Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 532 Crazy Crazy Everyone Crazy

Chapter 532 Crazy Crazy Everyone Crazy (Fourth Update)
Chapter 536 Crazy, Crazy, All Crazy

Du Jiong said to his confidant disciples: "Jing Yuan, now you find a few clever disciples and let them set fires in the Taoist temple, and we will run out while we are in chaos!"

"Yes, Master!"

However, at this moment, a Taoist boy ran over and said, "Master, it's not good, Taiwei Huan is here!"

"The plan is temporarily canceled, and we will act according to my master's eyes!" Du Jiong straightened his clothes, then calmed down, pretending to be an outsider, and said: "All disciples, follow my master to welcome the Taiwei!"

Facing Du Jiong's welcome with great fanfare, Huan Wen ignored him and went straight to Danhu.Huan Wen sat on the chair bravely and said, "Bring it in!"

After a while, more than a dozen soldiers carried two big boxes with difficulty and entered Danhu.Huan Wen said, "Open it!"

The guards followed orders, and the two boxes were all opened, and Du Jiong's eyes were dazzled by the shining golden light.Du Jiong muttered: "The Taiwei means..."

Huan Wen picked up the sword on his body, and with a clang, the radiant sword touched Du Jiong's neck: "This is two hundred catties of gold. This is a sword. Whether you want money or life, life or death, It depends on how Master Du chooses!"

Du Jiong was scared out of his wits, "Also...Please...Tai...Wei...give some time!"

"Wen Qian, Qian Qian ass!" Huan Wen kicked down the table in Danhu, and roared: "Just an hour, if Wen doesn't get what Wen wants, you won't be able to survive today!"

After finishing speaking, Huan Wen left Danhu without looking back!
"Master, what should we do?" Sun Tai was also frightened, but he was unwilling to die.

Du Jiong said: "Only a dead horse is a living horse doctor. Anyway, alchemy is not a child's play. If you can't do it, the Taiwei wants to kill and scrape. This master will continue!"

Suddenly, Du Jiong asked, "How many herbs are left?"

Sun Tai said: "Not much left, except for some sulfur and saponins, there are hundreds of catties of nitrate left!"

"I can't control that much anymore, put them all in the alchemy furnace and smelt them together, if they can't be smelted, just let fate!"

"It's Master!"


An hour later, Huan Wen came again, and Du Jiong and all his disciples came to the door to welcome Huan Wen in fear.

Huan Wen looked at Du Jiong's empty hands and knew that he had failed again.Huan Wen said angrily, "Do it!"

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the earth shook.This voice is almost the same as Ge Xianweng's Fuhuo Pill.It's just a thunderstorm in dry weather.

Everyone was stunned, the dust and smoke cleared, the alchemy hut more than a dozen feet away had been moved to flat ground, and the Taoist boys guarding the alchemy furnace had turned into a pile of minced meat.

The power of more than 100 catties of gunpowder, especially black gunpowder with a nitrate of up to [-]%, cannot be underestimated.Especially the huge roar, which instantly deafened everyone present.

Huan Wen felt that he couldn't hear any sound in his ears. He saw the mouths of the guards around him opening and closing. They erected their shields in panic and surrounded Huan Wen.The one who lost his composure was none other than Du Tianshi. At this time, he fell to the ground, his eyes were empty and dull, and there was a pool of water stains under his body, and he was so frightened that he peed.

In the next few days, Huan Wen's hearing has been greatly affected. However, as Du Jiong's great hero, Du Jiong not only avoided the threat of death, but also became Huan Wen's new favorite.Huan Wen is very good at perceiving people's hearts, knowing what others need and want.In addition to the gold and silver belongings, Huan Wen even presented Chu Suanzi, and made Du Jiong a marquis, the Taoist master of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Although the world knows that Chu Suanzi hates Taoist priests very much, they don't know what Huan Wen said to Chu Suanzi. Chu Suanzi not only lifted the ban on Taoist alchemists, but also rewarded Du Jiong.

However, because Huan Wen didn't really believe in Du Jiong, Huan Wen always knew about Du Jiong's every move and even the news that Du Jiong wanted to escape.The detailed work records the process of Du Jiong's alchemy in detail.Through analysis at this time, Huan Wen found that the so-called Fuhuo Pill is not the more medicinal materials the better, but only four main medicinals, saponin (a substitute for charcoal, the effect is not as good as charcoal), nuxychonzi, nitrate, and sulfur .

After mastering the method of making real gunpowder, Huan Wen also discovered the problem. Although this gunpowder is powerful, it has great limitations. The distance of the first shot is too short, and the main defense is not the main attack.In order to solve this problem, Huan Wen asked his confidant Xi Chao, "Guest, do you have a clever plan to teach Wen how to solve the problem of putting in the Fuhuo Pill."

Although Xi Chao is not a technical craftsman, but as a first-class counselor, he still pointed out the solution to Huan Wen.Xi Chao thought for a while and said: "Chao is not a craftsman, and I don't know how to make a super, but we can use other equipment to release the Fuhuo Dan. The first is to use the catapult to throw it, and the second is to put the gunpowder into it. The bag is tied to the bed crossbow."

The use of catapults for gunpowder delivery is actually not a solution to the problem.The direction of thinking is not completely correct.However, using a bed crossbow to assist shooting, with an ultra-long range of [-] to [-] steps, can solve this problem of delivery very well.

Huan Wen followed his plan, but during the experiment, he also found many things that were difficult to operate.It's the fuze issue.If the fuze is long, the gunpowder canister will be broken on the ground. If it is short, it will explode in the air again, which will not be effective in killing the enemy.Regardless of the use of catapults or bed crossbows, they all face this fuze problem.

In order to solve this technical problem, Huan Wen followed Xi Chao's advice and adopted the method of heavy rewards to form a battalion of generals of the Xifu Army.Specially used to research new weapons and equipment.

The ancient craftsmen were very clever. They fired two small, one large and one small, two spiral porcelains to measure the burning time of the fuze.After calculation, they came to a conclusion that it took about seven to eight breaths for the gunpowder pot dropped by the catapult to shoot two hundred steps, and it took about seven to eight breaths from launch to landing, while the bed crossbow took four to five breaths to shoot eight hundred steps. The fuze burns at a constant speed, which is one foot per three breaths.

In this way, in the absence of accurate timing tools, Huan Wen's strategy is still a problem of delaying the gunpowder.In fact, at this time, Ran Ming did not have a mature gunpowder weapon in his hands.In terms of gunpowder weapons alone, Huan Wen has come from behind and has come ahead of Ran Ming.

When the Sima Xun Rebellion was put down, Huan Wen seized a large amount of Sima Xun's army equipment, especially the main preparations such as the Hengdao and Magong crossbow that Wei Guo supported Sima Xun, and Huan Wen got them.After more than a month of research, the Near Battalion of the Xifu Army has made a major breakthrough in this regard.

The nearly battalion of the Xifu Army successfully imitated two kinds of equipment, the horizontal knife and the horse crossbow.Huan Wen was overjoyed and ordered the craftsmen to make a large number of them, and the whole army changed their clothes one by one.As the controller of Jiangzhou and Jingzhou in the world, Huan Wen's financial resources can definitely support the whole army of the Xifu Army.

When Huan Wen was preparing for the Northern Expedition, Wei Guo unknowingly developed maritime trade.

This is mainly due to the news sent back by the Zheng family Zheng Jian who followed Ran Ming, and Zheng Jian told Zheng Huo.His Royal Highness King Jiaodong discovered the descendants of the Tang Kingdom of the Liu family during the Zhou Dynasty on the overseas Luzon Island, and helped the Liu family restore the country in Luzon and established a new Tang Kingdom.The Tang State has sent envoys to Wei State Ye City.

These things are not enough for Zheng Huo to worry about.The most important thing for Zheng Huo is that Zheng Jian mentioned in the letter the spices that are everywhere in the Tang Dynasty and no one pays attention to them. When it comes to spices, it actually refers to pepper, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and other tropical plants with aromatic smell or antiseptic function. .China has been a big consumer of spices since ancient times. Spices are not only used for sacrifices and religions, but also have a very important relationship with people's daily life.

With the gradual improvement of the overall life of the people in Wei State, spices also entered the table of ordinary people.You know, ancient spices are almost exclusively for nobles and nobles.The poor can't even eat it, so naturally they don't care about spices or not.In particular, Wei State adopted the method of military meritorious land, which greatly increased the equivalent of small and medium-sized landlords in Wei State.There are more than 20 households of serving soldiers and ordinary soldiers alone. With a minimum size of 30.00 mu per household, the middle class in Wei State accounts for at least [-]% of the population.

These self-cultivating farmers and small and medium-sized landlords in Wei State gradually got rid of the plight of starvation in just two years.Although they didn't have much family property, they managed to live comfortably.

Man is a dissatisfied animal. When people can't eat, it is their greatest luxury to be able to eat a full meal.However, when they are satisfied with food and clothing, they think about how to eat well.Especially the kind of boiled rice and vegetables, naturally not as good as the food with spices.

Just a few boats of spices were transported back to Wei State, which made Zheng earn more than 3 gold at once.In just over three months, 15% of the capital was returned. Within a year, the investment in Zhongnan Company is expected to return the capital, and earn a lot of money every year.Of course, that’s not counted in it. The land they owned in the Tang State, especially the Zheng family owned 30 mu of sugarcane orchards and about [-] mu of banana orchards in the Tang State.

Of course, although the more than [-] gold was not small, it did not make Zheng Huo crazy. What made Zheng Huo crazy the most was the gold and iron mines that Zheng Jian mentioned in his letter.

The gold and iron mines have yet to see any profits, but the coconuts and mangoes brought back made Zheng a lot of money.

Not only the Zheng family got the news, but the Taiyuan Wang family and the Qinghe Cui family also got the news almost at the same time. Although the gentry said they despised merchants, no one in the world thought too much money, and no one would turn away money.Zhongnan Company has now become the hottest topic in Wei State, and almost everyone who mentions Zhongnan Company will regret it.Those who bought the shares of Zhongnan Development Company regretted why they bought so little, and those who didn't buy it regretted why they didn't buy it.

Especially Ran Min felt that these gentry were going crazy all of a sudden.They rush to pay their taxes.Ran Ming stipulates that late payment of commercial tax will result in an extra late fee.

(End of this chapter)

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