Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 524 Not Everyone Can Become a Famous General

Chapter 524 Not Everyone Can Become a Famous General (Part [-])
Chapter 528 Not Everyone Can Become a Famous General

In troubled times, human life is as cheap as grass, as long as there is food, he, Fu Jian, can pull up a large army at any time.And there are ready-made armor and weapons here.

The strong generals Deng Qiang, Lu Guang, and Zhang Hao of Fu Jian's department took the lead. These experienced generals had extremely cunning eyes. They only picked up the weak defenses of the Wei army, and rushed down the mountain in a hurry to grab food and things.

Lu Guang hacked and killed several Wei soldiers in succession, and then pried open a large box.He found that there were neatly arranged horizontal knives inside, and when he pulled out the horizontal knives, the cold light made Lu Guang's eyes glow green.

It looked like the old virgin saw a top-quality woman, "Hey, it's really happening now, it's all a thousand swords."

Although Ran Ming plagiarized the horizontal knife that appeared in the Tang Dynasty, it is a pity that this name has not been recognized.On the contrary, this kind of horizontal knife, which is rarely left outside, has become the collection of those who like weapons or generals.They knew that this was a top-quality knife made of refined steel, and some people had done experiments out of boredom.

Deng Qiang also opened a box, and he got a complete set of steel armor from the assembly line. In fact, this kind of armor is made of molten steel refined by pouring steel, and then poured into molds and cooled.Every general likes this kind of high-quality steel armor. Having a steel armor means that their survivability on the battlefield has greatly increased.

There is a saying that people die for money, and birds die for food. When they discovered that Wei Jun had so many good things, the coalition forces suddenly went crazy and launched more violent attacks.

Seeing this situation, Dong Run thought that if he continued to resist, the entire army might be wiped out. Now they are no different than before. In the past, they all died. All armor and weapons were their lives. You can get a good supplement, but you only have one life.

Sure enough, Dong Run ordered to abandon the supplies, so the troops gathered to him.

Just after Wei Jun gave up resisting, Dong Run discovered something unexpected. These coalition soldiers had no one to chase them, but went madly to grab things.

In fact, these coalition forces were composed of Fu Jian, Wang Zhuo, Zhang Zuo, and the Jiange Jiangjun reorganized by Mu.Originally they were an alliance of interests, but now in the face of such a large amount of wealth, the binding force of the alliance has become weak.Everyone of the four families wanted more good things, and in order to get the seized supplies, they did not hesitate to fight on the battlefield.

Dong Run instead guarded the troops on three nearby hills, and Dong Run actually became a spectator on these hills.

However, when Mu Lang arrived at the scene and killed hundreds of coalition soldiers in a bloody manner, he deterred the coalition soldiers.Mu Lang promised Zhang Zuo and the others that the seized materials would be distributed according to the number of soldiers sent and their merits.After some heated quarrels, a settlement was finally reached.

As the coalition forces reached a settlement, Dong Run's situation became worse and worse.Although they occupy three hills, they can lean on each other and support each other, but their food and drinking water have become a big problem.If these two big problems are not solved, it will be too difficult for them to fight out alive.

Dong Run was not a person waiting to be killed with his arms tied, and he adopted the strategy of a strong man cutting his wrists. He ordered all the soldiers in the army to remove their armor as much as possible, and run away immediately with only their weapons.

Not to mention, without the burden of armor, Wei Jun could escape much faster.Fortunately, the coalition army is not the army in central Shu, and the geographical environment is equally unfamiliar.Therefore, there was no one-sided massacre in the pursuit of the battlefield.

Just as Dong Run fled for his life in a panic, the situation in Yizhou changed again. With the help of the gentry, Deng Xia, the vanguard of Huanwen, led [-] light cavalry and approached Chengdu.

However, what happened has nothing to do with Ran Ming.Ran Ming surrendered hundreds of dead prisoners from Wei State, and when he was about to order them to go to sea, he occupied Chengguo to grab food, when the bad news came.Xie Yi of Jiankang City is critically ill.Xie Daoyun who got the news said that he would go back to visit his father.

How could Ran Ming rest assured that Xie Daoyun would go back? He was still afraid that Chu Suanzi would put Xie Daoyun under house arrest and make her a hostage.But why did Ran Ming refuse, filial piety is a traditional Chinese etiquette, and unfilial piety is something that people are not ashamed of.If Ran Ming disagreed with Xie Daoyun going back to visit his father, it would be logically unreasonable.But Ran Ming was very worried about letting Xie Daoyun go back.

Ran Ming couldn't find a reason to refuse Xie Daoyun's departure.Although Xie Daoyun was likely to be taken hostage by Chu Suanzi, Ran Ming was not too worried.If Chu Suanzi took action to put Xie Daoyun under house arrest, it would completely force Chenjun Xie's family back.Ran Ming absolutely did not believe that the Xie clan, who owned nearly tens of thousands of land, would have no means of self-protection.

At this time, Ran Ming was able to withdraw from the road construction project.Under the encouragement of Ran Ming's triple policy of emphasizing profits, emphasizing names, and emphasizing righteousness, these craftsmen in Wei State began to develop at a high speed.Because of the system, the technical research team led by the master craftsman Wei Meng has formulated the quality standards for the cement engineering series.

Because of the existence of the system, Ran Ming hardly has to go to the construction site now. The craftsmen themselves know what they should do, how to do it, and how to do it.Ran Ming, who was used to holding it with his hands, was naturally liberated.

These craftsmen of the Wei State can open new cement factories, steel factories and lime factories step by step.In order to create new profits and taxes, Ran Ming also proposed the idea of ​​using cement to build houses.In particular, more than 300 model three-story small buildings sprang up from the ground, which made the merchants and gentry clans who controlled a lot of wealth in Wei State go crazy.

There is no way that since the Eight Kings Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, these northern Han people have suffered enough from the war.Especially when the Xiongnu, Jie, and Xianbei ruled the north, they didn't care whether you were a disciple of old officials all over the world, or whether you were a scholarly family or not, as long as you had what they liked, they would grab it directly.Don't look at the top giants with seven sects and five hopes, they are also sad and self-aware.

But the emergence of cement is different. This thing can be stronger than stone, and it can not be restricted by region. The most important thing is that this cement building seems to be impossible to break through with the current means. Even if you use a trebuchet for a long time, there is no effect No.And not afraid of fire attack.Just because of this, they are favored by these wealthy people who are more afraid of death when they get richer.

For their own lives, for their families and property and safety, these noble families and merchants purchased large quantities of cement and steel, and cement and concrete to build manors and houses.

Ran Ming saw the surge in orders, which directly gave birth to a new industry, real estate development.But before Ran Ming's idea could be realized, he received Dong Run's defeat from Jiange, and returned to Hanzhong with only 3000 people, almost losing all their armor and weapons.Although Ran Zhi succeeded in rebelling against the Jianghuai refugee commander, his plan to attack Pengcheng County failed.Because Ran Zhi's fate was not good, he met a ruthless person, a ruthless person who would risk his life and money.

This is also the result of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world flapping his little wings.Originally in history, Xi Yin was transferred to be the prefect of Linhai after the death of his father Xi Jian.He is in charge of Linhai, but Xi Yin has no intention of participating in politics and becoming an official. He spends his time in the county to cultivate his ambitions, is simple and silent, and does not affect his mind with things.

However, when Xun Xian was defeated by the Luan Guards for the first time, he wrote to Chu Suanzi in order to show his shame, preparing to recruit the refugees to form a new army.Chu Suanzi was afraid of repeating the mistakes of Huanwen Fanzhen, so he used Xi's influence in Xuzhou to use Xi Yin to check and balance Xunxian, so as to prevent Xunxian from dominating Xuzhou.

Under Chu Suanzi's order, Xi Yin took office.Because Xi Yin's father, Xi Jian, was the Taiwei of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and had been stationed in Xuyang and Yangzhou for more than ten years, there were many former students and old officials in Xuzhou.After these officials and gentry learned that Xi Yin had become the governor of Xuzhou, they brought gifts to renew the bond of incense, which was also to curry favor with their immediate superiors.

These officials and gentry all knew that Xi Yin liked property very much, so of course they would do what he liked.In this way, after Xi Yin took office, he collected tens of millions of money and a lot of treasures in Pengcheng in a short period of time.When Ran Zhi led the Jianghuai begging army to deceive Xuzhou city gate, the city officials persuaded Xi Min to leave.

Xi Min was distressed that these property could not be transferred, so naturally he refused to leave. He scolded all the officials in Pengcheng with righteous indignation: "As an official of the imperial court, he is responsible for guarding the land, how can he leave his post without authorization!"

Although these officials knew that Xi Yin's real reason was that he was unwilling to give up money.But it didn't point out that even when the refugee army had rushed to less than one mile of Xi's mansion, the followers were ready to forcibly resist and drive away Xi Yin.

But Xi Min is a ruthless man who would risk his life and money, so he pulled out his sword in an instant, put it on his neck and said: "Pengcheng has lost his hand, and he is willing to die for the country with his own body, and he will not retreat even if he dies!"

Xuzhou don't drive Li Hong saw that Xi Yin was determined not to leave, and he didn't dare to leave either.You must know that Xi Jian was the leader of the Nandu when he was dressed in clothes, and most of those who followed Xi Jian to the south and were taken care of by Xi Jian stayed in Xuzhou, and they gradually became influential gentry in Xuzhou.

Especially Li Hong, the original Xijian joined the army, and later Xijian was promoted to Taiwei, and he was a long history.Li Hong followed Xi Jian from the time when he quelled the Sujun Rebellion, and slowly accumulated military exploits to make a fortune. Although they are all noble gentry now, the integrity and loyalty of the ancients have not disappeared with the passage of time.Now that the former lord's son is here, they dare not escape alone.Under Xi Yin's soft grinding, Li Hong and others realized that in order to save Xi Yin's life, they must defeat these begging troops who attacked the city.

You must know that Xuzhou was the place of the Four World Wars. In history, more than 1000 wars were fought here, and more than 200 of them had great influence.As the place of the Four World Wars, Xuzhou's folk customs are also very sturdy.

Li Hong said to the crowd: "Now the benefactor's son is willing to live and die with Pengcheng, if we ignore the benefactor's son, how can we be called by others!"

As a result, all the officials and gentry in Xuzhou reached an unanimous agreement, and each brought their servants and servants to fight the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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