Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 518 The Mother-in-law You Are Courting Death

Chapter 518 That Mother, You Are Courting Death (Part [-])
Chapter 522

As Xun Xian's entourage, Ran Zhi's treatment in Sujiabao is not bad. Although Ran Zhi was not allowed to participate in the banquet of the core members, Su Sheng, the son of Su Ru, Tian Long, the son of Tian Kui, and other refugees were allowed to be handsome young masters. accompany.

These handsome young masters who are refugees from common clans are also very forthright, just like their Lao Tzu.

Ran Zhi held up a large bowl to offer wine to several people. It is said that wine is like a person. Ran Zhi's bold temperament is very appetizing to these young masters, and their favorability for Ran Zhi has also greatly increased.After Ran Zhi respected Su Sheng and Tian Longjiu, he went to respect a young man in his thirties, his name was Guo Jiong, and he was the son of Guo Tai, the commander of the general of the Huaihai Mausoleum.

"Brother, it's the first time we meet, do good deeds and respect!" Ran Zhi gulped down his drink as he spoke.When Ran Zhi was pouring wine with Guo Jiong, Ran Zhi winked at a former scout of the Wei Guozheng Southern Army.

The scout understood, and quietly pinched a small piece of chicken bone in his hand. This scout is a master of concealed weapons. He is good at using bone-penetrating nails. Within thirty steps, he can hit the nail on the head without anyone noticing this small piece of bone. At that time, he hit the numb point on Guo Jiong's arm.

As soon as Guo Jiong missed, the wine bowl and wine fell to the ground together.

In the north, when someone proposes a toast to you, you must drink it. If you don’t drink it or throw the glass, it is a great insult to the toaster.

Guo Jiong dropped his bowl and spilled the wine all over Ran Zhi.Tian Long secretly felt bad. Normally, Guo Jiong hadn't drunk yet, so he shouldn't be drunk.Since he was not drunk yet, Ran Zhi would be offended to death.

Sure enough, before Guo Jiong could distinguish, Pei Bi stepped forward and smacked his mouth upwards, "My mother, you dare to insult my young master! I'm going to fight you!"

A follower beside Guo Jiong was eager to protect the master. When he saw the young master being beaten, he was dazed and kicked Pei Bi directly.Although Pei Bi had some kung fu skills, he was no match for a fierce soldier. He was kicked hard, and Pei Bi flew upside down by more than a foot, smashing several tables and chairs.

Ran Zhi stepped forward suddenly, grabbed Guo Jiong by the collar, and said angrily, "How dare you, I, Jiang Weishan, will not die with you today."

Tian Long and Su Sheng hurried forward to try to persuade them to fight, but suddenly Ran Zhi fell to the ground clutching his chest, Su Sheng saw that Ran Zhi was bleeding from his fingertips.

Of course, Ran Zhi's plan was a bitter one. The person who did it was his scout of the Southern Conquest Army, and he did it very well. Although it looked like a lot of blood was shed, it was actually not a serious problem.

Pei Bi saw that Ran Zhi was "seriously injured", and shouted, "I'll fight you guys!"

"Fight it!" Ran Zhi had already secretly ordered more than [-] members to rush over.

Guo Jiong is not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others, how can he be indifferent after being slapped, he also ordered Buqu to fight back.This time, the two sides fought violently, and the scene quickly got out of control.Tian Long said: "Tian Jiajun stepped forward and separated them!"

But Ran Zhi had been prepared for a long time, and Guo Jiong, who was not prepared, suffered a big loss when he came up, and more than a dozen of his parts were hacked to death. He rushed to Tian's army and said: "Whoever dares to come, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people! "

Su Sheng saw that this matter could not be resolved, so he had to quickly inform his father and Xun Xian.

In the meeting hall of Sujiabao, at this time, the commander of the Jianghuai refugees was confronting Xun Xian and his entourage, and had a heated debate.

In fact, the gentry were divided into three, six, and nine classes, especially in the Southern and Northern Dynasties when the nine-rank system was prevalent.Although Xun Xian promised to the vagrant commanders in the Jianghuai River and Huaihe Rivers that the common people would be promoted to the gentry, what these vagrant commanders were most concerned about was the issue of ranking.

According to the Nine-rank Official Personnel Law, the higher the grade, the higher the starting point for becoming an official. When high-ranking gentry become officials, they not only often become "honest officials", but also get promoted faster.But the lower grade is different. Not only will they become "dirty officials", but their social status is also not high.As for the institution in charge of setting products for the gentry, the county is called Zhongzheng, the state is called Dazhongzheng, and the highest institution that manages Zhongzheng and Dazhongzheng is Situfu.

Sima Yu, king of Kuaiji, was Situ of the Jin Dynasty, and he held the rope of honor and disgrace, the lifeline of the gentry, in his hand.As Chu Suanzi's answering voice, Sima Yu is actually an important chess piece for Chu Suanzi to manage the various noble families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Because Chu Suanzi could raise or lower a nobleman's rank with just one thought.

According to Chu Suanzi's meaning, these seven Jianghuai refugee commanders can be rated as middle-lower, while the other small refugee commanders can be rated as lower-upper, lower-middle, or lower-lower.This result greatly annoyed the Jianghuai refugee Shuai. Even the Tian family with the highest rating was only mixed with a sixth-rank rural product. This is already a high-grade product among poor families, but it is undoubtedly a low-grade product among noble families.

Tian Kuai said angrily: "I am Changle Tinghou, the grandson of the sixth grandson of Guorang (since Tian Yu, styled Guorang), the doctor of the Taizhong. Is it an insult to Kuizhi to only rate one middle-lower?"

In fact, the Jiupin Zhongzheng System is a game of fighting for fathers.After all, the Lulongtian family still has Tian Yu to support the facade, while the Su and Guo families don't even count the six generations, they are the sixteen generations without even an official, and they are completely common people.

"It's not an insult!" Xun Xian said, "There are strict regulations on the quality evaluation in this township, and it's not something you can do rashly. If you can do it rashly, how can the Ninth Rank Official Law be able to convince the public?"

Su Rudao: "My Su family is only rated as a low-ranking person. Even if the descendants have the opportunity to become an official, they are just a low-level dirty official who will affect the ancestors. If... there is at least one military position, I will rely on the three-foot Qingfeng in the future, and I will be appointed as a general. It's not impossible!"

If Tian Kuai's words were just angry words, then Su Ru's words were secretly threatening.Although Wei Guo was not mentioned explicitly, the underlying meaning is already very clear.This sincerity is too small, I look down on it, and I am annoyed, so I vote for Wei Guo.

In fact, Chu Suanzi didn't look at these handsome refugees at all, thinking that if he gave them a sweet date, they would give in.However, although the State of Wei did not adopt the nine-rank official person law, it still adopted the system of recommendation and supervision. However, most of the military posts in the State of Wei were held by poor families or nobles who were founding the country.The founding nobles of the Wei State, civil servants are basically from the northern gentry, while most of the military positions are from poor families or common people who have no family background.

Ran Min's meritorious service as a marshal attracted countless loyal and loyal soldiers, which made these Jianghuai refugees a little moved.In fact, it is not that these vagrant commanders have never thought of surrendering to Wei, but most of them have missed the opportunity to give charcoal in the snow because they believed the rumors slandering Ran Min. Ran Min may not reuse them because of the icing on the cake.

Xun Xian saw that the negotiations were about to collapse, and he only saw Feng Zongzhi, Zhongzheng of Pengcheng County, pulled over.Feng Zongzhi was the minister of the Ministry of Rites and concurrently served as Zhongzheng of Pengcheng County.Xun Xian said: "Feng Gong, can you be more forgiving?"

Feng Zongzhi looked distressed, and pondered: "But the Queen Mother..."

"I'll explain it to the Queen Mother!" Xun Xian said, "This is a major matter of seeking the country, so we must be careful!"

"Forget it!" Feng Zongzhi said: "The principle of law is nothing more than human feelings, and everyone can be promoted as appropriate."

Xun Xian was overjoyed when he heard the words.Before he had time to announce this to everyone, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.Xun Xian was quite dissatisfied with the fact that Su's family generals were so ignorant of etiquette.

"Father Commander." Su Sheng hurriedly said after entering the door: "Father Commander, something is wrong!"

Soon, Su Sheng toasted Ran Zhi to Guo Jiong, and Guo Jiong didn't know why he knocked over the wine bowl and a series of other things.But Su Sheng was fair, at least he didn't add fuel to the picture, nor did he deliberately favor one side.

Xun Xian, who was originally from a noble family, disliked these vulgar refugees, especially when Su Ru used a threatening tone to force him to make concessions, which made Xun Xian even more annoyed.Hearing that Jiang Weishan was actually stabbed in the Sujiabao, and his life and death were uncertain, he was even more furious: "Master Su, it's up to the owner to beat a dog, not to mention that Jiang Junhou is still an official of the court, as a seventh-rank military officer, To be seriously injured by a commoner for no reason, is this the sincerity of the Jianghuai commanders to this general? Could it be that you look down on Xian and the Jin court!"

Xun Xian's words are a bit heavy, but there is nothing wrong with it.In ancient times, the ranks were strict, the upper and lower levels were high and low, and the common people were different. It was not a big crime for the nobles to kill the common people, and the crime could be paid for by spending money.But killing the gentry is a serious crime that cannot be tolerated by heaven.Now when it comes to negotiating the issue of ownership, Tian Kui secretly frowned at Guo Tai, who actually went out of his way.

Guo Tai clasped his fists and said, "Tian Shuai, Guo has no way to teach his son, so he is willing to be punished!"

Tian Kuai said: "Go and stop them!"

Xun Xian, Tian Kui, Su Ru and others filed out to the middle courtyard.

At this moment, the battle in the middle court had actually come to an end. After all, Guo Jiong had a sense of proportion. He didn't dare to kill Ran Zhi, and he didn't dare to kill those soldiers who were wearing the uniforms of the regular army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.The crime of killing an official is like treason, which is to punish the nine clans. Guo Jiong dare not joke about the lives of the whole family.

Pei Bi whispered: "Young master, how are you doing? It's all right!"

Ran Zhi said in a low voice: "I can't die for the time being, this little injury is nothing. Tell me quietly, there is a saying that wealth and honor are sought in danger, in the future, whether you will be rich or die without a place to bury depends on today's action !"

At this moment, Xun Xian strode forward, "Jiang Junhou, where is Jiang Junhou? I will give you justice."

Xun Xian didn't notice a soldier of the Jin army approaching him quietly. Anyway, the scene was a bit chaotic at this time. Subconsciously, Xun Xian regarded all the soldiers wearing the uniform of the Jin army as his own.However, it was his own people who were in trouble at this time. The soldier who was close to Xun Xian suddenly jumped up, raised his knife and dropped it. Xun Xian's head rolled to the ground like a ball. After a long time, Xun Xian's headless corpse fell down on the ground.

Everyone was stunned, how could the soldiers of the Jin army kill their general?
The murderer did not hesitate, and immediately picked up Xun Xian's head from the ground and held it high.Ran Zhi got up suddenly, and suddenly said: "Brothers, do it!"

At this time, more than [-] Jin troops also moved quickly. They already had weapons hidden on their bodies. Although they were only daggers, short knives, and some had broken gun ends, these weapons lit up one after another, aiming at the refugees in the field. handsome.

The guards around Tian Kui shouted loudly: "The enemy is attacking, protect the commander!"

(End of this chapter)

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