Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 521 The Underestimated Chu Suanzi

Chapter 521 The Underestimated Chu Suanzi (Fifth Watch)
Chapter 525 The Underestimated Chu Suanzi

Ran Ming returned to Jiaodong Buqigang, took Ran Min's pardon letter, and went to the quarry.All the prisoners in Wei State were not raised in prison like other dynasties, but they were ordered to do high-intensity physical work, such as quarrying, coal mining, mining and so on.

Jiaodong State has the largest iron ore mining plant in Wei State. Of course, there are not only a large number of prisoners of war, but also a considerable number of death row prisoners.

Perhaps for others, these outlaws, thugs, and robbers are very difficult to manage, but as the gangster of later generations, Ran Ming, this is not a problem at all. Ran Ming knows that if these people want to be convinced and obedient, they must be better than them. stronger.Although Ran Ming's skills are good, he is definitely not a top-notch fighter.Therefore, Ran Ming took Lin Heishan, the gold medal fighter, and more than 100 Qilin guards.

While Ran Ming was selecting candidates for pirates at the quarry, Chengdu, thousands of miles away, fell into panic.

Sima Xun, who proclaimed himself king, also succeeded Huan Wen and led more than [-] land and water armies to attack Badong County.

Badong County is the eastern gateway of Bashu. What Sima Xun didn't expect was that before he had time to deploy troops to support Badong, the whole Badong changed hands in a blink of an eye with the help of the "leading party".

Sima Xun was very angry and roared in the Chengdu Palace.Soon, Sima Xun realized something was wrong, and he shouted at Liang Changshi, "Liang Changshi, quickly send someone to An Shigong for help, he said he would definitely help Gu!"

Liang Dan heard the words and followed the order.Then Liang Dan said: "Your Majesty, asking for help is only a temporary solution, not a root cause. All the noble families in Sichuan are devoted to the imperial court. If they cannot be subdued, Yizhou may not be able to defend it!"

Sima Xun said: "Then what should we do now?"

"If you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside!" Liang Dan said viciously: "The prince can issue a king's order and order the major noble families in Sichuan to send their eldest sons to Chengdu as a pledge to show their loyalty. Anyone who does not obey will be treason. Since it is treason, then raid his family and destroy his clan!"

Sima Xun was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Long Shi's ingenious plan, these gentry families are all rich in wealth, the lonely king can not only eradicate dissidents and stabilize the rear, but also use it as military resources to resist Huan Wen. It is simply killing multiple things!"

Sima Xun quickly took action, and sacrificed butcher knives to the various noble families who had disobeyed Sima Xun. Within a few days, several noble families were ransacked and exterminated, and thousands of people were massacred.

However, what Sima Xun did not expect was that his tyranny not only did not frighten these Bashu gentry, but further promoted the rebound of these gentry.You must know that Ran Min did not dare to attack the noble family easily in Wei State, just like Li Shimin in history, he could only adopt the strategy of wooing and dividing.But Sima Xun was fine, he killed people without saying a word.

Now it's all right, the gentry family who originally controlled the direction of public opinion in this era, assembled against Sima Xun, almost the uprising army of the counties and counties, and the counties and counties opposed Sima Xun.Although the troops organized hastily by these gentry were no better than Sima Xun's troops that had seen blood, but there were so many wolves that a good tiger couldn't hold back, and two fists were no match for four hands.All the gentry in the entire Bashu rebelled, and Sima Xun's army was like a headless fly, fighting fires everywhere.

However, instead of saving the fire, it intensified.

However, Xie An, who was in Chang'an, got the news and yelled at Sima Xun, "Everyone is a fool, don't conspire with each other!" But if he scolds again, Sima Xun still needs to be rescued.

But Xie An was just about to order Dong Run to lead the army into Shu.However, the war at Chencangguan was revived, and Fu Jian, Wang Zhuo, and Zhang Zuo colluded and assembled more than [-] troops, approaching Qishan County mightily.Helpless, Xie An had no choice but to order Dong Run to dispatch elite troops to support Qishan.

However, when Wei's reinforcements arrived at Qishan, there were only empty tents stretching for more than ten miles outside Qishan city.

Knowing that Xie An had been tricked, he had no choice but to order Dong Run to enter Shu again.At the same time, Feishu thanked Ai and pretended to attack Liangguo.

Xie Ai led Xiliang and did not disappoint Xie An. More than [-] iron cavalry from Liang State rushed thousands of miles in three days and three nights, almost without any resistance, and invaded Guzang, the capital of Zhang Zuo.But to Xie An's surprise, Zhang Zuo's tens of thousands of troops, not inferior to Xie Ai's army with too many cavalry, actually disappeared out of thin air.Not only did Zhang Zuojun disappear without a trace, but even the armies of Wang Zhuo and Fu Jian also disappeared.

Xie An sent dozens of hundreds of scouts, but still failed to detect the movement of the coalition forces of Zhang Zuo, Wang Zhuo and Fu Jian.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Xie An realized something was wrong.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "No, it's a trick!"

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

Xie An, who was extremely determined, was also in chaos.Fortunately, Xie An was not an ordinary person, he calmed down quickly.He knew that panic would not solve any problems.

"What orders does your envoy have!" A small official said respectfully, cupping his hands.

Xie Andao: "Order the cavalry of the Western Army in Chang'an Hui Town to assemble immediately. In addition to weapons and equipment, they only carry seven days of dry food, prepare lightly, and set off with the general in half an hour!"

The little official retreated respectfully.At this time, Xie An connected all the things in his head, and gradually realized that he had fallen into the trap of this woman, Chu Suanzi, before he knew it.

Ran Min had already reminded Xie An, telling him that Chu Suanzi's confidant eunuch Qiu Mulang hadn't shown up in the palace for more than three months, and it was very likely that he had a very big plan.

Xie An didn't think so at the time, he thought that Chu Suanzi's method should be to instigate a rebellion against the Bashu gentry and force Sima Xun out.

Sima Xun, this poor pawn, will definitely not have a good end.

But now, Xie An found

.What Huan Wen marched into Chengdu by land and water, and what Wang Tanzhi entered Shu with secret orders were all smoke deliberately released by Chu Suanzi.Her real killer move is still Hanzhong. This time, Wei Guo not only lost all advantages, but may even fall into a passive position across the board.

Zhang Zuo did not resist Xie Ai, so he must have reached an agreement with Chu Suanzi. It is conceivable that Xie Ai's role in the game was not very glorious, and Wei Guo was tricked.

Chu Suanzi is likely to count Dong Run's department who led [-] Wei troops to enter Shu.

When I came to the Zhenxi Army camp, there is only one cavalry left in the Zhenxi Army, which was basically built on the basis of the [-] remnants of the Canglang Camp. Riding guards.Now Zhenxi Army Cavalry has more than ten thousand cavalry, which is a mixed formation of Han, Xiongnu, Di, and Xianbei.

Seeing Hu Yanqun and all the soldiers salute Xie An one after another, Xie An suddenly had a flash of inspiration.No, Xie Ai is not Wang Zhuo and Fu Jian. Chen Cang Pass and Da San Pass are in his hands, and it will be too difficult for Wei Guo to take them back.If Xie Ai was allowed to unify Liang, there would be an extra wolf in the west of Wei, and he would bite him if he was not in a good mood.

Even if they catch up with Dong Runbu at this time, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.If Xie Ai and Chen Bing Chen Cang are allowed, Guanzhong will be in danger.Xie An blamed himself secretly, and ordered: "Hu Yanqun, I ordered you to lead your troops to Dashan Pass immediately and guard him. If there is something wrong with Dashan Pass, you don't have to come back!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Looking at the dust and smoke raised by the cavalry of the Zhenxi Army, Xie An prayed silently in his heart, hoping that there would be time!

Hu Yanqun didn't dare to be careless, when he defeated Ayang, according to Wei's military order, he should be executed for his crime.Ran Min pardoned him for his crimes, and now if he can't defend Dasan Pass, he won't be able to pass that pass himself.

No matter Chencang or Dasan Pass, they are now empty cities, with no people and not many defenders. If they are attacked by the enemy, they may not be able to persist.Every minute they arrive early, they have an extra minute chance of winning.But if you are late, you may lose the Dasan Pass, the central and western gates!

Just as Hu Yanqun was speeding up his horse, he was desperately rushing to Dasan Pass.A large-scale cavalry unit also appeared on the official road more than three hundred miles west of Dashan Pass.Among the cavalry in an open carriage, a Confucian general in white looked at the rolling army with a faint smile.

"Guan Zhong, here I come!"

However, shortly after Hu Yanqun set off, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the wind was strong, and the rain began to change from fine to dense, from dense to weaving.This kind of moistening and silent spring rain gave Hu Yanqun a very headache.

Although the drizzle is not as annoying as the heavy rain, it is very difficult to march in this kind of drizzle.It didn't take long, and the armor of the soldiers was already soaked, especially when the spring breeze blows, making people feel the biting chill.The more I want to get to Dashanguan as soon as possible, but God always seems to be against Hu Yanqun.

The official road moistened by the rain began to become muddy, and all the soldiers complained and complained.

"What's going on? Why did the front stop!" Hu Yanqun noticed that there was a commotion in the front team, and the scale of the commotion seemed to be expanding.

After a while, news came from the soldiers: "There is a soldier in front who has died!"

When Hu Yanqun heard this, he rode his horse forward without saying a word: "It is normal for soldiers to die of illness on the march. There is no need to be surprised. Soldiers who die suddenly will be paid with compensation for death in battle! All of them will be given to the general to move forward!"

The sudden death of soldiers has somewhat affected morale.The more Hu Yanqun wanted to go faster, the faster he couldn't get up.Most of the cavalry soldiers of the Western Army in this town were people with excellent horsemanship in the past, and a considerable part of them were Huns, Xianbei and Di people.The habits of these Hu people who descended from Wei cannot be changed in a short period of time.That is, they all love and cherish horses very much. Apart from fighting with their lives, they all cherish horsepower very much.Basically, there will be no phenomenon that the horses will be abandoned during the march, which is why Ran Min adopted the Hu cavalry.These Hu soldiers of the mixed cavalry are all good horse breeders, and they also know the habits of horses very well, especially if there are any small problems with the horses, they can solve them by themselves.

Although this is a good side, it also has a bad side.The soldiers of the Hu soldiers hardly used the whip to beat the horse, but just clamped the belly of the horse with their legs. The march of such a war horse was no different from that of a slipping horse, and the speed can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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