Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 520 Sending Warriors to Sea to Find Wonderland

Chapter 520 Sending Warriors to Sea to Find Wonderland (fourth update)

Chapter 524 Sending Warriors to Sea to Find Fairyland
Those refugees who followed Ran Min and never gave up, and were even weaker than them, the worst ones are now the prefects of a county in Wei State, and the worst ones have become the masters of an army.

As the brain of the Jianghuai refugees, Tian Kui said in a timely manner: "Now there is an opportunity to make meritorious deeds, do you dare to do it?"

Su Ru agreed immediately: "I don't know what clever plan Tian Shuai has!"

"Now the Jin Dynasty court doesn't know how to confer the head of the thief. We can pretend to be descended to Jin and take Pengcheng by surprise!"

When Ran Zhi heard this, his eyes lit up. "How would you like it, Mr.?"

Pei Bi murmured: "If the plan is right, there is an opportunity to take advantage of it!"


On the vast sea, a huge fleet is braving the wind and waves.Ran Min, who was riding Feiyun, was surrounded by [-] warships of the same level as five-fanged warships, surrounded by more than [-] transport ships carrying Imperial Forest Army and Imperial Guard cavalry.

Ran Min stood on the deck against the wind, feeling very good.He looked at Ran Ming who was arguing endlessly with the ministers with great interest, and tried his best to persuade them.Although this was the second time for Ran Min to go out to sea by boat, the last time was because of the disgraceful retreat of Ran Min and Ran Ming and his son from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the whole country of Wei was in chaos, so naturally he was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery on the sea.

Among them, some historians also refuted Ran Ming with "A Record of Ten States in China", saying, "Dongfang Shuo explained the ten states in China for Han Wu. Why didn't he mention America as His Highness said?"

Ran Ming is not a well-educated wit, and he doesn't know the content of the book "A Tale of Ten States in China".In fact, Ran Ming also had a handwritten copy of the bamboo slips of "Ten States in the Sea" in his collection. In fact, when Ran Ming saw the word 海内, he thought it was an ancient book recording the geography of China.As a person of later generations, it is naturally impossible for Ran Ming to bother to read the so-called ancient books of geography.What Ran Ming just didn't know was that the ancients called the whole world "Hainei".

Such as "Hai Nei Shi Zhou Ji", "Shan Hai Jing", and "Yu Gong" are world historical and geographical documents written by our great giant ancestors.There is another problem that must be mentioned here. Many parts of the content of "Ten Continents in the Sea" reflect the historical geography of the world 1 years ago, that is, before the world flood; The content of "Gong" is an ancient book that reflects Dayu's investigation of world history and geography 500 years ago after the world's great flood.

What surprised Ran Ming was that no matter how earnestly he spoke, he couldn't impress Ran Min, nor could he impress the ministers who accompanied him.

Obviously, Ran Ming vigorously developed the navy, and his plan to explore the Americas was shelved indefinitely.

After the ministers went back, Ran Ming stood on the deck, speechless for a long time. He looked at the rough sea, and his mind was full of thoughts.Ran Ming also knew that the cost of exploring the Americas was very high, but the rewards were also huge.Especially those grains with extremely high yields can not only prevent China from falling into a food crisis, but also various spices, gold, and jewelry.Just when Ran Ming made up his mind to set up such an expedition team in private.Suddenly a voice came from behind Ran Ming: "The emperor is very disappointed, are you still thinking about it?"

Ran Ming hurriedly turned around, "I see my father!"

Ran Min said coldly: "Tell me, are you still thinking about it?"

"Father!" Ran Ming said as if he couldn't say it: "No!"

"It's good if you don't have it!" Ran Min sighed, and said, "Why don't I want to get that kind of grain with a very high yield? Do you know the average yield per mu in our country of Wei?"

Without waiting for Ran Ming to reply, Ran Min seemed to be talking to himself: "Even if the top-notch fertile land, even if the weather is good, it is only about two stones. No matter how experienced the old farmer is, no matter how carefully he manages it, the yield per mu has never exceeded three stones." of."

"Thirty stone" said the number, Ran Min's face flushed with excitement, he clenched his left fist tightly, veins popped up on his forehead, his whole body seemed to be trembling, and Ran Min's voice raised an octave , "I want that kind of fairy food, I want the seeds of fairy food, even if I lose 20 years of life, I am willing to do so! You must have never seen the tragic scene where there is no food in the world, and the people have to eat each other."

Ran Ming said: "Father, I have seen it, and I have seen it too much, so I thought, send warriors to the sea to find immortal food. If possible, I would like to go there myself!"

Ran Min said: "The emperor certainly doesn't know that our Wei country is too poor. There is not much food in the treasury, and the gap in the military food alone is as high as [-] shi. This is based on the fact that there is no war. If there is a war, the The gap will be even bigger. If possible, I would like to order the whole army to come to the construction in turn, and let them earn some food from the emperor!"

Ran Ming was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He knew that the treasury of Wei State was not abundant, but he didn't expect it to be so poor.Ran Ming said: "Father, why don't you squeeze out a hundred thousand shi of grain and lend it to the army?"

Ran Min shook his head: "One hundred thousand stones is not enough, not far enough!"

Ran Ming said: "Could it be that Father means that there will be wars this year?"

Ran Min laughed and said, "Could it be that Ming'er really thought that if Sima Xun occupied Chengdu and became self-reliant, Jin would not dare to act rashly?"

"Isn't that the case?" Ran Ming asked suspiciously, "Yizhou is mountainous and the terrain is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Besides, with Chu Suanzi's eyes, she may not be unable to see that this is Xie Anshi's plan to divert disaster from the east. How can it be easily tricked?"

Ran Min shook his head: "You underestimate the woman Chu Suanzi. Sima Xun is far from enough to be Chu Suanzi's opponent. At best, she just disgusts her. Once Chu Suanzi makes a move, Sima Xun will not fight for three months. Can't resist it."

"Three months!" Ran Ming said: "No way, even if Sima Xun fights and retreats all the way, he can support it for more than half a year, or even longer!"

Ran Min said: "It's been three months since I promoted Sima Xun. Once Chu Suanzi makes a move, do you think Sima Xun still has a chance to escape? Even if I want to support him now, it's too late!"

Ran Ming said: "I can't figure out why this Chu Suanzi is so powerful!"

"I have received the exact news that Huan Wen led the Xifu Army with [-] troops in land and water, with Zhu Xu as the left forward, and General Yingyang Zhou Chu as the right forward. If you calculate the time, I am afraid that you have already passed Jiangling and entered Yiling. Now, we will arrive in Bashu soon! This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Chu Suanzi entered Shu lightly as a secret envoy, saying that he would surrender to the major gentry in Bashu. How do you think Sima Xun has a chance of winning?"

Ran Ming said silently, "It seems that this year will not be peaceful!"

"It's not just unfair!" Ran Min said angrily, "Chu Suanzi's confidant Qiu Mulang hasn't shown up for more than three months. Dai Guo. Perhaps only a small opportunity is needed, and our Great Wei will face the flames of war again! It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. I have no food, no money, and can only watch Chu Suanzi wrap a circle around our Dawei’s neck Circle the shackles."

Ran Ming said: "My son has a way to deal with the state of Jin."

"Oh!" Ran Min said excitedly, "What can I do tomorrow?"

Ran Ming said: "Father, do you still remember the artisans that my son dug from Jin?"

Ran Min nodded.

Ran Mingdao: "Since my son brought more than [-]% of Jin's artisans to Wei, from then on, Jin's self-sufficiency in food, other daily necessities such as cloth, porcelain, iron, wood, etc., must rely on us. Wei Guo. And now, the share of these transactions is in the hands of the Huaxia Business Alliance. If these prices are increased by [-]%, the Jin Kingdom will suffer terribly. If any transactions are cut off, the Jin Kingdom will have no new clothes to wear within a month. Traveling by car, they don't even need a hoe."

Ran Min showed a knowing smile. He could imagine the situation where the special price soared and the people's hearts were uneasy.Said: "Even if the state of Jin doesn't make it easy for us, I won't make it easy for them!"

Ran Ming said with a smile: "Father, this economic sanction is actually a double-edged sword. It can hurt both the enemy and yourself. Under normal circumstances, it can't be used lightly. Anyway, the state of Wei now controls the power of the state of Jin. It’s okay to cause some troubles for some of the commodity supply, but you can’t completely cut off the supply. Because once the trade is cut off, the backlog of goods will greatly reduce Wei’s tax revenue, and if merchants suffer heavy losses, they will definitely riot.”

Ran Min suddenly understood what Ran Ming meant, the economy is about mutual benefit, both parties in the transaction will benefit, once the transaction is cut off, both parties will suffer losses.Ran Min said: "Ming'er, I'm tired for my father, go back and rest. You can figure it out!"

"Father!" Ran Ming said, "I have one more request!"

Ran Min said: "Tomorrow, I said there is no defense!"

"Father now needs a large number of craftsmen to build roads. Can my father pardon a group of death row prisoners in prison, and let them use their own labor and make atonement for their mistakes!"

Ran Min thought for a while, anyway, those death row prisoners are not only a waste of food, amnesty can not only give him the name of benevolence and righteousness, but also solve the problem of Ran Ming's shortage of manpower for road construction, killing two birds with one stone, why would Ran Min not do it.

"I'm ready!"

In fact, Ran Ming didn't say anything to Ran Min. Even if Wei Guo was seriously short of food, Ran Ming couldn't be indifferent, and it was unrealistic to buy large-scale from the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Chu Suanzi will definitely obstruct it, even if she bans grain trading, she will try to increase the price of grain as much as possible.

Ran Ming would not let the Jin Dynasty earn this advantage, he also wanted to build a few more ships.

Ran Ming actually put his mind on Champa. Champa rice not only has a high yield, but also has two crops a year.It is impossible for Ran Ming to let Wei's regular army do banditry, because the world is not yet unified. Once they are allowed to taste the sweetness of being bandits in Champa, they will definitely not be able to achieve strict military discipline in the future if there is a war between Jin and Wei.

And one more point, professional things need professional people to do.A considerable number of death row prisoners in the Wei State were all local tyrants who used to occupy the mountain as kings, or who refused to accept Ran Min's rule.There are also rangers, robbers, and bandits.Of course, there are some other charges.

ps: roll around and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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