Chapter 515
Chapter 519

"This statement is confirmed by tomorrow and is not alarmist?" Ran Min believed that there would be such a high-yield grain in this world.

Ran Ming said seriously: "Your minister dares to issue a military order. I guarantee it with my head!"

The other ministers also whispered to each other, Song Bin, the servant of the Huangmen, said, "How did the king of Jiaodong know about this American thing?"

Ran Ming subconsciously wants to adopt the fairy dream, but this may not be convincing.In desperation, Ran Ming suddenly remembered something on the Internet about the mystery of Shang Jun's disappearance.Ran Mingdao: "At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Shang Emperor Zi Xin (Zhou) personally led the whole country's army to attack Dongyi and won a great victory. Later, 19 elite soldiers stayed in the newly occupied area to prevent riots. Shang Emperor Zi Xin (Zhou) only brought A few entourages returned to the country to celebrate. Unexpectedly, the Western Zhou Dynasty took advantage of the opportunity of the Shang army to attack the Shang Dynasty and the emptiness of the country. Emperor Xin, who hastily organized an army with slaves to resist the Western Zhou army, set himself on fire after being defeated, and the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. You know that more than ten Where did the Wanshang Army go after that?"

There is no shortage of knowledgeable and talented people present, and they can count all kinds of history books. However, the 19 merchants in history were a huge secret group. Breath, disappear out of thin air!
Naturally, Song Bin couldn't answer what Ran Ming said, so he tried to ask, "Your Highness, do you know where they went?"

"They naturally went all the way to the northeast. During the freezing winter period, they went from the Bering Strait to the United States! For more than 2000 years, the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty have bred and lived in the United States. They all want to restore their country. Now due to the rising temperature High, the ice bridge in the Bering Strait has disappeared. They can't return from the original route, but it is too far to go back to the Central Plains. They have learned how to build a big ship and cross the ocean. They are ready to reach the Central Plains and discuss the movement of the Central Plains. Ran Ming opened his eyes and said nonsense: "More than a year ago, Gu never went to Jiankang and rescued a person who was drifting with the waves holding a plank at sea. I know that they have high-yield grains such as corn and sweet potatoes, and I know that they still use bronze weapons, and I know that they want to restore the country all the time!"

Ran Min suddenly asked: "Why didn't you tell me at the beginning, but now you tell me, what is your intention?"

Ran Ming smiled, "At that time, our Great Wei was surrounded by enemies. If we were not careful, our country would be in danger of subjugation. But now, our Great Wei has destroyed the Yan Kingdom in the north, occupied Liaodong, surrendered Goguryeo, Fuyu, and Sike Guanzhong occupied Qinchuan for [-] miles, and now our Great Wei dominates the north of the Yangtze River, unrivaled, and the unification of the world is just around the corner. The Eastern Jin Dynasty only had a blank emperor, and it was not a great weapon. The country of our Great Wei is Yecheng, which is the old Yin and Shang Dynasties Du, if the Japanese merchant army counterattacks the Central Plains, our Great Wei Kingdom will bear the brunt, unless we bow our heads and surrender, otherwise we will..."

Ran Min didn't point out Ran Ming's flawed lie, and said directly, "What does Ming'er mean?"

Ran Ming said: "There is a way to be strong first, and then suffer disaster. If we don't want to be slaughtered by others, we can only pay attention to the ocean from now on, and beware of the merchant army that may cross the sea from America!"

When Ran Ming tried his best to persuade Ran Min to pay more attention to the sea and the navy, Chu Suanzi, who was in Jiankang, also talked with Huan Wen, the most powerful minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, to discuss the conquest of Sima Xun and the recovery of Yizhou.

Chu Suanzi's reasons are very good: "If Da Jin pampers and pampers Sima Xun, how will the world view Da Jin? People who don't know the truth really think that our Da Jin is afraid of Wei Guo, and if we remain indifferent, Da Jin will let Da Jin How can we convince the surrounding barbarians to be the laughing stock of the world? Moreover, now that Wei has cut off our connection with Liang and Dai, if we can’t take back Yizhou and take back the Bashu passage, isolating Wei is empty talk!”

Facing the strong Chu Suanzi, Huan Wen actually couldn't find any reason to refute.Could it be that Huan Wen told Chu Suanzi that Yizhou's terrain is complex, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and he was afraid that the Xifu army would suffer heavy losses and would have no place in the court?
Huan Wen's worries were not unreasonable.In fact, Chu Suanzi also had plans to weaken Huan Wen.While urging Huan Wen to lead the elite troops of the Xifu Army to conquer Bashu again, she had three intentions. One was to eliminate Sima Xun and open up land connections with Liangguo and Daiguo.The second is to weaken Huan Wen. Bashu is mountainous, and the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The main thing is that Sima Xun does not make stupid mistakes. Huan Wen will pay a heavy price if he wants to pacify Bashu.The third is to respond strongly to Wei's threat and maintain the orthodox face of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"Since the Empress Dowager insists on this, I have no choice but to obey!" Huan Wen said unwillingly.Although Huan Wen also knew that Chu Suanzi was using him as a spearman, there was no other way. At this time, he did not have the capital to challenge the Jin Dynasty.Although he controlled most of the military power in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Huan Wen was still very afraid of Chu Suanzi.

Due to the strong appearance of Wei State, this made the scholar-bureaucrats in the Eastern Jin Dynasty feel the crisis.It should be said that these Eastern Jin literati and bureaucrats also have high eyes. They not only look down on the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, but also look down on the side branches of the Liubei branch, and even look down on Huan Wen, who was born as a martial artist.The power of the Wei State is in the hands of Wei Guoxuangui and Liubeizhi gentry. These Liubeizhi members want to replace the direct branch and become the helm of the family, so they are naturally incompatible with the Eastern Jin gentry.

In the original history, Chu Suanzi put his heart on Sima Dan because his son Sima Dan was weak and sick, half dead.Now, because of the influence of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world, Sima Dan gave up the bad habit of swallowing pills prematurely, and learned Tai Chi from Ran Ming, not only in good health, but also obviously stronger than his peers.Because of Sima Dan's change, Chu Suanzi focused her limited energy on government affairs. She had an insight into Huan Wen's disobedience and took early countermeasures.

Chu Suanzi motioned to Sima Dan, and Sima Dan knowingly asked Zhongchang Shi to take out an imperial edict, and Zhongchang Shi read out: "The rebel Sima Xun called chaos, poisoned hundreds of thousands of lives, ravaged dozens of counties, and the bandits passed by If the people do not follow the thieves, all the men will be punished, and if the women do not follow the thieves, they will be humiliated first and then killed. The people in the land are worse than hogs and horses. The cruelty of the thieves is heard by anyone with blood All of them are painless. The famous teaching of the support of the saints, monarchs and ministers, fathers and sons, superiors and inferiors, order and order are like crowns and shoes that cannot be reversed. Although I can't bear the loss of life and lightly start the war, but the ancestral halls of all the subjects are destroyed, I can't. To appease and raise rape.

Every time I think about innocent people dying in vain, ancestral halls and homes being destroyed, my heart feels like a knife is piercing my heart.Today, I specially worship the Duke of Nanchang, the Taiwei General Anxi, and Kaifuyi and the third division Huan Wen as the generals who will fight against the rebellion.

Use the message to tell the distance, and the salty envoy will know it.As long as I am a bloody man of the Great Jin Dynasty, I should jump up to the rebel army and help the general fight against rebellion! ..."

When Huan Wen heard this call for rebellion, he had already scolded him in his heart.This is a typical example of only telling the horse to run, but not to eat grass.He got nothing but the power of an emissary.False festivals are actually the trips of ancient envoys, and holding festivals is called Fuxin, and it is also the imperial envoys we often see in later generations.Of course, there are certain levels of restrictions on holidays.If it is a false festival, it is the right to behead first and then play. You can kill two thousand stones (the county prefect is equivalent to a later hall-level official) who hold the festival, and you can kill people without officials.

Now Huanwen's envoy holiday is the second-class holiday, and the power of two thousand stone officials is naturally not small at the thought of life and death.But Huan Wen didn't like this privilege. For Huan Wen, Zhou Fu who dared to kill his confidant, Sima Xun and his confidantes, had been included in the death list. Whether he had this power or not, Huan Wen wanted it murderous.

However, if one were to say that Huan Wen was a man who could be bullied, no one would believe it.When Huan Wen was weak, his father had already passed away. He was able to get to where he is today because of his own hard work. It is not an exaggeration to say that he started from nothing.Although there is the influence of the parents, but this influence must be very limited.

Huan Wen's head was running fast, he would not let Chu Suanzi consume his strength in vain, at least he would make Chu Suanzi lose something.

"Empress Dowager, Your Majesty, there is a saying in the art of war, but all fighters can be defeated by combining righteousness and surprises! Therefore, those who are good at making surprises are as infinite as heaven and earth, and as inexhaustible as rivers and seas. The end and the beginning, the sun and the moon are also." He said: "Although it is difficult for the thief to shake the tree, it is difficult to shake the foundation of our Great Jin Dynasty. However, Yizhou is mountainous and its situation is steep, so we cannot be careless. Therefore, Wen is going to advance step by step by water and land, and it is enough for the thief Ni Sima Xun." At this time, if we attack Sima Xun head-on, we will definitely fall into the conspiracy of the State of Wei. The Xifu Army is now our only reliance on the Great Jin, and if the Xifu Army loses, it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of the Great Jin."

Chu Suanzi said thoughtfully: "What is the Taiwei's plan!"

"The traitor Sima Xun is cruel and unkind, and if he acts perversely, he will lose people's hearts!" Huan Wen said: "If the Queen Mother sends a secret envoy to Shu, contact the gentry in Bashu. Such as the Yan family in Han'an in Brazil, the Qin family in Mianzhu in Guanghan, and the Du family in Fucheng in Zitong , Chengdu Zhang, Zitong Fucheng He, etc. Now the Bashu gentry and Sima Xun are in the same situation, as the cornerstone of the world, all the gentry hope that the king will recover Bashu. If the Bashu gentry help, this battle will be half a thing. Double the power!"

Chu Suanzi was moved by Huan Wen's opinion. Although she was on guard against Huan Wen, she also needed Huan Wen to resist Wei's offensive for her. If Sima Xun could be eliminated at the lowest cost, why would Chu Suanzi not do it? ?

Chu Suanzi looked at the important ministers of the Central Committee and said: "Who among you can share the worries of Ai's family and secretly enter Shu to facilitate this matter?"

Cai Mo opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word in the end. If it was ten years ago, he would definitely volunteer this time.But now that he is old and frail, I am afraid that this trip will most likely never return.Wang Xizhi never took power very much, so he naturally didn't want to get involved in this troubled water.Although Wang Shu wanted to serve the imperial court, but at this time he was already a minister, an extremely personable minister, no matter how great his contributions were, there was no promotion or reward, and at most he would be given the false title of Grand Tutor.

(End of this chapter)

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