Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 523 One Husband Should Be Closed

Chapter 523
Chapter 527
Xie Ai naturally wouldn't fight an uncertain battle. Although he was traveling lightly, at least he was carrying a light siege ladder.

Hundreds of soldiers who dismounted and turned into infantry carried ladders and rushed towards the city wall. At this time, the defenders on the city wall were about to counterattack, but they were shot by the cavalry behind them.

The Liang army's cavalry and infantry cooperated very skillfully. They were advancing, and as long as the defenders raised their heads, they didn't care.Hundreds of thousands of arrows, like dark clouds covering the sun, are very frightening.

In just a few feint attacks, the defenders suffered only a hundred casualties. As a not-so-elite force, the morale of these defenders was shaken.

Just when Chang Fengen was about to beg for his life, Hu Yanqun arrived. In fact, he only brought dozens of personal guards and more than a hundred cavalry.Ninety-nine percent of the nearly [-] cavalry were scattered. This is definitely a miracle in the history of marching.

When Chang Fengen heard that the Wei cavalry appeared, he was relieved.

When Xie Ai saw the cheers on the city wall, he knew that the reinforcements from the other side had arrived, and he didn't deliberately stick to it. For Xie Ai, it was the same whether he wanted to or not.

He simply didn't fight Hu Yanqun face to face, and ordered to retreat.

Speaking of Jiange, I have to mention Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang said that in Hande County, the road from the big sword to the small sword pass is 400 miles away, and the mountains are absolutely dangerous. .This is also the origin of Jiange Pass.Of course, from the Shu Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty when the road was changed to Jiamengguan Niutoushan Road, during these three to [-] years, Jiange was the throat channel of the Chengdu Basin, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan.

Sima Xun, of course, paid more attention to this important road in Yizhou, which was controlled by one man and not opened by ten thousand husbands.However, just as the old saying goes, the strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

The general guarding Jiange Sima Xun's department is Sima Xun's confidant Sima Jinyi's brother-in-law Yang Xu. Yang Xu became the Jiange guard not because of Jin Yi's relationship, but because Yang Xu is a relatively rare well-known under Sima Xun's command. generals.Yang Xu's leading army has a remarkable characteristic, that is, he would rather miss the opportunity of a battle than to underestimate the enemy and advance rashly.This person is more cautious than aggressive, and Sima Xun has always disliked him.Sending him to Jiange to guard the pass is also to keep out of sight and pure in heart.

Yang Xu regards his nephew as the general at the grassroots level, and the loyalty of the entire army is very high.Good training and equipment.Ordinarily, when meeting such a cautious general, Chu Suanzi had no chance of gaining control of this pass.However, Chu Suanzi has unimaginable influence among the gentry.

A squire in Jiange County named Ma Ke is a relatively well-known squire in Jiange County. In order to get local support and supply issues, Yang Xu usually has to deal with these squires.Ma Ke, who was in his fifties at the time, took a new concubine. It is said that taking a concubine is not like marrying a wife, and it will not be a big fan.But Ma Ke is a well-known iron cock in Jiange, so naturally he would not give up this opportunity to collect money and gifts.

As a local military officer, Yang Xu had no choice but to bring people to the banquet in person, and by the way gave him twenty pieces of brocade and [-] yuan.

Yang Xu didn't know that when he entered the Ma's mansion, he entered the wolf's den. There was a banquet, but it was a Hongmen banquet.The knives and axes ambushed in Ma's mansion surged up, even Yang Xu and all his sons, nephews, confidants and generals were all hacked and killed.In this way, the leaderless sword defenders took control of the Jiange very smoothly.Later, with the help of some gentry in Liangzhou, Zhang Zuo and other coalition forces also entered Jiange.

Of course, the pass of Jiange must not hold nearly [-] troops.So these coalition soldiers lay in ambush on both sides of the [-]-mile stretching mountain road from Dajian Pass to Jiange Pass.

Let Zhang Zuo give up the foundation of Liangguo and come to Yizhou, an unfamiliar place.It must be a lie to say that Zhang Zuo readily agreed.There is no way, Liangguo is a country, but his country is not the same as Weiguo, Liangguo is only a vassal state, although it is a de facto military and political self-contained system, de facto independent, but it still belongs to the Eastern Jin Dynasty in name lead.Like the Yan Kingdom before Murong Jun became emperor, Diqin and Dai Kingdom before Fu Jian became emperor, they were just vassal states of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

This has been the inferiority of the Chinese people since ancient times. It is called sacrificing face and suffering. As long as they profess to be ministers, they don't care about it. They get face in name, but they don't care about it without actual benefits.Although the actual control area of ​​the Eastern Jin Dynasty is not large, the Eastern Jin Dynasty is still regarded as a unified dynasty in Chinese history in history, which shows how much this spirit of Ah Q has a market.

In terms of difference, Liangguo is different from Yan, Dai, and Qin.They are the Han regime dominated by the Zhang family. The Zhang family and the local gentry hold the power in Liangguo. These people still respect the Eastern Jin Dynasty as the orthodox in the world. The central court is just a local government.Except for Zhang Zuo's confidants, everyone else obeyed the order of the Eastern Jin emperor.Looking at the attitudes of the gentry in Yizhou towards Sima Xun, and in the original history, the gentry in Ji, Yan, Luoyu and other places towards Ran Min, it can be seen that the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not lose the support of the gentry.Especially for the de facto vassal towns of the Han people, on the contrary, these gentry behaved very loyal, brave and good.

Not hesitating to destroy the family, but also to achieve the name of loyalty.

Under the threat of Mu Lang, Zhang Zuo had to obey Chu Suanzi's order, as long as he dared not to obey Chu Suanzi's order.Chu Suanzi will definitely change his face in an instant, declare Zhang Zuo a rebel, and call on all the gentry of Liang State, Xie Ai, and Fu Jian to attack him. Under the attack of Xie Ai, Fu Jian, and the Liang State gentry, Zhang Zuo has no chance of winning.And it will also fall into a rebellious infamy.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.After Zhang Zuo successfully entered Jiange, he immediately turned against the guest and successfully won the dangerous pass of Jiange. As long as he held the dangerous pass, Zhang Zuo would get the upper hand no matter against Sima Xun or Wei Guo.

Just after Zhang Zuo got Jiange, before Zhang Zuo came to his brain, he got the news that the forward of Dong Run's army had entered the Great Sword Pass.

Zhang Zuo is different from Xie Ai. He has suffered from Wei Guo's losses. Facing the No.1 in Wei Guojun, General Dong Run Zhang Zuo was a little scared.

But now that the sword is on the string, it has to be fired.Zhang Zuo has no room for help.While waiting anxiously, when the sun was about to set, Dong Run's army finally arrived late.

This is not to blame for the slowness of Dong Run's troops. Although their army is the elite of the Wei state, they transported too many supplies with the army. There are more than [-] vehicles of Xiangyang cannon parts alone, and there are also food and salt. And armor, weapons, naturally there are more than [-] crossbow arrows.There were more than [-] vehicles loaded with these things, and the entire army stretched back and forth for more than ten miles. The front soldiers reached Jiange Pass, and the rear troops just entered Dajian Pass.

According to Mu Lang's original plan, he was going to trick Dong Run into the customs, then close the door, and then close the door and fight enough. The Wei army who lost Dong Run would lose sight of the other and be in chaos.But the luck in this misfortune is that when Dong Run entered Shu, he was bumpy and windy and cold. He did not enter the city with the vanguard, but drove slowly with the Chinese army.

Wei Guo was passing through, and saw that the vanguard of the Wei army was about to enter Guanzhong with more than a thousand people. At this moment, something strange happened.A general of the Wei army found that these soldiers guarding the pass were obviously not like Sima Xun's army. The soldiers in Sima Xun's army were basically all Han Chinese, but Zhang Zuo's army had a certain number of Qiang people.Although the appearance of the Qiang people is not much different from that of the Han people, they have an obvious characteristic, that is, nomads are all meat eaters, and the smell of meat eaters is relatively strong.

This careful vanguard of the Wei army found something was wrong, so he deliberately stepped forward to strike up a conversation with the defenders.

Talking without talking, Zhang Zuojun showed his feet as soon as he spoke.Although there are obvious differences between the local dialect of Shuzhong and Liangzhou dialect, this Wei Jun striker is also bold, and directly takes the first shot, stepping forward to grab the door.

Zhang Zuojun, who was caught off guard for a while, was defeated by the vanguard of the Wei army who made a sudden attack.

Zhang Zuo, who was watching from behind, thought that the plot had been exposed, so he ordered all the soldiers to ambush.For a moment, the shouts of killing in Jiange pass were loud.

However, what Mu Lang never expected was that Dong Run and his ideas collided, and Dong Run also wanted to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and take Guancheng.

Fortunately, Wei Jun had already secretly ordered that he was always ready to take action and forcibly seize the pass.The killing shouts that appeared in front of him made Dong Run think that his plan to seize the sword pavilion skillfully had failed, so he should directly force his hands if he broke his face.

The two sides fought fiercely, arrows came and went, swords and guns collided, and the fight was very lively.Generally speaking, no one can do anything to anyone for a while.In ancient times, a very normal phenomenon occurred in combat, that is, the transmission of information was inconvenient, and the soldiers of the coalition army ambushed outside the city did not know what was going on.

Now Dong Run understood that Sima Xun had no good intentions.It is not terrible to have an ambush in the city, even if you lose more than a thousand vanguard troops in front, it will not have a great impact on Dong Run.However, there were ambushes and battles everywhere in the Thirty Mile Valley, which made Dong Run not calm.Although the Wei army fought bravely and was well-equipped, the most disadvantageous thing was that their terrain was too passive.

Under the condescending and sudden attack by a large number of coalition soldiers, even if the Wei army was prepared, the losses were very heavy, and the narrow and long valley made it impossible for Dong Run to form an upright army formation.Moreover, although Wei Jun is good at fighting, they have not received mountain training like white soldiers, so they are passive across the board for a while.

"General, the situation is not good now, what should we do?"

Dong Run looked at the direction of the wind and pondered: "We are too passive, we must seize a few hills, then stabilize our position, and then look for opportunities to fight out!"

Although the coalition forces existed, there were various contradictions, but Fu Jian was a very knowledgeable soldier, and when he saw that the Wei army was carrying so much equipment, Fu Jian's eyes were red at that time.

"We've made a fortune now, and the order continues, no one can use fire to attack, these grains will be of great use to the general!"

(End of this chapter)

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