Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 529 Pre-Qin survivors living in Luzon

Chapter 529 Pre-Qin Survivors Living in Luzon (Part [-])
Chapter 533 The Remnants of the Pre-Qin Dynasty Living in Luzon

In fact, these Qilin Guards and Qiming Shuming are Ran Ming's real trump cards. If Ran Ming needs it, he can play [-] songs in an instant, and he doesn't have to worry about the loyalty of his soldiers.In just three months, these [-] songs can initially meet his requirements, and they can be as commanding as his arm.

"This is driving ducks to the shelves!" Ran Ming couldn't help but sigh.Losing a Qilin Guard is like gouging out a piece of flesh from Ran Ming's body.

But there is no way now, if these anti-Wei armed forces are not defeated, Ran Ming's Zhongnan Development Company will be blind in the first step.

Now that you have no choice, you have to fight!

Five hundred riders fight against one hundred thousand, such a commander is not a lunatic, but also a fool.In fact, Ran Ming is not stupid. In this world, ten thousand enemies are too few. To attack more with less is actually to attack the heart.Just like the Battle of Feishui, the sentence that the Qin army was defeated, and Fu Jian's commanding flag moved back, became the last straw that overwhelmed Fu Jian's million-strong army.

If it was fought with real swords and guns, Di Qin's million-strong army would stand there motionless, and if they were tired, they would be exhausted, or 10 Beifu soldiers would die of exhaustion.Similarly, relying on Ran Ming's [-] Qilin Guards, they couldn't kill [-] people.But [-] Qilin Guards can easily defeat the confidence of a [-] army.Also like Gao Changgong, the king of Lanling in the Northern Qi Dynasty, he defeated the one hundred thousand Yuwen Wei army with five hundred.

On the battlefield, there is no persuading to surrender, and there is no scolding. If there are more than 10 people, it will be boundless. If there are [-] people, it will be boundless.

The [-] anti-Wei allied forces began to slowly advance towards Fubo City. Instead of attacking or feinting, they surrounded the city on three sides, overwhelming them in one fell swoop, not even leaving a single reserve team behind.

The 10 people put great pressure on Fubo City, Zheng Jian's face turned pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Many gentry managers were also frightened and their hearts were pounding.As far as the expression is normal, it is only Liu Yuan and the stewards of the merchants.Zheng Jian tremblingly said: "Butler Liu, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Liu Gui asked with a faint smile.

"There are 10 people outside!" Zheng Jian said, "They just punch each of them, and we can't even leave a single scumbag!"

"Our uncle said that war is not about fighting for numbers. If there are many people, we can win. Whatever we fight, standing there directly is better than killing people!" Liu Gui said: "Besides, our uncle will not lose."

Just when Zheng Jian wanted to refute Liu Gui, Ran Ming gave the order: "Qilin Guard, the trinity of heaven and earth will attack!"

The so-called three-talent formation of heaven and earth is actually the tactic that the Qilin Guards are most accustomed to using. Facing strong enemies, they use one attack and two defenses. Facing weak enemies, they become an inverted triangle, two attacks and one defense.During the training, I didn't actually guard. The so-called guard was just making up the knife.The attacker did not kill the enemy, and the defender just stepped forward to make up the knife.If you carefully observe Ran Ming's three talents formation, you will find that the main attacker will never be fixed, and if A and B represent three people, it means that after A makes a shot, he defends his position, B starts to attack, and then C.A, B, and C take turns to attack and guard in turn. In fact, it is to maintain sufficient physical strength, and everyone has a space to breathe.

Although Ran Ming doesn't have much money in his pocket now, and it is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, he is still a well-known rich man in the world.The Qilin Guard's equipment is undoubtedly the most advanced equipment of this era.Moreover, Qilinwei's war horse is a Xiji horse bought by Ran Ming with a lot of money. The Xiji horse is second only to the top sweat-blooded BMW. It has good endurance, strong assault power, and strong explosive power. wooden spears and stone knives.Cavalry assault guns, horizontal knives, horse crossbows, folding steel shields, long and short daggers, and six small and short spears around the necks of each man and horse. Such equipment made Ran Min's personal guards far inferior.

Following Ran Ming's order, the five hundred cavalry formed a semicircular cavalry formation.

Then, like one person, they raised the crossbows in unison. Facing the aboriginal armed forces without armor, the lethality of the Ma Gong crossbow can extend to more than 120 steps. The fast enemy fell in response.There is no pause, and then the arrow is drawn, stringed, and fired, all in one go, without delay.

At 23 breaths, five hundred arrows rained in six rounds, and at least two thousand enemy troops were shot and killed.For these two thousand enemies, each arrow wound is the deadliest throat. Even if they are fully armored, the neck is destined to have the weakest defense.

Get ahead and win first.

Just when the morale of the [-] anti-Wei allied forces was frustrated, Qilinwei, led by Ran Ming, started the assault.A group of three cavalry, and a small formation of nine cavalry, the most powerful impact of the cavalry is the assault without gaps.

The most lethal attack method of the cavalry is to rely on the impact of the horse galloping at high speed.The gapless assault is the fierce attack method of the cavalry.And this cavalry combat method was invented by the world-famous military commander Napoleon.Five hundred Qilin guard cavalry, with 36 cavalry in the front as a row, and [-] teams in depth, there are no more and no less between each row of cavalry, and the interval between each row of cavalry is only a few feet. Ran Ming's Qilin Guards were as good as the French light cavalry, with an apple sandwiched between the two cavalry, it would neither fall nor shatter.Even so, it is enough to deal with these indigenous armed forces.Under the leadership of Ran Ming, the cavalry assault guns in the hands of the first row of Qilin guards stabbed fiercely at the panicked indigenous armed personnel.Just after the cavalry rushed into the enemy's formation, the cavalry's assault gun, which was more than two feet long, was useless for heroes in the dense crowd.At this time, the Qilin Guard didn't stop, and threw away the cavalry assault gun, picked up the horizontal knife instead, and started to kill with right and left.The [-] Qilin Guards rushed into the flock like [-] crazy heads, killing the indigenous armed forces and fleeing in all directions.

In fact, the number of people killed by the Qilin Guards was not too many, not even a single one, but these indigenous armed forces collided with each other, trampled each other, and suffered heavy casualties. Therefore, the soldiers of the Anti-Wei Alliance who killed each other were actually Qilin Wei is several times as many.

These tribal leaders were simply stunned by the terrifying fighting power of the Qilin Guards. Many people even forgot to run, and they don't blame them. After all, they are just a group of barbarians. It is also a loose primitive tribe.The wars between them were mainly gang fights, not even as fierce as Ran Ming's gang fights in later generations.

On the battlefield, Qilin Guard's charge has long since stopped.Due to the language barrier, these indigenous armed forces did not know what to do even if they wanted to beg for peace. The Qilin Guards did not understand the native language they spoke.

At this moment, a self-bound man suddenly appeared in front of Ran Ming's horse. Like other Luzon natives, this man had dark skin and no accessories on his body. A mess of paint.

However, Ran Ming understood his words to some extent. This is not an indigenous language, but Chinese, not the traditional Mandarin of the Central Plains. It is a bit like Hokkien, and a bit like Hakka, maybe it is a mixture of Hakka and Cantonese.

In later generations, Ran Ming is the big boss of Yecheng. As a gangster in line with the world, he is actually a huge consortium.Because of his amateur relationship, Ran Ming often had close contact with gang members in Taiwan and Hong Kong.Although Ran Ming can't speak Hokkien and Cantonese fluently, at least he can understand them.

No matter what he meant, Ran Ming always wanted to ask clearly.Ran Ming asked in Hokkien dialect, "Who are you?"

Seeing the man's bewildered expression, Ran Ming used Hong Kong Cantonese again, but it also had no effect.Ran Ming suddenly remembered that the official Cantonese of later generations is actually Putonghua in the Cantonese family, which is completely different from native Cantonese.Not only the pronunciation is different, but many meanings are also different.Ran Ming then asked in vernacular: "Who are you!"

This time the man was so happy that he knelt down on the ground.

The man howled and cried, seeing the seven-foot-tall man crying like a child, Ran Ming felt inexplicably sad.

Then, the man asked in a strange tone: "Who are you!"

Ran Ming jumped off his horse, slashed the rope off the man's body with a knife, and said, "Gu is the King of Jiaodong, Great Wei!"

"The Ji surname and the Wei family have returned to the country?"

"Ji's surname is Wei?" Ran Ming couldn't help laughing. Ji's surname is Wei, one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.During the period of Wei Wenhou, he activated Wu Qi and founded the Great Wei Military Soldiers. This is the first professional army in the history of the world, and it is also a disciplined and mighty division.In terms of civil governance, Wei Wenhou used Zixia (one of the ten philosophers of Confucius), Ximen Bao, and others. Wei Guo resisted Zhao Guo, destroyed Zhongshan, defeated Qin, Qi, and Chu in a row, and became one of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period.Qin unified the world, and the six kingdoms were destroyed together, and Wei Guo was no exception.Therefore, it can be proved that this person should know the history of the Central Plains.

Ran Ming explained the news that the Eastern Han Dynasty fell, the Han Dynasty was divided into three kingdoms, Sima usurped the throne, and the Three Kingdoms were unified.Of course, what Ran Ming was more curious about was who this man was! "

"Xiaomin Liu Qi, see King Jiaodong!" Liu Qi bowed respectfully. Although Ran Ming didn't like red tape, in fact, the longer Ran Ming came to this world, the more Ran Ming integrated into this world. .Liu Qi used the ceremony of one prostration and three knockings, which is a very standard weekly ritual.Due to the randomness and chaos of etiquette, at this time, there are too few people who know Zhou etiquette.

Ran Ming subconsciously said: "Are you a descendant of the Liu Han clan?"

"I'm not from Han, I'm from Qin!" Liu Qi said, "I'm from Duling Yulong."

Ran Ming asked suspiciously, "Is there such a surname?"

Liu Qidao: "The Liu family of Yulong established the Tang State (now Tang County, Hebei). Later, King Cheng of Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Tang State of the Liu family. The King of Qin unified the world, except for feuding the country and changing the prefectures and counties, our Liu family will not have the Du country, but become the people of the Qin country."

(End of this chapter)

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