Chapter 531

Chapter 535
Lurong County, Nichinan County, is also the province of Thua Thien Hue in later generations of Vietnam.This used to be the hometown of China.Ancient China ruled Lurong for about [-] years.Since the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it is no longer under Chinese rule.At this time, within the harbor fourteen kilometers south of the mouth of the Mekong River under the jurisdiction of Lurong County, Ran Ming's Zhongnan Company began to build a large port and planned to build a fortress-style city.Still in the previous model, the development team is responsible for developing the market.The major gentry and merchants were responsible for co-supervising the construction.

This place is different from Luzon, because since the sixth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Lurong County was established here, and it was under the jurisdiction of Rinan County, the governor of Jiaozhou.For 600 years, this area has been under the direct rule of the Han people. Although the main body is Cham people (dark-skinned Khmer-speaking people), Chinese is the official language, and communication here is absolutely no obstacle.

However, Ran Ming's pioneering team is not progressing fast. The people here are never short of food, and they will not act as Ran Ming's free labor for a bite of food.As Champa rice, which is grown twice a year, the people of Champa will not bend their waists for food.You must know that in Champa, almost no one farms the land, and they don’t know how to grow it. They want to eat rice, so they just scatter the rice seeds on a slightly flat field. With such extensive management, the rice they planted is as good as they are. I can't finish it.

A lot of rice, they don't know how to do it, let the rice rot in the ground, and finally turn it into fertilizer.After Ran Ming got this situation, he couldn't understand it. It is said that the people here have such fertile fields and such high-yield rice, so they should live very well. In fact, what Ran Ming saw was that the people in Lurong County The people are very poor, most of them don't cover their clothes, and live in a dilapidated pigsty.

This made Ran Ming feel a little unbelievable, how could there be beggars with golden rice bowls in the world?But the facts have proved that the people here are indeed like this.

Ran Ming found that most of the people here have endless food at home, and the people here are willing to exchange the whole bag of rice for a bag made of burlap.Many people heard that Ran Ming needed food here, and they actually carried a big basket full of rice in exchange for that burlap bag.For the cheap price of door-to-door delivery, Ran Ming adhered to the principle of not taking advantage of it, which is the principle of a bastard, and ordered all transport ships and all burlap bags that can be squeezed out to trade with them.

As a result, Ran Ming got about [-] shi of grain, but Ran Ming only paid nearly [-] sacks.

Later, Ran Ming found out.They actually used burlap pockets and turned them into clothes.This kind of burlap for pockets is thrown to beggars. No one wears clothes made of this kind of cloth, but these people seem to have taken advantage of it.

Just when Ran Ming was very excited about getting the hundred thousand shi grains without any effort, Zheng Jian begged to see Ran Ming and said, "His Royal Highness, Jane has already inquired clearly. As expected, this Fan Fo really has no good intentions!"

Ran Ming said: "What is Fan Fo's idea of ​​giving these three counties to Gu?"

Zheng Jian said: "This mainly starts with Fan Wen, the former king of the Champa Kingdom. During his reign, Fan Wen continued to expand abroad, successively attacking Daqi Realm, Xiaoqi Realm, Shipu, Xu Lang, Qudu, Qianlu, Fudan and other neighboring small countries, and later Fan Wen invaded Rinan County and Jiuzhen County of Jin State. After the Jin army returned to Guangzhou, Buddha sent troops to harass Jiuzhen and Rinan counties. The Jin Dynasty has used troops against the Champa Kingdom several times since our great Wei Yongxing four years ago, and Lu Rong is the key point of contention between the two sides."

When Ran Ming heard the news, he couldn't laugh or cry. Who would have thought that Fan Fo, the little king outside the show, would use the trick of driving away wolves and tigers?Fan Fo's strategy is very simple, that is, let Ran Ming and Dong Jin choke to death, so that he can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and reap the benefits of the fisherman.Ran Ming sighed: "It seems that either there are capable people around this Fan Fo, or he is a brave and resourceful hero."

"Is Your Highness flattering Fan Fo too much?" Zheng Jian said disapprovingly: "No matter how good his strategy is, what can he do if his strength is weak? In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is just trying to work. We don't need this Instead, land on the coast south of Champa, and Fan Fo will definitely be attacked on both sides and be forced to compromise!"

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "No, here we want, not only the three counties of Zhuwu, Xijuan, and Lurong, but also the Bijing of Rinan County, the two counties of Xianglin, and Gu."

After all, Zheng Jian was born in the Zheng family, and he was deeply influenced by the political atmosphere after hearing and seeing. He quickly understood what Ran Ming meant, "His Royal Highness means to put the Jin State in a dilemma, so as to reduce the power of the Wei State. pressure?"

"Not all. The important thing is that Rinan County is a good place!" Ran Ming used to fight here in later generations, and he has a better understanding of the northern part of Vietnam, what resources are there, and what strategic points are there. He just closed his eyes, It can also be said.Ran Mingdao: "The transportation industry is very important for the development of our Zhongnan Company, but here is very rich in timber. We can have several natural good ports in the entire Nichinan County, and we can also use the timber here. Here and the workers, build more, Larger sea ships, you would never have guessed that there are open-pit coal here. Of course, there are also a lot of copper and iron ore here.”

Ran Ming has a huge plan. The forest coverage rate here is more than 70.00%, and there is inexhaustible wood. Ran Ming can be used to build ships and furniture. The large amount of wood here can also be hauled by sea boats. Go back, and the price is not too high.As for whether the wanton deforestation would damage the natural environment here, or cause soil erosion, that was beyond Ran Ming's consideration.

Due to the slow transmission of news in this era, it would take at least one and a half months for the news of Ran Ming's occupation of Rinan County to reach the Eastern Jin Dynasty. With the efficiency of the Eastern Jin court, if they wanted to send troops to crusade, it would take at least July and August next year at the earliest.This period of time is enough for Ran Ming to establish a tight military defense line in Hengshan.

Even if Shuzhong cannot achieve the purpose of consuming the Eastern Jin Dynasty, then consume it here, unless the Eastern Jin Dynasty is willing to give up Jiaozhou.

Ran Ming's Zhongnan Company did not adopt a bloody development method, but a blindly civilized method.The aristocrats and rich families have encircled a large number of grain fields. Although Zhanren does not need food and rations, there are still many things they want, such as porcelain, fine linen, and silk. The nobles, down to the crazy things of the common people.Even if it is a fair transaction, a piece of silk that costs hundreds of dollars can be sold for thousands of dollars when it is shipped to Champa, and the profit is dozens of times. Even if Ran Ming wants to stop it, there is probably no small resistance.

Zhan people don't need food, but Wei State needs it, and Tang State also needs it.If Zhan people don't want to cultivate land, then it is best to use Tang natives.Anyway, there is nothing else in Tang, except that there are many natives.

At the foot of Daqing Mountain in Gushu (later Dangtu), there is the ever-flowing Daqing River. There is a Taoist temple in the green mountain. It is surrounded by forests and rivers, and the environment is quiet, with verdant pines and cypresses covering the walls and black tiles.This Taoist temple, which covers an area of ​​more than [-] acres, is heavily guarded. Not only are hundreds of elite Xifu troops guarding it day and night, but even the food for the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple is purchased by special personnel.

At this time, in Danhu, a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a purple Taoist robe had a frown on his face.

This person is none other than Du Jiong, the Taoist leader of Wudoumi.

At this time, Du Jiong no longer had the Taoist demeanor of the past, nor did he have the otherworldliness of not eating the fireworks of the world.

"Jingyuan, (Sun Tai's name), what should I do?" At that time, Du Jiong had to deal with Huan Wen in order to make a living. He could refine Fuhuo Pill, but in fact he could pretend to be a ghost, so how could he make any kind of pill?However, with the pacification of the Sima Xun Rebellion, Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai, South and West Chen Bing Guanzhong and Hanzhong, at this time Wei Guo reversed from its original strategic advantage to strategic passive in an instant.

Guanzhong, as the strategic location of Wei State, the granary of Wei State, Ran Min will never allow Guanzhong to miss.In this way, Ran Ming had to mobilize some elite troops from Youzhou and Jizhou to enter Guanzhong. At this time, more than one-third of Wei's elite troops poured into Guanzhong.

Huan Wen, knowing that Chu Suanzi was almost ashamed because of Xuzhou, got really angry.The Jin Dynasty's Northern Expedition to the Wei State has already been put on the agenda.Of course, Huan Wen was naturally unavoidable and became the main force of the Jin Dynasty's Northern Expedition.In order to truly overcome the fear of the Fuhuo Dan among the soldiers of the Xifu soldiers, Huan Wen had to force Du Jiong to invent the Fuhuo Pill as soon as possible.

In order to invent Fuhuo Pill, the money and material resources that Huan Wen invested are hard to calculate clearly.Now Huan Wen issued an ultimatum to Du Jiong, if within seven days, the real Fuhuo Pill cannot be refined, then there is no need to refine it.

Huan Wenyu spent tens of thousands of gold, how could he be dismissed without practicing? Du Jiong guessed that Huan Wen's hidden meaning was that if he didn't practice, he would pay with his life.

Sun Tai pondered and said: "Master, in Tai's opinion, why don't we escape! Although there are five hundred soldiers below, we always have a chance to escape when the tiger is still napping."

Du Jiong said: "Yes, let's run away. There are still a lot of precious medicinal materials here. You can bribe the generals below, sell them quietly, and exchange them for money. We can escape. I heard that Ge Xianweng is doing well in Wei. Just go and join him, we are finally of the Taoist lineage, and Ge Xianweng won't leave him alone!"

In this way, under Sun Tai's operation, Huan Wen gave Du Jiong precious medicinal materials for refining Fudan, such as red gold, gold powder, mercury, etc., were sold by Sun Tai.Because he was eager to sell, this precious medicinal material worth thousands of gold was only sold by Sun Tai for a cabbage price.

Three days later, Sun Tai told Du Jiong that he was ready to retreat. There were more than [-] good horses in the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, and he could ride to Wei Guo at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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