Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 519 The So-called Loyalty Is Not Enough For Betrayal

Chapter 519 The So-called Loyalty Is Not Enough For Betrayal (Third Watch)

Chapter 523 The So-called Loyalty Is Not Enough For Betrayal

Those who just wanted to fight back against the guards were beheaded by Ran Zhibu, who struck first before their weapons were revealed.They stabbed anyone they met and killed them. In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of dead bodies in the middle courtyard, and the blood flowed like a river.

"Stop, stop everything!" Tian Kui had to stop. At this time, Feng Fuyi, a former scout of the Wei Guozheng Southern Army who was good at using hidden weapons, put the dagger on Tian Kui's neck.

Tian Kui said angrily: "You better think clearly, what are you doing?"

"Gu has already thought very clearly!" Ran Zhi strode to the wine table, picked up a few broken tables, piled them together, and then poured unopened mellow liquor on them, and the fire fell on the water. On the wine table, Ran Zhi didn't turn his head, and didn't even look at the flames burning behind him.

Ran Zhi held Xun Xian's head as if nothing had happened, and said coldly: "Xun Xian's head is here, whoever dares to mess around will be punished!"

Ran Zhi has been the crown prince for a long time, and he has already developed that kind of aura that is not angry but powerful. Now in the eyes of everyone, Ran Zhi is more like a mountain, which makes people look up to.

Ran Zhi continued: "Did you see that pile of fire? This is the signal. Accept this signal. The five thousand cavalry of the Great Wei Zhengnan Army will arrive here in half an hour. You should think clearly about where to go!"

"Wei country? It's actually Wei country!" Just as Ran Zhi finished speaking, everyone exclaimed.

Tian Kui's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly looked at Xun Xian's headless corpse again, now Xun Xian died in Sujiabao.These Jianghuai refugees are handsome, just rubbed yellow mud into their crotches, it's either shit or shit.You must know that there are nearly [-] soldiers stationed inside and outside Sujiabao, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to kill Xun Xian.

Now, the impossible has happened.How did they explain it to Jin, and how could they explain it clearly.Surrendering to the Jin State now, they will not end well. Not only will they not be tolerated, but they may even end up with a broken family.

You must know that the scholar-bureaucrats of the Jin State have always looked down on these refugee commanders from the common clan.I don't even have the patience to say a word to them.

At this time, Su Ru was already in chaos, with a miserable expression on his face, as if mourning a concubine.

Tian Kuai asked, "Who are you?"

Ran Zhi said: "Ming people don't speak dark words in front of them. I am from Wei, and I can also be called Wei's special envoy. My words can go straight to the imperial court without saying a word!"

Tian Kuai said again: "What do you want!"

"It's not what I want now!" Ran Zhi said with a smile: "It's what you want? You can also arrest me and plead guilty to the state of Jin. Maybe the court of the state of Jin will forgive you. Although I can't escape Once you die, but you are buried with you, that would be great!"

"Did Kui scare him!" Tian Kui's voice was raised eight times, "Here, our Jianghuai armies are all prosperous and all are damaged. There are more than [-] soldiers and horses outside. You are only a few people. Even if the overlord is reborn, I can't escape! If you know the image, put down your weapon, I am a guarantee of personality, and I will reward you with a whole corpse!"

"Really? You can try it!" At this time, Ran Zhi took off the inconspicuous water bag on his waist.Then, as if there was no one else around, he untied the water bag and poured it on his head.Soon the courtyard was filled with a pungent smell of kerosene.Under the leadership of Ran Zhi, fifty soldiers followed Ran Zhi's example and poured fire oil on themselves and the refugees in the encirclement.

"Now, can I get out of Sujiabao?"

"Crazy, you are all crazy."

All it takes is a little spark, and these vagrants will be buried in flames.Su Ru murmured: "Tian Shuai, what now!"

Tian Kui wiped the kerosene off his face, and said to the surrounding guards, "You all stand down!"

At this moment, Tian Kui ignored the dagger on his neck, and directly grabbed Feng Zongzhi, who had already frightened him to pee, and slowly placed his hands on Feng Zongzhi's neck. Come on, after a while, his face turned blue, and his eyes popped out.

Tian Kui's move was undoubtedly a confession to Ran Zhi, and he killed Feng Zongzhi.

"Could it be, do you think that this head can force you to submit?" Tian Kui said arrogantly: "If you think so, you are too naive. This dog-like person, if you kill him, you will kill him, it's no big deal .Even if he is killed, what can the Jin court do with me? What do they dare to do with me? I, Tian Kui, is in the Jianghuai River, relying on the same. Warriors, with 170 cute households and [-] million acres of fertile land, this is my capital!"

"It's not persecution!" Ran Zhi said coldly: "I'm just stating a fact. When a man is alive, he should hold a sword and enshrine his military merits, and then he will enshrine his descendants. There are more than 4000 people born in poverty in the Great Wei Dynasty, but they are ranked as marquises." If Shuai Tian wants to linger on and live in Tianjiabao, I have nothing to say. Besides, in the whole world, is it the land of the king, the shore of the land, or the minister of the king? How long can Shuai Tian be happy now? Wei now dominates Jiangbei, seven of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, and the unification of the world is just around the corner, but are you trying to be a chariot with your arms?"

"Zhuzi, shut up!" Tian Kui was furious, with a stern voice, and said, "What do you think you are, with a scar on your head that is no bigger than a bowl, and I will be a good man again in 18 years."

Ran Zhi glanced at Tian Kui indifferently, and said dismissively, "Well, we'll kill each other and break the net."

At this time, the owner of the Dai Family Fort, Da Dai's family, saw that Ran Zhi had taken out the fire folder, and was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.As Dai Tuo, the largest refugee in the Jianghuai River Basin, Dai Tuo, the owner of Shuaiwubao, wants to hug left and right, drunk and dreamy, but he doesn't want to be burned to death.He knew that as long as Ran Zhi ignited the fire, none of them could escape.Dai Tuo hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Tian Kui: "Tian Shuai, you are really serious. You are such an adult and still don't change your hot temper. Is there anything you can't say properly?"

Ran Zhi ignored Dai Tuo, and said calmly: "You self-reliant warriors are just a bunch of chickens and dogs in my eyes. How can Xianbei's iron cavalry be invincible? I think you know best, where is the Murong family of Yan Kingdom now? They are the defeated generals of our great Wei generals. Are you stronger than the Xianbei iron cavalry? If the great Wei destroys you, it is just a matter of snapping your fingers. My emperor is kind, and he can't bear to see people burn, so we are good friends with you. Don't be serious. Thought that our Great Wei was a mud bodhisattva in that temple! Poor, what's ridiculous is that you really think that our great Wei cavalry can be blocked by a single family?"

Tian Kui and Dai Tuo looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

As for the other handsome refugees, their complexions changed drastically.

At this time, Ran Zhi suddenly threw away the fire in his hand, "Xun Xianwu has already been killed, if you want to be loyal ministers and obedient citizens of the Jin Kingdom, my good head is here, just come and get it!"

Following Ran Zhi's throwing away the fire fold, the other soldiers also dropped their weapons.Tian Kui suddenly remembered the fire that Ran Zhi had set just now, and he said that five thousand Wei cavalry would arrive here in half an hour.Tian Kuai's face was cloudy and cloudy. After a long while, he put away his serious face and put on a smiley face and said, "Brother, I didn't ask for advice!"

"A humble name is not worth mentioning!" Naturally, Ran Zhi would not tell them that he was the crown prince of the Wei state. Once these people knew that he was the crown prince of the Wei state, they would definitely tie him up and plead guilty to the Jin state.Although Xun Xian died, he was enough to pay for Xun Xian's life.

"I'm next, Ran Feng!"

"Oh!" Tian Kui and others couldn't help but brighten their eyes, "Could it be that this is the leader of the Tiger Roaring Camp, General Ran, the adoptive son of His Majesty the Emperor of Wei!"

"It's a certain house!"

"No wonder, no wonder!" Tian Kui said secretly in his heart, he already believed Ran Zhi's words that he could directly reach the imperial court.

"General Ran just made a joke, don't misunderstand, we have long been interested in Wei, how dare we have the king's teacher as an enemy!"

There was a great chaos in Sujiabao at this time, Su Ru commanded his servants and followers to extinguish the fire in the courtyard.Then everyone changed their clothes and took a shower.Even Ran Zhi, Pei Bi and others were treated like stars.

At this time, the master of Sujiabao sat down, and Ran Zhi represented Wei Guo, having a drink with all the refugees.It seemed that the tense situation just now had never occurred at all.Even if it appeared, in the face of huge benefits, it was selectively forgotten by everyone.

"Sinister, hurry up and plead guilty to the angel!" Guo Tai roared angrily at his eldest son, Guo Jiong.

Guo Jiong also knew at this time that the future and wealth of himself and everyone else were in Ran Zhi's hands, so he didn't dare to offend him.Thinking of the absurd scene just now, Guo Jiong simply knelt down in front of Ran Zhi, and without saying a word, he really slammed his mouth left and right.

To say that this Guo Jiong is also a ruthless person, he was ruthless enough to attack him, and his face swelled up completely after just a few slaps.

As the prince of the Wei Kingdom, Ran Zhi has a very high status, so there is no need to be serious with such a small person.What's more, as the person involved, Ran Zhi knew that Guo Jiong was killed by himself at the time.

"Give it up now, don't mention it in the future!" Ran Zhi waved his hand and said, "If there is a way, those who don't know are innocent. Be careful next time!"

"Thank you for the angel's grace."

Tian Kuai also winked at Su Ru.Guo Ru immediately stepped forward and said, "General Ran, I don't know what can I get if I join the Great Wei?"

"What can I get?" Ran Zhi said with a playful smile: "It depends on your performance. A man is alive, but with a three-foot green spear, he can't make great achievements in the world. Wei Guo established the country with martial arts, and His Majesty will not hesitate to reward you. Feng Houbai will depend on everyone's ability!"

If Ran Zhi made a lot of promises easily at this time, it would arouse the suspicion of Tian Kui and others, but Ran Zhi didn't say anything, and only gave them a chance.

Although it was just an opportunity, these refugees were greatly moved.

You must know that these Jianghuai refugee commanders also responded to Ran Min's order to kill Hu at the beginning, but because of the alienation of Li Nong, Marquis of Saiwu, they and Ran Min were divorced, and the whole family retreated to the Jianghuai River Basin, and Ran Min fell into a tight siege.

(End of this chapter)

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