Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 530 Zhongnan leased for 99 years

Chapter 530 Zhongnan Lease for 99 Years (Second Update)

Chapter 534 Zhongnan Lease for 99 Years

"The ancestors were guilty, and filled the Great Qin's army to conquer the South. Because of the accumulation of seven nobles, they were ranked as officials. Later, Zhao Tuo descended to Han, and the survivors loyal to Qin parted ways with Zhao Tuo. The surrounding natives intermarried and lived together, while our people went out to sea by boat and ended up living here. They have bred and lived here for more than 400 years!"

Ran Ming was very surprised, he didn't expect to see a Qin man overseas, and he was also an old Qin man.

On those online forums of later generations, there are often posts saying that Xu Fu (Yinshi) Dong, an alchemist from the Qin State, sought immortal medicine for the first emperor, and eventually ended up living in the Japanese islands, eventually forming the current Japanese nation.

Ran Ming didn't quite believe this statement.Because the shipbuilding technology of the Qin Dynasty is definitely not as good as that of later generations, it is still unknown whether it can travel east to Japan.Now that he actually saw the real survivors of the Qin Dynasty in Luzon, Ran Ming unconsciously had a question, is the shipbuilding technology of the Qin Dynasty really that strong?

Ran Ming said again: "How many members of your Liu clan are there now?"

Liu Qidao: "Back then when Zhao Tuo, a traitor, descended to Han, the Ren clan, Zhao clan, Luo clan and other seven clans of the state of Qin refused to accept Zhao Tuo, so they went out to sea to seek Xu Fu's protection, and then an accident occurred, capsizing more than a dozen ships. , now we Liu, Zhao, Luo, and Ren have four families with 82 households and more than [-] people."

Because of the appearance of Liu Qi, Ran Ming solved the language barrier that prevented him from communicating with the aborigines.

But when Ran Ming heard Liu Qi say that there are only more than 200 survivors of the Qin Dynasty, he felt a little sad.

Ran Ming said: "Great Qin is no longer here, and our Wei State has occupied the former Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, and Qin lands in the north, only the Chu land is still isolated from the government. Now Xianyang has been renamed Chang'an, meaning long-term peace and stability I mean, if you want to return to your hometown, I will let you do so!"

"Go home!" Liu Qi was in a daze, and only by personally repaying the loss of his teachers and the loss of his country, would he know how much it is to have a country's protection.Liu Qi said: "Can Xiaomin go back?"

"Of course!" Ran Ming said with a smile: "You are my Huaxia clan, even if you are living outside, our Great Wei will still protect you."

After Ran Ming promised to allow Liu Qi and other surnames to return to their hometowns in Guanzhong, Liu Qi acted as Ran Ming's lobbyist and served as negotiating representatives with the tribal leaders.

Ran Ming convened all the managers of the Zhongnan Development Company and said: "We are civilized people, and we must use a civilized method to completely conquer this place. First of all, let me tell you, don't force these aborigines too hard. Let them work without paying wages , but you must ensure that they are fed and try not to starve to death. If they are all starved to death by you, who will plant sugar cane for you, and who will dig mines?"

"The truth, that's the truth, I think you should understand it!" Ran Ming said coldly: "Only by conquering this place, after the people here have learned Chinese and agree with our Great Wei, this place can become a county of our Great Wei , you all have the merits of opening up frontiers. Liu Qi is a survivor of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he is a direct descendant of the Tang Kingdom of the Liu family. We should help them establish the Tang Kingdom here. This island will be renamed Tangguo Island in the future!"

Zheng Jian stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, the origin of this Liu Qi is unknown. The so-called descendants of the Yulong family and Liu family in the Tang Dynasty are just his one-sided claims..."

Before Zheng Jian finished speaking, Ran Ming said domineeringly: "If you say he is, he is, and if you are not, you are not. If you say he is not, you are not!"

"Jane understands!" Zheng Jian suddenly understood what Ran Ming meant.

From the perspective of Wei, this kind of loose tribe actually has great hidden dangers, which is not conducive to local governance.The best way is to support an obedient government.Liu Qi is a survivor of the Qin Dynasty, but their strength is weak. Even with the help of Wei Guo, he still cannot convince them.

In this way, with so many indigenous tribes rebelling against Liu's Tang Kingdom, Liu's Tang Kingdom will never be able to develop with peace of mind, nor can it establish Luzon Island as a monolith.In order to survive and protect their own interests, Liu's Tang Kingdom is doomed to become Wei's vassal, an eternal puppet.

Ran Ming continued: "For overseas interests, you have to pay taxes. The tax-free privilege of the Tu people is useless here. You have recently encircled almost 20 mu of land, right? How do you occupy and divide it? No, but, for the [-] mu of grain, Dawei needs [-] shi per year, which is considered tax. And your sugarcane garden, I don’t want your sugarcane for nothing, I’m going to build a snow sugar factory with an annual output of [-] jin in Weiqing City , the sugarcane will be collected at the price of ten qian. Of course, you can also ship it back and sell it yourself. But the tax of [-]% must not be less.”

The audience almost exploded. The yield of this sugarcane is extremely high. Even if it is not managed very much, the yield will be more than a hundred stones (the highest yield per mu can be ten tons. Even if it is ten dollars per stone, they can also earn thousands of dollars and earn Libby is better than farming.

Of course, sugar cane is still a rare item, and the price of transporting it back is definitely not too low.

Ran Ming coughed, and immediately fell silent. "This snow grain factory is the first factory of our Zhongnan Company, and there will be many more factories of this kind in the future."

Zheng Jian silently calculated the accounts in his heart. Now that snow sugar comes out, the price is much higher than that of green salt. In the market, mutton is not as expensive as snow sugar.If a large amount of sugarcane snow sugar is shipped back to the country, the benefits will be unimaginable.

After reaching this preliminary agreement, Ran Ming convened the general development direction of civilization colonization.

Everything was opened with money and interests. While improving the living conditions of slaves, it also gave some benefits to the original tribal nobles, such as those mine resources that were worthless in the eyes of nobles and leaders, and even hundreds of bolts of silk were bought.Of course those noble chiefs are willing, they can neither eat nor drink it, and now they can sell it for money, why not do it?

The members of the various tribes don't need to be arrested, as long as they are fed, they will become slaves voluntarily.

On the island of Luzon, not the current Tangguo Island, when those gentry officials were looking forward to a bright future, Ran Ming started his journey again. Luzon is not the ultimate goal of Ran Ming, and the food production here is limited, which is difficult to satisfy. The huge food shortage in Wei State.He still set his sights on the Indochina Peninsula.

Relatively speaking, the resources of the Indochina Peninsula are much richer than those of Luzon.

Ran Ming left some stewards to continue the construction of Weiqing City and Weiqing Port, and helped the Liu family establish the Tang Dynasty and carry out activities to popularize Chinese culture.Village guard team, mine guard team, city guard team, and port guard team also began to be established slowly.

Most of the stewards, the Qilin guards, and the members of the pioneering team were led across the South China Sea by Ran Ming.

At this time, the Champa Kingdom was the second King Fan Fo, who was the son of the first King Fan Wen. At the beginning of his accession to the throne (349), he was also ambitious. He killed the officials of Jinan County and launched a war to invade Jiaozhou in an attempt to unify Indochina Peninsula.But Fan Fu never imagined that his provocation annoyed the Jin Dynasty court who had just wiped out Li Shi of Chenghan Kingdom in Shuzhong.

Seeing the annihilation of Cheng Han, Huan Wen was made the Duke of Nanjun County because of his meritorious service, and Teng Han, the governor of Guangzhou, couldn't sit still. Teng Han was originally Yu Bing's Qingche Changshi, and later when he quelled the Su Jun rebellion, he was named the founding prince of Xiayang County because of his meritorious service. , [-] households in the city, awarded General Pingnan and Governor of Guangzhou.This is a general who, like Xi Jian and Huan Wen, made his fortune by relying on military exploits.Teng Han thought to himself, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat.

Therefore, Teng Han led the Jin army from Guangzhou to attack Champa and occupied the capital of Champa.Fan Fu was forced to sign the alliance under the city, pledged allegiance to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and established a tribute system.

When Ran Ming landed in Champa, Fan Fu hadn't digested his fear of the Jin army.However, Ran Ming is a civilized person, so he will not take the lead in launching a war. Ran Ming still knows the principle of courtesy first and soldiers later.Ran Ming sent a small official to send a letter to Fan Fu.

Tell Fan Fo directly, "Central South Development Company wants to lease 100 million mu of fertile land in Champa for 100 years. The lease fee is 64 bolts of silk, [-] bolts of brocade, and [-] bolts of rainbow brocade."

Ran Ming is actually tentative. The price of this ordinary silk is only 100 yuan per piece, and the price of rainbow brocade is only 400 gold.We must know that the annual income of 100 million mu of land is [-] million shi of rice, not to mention renting for [-] years, even renting for [-] years is also a [-]% profit.

In fact, Ran Ming was already ready for a big fight. This is blatant robbery, taking people's money, just like killing parents, it requires desperate efforts.But to Ran Ming's surprise, Fan Fu agreed without even thinking about it.

After receiving this news, Ran Ming became puzzled.Ordinarily, the cost that Ran Ming paid for this lease term was not even [-]% of the output.It's like buying someone else's family heirloom for a cabbage price.Even if this matter is placed on someone, no matter how weak the strength is, there will be some disputes.

But Fan Fu didn't intend to counter-offer, as if he made a profit.When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Ran Ming speculates that this may be Fan Fo's strategy, intending to confuse Ran Ming and give Ran Ming a fatal blow while he is careless.

Only this explanation is reasonable.Ran Ming ordered Qilinwei and the pioneering team to relax outside and tighten inside, and prepare for battle.On the one hand, he ordered Liu's Tang Kingdom (Luzon Island in the previous article, the same as in this article) to deliver a batch of cannon fodder troops.

Under such circumstances, Ran Ming only dispatched a dozen stewards and accountants to form a trading team, and took the traded cloth to Champa directly to trade with Fan Fo.After seeing this situation, Fan Fo not only rewarded Ran Ming's envoy, but also generously assigned Zhuwu, Xijuan, and Lu Rong counties to Ran Ming's Zhongnan Company, regardless of the specific number of fields.

After getting these three counties, Ran Ming knew that they were two and a half provinces of Vietnam in later generations.Ran Ming doesn't know exactly how many fields there are, but he can be sure that it will definitely exceed 100 million mu.

Ran Ming was very cautious about this pie that fell from the sky.Ran Ming didn't send anyone to enclose the land, nor did he do anything excessive, everything was done carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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