Chapter 516

Chapter 520
Sima Yu thought, he is him but he dare not leave Jiankang lightly, Huan Wen has long disliked him, if he dares to leave Jiankang, he will be killed by someone pretending to be Sima Xun sent by Huan Wen before he enters Bashu .

At this moment of extreme embarrassment, a young official suddenly said: "I am willing to share the worries for Your Majesty!"

The person who volunteered was none other than Tanzhi, the author and the prime minister of Dali Temple.

Chu Suanzi looked at the old ministers, but in desperation, he could only order this young talent of the Wang family to go to Bashu as an envoy.

Coincidentally, Sima Xun rebelled against the state of Jin and proclaimed himself king.When Chu Suanzi intended to use Sima Xun to weaken Huan Wen, it happened that at this time, General Beizhong Lang and his son-in-law Captain Xun Xian wrote a letter requesting the establishment of a new army to suppress Xuyang and Yangzhou.Xun Xian is the sixth grandson of Xun Yu. During the Cao Wei period, the Xun family in Yingchuan was a wealthy family among the wealthy.Although times have changed and circumstances have changed, Xun's prestige is a thing of the past.Even if you master the new army, there is no threat to the court.

And the wonders of the Eastern Jin Dynasty are not limited to this. Since the founding of the country, Emperor Yuan relied too much on the power of the Langya Wang family.In the last years of Emperor Yuan, the great general Wang Dun's heart of disobedience was clearly revealed. In order to suppress Wang Dun, General Long Xiang and Xi Jian, governor of Yanzhou, were promoted to General Anxi. During the chaos, Xi Jian took control of the military power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Although Xi Jian had held the military power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty for more than ten years, the Xi clan had no self-reliance, and his loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon.Especially after Xi Taiwei's death, Xi's influence in the land of Xu Yang was greatly weakened.In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of Xi Jian, Chu Suanzi promoted Xi Yin, the former prefect of Bohai Sea, to be the governor of the five prefectures of Xu, Yan, Qing, Ji, and You in the state of Jin.

To say that there are more wonderful things in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, not to mention the loss of half of the country, the successive rulers had no intention of the Northern Expedition, and refused to admit the loss of land, and moved their clothes to the south. ﹑Shandong. Shanxi and Northeast Henan) Qin﹑Yong (now Longyou﹑Guanzhong)﹑Si﹑Yu (now Jinnan﹑West Henan﹑Central Henan) and other occupied areas, the Eastern Jin government then settled in the place where they lived, based on their original state ﹑The name of the county and the county, the appointment of official positions, and the local rich as the governor, prefect, and county magistrate.Just like Xi Yin, he is the governor of five states in name, but in fact he only governs one state in Xuzhou.And this land of Xuzhou does not count the [-] cities including Taishan County and Gaocheng County occupied by Wei State.

Chu Suanzi's plan was very good, using Xun Xian to balance Huan Wen, and using Xi Yin to suppress Xun Xian.Although Xi's influence is no longer what it used to be, it is not comparable to Xun's.Even if the Xun family and the Xi family colluded to control Xuzhou, it would be far better than Huan Wen dominating Jiangzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou.

Xi Yin and Xun Xian jointly wrote a letter, which gave Chu Suanzi another hope.No ruler would tolerate the dominance of one family, now that Huan Wen has no match in terms of military power, Chu Suanzi has trouble sleeping and eating.Youdao said that someone would give you a pillow when you were dozing off, and this Xun Xian and Xi Yin gave Chu Suanzi new hope.

Ran Ming didn't know that due to the instigation of him, a butterfly from another world, great changes had taken place in history.Chu Suanzi made Xun Xian the General of the Northern Conquest, and was ordered to form the Beifu Army.

Although the real Beifu army in history was mainly composed of northern refugees begging for living, in fact it was fundamentally different from the Beifu army formed by Ran Ming.Although Ran Ming knew that the Beifu army was dominated by refugees and begging for living, in fact, the real main force was dominated by the seven forts in the Jianghuai area. The land of Qingyu resisted the main force of the Hu people.

They are the truly powerful army and brave men no less than Ran's begging army.

The Seven Great Beggars of the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River have been fighting fiercely with the Hu people for 30 years. Like the Lu Longtian family, their ancestors are Liu Bei's counselor Tian Yu during the Three Kingdoms period, and the big and small Dai families are active in today's Shangqiu, Lankao, Kaifeng and other places The big landowners of the common clan.The Guo family of Hanoi County and the Wei family of Julu both lived in the severely damaged areas of the Central Plains. Their family migration history to the south is different from that of ordinary people moving to the south. The noble surnames ran away in a hurry.

In this kind of long-term battle, these seven beggars and refugee commanders all have very strong military capabilities.Although they also intend to serve the country and are willing to fight for the country, the Eastern Jin Dynasty is afraid that their strength will be too strong and threaten their own rule, especially Ran Min, who was born as a refugee commander. up.

Although Xun Xian is a captain-in-law, he is only a fifth-rank official, and his general Beizhong Lang is only a fourth-rank official. What benefits can a fourth-rank official offer to win over these refugees?

Chu Suanzi is a very political woman. In order to help Xun Xian take over the seven major refugee commanders for her own use, she resorted to her own trump card under unavoidable circumstances to raise her status as the mainstream civilian commander of the common people.The seven vagrant commanders, big and small Dai, Tian, ​​Wei, Guo, and Cai were all promoted to the ranks of scholars, and the eldest sons all went to Jiankang to study and accompanied the emperor.

Due to the emergence of the Wei State, the Wei State has resisted the pace of the Huns such as the Xiongnu, Jie, and Xianbei going south in the past few years.These refugees took advantage of the peaceful time of the past few years to vigorously develop production and accumulate a large amount of food and grass.Although these refugee commanders did not have the privileges of the gentry, they all had their own fields and wealth. They had no shortage of food, and they also had a lot of soldiers and horses. Wealth was just a cloud in their eyes.

They only have one characteristic to focus on, and that is how rich and honor they will be in the future.

In fact, just when Zheng Xi went to lobby Dai Shi to come forward and say that Dai Shi should be demoted, Su Sheng, the son of Bozhou refugee commander Su Ru, and Chen Shi, the second daughter of Xiao County refugee commander Chen Suzhi's daughter, had a happy day.

As far as Sujiabao in Bozhou is concerned, it is definitely not a big force among the Jianghuai refugees.Because Su Ru's direct daughter was married to Tian Long, the son of Tian Jiabao Tian Kuai, and because Su Bao had an in-law relationship with Tian Bao, other refugees did not dare to underestimate her.Sujiabao is located on the banks of the Huihe River in the southwest of Bozhou, and the entire Wubao is built on its back to the river.Due to the fertile land in Bozhou, but under the attack of Hu Qi, there is no enthusiasm.However, due to the lack of war in the past few years, the strength of the Su family has increased dramatically.Now the Su family owns more than [-] households and more than one hundred thousand mu of fertile land. In terms of strength, it is comparable to that of the Xiaodai family.

When Su Ru's son gets married, it is said that these Jianghuai refugees only need to send a congratulatory gift and send a confidant.But now the Jianghuai refugee commanders are facing a serious problem, that is whether to descend to Jin or Wei.

Therefore, taking advantage of this congratulatory reason, not only the seven exile commanders, but also all of them arrived in Bozhou.The seven major refugee commanders and dozens of minor refugee commanders gathered in Bozhou, which made Sujiabao overcrowded.Some of these refugee commanders brought three to five hundred guards, and some brought more than a hundred guards.Although not many people came from each family, more than 30 people were assembled by more than [-] refugee commanders.

The Sujiabao is very hot now, and the bride is married from Xiao County, and the bride and groom are sent to the bridal chamber.At this time, it is considered as a feast for the guests.

But these refugees who are full of thoughts have no appetite for the table full of delicacies.At this moment, a majestic man came to the door. He was eight feet six inches tall, as strong as a cow, with a face like the bottom of a pot, full of flesh, and murderous.This person's hands are covered with layers of calluses, and one can tell at a glance that he is a ruthless character.He held the whip in his hand and easily handed it to the servants.

"Tian Shuai, the other coaches have been waiting in the study for a long time!" The manager was all smiles, this was none other than Tian Kui, the in-law of the Su family, one of the seven great refugee coaches.Tian Hao liked Fan Kuai, a general under Han Liu Banghui very much, so he changed his name to Kui.

"Lead the way ahead!" Tian Kuai said.

"The Consort of the Great Jin Dynasty and General Xun Xian of Bei Zhonglang congratulate the young master of the Su Family Castle on his wedding, and present a daughter of gold, two pairs of jade wishes, two boxes of pearls, and a hundred horses!"

All the guests were astonished when they heard this, "What a great handwriting!"

There is a saying that if you want to be pretty and filial.The five elements of the Jin Dynasty belonged to gold and virtue, and gold was still white (silver), and white was also the favorite color of scholars in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Naturally, Xun Xian would not be dressed in filial piety. He wore the best-selling "Moon Under the White" deep clothing in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (Note 1).

Maybe everyone doesn’t know much about Shenyi. In "Book of Rites·Shenyi", Kong Shiyi said: "So those who call Shenyi, in terms of rest clothes, the upper and lower clothes are not connected. This deep clothes are connected, and the body is deep. Therefore, it is called deep clothing. It can also be explained in popular words, that is, the traditional dress of the Han nationality. This kind of dress that can wrap the whole body represents the characteristics of our nation, which is not only hidden, but also graceful and elegant.

Wearing dark clothes, Xun Xian, who looked pampered, had fairer skin. With a smile on his face, Xun Xian gently nodded at Su's left and right concierge.On the left hand side is a handsome young man wearing a black warrior uniform. This man has a red face, white teeth, and star-like eyes.It was none other than Ran Zhi, the crown prince of Wei State who had the pseudonym "Jiang Weishan".

To say how Ran Zhi came to Bozhou Sujiabao with Xun Xian, it is mainly related to the ancient system of being an official.In ancient times, if one wanted to be an official, talent alone was not enough. It mainly depended on background, background, ability, background, and background, and the most important thing was appearance.If he looks so good that his uncle doesn't love him and his grandma doesn't love him, even if he has the ability to do so, he won't even think about becoming a high-ranking official.This Ran Zhi took the initiative to defect to Xun Xian, so he is Xun Xian's person.Being able to become Xun Xian's confidant and traveling with him is mainly related to Ran Zhi's appearance.

Ran Zhi and Ran Ming look different. Ran Ming is exactly like Ran Min, with a handsome face and a heroic spirit.But Ran Zhi is just the opposite. Ran Zhi looks like his biological mother, Empress Dong, who is a unique beauty, while Ran Zhi's handsomeness is a little more feminine.In fact, it is not feminine, there is a kind of neutral beauty.Ran Zhi's appearance is more in line with the aesthetic point of view of celebrities in the Eastern Jin Dynasty than Ran Ming.

Now Xun Xian's counselor Zheng Xi went to lobby Dai Shi, and Xun Xian didn't like the vulgar warriors in the army, and Ran Zhi was better than scholars.He spoke well and was elegant, and behaved generously and decently. In this way, Xun Xian arrived in Bozhou with Ran Zhi, military Sima Pei Bi and a group of soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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