Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 525 Pulling the Family to Colonize

Chapter 525 Pulling the family to colonize (three more)

Chapter 529 Pulling the Family to Colonize

As a result, under the leadership of these gentry, the sturdy people in Pengcheng fought bravely against the enemies who invaded their homes.Although the various units of the begging army who attacked it by surprise occupied almost two-thirds of Pengcheng, but when all the people in Pengcheng were ruthless, the situation of the battle was reversed.

At daybreak, the various departments of the Qihuo Army finally couldn't resist the anger of the entire Pengcheng, and reluctantly withdrew from Pengcheng.Thus, it proved that Taizu's people's war was invincible.

Ran Zhi and the others fled back to Xiao County in disgrace. After counting, they were shocked. They actually left more than [-] people in Pengcheng, and even three or four of them did not escape.

Wei Guo is actually walking a tightrope, not only financially, but also militarily.The reason why Wei Jun's combat effectiveness is so strong is because Ran Min adopted the most advanced military system of this era instead of the Tuntian Army.If the Wei State wanted to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army, it had to ensure that the army's military salary was paid in a timely and sufficient amount. Once the military salary was backlogged or deducted, it was very likely to form a situation like the end of the Ming Dynasty, where the army had no fighting spirit and the soldiers had no fighting spirit.

As the Jiange was occupied by the coalition forces of the Jin State, the situation in Bashu further deteriorated, and Wei Guo's investment in Bashu and Sima Xun was all in vain.Not only was the early investment in vain, but more than [-] people from Dong Run's department were killed in battle, and there were also a large number of wounded.These dead soldiers need to be compensated, and the wounded need to be treated. This alone almost empties the treasury of Wei State.

As Xuzhou Pengcheng was almost lost and Xun Xian died, Chu Suanzi didn't care about the clan's power, and it was easy to form a situation that could not be lost. He ordered Sima Xi, the king of Wuling, to be the general of the town army, to supervise the military affairs of the second state of Xuzhou, and to lead the fourth battalion of Jiankang. Go north and enter Xuzhou.When Wei State fell into a passive situation, Sima Xun not only did not consume the military strength and national power of the Jin army, but also let Huan Wen in various places in central Shu, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Bashu gentry to gather against Sima Xun and rebel armies everywhere, he wanted to recruit and surrender Sima Xun's army and all kinds of troops. The strength of the Dayi Army and the Xifu Army did not decrease but increased.

Moreover, with the attack on Sima Xun's department like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the morale of Huanwen's Xifu army soared, and they completely moved towards the shadow of fearing the Wei army.If Sima Xun couldn't hold on for even a month, Huanwen's elite Xifu army would withdraw from Bashu and force Nanyang, Yuzhou from Xiangyang and Hanjiang.And Zhang Zuo, who has completely mastered Bashu, will also march into Hanzhong under the order of Chu Suanzi.

What made Ran Min even more uncomfortable was that with Zhang Zuo's retreat, the Liang Kingdom was formally unified. Once Xie Ai digested the unstable factors in the Liang Kingdom, the Liang army would definitely advance eastward.

In order to keep Guanzhong and resist Xie Aijun, Ran Min must maintain a large number of troops in Guanzhong.Ran Min is still short of money, food, and soldiers.

There is a saying in China that those who can do more work, Ran Min never thought of increasing taxes and income in Wei State, but handed everything over to Ran Ming, who is known as the boy of good fortune.Ran Min wrote a letter to Ran Ming, pouring out bitterness.

Ran Ming was also very helpless, the demise of the Ming Dynasty, in fact, the most important issue was the bankruptcy of the country's finances. If the country had the ability to deal with the disaster at that time, it would not have let the thieves spread everywhere, and then swept the world.

Ran Ming also imagined many ways to face Wei's financial difficulties.Especially the development of real estate, although the benefits will be huge, but this is not the future. Both the government and the people have a habit of building their own houses.And even if real estate development is adopted, due to productivity problems, cement production is still dominated by expressway construction, but the capital return cycle is too long, Ran Min can't wait, and Wei Guo can't wait.

If he wanted to get the fastest money and the most money, Ran Ming naturally thought of grabbing it.As a descendant of Ran Ming, as the ruling class of the Wei State, it is impossible for Ran Ming to be cruel to the Han people.But externally, it was different. Ran Ming didn't have a good impression of the Korean Peninsula, the Indochina Peninsula, or the four islands of Luzon and Wa, and ran Ming didn't feel any burden in robbing them.

Although Ran Ming has no burden to plunder wealth, he still wants to maximize his profits.

I also want Wei Guo to have enough money and food immediately to deal with threats from the Jin Dynasty, Dai, and Liang.Now the state of Wei is not without money, nor is it without food. Regardless of the merchant class or the gentry, they all have a lot of food and wealth. If they are willing to give generously, the crisis of the state of Wei will definitely be easily resolved.

Ran Ming pondered silently in the study, how can the nobles and merchants voluntarily contribute money and food?

Just when Ran Ming was at a loss, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his head, and he suddenly had an idea.

Financial problems are a major problem for a country.Now that Wei Guo is facing the situation, there are not many paths for Ran Min to choose.Unlike those leaders of the peasant uprising, Ran Min relied on ethnic conflicts and succeeded in ascending to power like Zhu Yuanzhang. Unfortunately, Ran Min did not have the thick-faced and black-hearted comrades of Old Zhu, let alone the endless political methods of Old Zhu.

Except for the moment when the "Killing Hu Order" was just promulgated, Ran Min successfully regained the hearts of the people, the army, and the hearts of the people by relying on the wealth he obtained from robbing Shihu and expropriating him. He also used this wealth to arm his troops.In order to gain the support of the people, Ran Min had no choice but to treat those soldiers who accompanied him in the north and south, as well as those ordinary people.

But if you want to unify the world and stabilize the rule of Wei Guoran, you must have a huge economic foundation.Hitting the local tyrants to divide the land is simply not advisable in this era. Doing so will only push the gentry and the landlord class to the opposite.However, Wei's financial problems have deteriorated to the point where they must be resolved.

It is certainly a way to support war with war.But the biggest problem with doing this is that you can only win, not lose. If you fail, you will be like King Chuang, even if you have a million troops, you will collapse in an instant.

It is impossible for Ran Ming to rob the gentry, be it the gentry of the Wei state, the gentry of the Jin state, or the Liang state, they all have countless talents and intellectuals, of course they may not need them to conquer the world, but they cannot be governed without them .Although Ran Ming has made a talent reserve, it takes at least ten years of hard work for these people to become the backbone.Ran Ming quickly thought of a way, that is to plunder.

The rise of a nation is the rise of a nation's bones.The successful rise of Japan's Yamato nation is due to the great victory of the Russo-Japanese War, and then the huge war dividends of the Sino-Japanese War.If the state of Wei wants to rise, it must adopt this kind of method, this kind of development process.

Through Sima Xun's series of encounters in Bashu, Ran Ming also saw how huge the energy of the desperate gentry in this era is.Even if Sima Xun and Ran Ming were to switch positions, Ran Ming would never find a way to turn the tide.Therefore, this gentry cannot easily be offended, and must find ways to weaken or eliminate it.

Coincidentally, Ran Ming organized an expeditionary army to occupy the city, although this expedition team, which relies on death row prisoners, bandits and hooligans, can have the strength to defeat those small countries in the Indochina Peninsula.However, it cannot maximize the ultimate colonial benefits.But it's different to bring those gentry, they all have too many talents, they can farm there, and they can also rob various materials.

So Ran Ming wrote down his idea.The first step is to establish Weiguo Zhongnan Development Corporation.The Zhongnan Development Company adopts a joint-stock system. Ran Ming first used his reputation for being good at financial management to attract those aristocratic families and giant businessmen, and used their equity participation funds to raise the company's start-up funds.Thirdly, it is to give full play to the human and material advantages of the major gentry families in the Wei state. Ran Ming is responsible for market development, and the gentry use their advantages to farm overseas and develop resources.Merchants are in charge of sales.In this way, it has become a one-stop industry of plundering, exploiting, and distributing filth.

In doing so, Ran Ming can actually get some benefits. The first is to ease the conflict with the gentry group.After all, the gentry is also a huge interest group. They only have interests in their eyes, and because of interests, Ran Ming can unite with them.In the short term, Ran Ming can gain many allies in Wei.The second is to ease the land annexation of the Wei State. It must be known that the rice in Champa is not only cropped twice a year, but also has a high yield, and Champa also has too many fertile fields.Even after deducting the freight for sea transportation, the cost of these productions is far lower than that of Wei's fertile land that yields more than one stone per mu.

The second is that the interests of the indigenous nobles and tribal leaders on the Indochina Peninsula that the Zhongnan Development Company violated will naturally arouse their resistance. Ran Ming needs to establish a guard. These guards are not only to protect the assets and interests of the Zhongnan Company, but also to At that time, Ran Ming, who mastered these guards, could pull up a well-trained, well-equipped, and experienced army in a short period of time.

After Ran Ming put these ideas on paper, he began to distribute heroic stickers, calling on all the nobles and merchants to join his Zhongnan Development Company.

The Zheng family in Xingyang, like many gentry families, gradually divided into two branches, the Southern Sect and the Northern Sect.The Southern Sect is different from the Northern Sect. The Zheng family of the Northern Sect is a Wei State gentry who was close to Ran Min in the early days.As a wealthy family that has risen since the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Zheng family is also full of talents.For example, Zheng Xi, the governor of Luozhou in Wei State, who was born in An Yuan Tang (the ancestor was An Yuan Hou Zheng Ji, the first guard of the Western Han Dynasty and the Western Regions), took Lu Hu to the Eastern Jin Dynasty when he rebelled against Wei State.Zheng was loyal to the state of Wei and was beheaded in Jiankang by the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The current head of the Zheng family is Zheng Huo, the fifth grandson of Zheng Hun.Perhaps it was because of Zheng Hun's relationship. Zheng Hun was a master craftsman of the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms period. The Zheng family has always been not very resistant to business, and the metallurgy and various manufacturing industries under Zheng's name accounted for half of the entire family's income.

When Ran Ming auctioned off his various patented technologies, Mrs. Zheng spared no expense to buy them.Under the three-guarantee after-sales service of Ran Ming sending technology to the door, including teaching, including production, and including solving technical problems, the papermaking, printing and dyeing, and printing purchased by Zheng's were all produced smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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