Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 513: A Cat Taught a Tiger to Climb a Tree

Chapter 513 A Cat Teach a Tiger to Climb a Tree (Part [-])
Chapter 517 The Cat Taught the Tiger to Climb a Tree
Xun Chuo appointed "Jiang Weishan" as the marquis of Qu. The two teams of the Jin army formed one village, and the five villages formed one Qu.In order to show his magnanimity, Xun Xian not only made "Jiang Weishan" Qu Hou, but also appointed Pei Bi as Qu Sima.Yiqu is not only full-staffed, but also well-equipped and well-funded.

Xun Xian never imagined that he would lead wolves into the house!
Ran Zhi wanted to capture Xun Xian alive and break through.Pei Bi said, "My lord, if the contribution is too small, why don't you take this song of soldiers and horses away!"

When Ran Zhi heard this, he also agreed with Pei Bi's approach. Ran Zhi didn't love money, so he gave all the money Xun Xian rewarded him to the soldiers below, so as to buy people's hearts.Moreover, Ran Zhi followed Ran Min's example, trained with soldiers, shared board and lodging, and soon Ran Zhi was recognized by the new army.

On the way to Jiaodong Country, Ran Min learned about Ran Zhi's latest developments through "Heavenly Deaf and Dumb", and he was also very anxious.What does Ran Zhi want to do?
Ran Min carefully checked Ran Zhi's information during this period, and was very satisfied that Ran Zhi could listen to advice and listen to Pei Bi's advice.As the owner, it is a big taboo to go one's own way.

Moreover, Pei Bi, the former East Palace recorder who joined the army, also officially entered Ran Min's field of vision.Pei Bi took the initiative to assume the responsibility of assassinating Ran Ming, which was loyalty to Ran Zhi, and it was a righteousness to never leave when Ran Zhi was sent to the army to practice.Seriously assisting Ran Zhi and putting forward many constructive opinions, he can be regarded as a capable minister.

Ran Min thought for a while, then gestured to Zhang Ping and said, "Does this Pei Bi have any detailed information?"

Zhang Ping seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and ordered someone to bring a scroll, which recorded Pei Bi's detailed family situation in detail.Pei Bi is the youngest son of Pei Mei, the second concubine of Wenxi Pei's family, the younger brother of Pei Jia, Pei Yin, and Pei Gui.

Ran Min is not Ran Ming. If Ran Ming saw this information, he would be extremely surprised.This Pei Bi turned out to be the third uncle of Pei Songzhi, a historian of the Jin Dynasty.

Ran Min also thought of Ran Zhi's real intention, he must have Xun Xian's idea.Ran Min also hated Xun Xian very much. When Zhuge You attacked Qingzhou, Qingzhou suffered a lot of losses, almost [-] gold wasted.The most important thing is that Wang Zhi can't bear children because of this, which makes Ran Min hate abnormality.

Empress Dong once told Ran Min that among Ran Ming's wives and concubines, only Wang Zhi had the appearance of changing husbands and sons, and it could be because of Xun Xian that everything was over.Ran Zhi wants to capture Xun Xian alive, and Ran Min is not afraid of triggering a war between Jin and Wei, because Chu Lianzi’s headache is not Xu Yang, but Bashu. If Sima Xun cannot be wiped out as soon as possible, Jin will become the laughing stock of the whole world .

Ran Min said to Zhang Ping again: "Send more people to protect Zhi'er secretly. I have already lost one son, and I don't want to lose another one!"

Zhang Ping made gestures and resolutely issued a military order!
Ran Min toured the east all the way, and what he saw was very different from what he saw two months ago.Ran Ming needs to mobilize most of the craftsmen and materials of Wei State to build this expressway, especially the consumption of steel, coal, cement, lime, and stone. .

However, in this era, Ran Ming's move undoubtedly stimulated the domestic economy on a large scale.With the large amount of consumption, people can use it to participate in coal mining, mountain gravel, or transport materials to the construction site during the slack season.Ran Ming will not let the people do these jobs for nothing, he needs to pay wages, and the people have money in their hands, so they think of ways to buy some fabrics, add a new dress for their wives and children, or buy some meat, drinks, Pastry improves your life a bit.Especially those Xianbei craftsmen, they can't eat the food at all, and if they can't eat part, they will lose some of it, so they will sell part of it and change it into clothes. Even if Xianbei people can't afford silk, they still want to wear those soft clothes. Linen, Xianbei people will also enjoy life, using the money from selling food, buying wine, jewelry and other daily necessities.

With the start of construction of the expressway, the Huaxia Business Alliance was surprised to find that their sales of various commodities had increased. With the increase in sales, correspondingly, the interests of the Huaxia Business Alliance also increased.With such a large-scale flow of goods, Wei State not only received a large amount of taxes, but also accelerated the prosperity of commerce.

Supporting factories around the expressway have sprung up like mushrooms. A large number of lime workshops, private coking factories, and private stone factories, various vehicle factories, and manpower carts, wheelbarrows, and heavy-duty carriages are also rapidly produced. Because of the stimulus policy, Wei Guo Technology is also developing rapidly.Craftsmen of the State of Wei invented more advanced water drainage vehicles, hydraulic crushers, and Ge Hong improved the method of volting fire pills, and produced more powerful granular black powder.

In order to speed up the construction of the expressway, Ran Ming did not hide the Fuhuo Pill, but widely used it in quarrying. Like those coal mines whose buried layers are not too deep, they also use gunpowder blasting to mine.

That night, Ran Ming was about to go to bed, but Ge Hong mysteriously dragged him out to the street outside the Jiaodong Palace. At this time, dozens of Taoists were carrying boxes of unknown things on the street.

Ran Ming was really exhausted, he said to Ge Hong: "Xiang, don't play with me, I want to sleep!"

Ge Hong smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, I'm sure you won't be able to sleep after a while!"

Ge Hong rushed to Qingyun Xiaodao and said, "Light it up!"

With the chirping sound of the fuze, suddenly a box whistled loudly, and an orange fireball shot into the sky. The fireball flew several tens of meters into the air, and then exploded in the air!

"Damn!" Ran Ming said incredulously, "It's actually fireworks!"

Ge Hong didn't seem to hear Ran Ming's murmur, but watched with great interest the fireworks in each box soaring into the sky and exploding in the air.These fireworks are almost equivalent to the stars of the later generations, but they are bigger.A box needs two Taoist boys to lift it together, which shows that the weight should not be light.Ran Ming's face turned dark immediately.

The Chinese invented gunpowder, but in the original history, the ancestors of the Chinese were afraid that gunpowder was used in fireworks and firecrackers, but Westerners used the gunpowder technology they learned from China to invent more advanced ones. Instead of muskets, they came to attack China.Let the Chinese understand a famous saying through the ages, "The disciples of the church starve to death the master!"

The ancient people didn't have much entertainment, and the city of Buqi, which had been quiet before, boiled again. Countless people rushed out of the house, cheering excitedly.

The movement of setting off fireworks was not small, not only alarmed the common people, but also some spy agents and spies of the enemy country lurking in Buqicheng, and Yang Le, the general of the Wei Army and Wuwei who was soon in charge of road construction safety work.

When Yang Le arrived, he rushed to Jiaodong Wang Ranming and said: "Your Highness, if this thing is used to command the three armies, it will definitely make the three armies move together!"

Ran Ming's head was in a mess, and suddenly Ran Ming quickly walked to an unlit fireworks box and kicked the box down.

Ge Hong thought that Ran Ming had gone crazy, and asked, "Your Highness, what do you mean!"

Ran Ming knew that any explanation would be powerless at this time, Ran Ming said: "General Yang, order people to clear the land of the previous hundred feet, and put a door knife cart at the thirty feet!"

Although Yang Le didn't understand Ran Ming's intention, he implemented it earnestly.Hearing the order, the soldiers of the Wei Army and the Wuwei Army shouted: "The idlers wait to avoid!"

After a while, there was no one in front of Ran Ming. Ran Ming asked a soldier to raise the fireworks box higher, and asked a soldier for a torch, and lit the fuse.

With a roar, the fireworks did not fly into the air due to the angle, but went straight to the [-]-foot-long saimen knife cart in front of them.This plug car is actually an ancient armored vehicle used to block the city gate urgently when the city gate was broken. At this time, the fireworks hit the plug car and exploded in front of the plug car.

Although it didn't blow up the saimen knife cart, it made the saimen knife cart scorched black.

Ran Ming pointed to the fireworks and said, "Immortal, if you manufacture this kind of firearm, I will build a Taoist temple covering an area of ​​one thousand mu in Wei State alone."

"This, this is actually possible!" Yang Le, as a veteran in the army, Yang Le immediately saw the power of this kind of direct firework. If it is not on the knife car, but on a person, I am afraid no one will hit it. will not be afraid.He stammered and said: "Your Highness, although this method is wonderful, I'm afraid its power is a bit small!"

Ran Ming said: "The power is small, but it can be improved. This kind of firearm is called a cannon. When a real cannon is fired, the earth shakes and the mountains shake. Any city walls and gates in front of it are like paper. , No city wall in the world can stop my Great Wei's soldiers!"

Ge Hong suddenly said: "This!"

Seeing Ge Hong's hesitation, Ran Ming said: "At the solitary meeting, my father asked Taoism to be the state religion of Wei State, and Xianweng to be the leader of Taoism in Wei State, so as to unify the world's religions!"

Ge Hong is the grandson of Ge Xuan, from his Taoist family.It is the same as Zhang Tianshi's school of Taoism, but it is a different faction.Since Taoism was founded, it has been divided into several factions. Each faction suppresses each other, and no one obeys the other.Even if the Tang Dynasty pretended to be Lao Tzu as the ancestor and made Taoism the state religion, and the Song Dynasty's Taoist emperors had the support of the state, Taoism still has no ability to become China's largest religion.

It is also because of factional disputes that the influence of Taoism is only in some areas of China, and it has not formed a world religion.Ran Ming just wanted to give Ge Hong a sweet date and let Ge Hong do things for him. After all, Ran Ming only knew the principle of artillery, not a real weapon expert, just like he knew the appearance of a horizontal knife, but did not know the real method of making it. .As if without Niu Shi's help, Ran Ming couldn't even make a Dahuan Dao, let alone a Mo Dao or a Heng Dao.Without the efforts of Wei Meng and Xie Fei, Ran Ming, who only knew the keel of a wooden boat, would have never been able to create the five-tooth warship.

(End of this chapter)

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