Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 522 Xie Ai's surprise attack on the Great Sanctuary

Chapter 522

Chapter 526
Seeing the cavalry crawling like snails in the rain, Hu Yanqun was furious, and he beat several confidant officers in succession.Hu Yanqun rushed to these officers and said: "It is to run the horse to death. This general promises to supply you with good horses in the future. If it is too late and loses the Dasan Pass, the entire army from the general below will be killed!"

Hu Yanqun became angry, "Run the horse to death, even if you use two legs wide, you have to climb to Dashanguan. The general opened the way ahead, and the general arrived at Dianmao of Dashanguan. Those who arrive will be treated as fugitives!"

The general leads by example, and the soldiers will naturally follow him to the death, including the general Hu Yanqun, the Hun, who was born on horseback, and his legs became bloody.Not to mention those Han cavalry.

People fell behind one after another, and Hu Yanqun didn't have time to pay attention, he had to rush to Dashan Pass as soon as possible.

Xie Ai is still so personable, and his gestures are all celebrities.Looking at the soldiers with high morale around them, I was filled with emotion.Subconsciously, Xie Ai showed fear in the direction of Jiankang City.

Speaking of himself, Xie Ai is definitely a good general and handsome in this era, but in every battle, he can predict the enemy first, and can also boost morale, and turn the tide in adversity.However, to put it bluntly, he is just a handsome talent, not an emperor's talent.In fact, the reason why Xie Ai appeared before the Great Sanguan was also because of Chu Suanzi's strategy.

Just when Xie An succeeded in rebelling against Sima Xun, who was originally self-reliant and talented, and under the guise of Sima Xun's hand, when he remotely controlled Bashu, Chu Suanzi, a ruthless woman who can't tolerate sand in her eyes, gave Ran Min sex after changing hands. eyedrops.This strategy is almost the same as Ran Min's secret alliance with Murong Ke back then, using the Yan Wei battle as a cover to confuse the people of the world.He joined forces with Murong Ke to plot against Daiguo.Then take advantage of the emptiness in Guanzhong, occupy Guanzhong in one fell swoop, and eliminate Di Qin.

Not to mention, Chu Suanzi is a woman who learns quite alike.Chu Suanzi is good at scheming people's hearts. He used Zhang Zuo to get Liang's status and reputation, and his words were not right.Chu Suanzi then sent chief minister Qiu Mulang secretly to Liangguo to lobby Zhang Zuo, and at the price of the Jin Dynasty court formally canonizing him as King of Liang and governor of Liang Yizhou, in exchange for Xie Ai and Zhang Zuo to shake hands and make peace.

As far as Zhang Zuo's current territory is concerned, it is roughly equivalent to the northwest of Ningxia and Gansu, the northwest of Inner Mongolia, and the northeast of Qinghai in the later generations.It is almost all barren land, with no output and very small population.But Liangzhou is different. He is the seat of Hanzhong, which generally refers to the vast area south of Huashan and north of Heishui. Heishui actually refers to the Han River, northeastern Sichuan and most of Chongqing, as well as the entire Liangzhou The Han River Valley is another fertile land second only to the Chengdu Plain. Although it is not as good as Guanzhong, it is the most fertile land in the entire central and southwestern region of China.It is much bigger and richer than Zhang Zuo's Liangzhou and Shazhou.And Fu Jian was appointed as the captain of Hu Xirong and the prefect of Brazil.

Of course, this Brazil is not the Brazil country of later generations, but a county in the west of Bashan Mountain in Yizhou.But he was appointed as Badong prefect and general Fenwei.This exchange of interests, Zhang Zuo got huge benefits, so he was naturally happy, and Fu Jian also had a place to stay, and Brazil and the southwestern tribes handed over, and even connected with Fu Jian in the rear of the Yalong Valley. Both hands agree.As for Wang Zhuo, he is also very satisfied. Badong County is also richer than Longyou County, and it is closer to the Central Plains.

As for Xie Ai, he gained even more, he could unify the Liang Kingdom without a single soldier, and help the son of the late master to keep his ancestral foundation.

Although Zhang Zuo, Xie Ai, Wang Zhuo, and Fu Jian got huge benefits, in fact Chu Suanzi didn't suffer too much.Theoretically, most of these Liangzhous were occupied by the State of Wei, and Yizhou was still in the hands of Sima Xun. She was just being generous and pretending to be generous.Of course, for Zhang Zuo, Chu Suanzi didn't feel at ease either. She moved Fu Jian and Wang Zhuo one by one, just stuck Zhang Zuo's throat. Although Zhang Zuo occupied a large territory, he was also enemies on all sides.

As for Xie Ai, the only general who made Ran Min suffer in a situation of superior force, Chu Suanzi was directly pushed to the opposite side of Wei State. Just like Ran Min's intention of using Sima Xun, Chu Suanzi also used Xie Ai to fight well. Let Ran Min and Xie Ai fight for a long time.

Xie Ai got the entire Liang country in vain, the only thing he needs to do is at least occupy Chencang, no matter how bad it is, he must also occupy Dasan Pass, so as to ensure that Dasan Pass is not lost.

As long as Xie Ai occupies Dashan Pass or Chen Cang, Wei Guo must deploy a large number of troops in Guanzhong in order to ensure the safety of Guanzhong, which is also an arms race in the cold weapon period.Chu Suanzi took advantage of Wei's weak foundation and could not afford to resort to military action.

In this kind of interest exchange, none of the four parties had any reason to refuse in the face of huge interests. In this way, Chu Suanzi's plan to plot against Wei State began.Then, in order to confuse Ran Min, Chu Suanzi ordered Huan Wen to attack Sima Xun directly from the land and water routes, and then sent Wang Tanqian to link up with the Bashu gentry.Deliberately intensifying the contradictions between Bashu and Sichuan, under such circumstances, a discerning person would know at a glance that Sima Xun could not defend Chengdu.Sure enough, Xie An fell into the trick and urgently ordered Dong Run to lead his army into Shu.

Then more than [-] troops from Zhang Zuo, Wang Zhuo, and Fu Jian allied forces approached Qishan and threatened Guanzhong.

In this way, Xie An, who was responsible for guarding the land, did not dare to allow accidents in Guanzhong.He hurriedly summoned Dong Run to lead the army back again, and when Dong Run led the army back to Guanzhong, Chu Suanzi's real killer move appeared, an empty trick, and confuse Xie An, while Zhang Zuo, Wang Zhuo, Fu Fu, etc. With the help of the Liangzhou gentry, the Jian coalition army managed to hide from Xie An's eyeliner, entered the Jiange ahead of time, and set up a net in the Jiange to wait.

To say that Dong Run is pitiful enough, he was played around.As a force to assist Sima Xun, in order to prepare for a long-lasting battle with the Jin army, he carried a large number of offensive and defensive machinery with the army, such as catapults, various parts of the Xiangyang Cannon, horizontal knives, armor, and a large number of crossbow machine.

Dong Run knew the real significance of his march into Bashu this time. This time they entered Bashu to prepare to completely empty Sima Xun. In fact, controlling Bashu was also Wei's first step in the unification war.

In view of the geographical environment of Bashu, it is not easy to attack Bashu from any direction.But with Sima Xun around, it would be much easier for their Wei army to enter Bashu. At this time, the only channel connecting Guanzhong and Shuzhong is Jiange. As long as two thousand soldiers and horses are left in Jiange, Wei Guo wants to attack Shuzhong. At least tens of thousands of troops would have to be mobilized, which would take half a year or more, and in this protracted war, Wei would have to pay at least [-] soldiers to die.

Tens of thousands of troops were killed in battle for more than half a year, and more than 5000 people were killed. This price was simply too heavy for Ran Min.Dong Run was anxious to enter Shu. He had already made up his mind that the Jiange was dangerous and must be held in the hands of Wei Guo. Even if he turned against Sima Xun now, Wei Guo would also get the Jiange.

Dong Run didn't seem to realize that his nightmare was approaching, and he was still dreaming of falsely destroying the country.

Finally, Xie Ai arrived at Dashan Pass before Hu Yanqun. "Dashan Pass strangles the main roads of Sichuan and Shu in the south, looks at Chang'an in the east, and blocks Rongdi in the west", which is regarded as the west gate of Guanzhong Plain.If you win Dashanguan, you can control the gates of Shu and Guanzhong, and if you win Shu and Guanzhong, you can win half of China.Therefore, since ancient times, Dasan Pass has become a battleground for military strategists.

At this time, there were only more than 600 auxiliary soldiers and more than [-] soldiers in Dasan Pass, less than [-] soldiers.Moreover, when Fu Jian retreated, he ransacked all the warehouses in Dasan Pass, especially the granaries, and even the mice couldn't help crying when they saw the granaries.

Six hundred soldiers defending Guanzhong Dasan Pass, even if all the personnel went there, they would not even be able to stand on the [-]-foot city wall, let alone follow-up support.

At this time, the biggest general of Dasanguan was Chang Fengen, a native of Fufeng County.Chang Fengen didn't have a name before, but his surname was Chang, and he was ranked ninth, Chang Ninth.When Ran Min first established Guanzhong, he adopted the strategy of the Guanzhong army protecting Guanzhong, recruiting children from good families or poor people in Guanzhong as soldiers.

Chang Jiu, who couldn't survive, went to join the army, but by accident, he became a county captain of Qishan County with only his two arms.The county lieutenant is also equivalent to the later county public security bureau chief and armed police squadron leader.Qishan was threatened by Zhang Fu's allied forces, and the gentry of Qishan County were afraid that they would be affected, so they spontaneously organized young men and family members to guard the county seat, but later found that Dashanguan was empty, so Chang Jiu volunteered to take over Dashanguan.

The drizzle was like weaving, which made Chang Fengen feel uneasy in his heart.At this moment, a black line appeared on the horizon, and the black line slowly began to expand. Chang Fengen was shocked, it turned out to be cavalry, boundless cavalry.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" Chang Fengen roared almost inhumanly: "Quickly ignite the five-color wolf smoke."

In a flurry, the city gate was closed and the suspension bridge was raised.

When Xie Ai saw the few people scattered on the top of the city, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Send a few soldiers with loud voices to shout, open the city and abandon it, spare them not to die, resist stubbornly, break through and slaughter the city!"

A fierce struggle was going on in Chang Fengen's head, whether to surrender or not.Chang Fengen said to the surrounding soldiers: "Brothers, what should we do?"

A veteran said: "I have five children, Your Majesty will give me a hundred acres of land!"

I didn't say anything about the rest.The first article of the military regulations of the Wei State, regardless of whether civil or military officials, retreat without an order, abandon the city and surrender, it is considered treason, family property is confiscated, and wives and daughters are misplaced.And in this martial arts country, deserters don't even want to stand up and be human.

Chang Fengen asked again: "What about you, what do you think?"

"They are all cavalry, can they still fly up?"

"That's right!" Chang Feng'en said, "As an official of the imperial court, I shall live and die with the city."

Chang Feng'en also secretly planned, seeking wealth and wealth, as long as he guards the city, even if it is symbolic, he will be reused in the future.

Seeing that no one surrendered on the city, Xie Ai smiled, "Attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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