sword was about to hit Ran Zhi.

It was too late to say, but soon, when the ring head knife was less than a foot away from Ran Zhi's chest, a figure suddenly stood in front of Ran Zhi.This person is none other than Pei Bi who joined the army in Yuan Donggong who followed Ran Zhi to the South Army camp.The literati of this era are far from the rotten Confucians of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The scholars at that time were almost all wastes with no limbs, no ability to distinguish five grains, and no strength to restrain a chicken.In this era, there are no purely frail scholars, and the so-called frail scholars are only relative terms.

Pei Bi's elbow slammed into the heart of the defenseless Jin soldier.The healthy soldier seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, and before he could even react in time, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flew out, and fell fluffy into the haystack beside him, losing his life when he saw it.

Pei Bi didn't have any mood swings at all, and under the firelight, he could vaguely see that his elbows seemed to have a roasted blue cold light.In fact, it wasn't that Pei Bi was too skilled, but that he was wearing elbow pads made of refined steel.There are not only raised spikes on this elbow pad, but it is also impregnated with poison.

The rest of the soldiers of the Jin army saw that Pei Bi was approaching the enemy, instead of being afraid, four or five of them rushed towards Pei Bi together.Instead of retreating, Pei Bi advanced and stabbed straight with his knife. A Jin soldier couldn't dodge in time, and was stabbed with a chill.At this moment, Ran Zhi came to his senses and killed the enemy together with Pei Bi.

Although Ran Zhi was fighting the enemy for the first time, as Ran Min's son, although his skill was not high, at least he was better than ordinary soldiers.After all, no matter how bad Ran Min is, he will never lose Ran Zhi's nutrition. Ran Zhi is very strong, and he has a special kung fu practice to teach martial arts. While dodging and moving, Ran Zhi killed four people in a row. Fear.

Taking advantage of the stunned effort of the soldiers of the Jin army, Ran Zhi raised his knife and slashed at the neck of a soldier in front of him.

With the sharpness of a horizontal knife, beheading is effortless.A big head rolled to the ground like a rubber ball, and the headless upper body still stood upright. The severed head spurted blood like a fountain, scaring the surrounding Jin soldiers to death.

Ran Zhi's method of killing is very brutal, and it is clean and neat, without muddle along.At this time, Ran Zhi's body exuded a strong murderous aura, and the few remaining soldiers of the Jin army were terrified, standing there like chaff, and one of them was actually urinating...

After Pei Bi entered the barracks with Ran Zhi, he found that obtaining qualifications in the barracks was not as easy as imagined.Ran Zhi used the trick he usually used to win over his subordinates in the East Palace, and distributed a lot of money, not only did he not buy off the soldiers who lived in the same village.Those soldiers also reported Ran Zhi to the Patrol Department.The patrol department in the Wei army is actually equivalent to the Jinyiwei garrison office in the Ming Dynasty. This is the eyeliner of the "deaf and dumb" in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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