Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 514 Wei Guo’s desire to be strong cannot ignore the ocean

Chapter 514

Chapter 518
Ran Ming just wanted to hand over professional things to professional people.

Faced with the huge bait thrown by Ran Ming, if Ge Hong is not tempted, he is definitely lying.Ge Hong thought for a while, and showed a friendly smile, "This thing hurts the peace of heaven. If a poor man goes against the sky, he will be punished by heaven, so don't make things difficult for the poor man, Your Highness!"

Ran Ming was originally a cunning boss, how could he fail to see that Ge Hong wanted to seek greater benefits from Ran Ming!
Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "I can recreate ten Taoist temples covering an area of ​​one thousand mu for the fairy!"

"Ten seats are not enough!" Ge Hong shook his head resolutely and said, "One hundred seats!"

Ran Ming got angry, pointed at Ge Hong and cursed: "Okay, you old man, don't be so greedy. Twenty Taoist temples, five hundred acres! And Taoist temples can't have tax-free Taoist land!"

"Fifty thousand-acre Taoist temples!"

"Thirty Taoist temples of [-] mu!" Ran Ming gritted his teeth and said, "Enough is enough to be a human being. If Zhang Butcher died, he would still be able to eat bastard pigs!"

Ge Hong said: "Deal!"

Ran Ming turned his head and walked away, saying as he walked: "If the immortal makes cannons, Gu will definitely fulfill the contract!"

Ge Hong laughed loudly, "Fellow Taoist, walk slowly, the doctrine of the poor Taoist still needs His Highness's help!"

Ran Ming said: "It's as you wish!"

Seven days later, Ran Min's royal driver arrived in Buqi City, and Ran Ming led the civil and military officials of Jiaodong Kingdom out of the city to meet him.

"I didn't know my father was coming, so I was far away to welcome him, so I asked my father to make amends!"

Ran Min said: "I heard that Huang'er has built a highway, and the road conditions are no less than that of the pre-Qin straight road. I want to take a look!"

Ran Ming said: "Father, please!"

Ran Min's royal driver and entourage went straight out of Dongming Gate.After leaving the city gate, Ran Min could barely feel any vibrations and exclaimed, "This expressway is really exquisite, and it consumes more than 100 million catties of iron, so it's worth it! "

Ran Ming murmured: "Father, in fact, this is not a real highway, but a roadbed. Although the road surface has been repaired a little, it is only a few miles away, and it is still ahead!"

Ran Min said: "Then what are you waiting for, I can't wait!"

Soon, Ran Min saw the expressway built by Ran Ming. This kind of cement expressway is higher and smoother than the roadbed.Ran Min jumped out of the carriage himself, and tapped the road with the handle of a knife. It was indeed as Ran Ming said, the road is like a solid stone, and it will not be destroyed for a hundred years!
Looking at the majestic highway, Ran Min couldn't help admiring: "Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

After the expansion of the port, the main building has been basically completed.The craftsmen are drenching the concrete countertops covered with straw.Ran Min asked very curiously: "Why does this cement surface, which is similar to stone, need to be wet with water?"

Ran Ming explained: "Concrete has a maintenance period. If this kind of cement pavement is not properly maintained, it will weather prematurely and affect the service life. Generally, this maintenance is related to the season. In the seventh and eighth season, direct water should be avoided in autumn and winter. After the maintenance period, this kind of cement platform can be stronger than boulders, and it will not be destroyed for a hundred years!"

Ran Min suddenly saw Ran Ming's guard Lin Heishan standing outside with a sledgehammer, so he waved at Lin Heishan to signal him to come forward.

Lin Heishan held a pair of hammers and said respectfully: "Lin Heishan sees His Majesty the Emperor, long live my Emperor!"

Ran Min said: "Let's get down, I want to see if this cement is really indestructible!"

Ran Ming pointed to the stone pillar turntables used to fix ships on the pier and said, "Lin Heishan attacked that pillar with all his strength!"

Lin Heishan was also unambiguous, and gave a low drink. The hammer in his hand seemed to be as light as a feather, and the big hammer in his hand flew across the sky like a meteor, flying towards the concrete pillar with a diameter of about a foot.

As a senior general in the army, Ran Min was the emperor immediately, so he naturally knew the goods.Looking at the weight of the pair of hammers, if it was a bluestone stone pillar, I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand Lin Heishan's blow. There were two loud bangs, and there was a slight vibration from the ground. The dust and smoke cleared away, and the cement pillar fell off two The palm-sized concrete exposed the steel bars inside.However, the concrete pillars are still standing.

Ran Min stepped forward to observe the stone pillar carefully, and said excitedly: "If I build the city wall with cement, I'm afraid I won't be afraid of the catapult bombardment!"

"Father is wise!" Ran Ming flattered Ran Min and said calmly, "My son also has this plan. When the highway is built to Yecheng, my son will build a bigger outer city wall in Yecheng. , enclosing the current Ye City inside, all the gates of the outer city are made of fine steel, and will not be afraid of any attack!"

Ran Min suddenly said: "If this cement is used to build the Great Wall, my Great Wei will no longer be afraid of harm!"

"Father, please spare my son and minister!" Ran Ming said with a sad face: "Building the city wall with rammed earth and blue bricks, pouring the power of a country, millions of people, and decades of work, may not be impossible. However, building a city wall with cement is almost an impossible task. Whether it is lime or limestone, there is no such thing in many places, and transportation is very inconvenient. Everything, forcefully build the Great Wall of cement, even if it is barely completed, it will still make wedding dresses for others!"

Seeing that Ran Min was a little puzzled, Ran Ming explained: "The pre-Qin national power was so powerful. The first emperor had millions of soldiers, swept the six kingdoms, and unified the world. But he didn't know how to recuperate with the people, abused the power of the people, and waged a war to destroy the country. They wiped out hundreds of thousands of Huns, ordered hundreds of thousands of troops to conquer South Vietnam, and built the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, the Afang Palace, and the Great Wall. In the end, the people were overwhelmed and turned against each other, so the pre-Qin II died!"

Ran Min was silent, and then said: "I'm just talking casually!"

Ran Ming looked at Ran Min's face full of excitement, and in order to dispel the unrealistic extravagant expectations in his heart, he persuaded: "Father, my son thinks that the strength of the country is not in danger if it is in virtue! Dongting on the left, Peng Li on the right, if morality and righteousness are not cultivated, Yu will destroy it; Xia Jie’s residence, Heji on the left, Taihua on the right, Yique is in the south, Yangchang is in the north, the government is not benevolent, Tang Fangzhi; Yin In the kingdom of Zhou, the Dragon Gate is on the left, and Taihang is on the right. Changshan is to the north, and the great river flows to the south. The government is not virtuous, and King Wu kills it. From this point of view, there is no danger in virtue. If the king does not cultivate virtue, the people in the boat will do nothing Enemy country too!"

"Haha!" Ran Min laughed loudly, pointing at Ran Ming and said with a smile: "The virtues of a country are not dangerous, I understand what the emperor means. Does the emperor know why I don't want to move the capital to Chang'an? Easy to defend but difficult to attack, in order to achieve long-term stability?"

The theory that virtue is not in danger actually does not hold water.Mongolia destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty, and 20 Han people committed suicide by jumping into the sea. It can also be seen that the Southern Song Dynasty court did not lose the hearts of the people.It's just that in the face of absolute force, Deren is just empty talk.Especially in later generations, the United States wants to destroy a country, but it is just a matter of snapping fingers.In a power with absolute national strength, if you want to destroy a country, you don't care whether you are popular or not. It is too easy to blacken a person.

Ran Min came to the warehouse area of ​​the port, looked at the tall and sturdy warehouse, and then looked at the five-tooth warship docked at the berth of the port, Ran Min said with great interest: "I want to go to sea to see!"

Wei Guoxin's Changshui captain (quite a navy) named Cui Cheng is Cui Yue's distant nephew.However, Cui Cheng was basically just a deaf man's ears in the Changshui Army.In fact, even Jie Fei, who became the deputy lieutenant of the Changshui Army, didn't bother much with the affairs of the Changshui Army.Xie Fei is mainly an expert in shipbuilding, but the sailors and generals are all recruited by Ran Ming.Although Ran Min knew that the Changshui Army had almost become Ran Ming's private army, in fact Ran Min didn't take it seriously.

In Ran Min's view, the role of the Changshui Army is really limited, except for covering the crossing of the river on foot and riding, and competing for the superiority of the water surface of the Yangtze River, it has little effect.As a person of later generations, Ran Ming can naturally realize the role of the navy. The navy is not only the treasure of Ran Ming's heart, but also the reliance that Ran Ming will use to conquer America, Europe, and Australia in the future.

Ran Ming and a group of civil and military officials followed Ran Min to the flagship of the Changshui Army Feiyun.At this time, Ran Ming did not put the gunpowder weapon on the ship, because the power of the gunpowder in Ran Ming's hands was limited at this time, and the method of delivery was too simple.

Suddenly, Ran Ming thought of an idea. He hoped that Ran Min would attach importance to the navy, develop it vigorously, and lay a solid foundation for future ocean hegemony.

Ran Ming suddenly remembered the respected eunuch of the Three Treasures Zheng He in Chinese history. , the long time, and the long voyage were unique in the world at that time.Zheng He's voyages left many precious heritages to later generations, which aroused people's attention and research, but there are few existing materials recording Zheng He's ocean thoughts.

However, Ran Ming accidentally saw a biography, which recorded a passage when Zheng He persuaded Renzong Zhu Gaochi to keep the treasure fleet: "If you want the country to be prosperous and strong, you must not ignore the ocean. Wealth comes from the ocean, and danger also comes from the sea." ...Once the king of another country seizes Nanyang, China will be in danger. Our fleet is invincible, we can use it to expand business, subdue foreign lands, and make them dare not covet Nanyang!"

This is probably the earliest person who thought of sea power in China. It is a pity, because Zheng He was just a eunuch at that time, and eunuchs basically had no right to speak in the early Ming Dynasty.

Ran Ming didn't make any embellishments, and directly said "If the country wants to be rich and strong, it cannot ignore the ocean..."

After hearing what Ran Ming said, Ran Min smiled disapprovingly and said, "If you say that this wealth can be obtained from the sea, I agree. Like sea pearls, various edible fish and shrimp, sea cucumbers, abalones, and ornamental corals that appear in the sea, but this What danger is there in the sea?"

Ran Ming took out a charcoal pen, drew a rough outline of the world map on the paper, and then pointed to the Americas and said, "Father, in fact, this world is not as big as we think it is. It has dozens of times the land of the Great Wei." , with a population of no less than 2000 million. Moreover, the output of these fields is extremely rich, no matter what kind of fields, even mountain fields and Susukida, can produce thirty shi of grain per mu!"

(End of this chapter)

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