Chapter 527
Chapter 531

When Wang Sanhe ran out, he took advantage of the chaos to grab a cart of grain.This is his initial capital. In troubled times, life is as cheap as grass, and many people follow Wang Sanhe as bandits in order to survive.

Since Yan State occupied Zhongshan County, in order to wipe out the main force of the Wei army as soon as possible, Yan State naturally did not leave troops to garrison Zhongtong. At this time, Zhongshan, which was in a state of anarchy, unexpectedly became Wang Sanhe's paradise.Wang Sanhe led the bandits to rob the surrounding small villages that the Yan army did not take into account, and harvested a large amount of food and followers.

In this way, from the beginning of the second year of Yongxing to the end of the fourth year of Yongxing, in less than two years, Wang Sanhe has developed from a dozen people to five or six thousand troops, and he is a well-known bandit in Zhongshan County.

At this time, Wang Sanhe's ambition changed again. He didn't want to be just a bandit king, but wanted to recruit security.He was not optimistic about Ran Min, so he actually sent someone to contact Yan State, and was appointed by Yan King Murong Jun as the prefect of Yan State Zhongshan, loyal and righteous.

Wang Sanhe, who first repaid the beauty of power, naturally wanted to go further, so Wang Sanhe acted as the lackey of Yan State, helping to kill, wantonly massacred the Han volunteers who dared to resist Yan State, it can be said that his hands were covered with Han blood.Yan State fell, Wei State pacified the area, and Wang Sanhe's gangsters naturally had no way to resist Wei State's elite troops.The troops were dispersed and Wang Sanhe was captured.

Later in the death row camp, Wang Sanhe gathered a group of desperadoes around him relying on his bravery and ruthlessness.

A crowd of bandits surrounded Wang Sanhe in the boathouse and said, "Tell me, tell me, what task will we have this time?"

"The task is very simple." Wang Sanhe said with a smile: "The nobleman said, as long as we conquer there, let us be exonerated. Not only will we be exonerated, but we will also be able to return home!"

"It is said that Champa's combat power is not very good!" A gangster with a vicious face said, "Give me 100 people, and within a month, I will occupy the palace for you and make you king!"

When Wang Sanhe heard this, he swung his mouth wide, "Your mother, you want to kill me!"

At this time, the gangster hurried outside to have a look, and found that no one was eavesdropping, so he said to Wang Sanhe: "Handle, be safe!"

However, Wang Sanhe's ambition was aroused again at this time, and he remembered what Ran Ming said to him when Ran Ming recruited him just now: "When you go out this time, you are going to be a conqueror, just eight words, follow it All prosper, and those who rebel will perish. Occupy a place and subdue them into the army. You don’t have to worry about stabilizing the place, just conquer it.

Among the pioneering team of nearly 500 people, Wang Sanhe is just one of them. There are many people like Wang Sanhe. They all want to rely on this opportunity to live a better life.

However, it is almost 3000 kilometers away from Champa, and the speed of the sail-powered transport ship is five knots per hour. Even if it does not stop day and night, it will take more than a month.However, it is a pity that Ran Ming's journey was not smooth.These northern gentry personnel are not used to ocean sailing at all, and they vomit as soon as they go to sea, and the whole ship smells like swill.

What's more difficult is that many people vomited and vomited, and became seriously ill or died on the road. Just after resisting the South China Sea Basin, Ran Ming lost nearly 100 stewards and accountants. Fortunately, these were not Ran Ming's people. How distressed.

After one wave was not calm, another wave rose again. Just when Ran Ming wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, they encountered a strong typhoon.The entire fleet lost three large ships, and even Qilinwei also lost more than [-] people, which made Ran Ming feel like a knife was twisted.

However, Ran Ming didn't realize that under the disturbance of the typhoon, they actually deviated from the route, and instead of reaching Champa, they arrived at Luzon Island.

If you want to say who Ran Ming is the most ruthless, Little Japan is the first, but the Luzon monkeys can also advance.Once it comes, it will be safe. Ran Ming didn't let the fleet adjust its route and continue to march towards Champa, but prepared to conquer the first stop first.

Ran Ming sent people to surround the Luzon islands in small boats, looking for a place suitable for large ships to dock, and the results went well. Ran Ming found a harbor where large ships could dock. Ran Ming pointed to this natural good harbor and said: "Here Be sure to occupy it, it will be our transit point for going south in the future, this harbor is good, as long as it is repaired a little, it can become a permanent port!"

Ran Ming didn't have satellite positioning, so he didn't know that the first stop he arrived was Manila Bay in later generations. When he entered the port, Ran Ming and the others didn't encounter any enemies.

But Ran Ming didn't dare to be careless. Ran Ming asked Qilin Guard to build a battle camp according to the wartime, with camps, fences, trenches, watchtowers, horse repelling, and traps.Seeing Ran Ming's appearance as if he was facing an enemy, these gentry and business managers were also afraid. Although they were only representatives, they all had a high status in the family. Liu Gui.These major representatives all came to Ran Ming's camp and asked for Ran Ming's protection.

Ran Ming had no choice but to let them live.

Ran Ming was not idle, but led the Qilin Guard to scout the terrain. The more Ran Ming observed this natural harbor bend, the more familiar he felt. Although Ran Ming was the boss of Yecheng in later generations, his influence also covered Many countries in Southeast Asia, Manila also often travel.

Ran Ming was finally sure that this was Manila.But at this time Manila is definitely not occupied by Spanish colonial troops, and there will be no Spaniards here.Ran Ming said to the guard: "Go back!"

After returning to the camp, Ran Ming summoned the members of the pioneering team. "Your task now is not to kill, but to arrest people, and you must arrest men, young and strong men. If you want to build a city here, you need labor. The more the better!"

After a night of no dreams, in the morning of the next day, nearly [-] members of the pioneering team began to scout and attack in all directions. Less than fifteen miles away from the natural port, a tribe of about a thousand people appeared.

When encountering an invader suddenly, the warriors of these tribes will naturally not wait to die. Under the leadership of a strong middle-aged man with various bones hanging on his body and a white ghost painting on his face, more than [-] warriors of the tribe hold Primitive weapons such as bamboo spears, stone axes, and wooden bows were aimed at these pioneering team members.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whohe and the others didn't understand a word, let alone them. The Philippines has never been independent at all. It was originally a colony of Spain. Spain ruled here for more than 300 years. Later, in 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out and Spain was defeated. Spain's rule was harnessed here.Changed to an overseas territory of the United States.This is why the official language of the Philippines is not Spanish, but English.Even now, the Philippines is still a lackey of the United States.

Even if the communication fails, let's make a real mark with your fists and feet.

Wang Sanhe also doesn't know how to arrange troops. In the past, he always rushed forward in battles without leaving any behind. He either won or lost.

"Brothers, go, kill them!" Wang Sanhe rushed up quickly, holding a big round shield in one hand and a gun in the other.The gangsters around him were not willing to lag behind.

The battle was very funny. Wang Sanhe and the others descended like tigers and rushed up. These indigenous warriors resisted for a while, but when they found that they were invincible, they scattered in a swarm.Wang Sanhe and other members of the pioneering team followed the defeated natives to catch up.

After chasing them for a short time, they came to the camp of the natives. Not many people were killed, and the whole tribe surrendered just like that.

Even with gestures and gestures, the wizards and leaders of this tribe automatically donated their treasures, such as large pieces of natural dog head gold, a whole basket of various gems, and a bone staff that symbolized the power of the tribe.

Soon Wang Sanhe and the others returned with a full load of prisoners and seized supplies.But the gangsters didn't know what was going on in their heads, and they brought back some bundles of sugarcane.There are also coconuts and mangoes. Although sugar cane was introduced to China from Nanyang during the Zhou Dynasty, it was artificially planted in large quantities after the Song Dynasty. Now, these three things are all unfamiliar things.

Although they don't understand, Ran Ming knows that sugar cane contains much more sugar than beet, and it can not only be made into sugar, but also can be eaten directly.

As soon as Cui Fangcheng, Cui's manager, saw the sugar cane, coconuts, and mangoes, he ordered people to quickly load them into the ship, preparing to sell them for a good price. The representative said: "Our Zhongnan Company must first establish an overseas branch. Here, a port, a city and a dock will be built. I won't explain the functions alone, but you understand it anyway. First of all, we must build a strong city and a port. , Open up a place in the city, dedicated to the commercial area."

The personnel sent by these gentry representatives are all elite personnel. After the tasks are assigned, they will start to break ground by catching strong men and quarrying stones.

At this time, in order to balance the big families, Ran Ming began to mobilize the stewards and tents of the big gentry to build a large-scale manor, let people go to enclose the land, and use the local aborigines to grow sugar cane, grain, and rubber.Sugar cane is a good thing. Not only can sugar be made, but the slag can also be made into paper. More importantly, there are a large number of natural rubber trees here.Although Ran Ming still has no way to utilize the rubber, it is still possible to manufacture solid tires with no technical content and more powerful incendiary bombs.

Luzon is a treasure island, and there are a lot of spices and various resources here. If it is not developed, Ran Ming will definitely be sorry for his status as a time traveler.

Of course, relying on Ran Ming's own strength will certainly not be able to do it, but the joining of these gentry is different, they are the least lack of talents.Under the management of experienced farm stewards, the land of these large-scale manors has been enclosed.After enclosing the land, they began to form a village protection team, and the village protection team was to let those more obedient natives act.Ran Ming gave them better living conditions than ordinary aborigines. These aborigines who have no nationality and no national concept naturally follow Ran Ming's orders.Then let the Zhuangzhuang team trained by Qilinwei go to catch the strong men.

(End of this chapter)

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