Chapter 517
Chapter 521

Although Su Ru's name contains the word Confucianism, in fact he has nothing to do with Confucianism, although he is proficient in literary and ink, don't look at the thousands of volumes in the study, but he uses it to be arty and decorate the appearance.

Tian Kuai clasped his fists loudly and said: "Kuai is late for something, so he doesn't say anything, and he will punish himself with three bowls later!"

Warriors pay attention to a frankness, and Tian Kui's bold temperament makes everyone laugh.

As the proprietor here, Su Ru didn't go around much. His hands tapped rhythmically on the table: "There is a saying that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. I think everyone has heard it. , Bei Zhonglang general Xun Shijun wants to recruit us, what should we do!"

As soon as Su Ru's words fell, the faces of the handsome and small refugees present all began to look dignified. Some sighed, some looked hopeful, and some lowered their heads in deep thought, but none of them spoke, and the scene was silent and changed. gloomy.

Su Ru looked at his in-law Tian Kui, don't look at Tian Kui's tall, thick-backed, thick-backed.If someone thinks that this person is just a brave and foolhardy warrior, he is completely wrong. In fact, he Tian Kui is the brain of the Jianghuai refugee commander, known as Xiao Zhuge.

Following Su Ru's gaze, everyone turned to Tian Kui.

As always, Tian Kui picked up a cup of tea, no matter whether it was hot or not, he drank it directly and finished it in one gulp.Tian Kui said with bitterness on his face: "Nowadays, everyone is free and can come and go freely. Youdao is the emperor and courtiers in one dynasty. If we surrender the Jin Dynasty, we will bear the brand of the Jin Dynasty on our bodies, and we will not be able to come and go again." There is no way out! Don’t talk about wealth, what should we do if Wei and Jin compete for the orthodoxy of the world? Looking at the current situation, there will be a battle between Wei and Jin sooner or later, and our Jianghuai land must bear the brunt.”

Su Rudao: "Even if we descend to the Jin Dynasty, I'm afraid we won't be tolerated by the Eastern Jin Dynasty! Do you still remember Shuai Shen? A small ninth-rank postman dared to bully him and let him sleep in the stables. Hehe, this is a great shame. I think it was a great shame at the time. Shen Shuai has thousands of people, no one dares to underestimate him, but now he is being abused by others, Shen Shuai is promoted, I have not seen the wealth he has gained, but, like Shen Shuai, what is the meaning of life?"

The Shuai Shen mentioned by Su Ru is actually Shen Jin, whose name is Shijian, and he is from Wuxing and Wukang.Father Chong, rebelled against Wang Dun.Because of his father's crimes, he became a commoner and was not allowed to be an official.

In the sixth year of Yonghe, Ran Min established the Wei State, and the Central Plains was in turmoil. Shen Jin led thousands of relatives and volunteers to go north and stationed in Qiqiu, Qiao County.Thousands of people defected to him, and then Shen Jin became a well-known refugee commander in Qiqiu.In the ninth year of Yonghe, Shen Jin led [-] plays to surrender to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was appointed by Huan Wen as the deputy lieutenant of Qiaojun.

It is said that Shen Jin's official position at this time is not low, and he is at the level of the deputy department in later generations, but you, a small post and telecommunications chief, dare to let him sleep in the stables, it is shocking.

In fact, the situation at that time was like this. Let alone the common people and the gentry, if you let the gentry sit with the common people, the gentry would think it was an insult to them.

Chen Su and Su Ru in Xiao County are related by marriage, and his daughter is the future hostess of Sujiabao.

Chen Su took the opportunity and said, "What if we surrender to Wei?"

"Surrender to Wei!" Tian Kui sneered and said, "As long as you dare to surrender to Wei, the Jin Dynasty will send a large army to encircle and suppress you. Although our brothers have many soldiers and horses, we have also fought many battles with the Hu people and fought back. It is easy for the Hu people, but it is too difficult to defeat the Jin Dynasty. The Hu people are not good at using siege equipment, and they do not occupy the hearts of the people, let alone last. But the Jin Dynasty is different. The rule of the Jin Dynasty has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If the Jin Dynasty If the army attacks all of us, the common people will naturally not stand by our side, I am afraid that when the time comes, all the relatives and relatives will be deserted, and there will be no bones left!"

Tian Kuai's words made everyone's expressions more dignified, Su Ru stood up and said, "Tian Shuai, tell me, what should we do!"

Tian Kuai said: "The only solution now is to wait!"

"Wait!" Chen Su asked suspiciously, "What kind of plan is this?"

"Hey!" Tian Kui got up suddenly, and said loudly: "We are the mice in the bellows, and we are angry at both ends. If you easily take refuge in one side, you will inevitably suffer a fatal blow from the other side. Jiang Gan, the general of the Wei State, has tens of thousands of troops now. We are only a hundred miles away. Once we descend to Jin, Jiang Gan will send troops to conquer. Maybe Jiang Gan is nothing to worry about, but have you ever thought that Jiang Gan is just a hunting dog, and it is easy to defeat a dog. A tiger behind a dog."

Hearing this, everyone was even more shocked.Or let them not be afraid of Jiang Gan, but afraid of Ran Min.

Even if Ran Min insisted on his identity and would not be able to fight in person, once this lunatic, Zhang Wen, Dong Run, or even Ran Ming was appointed, they would not be able to resist.They also heard that at that time Zhuge You, Liu Zhuang, and Xun Xian invaded Qingzhou with nearly ten thousand soldiers, but they were killed by a female soldier from Jiaodong State, and they were in a panic.

Even women in Wei State are so powerful, let alone their elite troops.

At this moment, the concierge whispered softly in Su Ru's ear, and Su Ru's expression changed greatly upon hearing this.

Tian Kuai said: "Su Shuai, what happened?"

Su Rudao: "I'm really afraid that something will come. The captain's son-in-law and Bei Zhonglang general Xun Xian are here. He came here with a lot of gifts to celebrate the dog's wedding!"

Tian Kuai said: "Don't panic, even if he treats each other with courtesy, we can't be rude to others!"

Su Ru, Chen Su, Tian Kui and other refugees came out in a file to meet Xun Xian at the middle gate.Everyone exchanged greetings, the host and guest sat down, Xun Xian didn't mention anything else, just congratulated and drank with everyone.

Since Ran Zhi and Pei Bi are only Xun Xian's followers, they naturally cannot get access to the core secrets.However, Pei Bi faintly sensed that something was wrong. At the beginning, although these refugees received Xun Xian with good manners, it was obviously alienating.But now, the attitude has changed a lot.

Pei Bi guessed that Xun Xian must have reached some kind of agreement with these refugees.

"Young Master! Something happened." Since Pei Bi entered the Jin army camp, he changed his address to Ran Zhi, and naturally called him Young Master.

Ran Zhi said, "What happened?"

Pei Bi looked around and found that no one was paying attention to them, so he said in a low voice, "I'm afraid Xun Zhonglang has reached some kind of agreement with these refugee commanders."

"Oh!" Ran Zhi suddenly became alert, and he murmured, "No wonder, no wonder!"


"Oh!" Ran Zhi said: "Today I vaguely heard some words about noble family background in the middle court."

Pei Bi turned his head sharply, and said: "That's it, it must be like this. These refugees are not short of money, food, or soldiers. What they lack is only a family background. If the Jin Dynasty will definitely support them, Awarded to them of noble family background, these refugees will definitely seek refuge in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It’s not good, it’s very bad, once they take refuge in the Jin Dynasty, we Dawei will have to pay a heavy price if we want to regain Jianghuai in the future!”

"Are you sure, sir?" Ran Zhi asked.

"Why are you still not sure!" Pei Bi said: "This is a clear thing. Why didn't these exile commanders take refuge in the Jin Dynasty? Is it because they were worried that they would be tolerated by the Eastern Jin gentry? The privilege of scholar-bureaucrats is that they don’t have to pay taxes, and they can enshrine Meng’s offspring. Once Xun Xian gathers these refugee commanders, the Eastern Jin Dynasty will not only have tens of thousands of elite troops that are not weaker than our Great Wei. If Xun Xian suddenly launches an attack on Liang County, Our Great Wei Zhengnan Army is all new soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is not strong, our Great Wei will not only lose Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and even most of Yuzhou!"

Ran Zhi took a breath and wandered around the room.

Ran Zhi was worried that Pei Bi's prophecy would come true, but Ran Zhi knew very well that there was neither money nor food in the treasury of the State of Wei, and it was simply unable to support a big war.In particular, if the tens of millions of acres of fertile land in Liang County were destroyed by the flames of war, even if Wei Guo barely resisted the Jin army's offensive, it would be in a food shortage in the coming year.

"No, we must prevent these exiles from joining the Eastern Jin Dynasty!" Ran Zhi said, "I don't know if the master has a trick to teach me?"

"There is no clever plan, but!" Pei Bi said, "There is a dangerous plan!"

"What do you mean, sir?" Ran Zhi asked curiously.

"I think back then, when Ban Dingyuan was on a mission to the Western Regions, it was the night when the Huns envoys came, which made the Western Regions rebel. The Marquis of Dingyuan immediately led his troops to attack and kill the Huns envoys, forcing the Western Regions to surrender. Today's situation is different from Dingyuan back then. How similar is the situation that Hou encountered? A man was born in this world, he should wield a three-foot sword, and make achievements that cannot be achieved in the world...Young master, make achievements, just tonight."

When Ran Zhi heard this, his blood boiled all of a sudden.If these refugee commanders can be forced to surrender, Wei State will not only get tens of thousands of elite troops, but also expand the territory for hundreds of miles, pushing Wei State's front line to the Huaihe River Basin.This is not only to earn a reputation for himself, but also to be appreciated by Ran Min.

Besides, there is another one, I can recruit these dozens of refugee commanders.These refugee commanders are his own people, and he no longer has nothing in the army.

Ran Zhi suddenly smiled, "Mr. means exactly what I want!"

Pei Bi was startled, then laughed.He was even worried that Ran Zhi would not agree, although doing so would be a great contribution and a corresponding price.If there is a slight error, there will be no place to bury the checkmate.You must know that there are more than [-] troops inside and outside Sujiabao in Bozhou at this time. Although they are not affiliated with each other, they are definitely not something that a mere group of soldiers around Ran Zhi can handle.

The son of a thousand pieces of gold does not erect a dangerous wall.Ran Zhi is more than a thousand gold body, he doesn't need to work so hard.

It was very surprising that Ran Zhi agreed to go all out, and Pei Bi was secretly proud. From then on, no one could shake his No.1 position in the Eastern Palace.

Pei Bi said: "Young Master, don't be careless like this, you still need to think long-term, so that nothing will go wrong!"

Ran Zhi shook his head and said, "I don't have time to think long-term. Today I want to emulate Ban Dingyuan!"

Pei Bi was helpless, Ran Zhi, as the crown prince, absolutely could not take any risks.Of course, Pei Bi also knew that Ran Zhi actually had no choice!

(End of this chapter)

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