Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 528 Kill Hu Wancheng My Name

Chapter 528

Chapter 532
In fact, the combat effectiveness of these newly trained Zhuangzhuang teams is scumbag. Let alone encountering strong troops like Wei Jun and Liang Jun, even the same number of Jin troops can definitely abuse them.However, these village guards, who only know some simple formations, can easily defeat the same number of indigenous armed forces.

Ran Ming didn't intend to improve the combat effectiveness of these indigenous village guards. It was enough to defeat the same number of indigenous armed forces.Ran Ming's investment in the village guard team was almost negligible. They were uniformed in burlap black and strong samurai uniforms, and each of them held a Zhangba long spear.Why equip long guns is mainly a matter of cost.Among all the cold weapons, only the spear is the cheapest. The seven-inch long three-edged spear head only costs half a catty of crude steel, which is much cheaper than spears, lances, knives, and swords.

Even the cheapest long spear can easily destroy the wooden and bamboo spears armed by the aborigines.

Secondly, these Yu Qingzhuang guards are slaves with the lowest status in these indigenous tribes. They have been exploited by tribal leaders and nobles, and they have no loyalty to these leaders and the tribe.But it is different for Ran Ming. In order to let these guards do their best, Ran Ming took great pains, not only announcing that they are warriors, but also allowing them to own their own property. The Zhuang team's food is provided in open quantities.Although it is not a big meal, at least it can make them full.

The first batch of the village protection team formed by the village protection team has 1000 people. The first battle after the formation of the village protection team is to surround a tribe built on the mountain. This indigenous tribe is one of the largest tribes on Luzon Island. It has seven to eight thousand people of men, women and children.Of course, this tribe is still a very primitive slavery tribe, and it also pursues the tradition of all people being soldiers.

The leader of the village protection team is also an aborigine, this man who looks as strong as a gorilla was appointed by Ran Ming as Mount Tai.Taishan is also illiterate and cannot speak Chinese, so he naturally does not know the art of war.After coming to this tribe, Taishan didn't do anything to boost morale before the battle, he just roared and rushed into the tribe with his head and gun in hand.

In fact, it's not that Taishan didn't boost morale, it's just that the small officials who followed didn't understand these indigenous languages ​​at all.Taishan told the members of the village protection team: "If you want to have enough to eat, you will work hard. If you dare to retreat and fail to move forward, you will be burned to death!"

The battle was simply beyond people's imagination. Taishan stabbed six enemies to death by himself, and as a result the whole tribe surrendered directly.From the beginning of the battle to the end, only one hour passed, and within one hour, he ran for more than 20 miles.

In the most typical litter, the entire tribe is rushed to the harbor by the village guard team like cattle and sheep, where they will be the first batch of coolies.

With the coolies of more than 3000 people, the city can finally be built.The quarrying of quarrying, the mixing of mud and mud, and the digging of foundations, in short, the first step is opened.

The first time went very smoothly, and none of the captured slaves resisted.Ran Ming doesn't know, these primitive indigenous tribes have a very difficult survival. They rely on primitive weapons, not only to find food in every possible way, but also to fight against the sky and nature. They are facing the threat of death every moment .But follow Ran Ming to build the city, at least they still have food to eat, so they won't starve to death.

At this time, Qilin Guard, who tried to expand the scope of the reconnaissance, brought back news, which made Ran Ming smile even more bitterly.

On Luzon Island, not only do they have no fields at this time, but all the tribes don’t know how to farm. They still make a living by fishing and hunting.Although the food here is constant throughout the year, it cannot be eaten by everyone. Such accidents will naturally occur. Even the sugar cane, mango, and banana trees are wild.Therefore, these tribes are often threatened with starvation and death.

For slave labor and ordinary people, this is not only a violation of dignity, but also physical torture.But for these captured slave laborers, they seem to have lived a life like heaven.Although I'm tired every day, at least I don't have to go hungry or worry about getting scared.As long as you are obedient, not only will you not be beaten, but you may also be promoted to a foreman.

To become a foreman is not an easy task. First of all, you must be smart, not only able to speak and write Chinese proficiently, but at least be able to understand the thoughts of noble people.In this case, the big ghost stands out.The big ghost is a slave with no surname or name. He accidentally heard the nobleman say that the big (ghost) is expensive, so he named himself the big ghost.

The big ghost learns Chinese very hard, and he learns it very quickly.Gradually, the big ghost learned the idioms of Chinese.A big ghost who can only speak a few words of Chinese is promoted to a low-level foreman.The big ghost who has learned Chinese feels superior to those around him.Even the leaders and patriarchs who were originally aloof came over to curry favor with him.

In order to please the Han people in charge of the construction site, the big ghost beat people mercilessly with the bamboo whip in his hand. As long as anyone dared to move a little slower, his whip would fall like raindrops.

With the help of countless big ghosts, the construction progress of the entire city was very fast. In just a dozen days, with the labor of nearly [-] slave workers, a small city with a circumference of more than ten miles was built in Manila Bay.

With sufficient management personnel, Ran Ming didn't have to worry about building the city at all.Ran Ming is now trying to extract the rubber.For this era, rubber is a strange thing, and there is no refining technology at all.Ran Ming couldn't even make a shoe sole, not to mention making the tires of later generations.

Although there was no way to refine it, Ran Ming took the initiative to enclose all the large-scale ambition rubber trees and make them his own private property.Facing Ran Ming's frenzied enclosure, these gentry stewards sighed secretly: "This Jiaodong king's head is broken, how can he enclose such useless wood?"

Although no one understood Ran Ming's intentions, the managers sent by these gentry and merchants, with excellent craftsmen, began to explore mineral resources. Coal, iron ore, and copper mines are all state-owned properties in Wei, and private mining is serious. criminal behavior.No, these gentry and merchants began to follow Ran Ming to occupy mines overseas.

As time went by, these gentry stewards gradually discovered some gold mines, copper mines, and iron mines.These shrewd managers deliberately avoided Ran Ming's eyeliner and mined without permission.

After Ran Ming knew about this, he said to these managers: "Under the whole world, is it the king's land, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers. You can open mines, but you must pay taxes!"

"Pay taxes!" Hearing that Ran Ming wanted to collect taxes, whether these gentry were in charge or businessmen were in charge, they had already been mentally prepared. Even if Ran Ming didn't collect taxes, they would give Ran Ming a certain degree of dry shares.

On behalf of Zheng Jian, the Zheng family said: "His Royal Highness King Jiaodong, I don't know how to collect this tax and how much?"

Ran Ming said: "Treat everyone equally, let's charge [-]% for all! There are two ways to collect this tax. The first is to estimate the reserves of the mine, which is [-]% of the total reserves, and the other is [-]% of the annual mining volume!"

Zheng Jian thought about it, and estimated that there is a risk, either to make a lot of money, or to lose a lot.The safest way is to collect it on an annual basis. You must know that when a gold mine is opened, it is gold, and that is money. With money, the Zheng family can grow and develop.

The people who came out of the development company for the first time were empty-handed, and even the weakest family got some mines more or less.They agreed unanimously with Ran's idea of ​​collecting [-]% ​​tax next year.

"What's more, your eyes should be farther away, don't just stare at your eyes!" Ran Ming said coldly: "If anyone dares to deceive the superiors and the inferiors, evade taxes and evade taxes, the lighter ones will be fined ten times and the mining rights will be cut off. Seriously, they ransacked the family and exterminated the family. If anyone wants to know whether Gu's knife is sharp, you can give it a try!"

"I can't wait!"

"Don't dare to be the best!" Ran Ming said: "I don't want to raise my sword against you one day!"

However, the process of colonization cannot be smooth sailing. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.As more and more tribes were eradicated by the village guards, all the young and strong were captured, and the remaining tribal leaders were in danger.Although they don't have any allusions to death, at least they understand that if they don't resist, they will eventually be deprived of power and reduced to lowly slaves.

Under such circumstances, the anti-Wei alliance on Luzon Island was slowly established.

More than 100 large and small tribes formed a powerful anti-Wei alliance.These anti-Wei militants are mainly Luzon indigenous people with the highest level of civilization, the Ifugao people who are half-farming and half-fishing and hunting, followed by the Tajialuolu and Ilok people.The coalition army of nearly 10 people began to march towards Ran Ming's newly named Fubo City.

Ran Ming started to pay more attention to the news of the village guard team being ambushed, but when he learned that nearly 10 people surrounded Fubo City in a fan shape, Ran Ming was also taken aback.

In the past, the Zhuangzhuang Team and the Pioneering Team wiped out seven to eight thousand people from the largest tribes, and only a few hundred people from the small tribes, but suddenly there were 8000 troops, which made Ran Ming feel a little headache.At this time, he didn't have many troops in his hands. Although the number of the village guard team had expanded to more than [-] people, the village guard team with low combat effectiveness, Ran Ming could defeat them with fifty Qilin guards.As for the pioneering team, their combat effectiveness is not very good. They are best at melee and chaotic battles, but such a large-scale war seems to be of limited use for the pioneering team.

There are only five hundred Qilin guards that Ran Ming can rely on and can rely on.Each of these Qilin Guard members is Ran Ming's heart and soul.Ever since Ran Min became wary of Ran Ming, Ran Ming took this Qilin Guard as his officer to teach the brigade to train.Not only did he teach them martial arts and tactics, Ran Ming also personally taught them how to arrange troops and command them to fight.After Ran Ming's hard training, these members of the Qilin Guard have the ability to become a song, and their individual abilities are not inferior to Ran Ming's five personal descendants.

(End of this chapter)

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