Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 512 Ran Zhi pretends to be a begging army to cheat the city

Chapter 512 Ran Zhi pretends to be a begging army to defraud the city

Chapter 516
Fortunately, Ran Ming asked them to use their strength to earn money to support themselves, especially when the crystal white rice was delivered to the Xianbei craftsmen on time, many of them cried with excitement.You must know that under Ran Ming's blockade, life in Yan Kingdom is very poor, not to mention ordinary people, even the little nobles can't eat rice, and they can't even drink low-quality tea.But now, not only can they eat rice, but they can also drink that kind of fairy tea that even the nobles can't drink.

The food eaten by Xianbei craftsmen is not very good, after all, refined grains are limited.It's just that the kelp and sea fish that are abundant in Qingzhou can be freely supplied. The chef cooked the kelp, sea fish and tofu together, and the taste was not very good.But those Xianbei craftsmen ate with gusto.Ran Ming didn't know that the Xianbei people had already lost their temper due to his torture. The blockade of the border allowed the country of Yan to get salt-free food. The bland barbecue or boiled meat every day made them sick to their stomachs. Now these salty foods, Let them feel that what they eat is delicacies from mountains and seas.

The Xianbei people are stronger and taller than the Han people. Almost everyone can pick up the kind of rammed stone weighing more than 100 kilograms. If it is qualified, if there is a little looseness, it will not only be reworked, but also part of the grain and salt of the construction craftsmen will be deducted.Xianbei people, who have just tasted the benefits of owning wealth, would never want to lose one or two of their food.

The progress of the roadbed project was quite fast, and Ran Ming really couldn't figure out why the roads in later generations that were under large-scale mechanized operations did not have such a high-quality roadbed built without bulldozers and road rollers.Without bulldozers, these Xianbei craftsmen, under the leadership of Han craftsmen, used shovels and shovels to level them one by one, and then used a wheelbarrow to push the mixed soil to pave it, and then pounded it with stones.The road is designed in accordance with the two-way four-lane design of later generations, not only leaving a sewer, but also leaving a green area in advance.

Ran Ming came to the port. At this time, the construction in the port was basically over. Some craftsmen used water to maintain the cement platform.At this moment, Wei Meng, the second-class craftsman and Gao Yangzi, ran towards Ran Ming excitedly, Wei Meng, who was in his 40s, ran very fast, and shouted as he ran, "Your Highness, a new discovery! Your Highness, a new discovery!"

Seeing Wei Meng like this, Ran Ming quickly stopped him and said, "What's going on, speak slowly, don't worry!"

Wei Meng quickly took out a paper bag from his arms, which contained some gray powder, and Ran Ming asked curiously, "Is this supposed to be cement?"

Wei Meng's face was full of joy, "Your Highness is right, this is cement, but this cement is not ordinary cement!"

The cement that Ran Ming made for Wei Meng is actually very simple in formula. It is the cement invented by the French civil engineer Picasso. It is made by mixing and firing clay and lime in a ratio of [-]:[-]. This cement has good hydraulicity. and rapid coagulation.

Wei Meng continued excitedly: "Your Highness, Meng accidentally mixed soot into the cement, and found that this cement is stronger and stronger than before!"

Ran Ming originally used coal, refined it into coke, and used it to make steel.As a large amount of coal replaces dry firewood, Ran Ming is afraid that if he uses coal too early, it will bring serious pollution to the environment.Therefore, it is ordered that when coal is used, wet flue gas purification must be adopted.However, there is a by-product of wet flue gas purification, which is coal soot, which is extremely toxic and is a mixture of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

However, this kind of soot ash, which is similar to volcanic ash, is actually an additive of Portland cement.Mixing soot into cement is actually the same as raising the grade of cement.

Ran Ming didn't understand very much, the ancient craftsmen were too powerful.Is that all right?
When Ran Ming was busy with construction, a group of ten people including Ran Zhi and Pei Bi, disguised as ordinary people, came to Xiang County in Pei County.Xiangshan is not far from Xiangxian County, and it is also the de facto border line between Wei State and Jin State.After Ran Zhi and others came to Xiang County, Ran Zhi wanted to join the army as a soldier.Pei Bi persuaded: "Your Highness, if you are a pawn, you may not be able to achieve an inch of merit. However, if you enter with a different identity, you will not only be able to see Xun Xian, but you may even capture Xun Xian by taking advantage of his unpreparedness!"

Ran Zhi said, "What's your opinion, Mister?"

Pei Bi didn't answer but asked instead: "Your Highness, do you know why this Xun Xian came to Xiang County to recruit soldiers?"

Ran Zhi shook his head.Pei Bi laughed and said, "When Your Majesty established the State of Wei, there were more than three hundred docks, large and small, in the Central Plains. There were as many as thousands of these docks, and there were hundreds of them. They fought bloody battles, and their combat experience is extremely rich. If they get their support, Xun Xian can get a strong army in a short time! And thirty miles southeast of Xiangxian County is Dadaishiwu Fortress!"

Historically, after the demise of the Wei State, some of these Wubao continued to fight against the Hu people, and some took refuge in the Jin State.Even after Fu Jian unified the north, he still had nothing to do with these Wubao.Each Wubao is actually a military town. These Wubao are small cities used by the Han people for self-protection, and various defensive facilities are very complete.Even if a large army is used to attack by force, the gain outweighs the loss.Later, Wang Meng, the former prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, adopted the strategy of dividing and attracting interests, which disintegrated part of Wubao.Later, the Xie family took control of the military power of the state of Jin, and Xie Xuan founded the Beifu Army. It was in the Jianghuai area of ​​Xuzhou, and with the support of Qidawubao, formed the historically famous Beifu Army.

Xun Xian wanted to quickly form a strong army, so he set his mind on these docks.This Wubao refugee commander is actually like the local warlords who used the banner of revolution in the early years of the Republic of China. There is no right or wrong in their eyes, only interests.

Ran Zhi said: "Sir, do you want Gu to pretend to be handsome from a family of refugees?"

Pei Bidao: "When your Majesty was assassinated, Jiang Wuji, the refugee commander of Xinji (now Fugou County), Jiang Wuji, the refugee commander, and several refugee commanders responded to Zhang Yu and rebelled against Wei. Later, Jiang's Wubao was led by General Dong Da. Soldiers conquered. After Jiang’s Wubao was captured, more than forty of Jiang Wuji’s nephews and nephews were stubbornly resisted, and finally set fire to themselves. Jiang Wuji’s youngest son, Jiang Weishan, was about the same age as His Highness, and Jiang Weishan rarely went out, and he knew very few people! "

At this moment, Ran Zhi understood what Pei Bi meant.

As for Wubao, which was a headache for Fu Jian, how could Dong Run easily conquer it?The main reason is that the Han people have innate advantages in the city's offense and defense, not to mention that Dong Run also possesses the cross-age Xiangyang cannon plagiarized by Ran Ming.

Ran Zhi, on the other hand, brought Pei Bi and others to Xiang County in the name of Jiang Weishan, the youngest son of Jiang Wuji.

For the Jin court.The refugee tribes led by these big landlords of the common clan had strong military strength.It cannot be ignored.However, he did not dare to use them boldly. When Wang Dao was in power, in order to win over the large groups of these refugees, he assigned them the names of eunuchs, governors, and generals according to their original status and strength, and roughly divided the territory. Ji Mi is outside the Yangtze River.

In fact, if the Eastern Jin Dynasty really accepted these exile commanders in history, and used them to unify the world, it may not be impossible to recover the rivers and mountains.Ran Min called on the refugees to be commanders. Although Li Nong used tricks to alienate them, they dealt a heavy blow to the Jie and Huns, who almost wiped out the tribe.And Xie Xuan used the Beifu army established by these refugees to overcome the strong with the weak, and defeated the millions of Diqin troops.It can be seen that their fighting power is strong.However, the Eastern Jin Dynasty was a court controlled by the gentry, and they would never allow these fellows with humble backgrounds to be their ministers.

Although Xun Xian wanted to win over these refugees, he couldn't get enough benefits.Money, the refugees are all short of food, because Wei State resisted the footsteps of Xianbei people going south, they were self-reliant and saved enough food for life.Moreover, at this time, Wei Guo won a great victory, destroyed Yan Guo, and Dai Guo bowed his head and proclaimed himself a minister. As long as he is not stupid, whoever can see that Wei Guo's military strength is stronger than Jin Guo, and if they take refuge in Jin Guo, they are pawns against Wei Guo, not only If you don't enjoy the glory and wealth, you may lose your family and die.

Xun Xian's plan to win over the refugees came to an impasse, and Xun Xian rushed to his confidant to join the army and Zheng Xi said: "What is the best opinion of Shiji?"

Zheng Xi pondered for a moment, and said: "In the land of the Jianghuai River, the big and small Dais of the Seven Great Wubao are all of the same clan, and the other Tians, Cais, Lius, and Guos all have in-laws. If you want to get their support, you must invite someone If you come forward, you will surely succeed in no time!"

Xun Xian said: "How can Shiji refer to Dai Shi, the general who protects the army?"

"It's this man!" Zheng Xi said, "General Dai is the younger brother of Dai Tuo, the owner of Wubao, the big Dai family, and the uncle of Dai Wenhu, the younger Dai family. It can be said that the Dai family will be lowered, and the other five castles will surely advance and retreat together!"

Xun Xian was overjoyed when he heard the words, "It's so rewarding to join the army!"

At this moment, the guard came to report: "General, there is someone outside the door asking to see you!"

Xun Xian asked, holding the name thorn, "This new ginger picker is good, and the world knows who he is!"

Zheng Xi thought for a while and said: "If Xi's expectations are not bad, this person should be the youngest son of Jiang Wuji in Xinji Jiangshi Wubao. Jiang's Wubao has a lot of influence in Yingchuan County, with a population of [-] and private soldiers of [-]. (Three hundred of them are full-time private soldiers who don't do farming), Jiang Wuji responded during Zhang Yuyi's change of flag, and was later wiped out by the Wei State!"

When Xun Xian heard this, he hurriedly got up, "Please!"

Ran Zhi is tall, handsome, and has been the prince for a long time. He has an aura of authority without anger, and Ran Zhi is very knowledgeable and eloquent, which Xun Xian likes very much.Xun Xian looked at the people around Ran Zhi. Pei Bi was needless to say he was a confidant, and the others were all elite scouts of the Wei army. More importantly, they had all seen blood and killed people. Murderous, this is exactly what Xun Xian wants to be a soldier in a hundred battles.

In order to set an example for himself to buy a horse bone with a thousand dollars, Xun Xian also needs to reuse Ran Zhi.

Xun Xian is very relieved of "Jiang Weishan". After all, "Jiang Weishan" has a feud with Wei Guo who killed his father and family. Jiang Weishan has no other way but to rely on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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